Jom share...movie2..yg ade unsur propa/menghina Islam...
Film ini walaupun menarik karena penuh aksi dan terdapat unsur kekeluargaan, tetapi pada masa sama ia juga berbahaya karena menyebarkan semangat fobia Islam. Dalam film taken 2, Islam digambarkan sebagai agama yang ganas.
Orang Islam terjangkit sindikat pelacuran, pembunuhan dan jenayah-jenayah lain yang mengamalkan budaya Islamic seperti memberi salam (secara sempurna) kepada rekan penjenayah lain.
Laungan azdan juga kerap kali kedengaran setiap kali adanya babak cerita yang mencemaskan dengan penuh aksi dalam film yang mengambil penggambaran di Istanbul, Turki, negara tempat tinggal para Khilafah Uthmaniyyah terakhir sesudah dihapuskan pada 1924 seakan-akan sengaja menggiris hati umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Last night I chose to watch the movie, GI Joe 2: Retaliation, hoping to get a dose of some much needed action and science fiction. However, this was not the case. A good hour and a half that felt like days later, I was praying for my electricity to crash so that I would have an excuse to get rid of the rest of the movie. But then again, what else can we expect from Hollywood, an industry that is running out of things to sell?
The movie was far from light-hearted action. In fact, it should have been titled ‘Propaganda’. This sequel of the renowned GI Joe has been appropriately banned by the Central Board of Film Censors in Islamabad as it depicts a rather negative illustration of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.
The movie shows that jihadis are so empowered that they manage to seize the entire missile site along with active nuclear warheads! Then, there is a scene where the president of Pakistan is assassinated followed by an imposition of martial law.
It seems as if the bestselling premise in Hollywood is to represent Muslims as terrorists and now they have gone as far as waging propaganda against Pakistani nukes. For instance, in 2012, a drama series called Last Resort was introduced in which the US filmmaker implanted the idea of bombing Pakistan with nuclear weapons to save the US. However, now these filmmakers have moved on to portraying Pakistani nukes falling prey to the Taliban or other extremist forces in an attempt to spread chaos and fear among other nations. Such ideas are also publicised through western journalism. Tom Hundley, in his long essay ‘Race to the End’, tries to prove Pakistan, a failed state and, Pakistani nuclear assets are a threat to the world, whereas India has been emphasised as the world’s largest democracy – an unbeatable nuclear power.
Bagi aku, tak perlu salahkan Hollywood. Itu semua cuma filem, fiksyen semata-mata. Kalau rasa iman itu setipis kulit bawang, jangan beli tiket wayangnya, jangan tonton DVDnya, jangan muatturun filem itu dari Internet. Habis cerita.
Rusia, Korea, Vietnam, German, Jepun dah banyak kali dipotretkan sebagai watak musuh jahat yang tidak berhati perut, tapi orang Islam yang mengamuk lebih. Seolah-olah mengiyakan yang yes, orang Islam memang barbaric dan tak bertamadun.
Kalau dilihat pada realiti pun, Islam dikhabarkan sebagai agama yang indah dan cintakan kedamaian, tapi lihatlah sendiri kebangkitan Arab Spring, peperangan Syiah dan Sunni. Adakah ini semua berpunca dari pengaruh Hollywood juga?
Orang Islam sendiri sepatutnya sedar yang menyumbang kepada keruntuhan moral orang Islam itu adalah penganutnya sendiri. Tak perlu untuk menyalahkan orang lain. Rasulullah saw dibaling batu sampai luka tapi baginda masih boleh bersabar. Kenapa orang Islam tidak boleh mencontohi sifat Rasulullah saw yang satu itu? Kalau kita percaya kepada Allah swt maka sepatutnya kita tahu setiap perbuatan ada balasannya, tapi lebih baik kalau balasan itu datang dr Allah swt yg Maha Adil. Wallahualam.
memento_mori posted on 26-1-2014 09:11 PM
Bagi aku, tak perlu salahkan Hollywood. Itu semua cuma filem, fiksyen semata-mata. Kalau rasa iman i ...
orait..thanx for your opinion..
manja stuju dgn point2 u...
tp dlm fiction2 pun..melalui media jgk..fiction ni kluar..
media tu..kuat pengaruhnye..
tujuan manja bukak thread ni sebenarnye nak bincang2 dgn forumer semua..
filem2..yg ade unsur propa/menghina Islam..
& nak bincang..psl hal ni...its just a discussion...
& nak tahu pendapat2 forumer semua..mcm mana?..what do they think about it??
sbb sejujurnye..manja pun x pernah bincang psl hal ni dgn sesiape...
filem yg btul2 memaparkan islam itu indah xde ke?
ke ade, tp xde sape nk highlight
duk pung pang psl filem hollywood yg bnyk paparkan islam tu dark
sendiri xnk buat
lg 1, pembikin filem yg beragama islam pun bnyk sgt buat citer islam yg berkisar ttg cinta sesama manusia je
sedangkan islam tu sgtlah meluas
infact its the way of life kan
kenapa tak buat something bigger
maybe psl realiti kehidupan islam di nyc after 911
especially ttg semakin bertambah bil mualaf
Hari tu ada orang recommend kt aku tgklah filem Fetih 1453 bagus filem tu. Mengagungkan islam sbb psl kisah sultan turki muslim nk dptkan balik bandar Istanbul. Ok aku pun tengokla sekali tu ade pulak adegan sidekick lelaki muslim bercinta ngan perempuan kristian yg menyamar lelaki smpi boleh pregnant anak luar nikah. alamak.... tepuk dahi jap aku. tak tau la mane part mengagungkan islam kalu gitu. yes die berjihad la jugak nk rampas kota islam tu tp rsnye tak perlu kot nk tunjuk scene tak sesuai tu
supernaturalee posted on 28-1-2014 09:57 AM
filem yg btul2 memaparkan islam itu indah xde ke?
ke ade, tp xde sape nk highlight
duk pung pang p ...
yg memaparkan keindahan islam tu aku jarang jumpe. tp yg memaparkan watak org islam tu as someone positive yg tu aku bykla jumpe. walaupun dlm filem takdela tunjuk die solat ke berwirid 24 jam ke, tp watak tu mmg watak tokoh islam.
cth mcm queen of langkasuka, ender's game tu watak sidekick die ade nama Alai, aku pun tak tau die ni islam smpi part die kasi salam kt Ender tu pastu robin hood yg kevin costner berlakon tu pun sidekick die org islam. walaupun yg aku ingat dlm filem tu sidekick die sembahyang tak betul , the message, kingdom of heaven.
supernaturalee posted on 28-1-2014 09:59 AM
jgn nk tunggu hollywood buat filem psl islam itu indah
sbb when that happen, percayalah akn dikriti ...
hhmm..kalau nak tarik p'hatian manja..
filem yg Islamik ni..manja rs..lebih tertarik kalau tu bukan main theme die..
mcm filem ni "Budak Flat Jalan Bayan"..
manja rekomen korang tgk..
tema die..more on humanity..
tp ade byk unsur2 keagamaan jgk..
& i suke approach or the way it was presented in the movie..
A propaganda film is a film that involves some form of propaganda. Propaganda films may be packaged in numerous ways, but are most often documentary-style productions or fictional screenplays, that are produced to convince the viewer on a specific political point or influence the opinions or behavior of the viewer, often by providing subjective content that may be deliberately misleading.[1]
Propaganda can be defined as the ability "to produce and spread fertile messages that, once sown, will germinate in large human cultures.”[2] However, in the 20th century, a “new” propaganda emerged, which revolved around political organizations and their need to communicate messages that would “sway relevant groups of people in order to accommodate their agendas”.[3] First developed by the Lumiere brothers in 1896, film provided a unique means of accessing large audiences at once. Film was the first universal mass medium in that it could simultaneously influence viewers as individuals and members of a crowd, which led to it quickly becoming a tool for governments and non-state organizations to project a desired ideological message.[4] As Nancy Snow stated in her book, Information War: American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control Since 9-11, propaganda "begins where critical thinking ends." [5]
manja baru jumpe info ni..
menarik jugak..saje nak share dgn u allz..
yg x tau pasal ni....
P/S:..harap info2 ni tepat la yea..
It’s an open secret in Hollywood that before the MPAA reviews many movies, the Pentagon does. David Robb documents the practice in his book Operation Hollywood. Whenever movie producers want to use Pentagon equipment: helicopters, bases, submarines, etc. they send a request to the Pentagon, along with five copies of the script. The Pentagon replies with proposed changes to the script, which the producer must either accept, or forgo the equipment (which disinclines studios to finance the film, since it entails extra costs). Then, while the movie is shot, a “minder” hangs along, to ensure the director sticks to the script. Final approval comes from Pentagon brass who pre-screen and censor the film.
nak promote & jual..jet2 pejuang, helikopter, senjata api..what not..
Man of Steel isn’t the first time that the Pentagon has used Hollywood as an advertising firm: both Iron Man movies made use of F-22s. The F-35, Wired reports, has thirteen costly flaws, and yet they’ll soar in the movie – including technical failures in Pentagon-funded movies is a no-no.
The Pentagon claims it aims to “portray the military as it actually is,” but don’t planes sometimes have technical difficulties? Doesn’t torture sometimes lead to bad information? Don’t soldiers come home with post-traumatic stress because the enemies are human, not vague abstractions? Does the Pentagon truly want to “accurately portray” history?
This 2001 film about Army Rangers under siege in Mogadishu is intensely violent and to the casual observer would paint a horrific portrayal of war. Except that to many young soldiers who watch this film, the response is to end up attracted to combat. (I wrote about this phenomenon in an article entitled, "Films that Made Me Join the Army.") Blackhawk Down paints an intensely romantic picture of high-intensity combat: Soldiers in a brotherhood of arms, a sweeping musical score for every fallen comrade, and a battlefield that one can imagine navigating while picking off enemy fighters if only they were a bit more fit.
Throw in some simplistic stereotypes of Somali warlords and heavy doses of American patriotism with slow motion shots of the American flag flapping in the wind, and a bunch of very "cool" looking commandos, and one could easily leave this film not thinking that war is horrible, but that being surrounded by hundreds of armed Somalis in Mogadishu is fun. When we remember that the real life Rangers who lived it likely have intense PTSD over this experience, the propaganda begins to reveal itself.
This 1986 Tom Cruise action film about Navy fighter pilots at the infamous Top Gun school is little more than one long two hour recruitment campaign for the military. Navy recruitments purportedly shot up after this film and why wouldn't it? Potential recruits learned that if you sign-up for the Navy's fighter pilot program, you'll get to ride around on a motorcycle, flirt with beautiful female instructors, and play volleyball with your shirt off. (I wonder how many recruits were disappointed to learn that acceptance into the fighter pilot program is exceedingly difficult, and that for those who got in, acting like a "maverick" as Tom Cruise did in the film and flying by the control tower is a quick way to get booted out of the Navy.)
Of course, ultimately, Top Gun is silly, harmless propaganda, and, most importantly, so obviously rigged against any resemblance of real life, that it's likely no one took it seriously.
tak payahlah berusaha mengkaji filem2 luar.. tgk dlu filem2 tmpatan.jln crita mungkin tak menunjukkan menghina agama islam, tp ikut cara islam ke aksi2nya?? sentap lebih je manusia ni kdg2