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hiperaktif, adhd-mcm ner nak buat screening?
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salam,cikgu dah classified my son as hiper...mmg tak baper nak fokus jek dlm mcm ner yer nak buat appt for screening di hospital kerajaan?kene surat skolah or trus pegi KK?i leh la paham la jugak his attitude...2-3 kali ckp baru nak msk telinga....but not my hubby |
saya pun tak tau jugak.. anak kenalan saya pun mcm ni. dah darjah 3. susah benar nak suruh duduk buat homework. asyik main saja. kalau suruh duduk buat kerja tak sampai 5 minit dah sibuk buat kerja lain |
Reply 2# cepheid
cikgu ckp my son ni byk dreaming dlm kelas,..dok diam kejap jek...then cuit kawan..kawan pun sama sejeniss..n mmg susah nak catch up with arahan...i've explain to husband tak guna marah2 pun dak gini...tak lekat..buat tensen both sides saje... |
Reply 1# honeybee1802
Kalau KL/Selangor, boleh pergi ke HUKM. Tel. no. HUKM 9145 5555, mintak sambung ke Child Development Centre. You boleh tanya nurse kat situ al the details.
Centre tu utk kanak-kanak with special needs. |
Reply 3# honeybee1802
dok mengoogle semalam jumpa artikel ni.
antara yang dihiglightkan
Inattentive signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD
It isn’t that children with ADD/ADHD can’t pay attention: when they’re doing things they enjoy or hearing about topics in which they’re interested, they have no trouble focusing and staying on task. But when the task is repetitive or boring, they quickly tune out.
Staying on track is another common problem. Children with ADD/ADHD often bounce from task to task without completing any of them, or skip necessary steps in procedures. Organizing their schoolwork and their time is harder for them than it is for most children.
Kids with ADD/ADHD also have trouble concentrating if there are things going on around them; they usually need a calm, quiet environment in order to stay focused. Symptoms of inattention in children: - Doesn’t pay attention to details
- Makes careless mistakes
- Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted
- Appears not to listen when spoken to
- Has difficulty remembering things and following instructions
- Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects
- Gets bored with a task before it’s completed
- Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items
Hyperactive signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD
The most obvious sign of ADD/ADHD is hyperactivity. While many children are naturally quite active, kids with hyperactive symptoms of attention deficit disorder are always moving.
They may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next. Even when forced to sit still which can be very difficult for them their foot is tapping, their leg is shaking, or their fingers are drumming. Symptoms of hyperactivity in children:
- Constantly fidgets and squirms
- Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected
- Moves around constantly, often runs or climbs inappropriately
- Talks excessively
- Has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing
- Is always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor
- May have a quick temper or a “short fuse”
Impulsive signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD
The impulsivity of children with ADD/ADHD can cause problems with self-control. Because they censor themselves less than other kids do, they’ll interrupt conversations, invade other people’s space, ask irrelevant questions in class, make tactless observations, and ask overly personal questions.
Instructions like “Be patient” and “Just wait a little while” are twice as hard for children with ADD/ADHD to follow as they are for other youngsters.
Children with impulsive signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD also tend to be moody and to overreact emotionally. As a result, others may start to view the child as disrespectful, weird, or needy. Symptoms of impulsivity in children: - Acts without thinking
- Blurts out answers in class without waiting to be called on or hear the whole question
- Can’t wait for his or her turn in line or in games
- Says the wrong thing at the wrong time
- Often interrupts others
- Intrudes on other people’s conversations or games
- Inability to keep powerful emotions in check, resulting in angry outbursts or temper tantrums
- Guesses, rather than taking time to solve a problem
Dalam artikel ni ada suggest medication/drugs adalah option paling last sekali digunakan utk kanak-kanak ni. Kalau boleh jumpa therapist dulu dan tengok apa pandangan mereka. Anak kenalan saya ni bila suruh solve sesuatu perkara mesti dia main teka je walaupun jawapan dah depan mata. Bila tunjuk dia tersengih-sengih saja. |
Reply 4# mummyusuf
nak pergi tu kene bawak surat referral apa2 tak?kalo +ve treatment akan start with drugs prescription or leh tolerate lagik ngan behaviourr management? |
TT boleh ke jabatan pelajaran bhagian p.khas dan pergi buat check up di hosp..bila dah dpt result Dr akn suggest ke sek p.khas kalu ank TT ada prob ADHD tu... |
Reply 1# honeybee1802
ni sama kes dgn anak sepupu akak..dah darjah 6 pun..dia memang jenis tak boleh dok diam dalam kelas & tak beri tumpuan.mak dia tak bawa g rawatan pun..dari segi pelajaran dia memang banyak ketinggalan tapi kalau bab kerja2 yang menggunakan tenaga ni dia amat rajin..tak payah disuruh dia dah buat.
berbeza dgn anak akak ada simptom autisme yg agak pendiam dan tak bergaul dgn orang..masa tadika dan darjah 1 dia memang tak boleh dok setempat..merayap aje dlm kelas dia tapi dia tak mengusik orang..dia buat hal sendiri..cuma dia kan naik angin kalau orang mengusik dia waluapun yang mengusik atau mengejek2 tu bawah umur dari dia. |
Reply honeybee1802
ni sama kes dgn anak sepupu akak..dah darjah 6 pun..dia memang jenis tak bol ...
kodoklawa Post at 26-6-2012 06:50 
haah gitu la perangainyer...mmg ske paler otak dia igt main jekkk...kalo dgr perkataan 'belajar' lemah paler lutut dia agaknyer...mmg kat umah nak ajak dia belajar, mmg kene belajar sambil main...skang ni nak tulih apa yg nak diajar i pakai pensel warna or crayonn.....konon2 sambil melukis la... |
TT boleh ke jabatan pelajaran bhagian p.khas dan pergi buat check up di hosp..bila dah dpt result Dr ...
MrsInsp Post at 25-6-2012 22:40 
ooo..cenggitu..setiap daerah ada la yer bahagian tuu....skolah khas tu lain ngan kelas khas ek?skang pung dah masuk pemulihan... |
ya, perlu referral letter dari mana2 GP. then buat appointment. kalau area KL boleh pg HKL atau HUKM. |
bese nye anak2 ikut perangai mak bapak die jgk...hurmmmmmmm
apekah? |
Reply 6# honeybee1802
Kena ada referral letter, but you can call HUKM and tanya the details.
Pasal ubat, it depends. Mungkin kalau terlalu hiper, doktor akan prescribe ubat untuk helps them to focus utk belajar & control hiperaktif tu. But, up to the parents nak bagi ke tak.
In my case, my son is autistic (non-verbal) & adhd. Masa umur my son 3 thn setengah, Doktor nak prescribe Ritalin (utk control hiperaktif), but kami tak mahu, sbb tak nak dia depends dgn ubat for his whole life. Jadi kena buat extra work utk dia belajar fokus, sitting skill dlm kelas & control his behaviour (skrg my son dah 10 thn and dia pergi special school from Mon to Thurs, Behaviour Management on Friday, Speech Therapy & swimming on Saturday) |
Reply honeybee1802
Kena ada referral letter, but you can call HUKM and tanya the details.
mummyusuf Post at 26-6-2012 12:33 
oo...means parents boleh pilih lgk la yer....leh describe skit behaviour management ni mcm mana? |
Saya biasa buat rawatan untuk kanak-kanak hyperactive. Biasanya saya gunakan kaedah nutrisi dan subliminal suggestion. Kalau nak tau maklumat lanjut sila hubungi saya di 0192614742 (Zamzuri). Saya sedia membantu. |
cepheid posted on 25-6-2012 12:09 AM 
saya pun tak tau jugak.. anak kenalan saya pun mcm ni. dah darjah 3. susah benar nak suruh duduk bua ...
Salam. Sila hubungi saya untuk rawatan anak2 hyperactive. Saya boleh buat rawatan. No saya 0192614742. Saya di KL.
kadang musykil adakah faktor keturunan @ faktor semasa ibu tue mengandung ape yg dimakan? |
Ritalin (methylphenidate) ialah bahan perangsang sistem saraf pusat. Ia memberi kesan bahan kimia dalam otak dan saraf yang menyumbang kepada hiperaktiviti dan kawalan gerak hati. Ritalin digunakan untuk merawat attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) dan narcolepsy.
Kesan-kesan sampingan yang biasa daripada Ritalin termasuk:
masalah tidur (insomnia),
sakit perut,
hilang selera makan,
kehilangan berat badan,
loya, muntah-muntah, pening,
sakit kepala,
masalah penglihatan,
peningkatan degupan jantung,
tekanan darah meningkat,
ruam kulit,
psychosis, dan kebas,
rasa sejuk pada tangan atau kaki.
Untuk pertanyaan lanjut sila hubungi 019 261 4742 (Zamzuri).
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