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"What is an Independet Movie?? Indie Movie Favourite Korang pulak??"
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Salam u allz...
(just nak inform korang yg manja ubah skit tajuk topik ni..harap2 dpt menarik lebih forumer..
posting sini...)
manja x pasti sama ade dh ade ke blum thread ni...kalau dh ade mod tlg merge yea??..
kalau korang prasan..manja ade bukak thread "The Perks of being a wallflower"...
manja rasa filem ni filem x brape pasti..
so thats why manja bukak thread ni jadi kite same2 bleh kongsi pengetahuan...psl ni.. far ni yg manja dpt..
harap korang bleh bg pencerahan..& contoh2/ filem indie favourite korang.....
thanx u allz...
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Technically speaking, both are considered feature films.
The majority of an indie film is produced outside of a major film studio, and more than half of their budget does not come from the corporate studios in order to be considered independent. Indie directors have more creative control, and try to stay true to their vision as much as possible with as little influence from the funding studios as possible. Independent films typically start out with a limited release, in select theaters before gaining attention, and therefore being released into the mainstream.
Indie films are in no way worse than feature films, nor do they have bad actors. Many movies have started out at the Sundance Film Festival, and have been nominated for Oscars.
A feature film, as you can imagine, differs in most areas of an indie film except expressing art through the form of a movie.
The majority of it's budget is funded through a major film studio (ex. Walt Disney). The movies are targeted for the mainstream. Directors usually have less creative control, the film studio has a say in a lot of it since they are investing in the project.
Source(s): Studied film in High School.
Last edited by manjalara_01 on 19-8-2012 12:01 AM
kebanyakan movie mainstream overated sgt noks!
terutamenye arahan si steven spielberg tu.. |
manjalara_01 posted on 15-8-2012 09:18 PM
ya btul tu..
tp kalau overated movie yg best..xpe..
kann...... naseb bek ade die jadi penyelamat. kate beckinsale lawo sangat.....
manjalara_01 posted on 15-8-2012 09:55 PM
yup....mmg lawa...
nah..tisu kasi lap itu air liur...ahahha...
wah siap ngan gambarnye lagi...
Kalau filem indie camera movement mcm ala2 shaky gitu. |
movie indie ni lebih kurang cam pilem industan la... hahah.. di producekan oleh produktion low bajet dan diarahkan oleh pengarah yg kureng komersil..itu adalah indie.. mcm ahli muzik indie yg beriya protes kat dalam melodi semasa muzik diorang tk dikenali rame dulu...
filem indie ini juga adalah filem yg dimana ada sesetengah orng yg lepas putus cinta dah tu tengok filem movie itu terus jatoh cinte lalu mempromotnye di pesbuk dan blogspot... dan tk lupe twit2...
slain itu..pilem indie ini dilakonkan oleh pelakon2 yg cukup sifat tp tk pop ular... dan juga skripnye adalah syok sndiri dan pengarah nye juga kebanyakannya adalah pengarah yg beriya nk mengarah tp tkde funding.... debit teo pn tk layan gamaknye...
pilem indie kegemaran : agalelagaja... hakhakhak
george lucas director indie kan? tp xtau la star wars ngan indiana jones tu pilem indie ke idak.
adlythegreat posted on 27-8-2012 02:35 PM
xsilap aku la.
poster? ada je. tp ada sesetengah aku xleh nengok mybe tnet aku kot.
manja ni pun bukan nye tau sgt..
tp sbb teringin nak tau..
tu yg terbukak thread ni..
owh yea ke??..
manja rasa cari ni kot..
sbb manja pun x leh tgk poster tu..
manjalara_01 posted on 27-8-2012 03:05 PM
manja ni pun bukan nye tau sgt..
tp sbb teringin nak tau..
yg aku bleh tengok je pon american beauty ngan the blair witch project.
adlythegreat posted on 27-8-2012 03:16 PM
yg aku bleh tengok je pon american beauty ngan the blair witch project.
Ha ah...tu la pasal..
ade virus ke ape kat thread ni??...
nnt karang manja paste ...ilang lagi..aaiiish...
ok xpe2...manja rasa elok jgk kalau kite buat tambah production house & genre filem tu skali...baru best..ehehe
then kite bleh tahu production ape yg kluarkan filem2 indie ni..
bab genre filem pun manja kurang arif...eheh..
manjalara_01 posted on 28-8-2012 06:45 PM
Ha ah...tu la pasal..
ade virus ke ape kat thread ni??...
nnt karang manja paste ...ilang lagi ...
ok gak tu.
adlythegreat posted on 28-8-2012 06:50 PM
ok gak tu.
nape gelak jek ni ha??..
tgk dh brjangkit kat manja...
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