"Family Guy" creator Seth McFarlane's directorial debut sees Mark Wahlberg as a perfectly normal Boston native, John, whose childhood wish for his teddy bear to come to life comes true one day. The bear, named Ted, (voiced by MacFarlane himself) remains his best friend well into his adult years, however, a moving and talking Ted turns out to be less than what John expected. Conflict soon emerges when Ted's irresponsible and vulgar slacker lifestyle comes in the way of his attempt to embrace his adulthood and the woman of his dreams, Lori (Mila Kunis).
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Giovanni Ribisi, Seth McFarlane, Patrick Warburton
Director: Seth McFarlane
Genre: Comedy
General Release Date: 18 Oct 2012
citer ni dah released lama dah kat australia
seth mcfarlane yang jadi suara utk ted, juga utk peter griffin dalam family guy..
aku rasa citer ni ada lawak lucah sikit