The migration of salmon in the river Adams The river Adams is a tributary of of the river Fraser in British Columbia, Canada. Within a few days at a given time, thousands of salmon overcome the difficult path to the river bed to her mouth for the sake of reproduction. This process occurs every four years, when 10-15 million salmon swim upstream the river mouth of the Fraser and reach the 12-kilometer river Adams, a total of 4,000 kilometers overcome. Billabong Adams - the final point in their migration, where they spawn and die. Despite the fact that salmon arrives here every year, large scale migration has only once every four years
Fry the salmon from their spawning grounds go to the river to Thompson, then fall into the river Fraser, and then into the Pacific Ocean. For three years they spend in the open ocean, reaching the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands before returning to start their way to spawning rivers Adams. Of the 15 million salmon endpoint reaches only 2 million. His hard way through the rushing waters of the Fraser Canyon, Thompson, and they are doing a total of 17 days
Incredible as the fact that salmon do not eat during this migration, feeding on the energy only through the body of accumulated resources. When found a suitable place for spawning, the female digs a pit depth of 10 to 40 inches, while the male is waiting nearby, driving away all intruders. The female lays about 3,500 eggs of a pinkish color, then the male fertilizes them. The pair then fell asleep a hole with gravel and sand to hide from predators and birds
Over the next few days, dark red pair will change its color to the Cretaceous-gray, as they tired weary body slowly leaves the life, passing the task to continue to race tiny pink eggs, buried at the bottom of the river
The beginning of the migration of salmon rivers Adams patiently waiting for grizzly bears, black bears, many fishermen as well as tourists. Commercial fishermen chase fish from California to Alaska itself, catching most of the fish. The record catch was recorded in 1913, when he was caught 31 million salmon - so many fish are not able to catch more than ever
In the local park is equipped with many special bridges, walkways and viewing platforms where visitors can watch the whole process in detail
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