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Why Islam is False?

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Post time 29-4-2016 08:46 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
I have decided to open this thread (about Islam) to showcase why Islam is False. Others can put their own opinion about Islam (whether it is false or true to them) and I hope they put evidence for their opinions and not just bark like a dog with its tail stuck somewhere.

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Post time 29-4-2016 08:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maybe you can attend one of Zakir Naik's session and have a debate with him.

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2016 08:56 AM | Show all posts
First reason :- Al Quran is man-made book.

1. Muhammad do not know how to read or write.

2. It was Abu Bakar who actually commissioned the compilation of Al Quran and that was done AFTER Muhammad had died and he become a Caliphate (something which DID NOT exist during Muhammad's time).

3. The reason WHY Al Quran was compiled was because MANY of those memorized Al Quran verses during Muhammad's life time DIED. And just as you cannot remember what you said to someone last week, it could be impossible (unless written down) to know what someone as old as Muhammad had said during his early years in Mecca (when he was 40 yrs old and started to preach). This is why Al Quran looks like a swiss cheese - because many of the older verses given in Mecca directly contradicts what he had preached after he established Madinah as his base of operations.

4. Al Quran was never sanctioned as an official Islamic guidebook by Muhammad. Muhammad have never held Al Quran in his hands and even if he did, he has NO IDEA what is written on it except what others read to him (cos he is illiterate).

5. Abu Bakar used violence to destroy those who could question his leadership, create Al Quran which emphasised Muhammad as a religious leader and then rule as a default leader under name of Islamic laws. In another word, he did the same thing any good Communists like Stalin or Mao had done in this age.

So looking at all these, we can see for a fact that Al Quran is man-made. It has NO divine origins and its authentication was something Muslims like Abu Bakar and Umar had forced others to accept.

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Post time 29-4-2016 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 29-4-2016 08:56 AM
First reason :- Al Quran is man-made book.

1. Muhammad do not know how to read or write.

So...ape yg ko nk try bgtau?

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2016 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Second reason - Muhammad does not fit to be a holy man.

In the East, there is no such thing as a Prophet - or someone who makes prophecies or behave like a mouth-piece of god. We only have Holy men and they are subjected to stricter evaluation than normal men who could sin due to their weakness. In another word, a holy man must be examined with fine filter to see whether he is qualified as a holy man to lead others. Let's put Muhammad under such filter.

1. Did Muhammad had a good family background?
Answer :- No.
His father died before he was born and his mother during childbirth. He was passed around from one surrogate mother to another, never actually feel a sense of being loved.

2. Did Muhammad had a good social life?
Answer :- No.
Hadith shows that he did not worship any of the idols which others had worshipped at that time, which indicated that he may looked upon his own people (the Quraisy) with disgust. He also travelled a lot which means he had interaction with other cultures like Jewish and Christian people and his wife, Siti Khadijah choose to take him to see a Jewish/Christian person to discuss his experience in Hira Cave instead of going to her own people, which shows that Muhammad must have a deeper respect for Jewish and Christian belief in comparison to his own people.

3. Did Muhammad have a good sex life?
Answer :- Highly doubtful.
Here's a funny topic regarding Muhammad. There are many topics about his characteristic but I bet no one talked about Muhammad's sexual life. Well, I will be the first (at least here in this forum).

People in the old days attend to marry or at least experience sexual experience as soon as they reach puberty. Girls could be promised to marriage to other members of the society or even other clans in Arabic society (and most of Middle East, Europe and Eastern society at that time). And boys could likely to start courting young girls of the same social status and those who are poor will save money so they could marry and settle down.

However Muhammad did not do so (or to be fair - never mentioned having a female companion) prior to Siti Khadijah. Why is that? Did he choose to stay celibate in a society where travelling around and seeking female companionship was a norm. After all, the Arabs had contract marriages which allowed men like Muhammad to "marry" someone for a while during his travels.

But no such thing was recorded (at least not known to me, any Muslims here could add information of Muhammad did marry someone before Siti Khadijah). According the Hadith, Muhammad married to Siti Khadijah at the age of 25 years and even that after Siti Khadijah had proposed to him.

So question remained - Did Muhammad's disgust toward his own society (the Quraisy - point no. 3) prevented him from taking a female companion for himself?

4. Did Muhammad has a good personality?
Answer :- No.

All the above statements shows that Muhammad was not raised in a proper family and therefore does not know what a good family could look like. He was anti-social and probably had a lonely existence for the first 25 years of his life.

There was also the story how he had met two men (who he claimed to be angels) who opened his chest and cleanse his heart - a story which may indicate sexual abuse at younger age - which could also explain why he refrain from sex to the age of 25 years old.

He was a successful businessman and a trader, and seems to show a great interest in travelling and social interaction with non-Quraisy (an important feature which made him a great trader) to the point that his first wife was so impressed with him, she married him even so they had age difference of about twenty years . Perhaps he was trying to establish an interaction with the society through his wife, maybe.

The incident where he helped to solve a social dispute in Mecca regarding the carrying of the Holy Stone from Kaabah had brought the title "trustyworthy one" to him - it also shows that he viewed himself as above intelligent compared to others around him. This upstart attitude could inspire him to remake himself into a prophet (like those mentioned in Taurat and the Bible) and attempt to "remodel" the Quraisy society from within. He could have thought that the people around him were wrong in their daily lives and required HIM to correct them. That thought and the incident in Hira Cave could further encourage his idea of being a prophet and started to convert others around him.

So the verdict here is that Muhammad was a confused individual who was not able to interact with others socially. This anti-social behavior fuel his disgust toward Quraisy daily lifestyle to the point that he had pointed himself as savior of the Quraisy and the Arabs in general.

And this why I do not consider Muhammad as a holy man. To be fair, he maybe a good person who did not attach to the society around him, may even felt like being trapped inside a small box with any room to maneurve and decided that he was intelligent enough to break free and guide everyone to a living condition like that which Jews and Christians were living. He may started off in the right path and with the right motive but overtime, he did not achieve what he set up to do and was sway uncontrollably as time passed. It is even possible that the true controllers of Muhammad was not Allah but people around him who were stronger and eventually reshaped him (Muhammad) as they see fit.

In the end, it is very likely that Muhammad was nothing more than a puppet to those who controlled him.

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Post time 29-4-2016 10:03 AM | Show all posts
bg aku semua agama adalah benar, yg mbezakannya adalah umat dia sendiri....


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 Author| Post time 29-4-2016 11:06 AM | Show all posts
dondangdendang replied at 29-4-2016 10:03 AM
bg aku semua agama adalah benar, yg mbezakannya adalah umat dia sendiri....


Saya menghormati pendapat periabdi anda tetapi pada hakikatnya, ianya tidak semudah itu.
Genghis Khan juga pernah menpunyai konsep "toleran terhadap semua agama" dan seorang pengikut "Meditocracy" (fahaman bahawa kuasa harus di tangan mereka yg layak memegangnya). Dia berjaya menyatupadukan Mongolia dan cuba menakluki seluruh benua Asia dgn mengunakan konsep genocide. Hitler pun buat benda yg sama dan dia merupakan seorang Agama Kristian dan menerima sokongan dari Vatican.

Mereka ini pun kemungkina menganggap semua agama itu benar selagi ianya menbolehkan mereka menakluki dan mengawal orang lain.

Pada pendapat saya - ukuran seseuatu agama (itu benar ataupun palsu) terletak pada tindakan dan tingkahlaku kaum yg menganutinya. Agama yg baik tetapi kaum yg mengikutinya adalah buruk - APA gunanya agama tersebut?

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Post time 29-4-2016 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 29-4-2016 11:06 AM
Saya menghormati pendapat periabdi anda tetapi pada hakikatnya, ianya tidak semudah itu.
Genghis  ...

Perenggan terakhir tu saya setuju


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Post time 29-4-2016 02:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ape yg ko na bising,pcya pada agama masing2 sudahla...apa hak ko na ngata islam tu salah,try  to respect each other religion sudahla..apa yg ko na confused?kami pun bukan ada jawapan kerana kami bukan ahli...ko pegi pejabat agamala..untung2 ko masuk muslim

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2016 02:24 PM | Show all posts
mh17 replied at 29-4-2016 02:05 PM
Ape yg ko na bising,pcya pada agama masing2 sudahla...apa hak ko na ngata islam tu salah,try  to res ...

Siapa bising? Kamu (orang Islam) yang bawa masuk Anjing macam Zakir Naik yg buat bising satu Malaysia sementara kaum melayu sibuk cium tangan dan buntut dia itu, kononnya dia itu contoh orang Islam konon. Anjing bangsa Arab. Penuh Youtube channel bercakap pasal anjing bangsa Arab itu, buat lawak bodoh di Malaysia dan di antarabangsa.
Semua informasi yg saya katakan mengenai agama Islam dan Muhammad kamu adalah FAKTA semata2nya. Tak ada yg cakap sesuka hati. Semuanya kamu boleh cari dlm Hadith dan Al Quran kamu. Ini bukan bising2 semata2. Ini adalah proses mengajar orang ramai bahawa Islam itu PALSU.

Kamu suka kah tak ada suka, perduli apa aku. Pergi gantung diri kamu lah.

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2016 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Third reasons - Is Islam relevant today?
Answer :- HELL NO.

Every religion and belief system in the World has something to offer to the World - except Islam. Even if it is just a small piece, these belief system can offer something that does improve humanity in some way and it could have nothing to do with belief system.

Hinduism - Offers Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda and a large cache of scientific knowledge.
Buddhism - Offers Meditation and non-Violence ideals.
Christianity - It has changed after World War 2. People actually choosing Love and Peace now.
Judaism - Same above.

But what does Islam offers? Is Islam relevant today?

Despite of being the youngest religion in the World, Islam is like an empty can - it makes a lot of noise but offers NOTHING in return.

Muslims CANNOT choose to live in Peace and force to support Muslim fanatics or otherwise, they will be questions by their Allah in afterlife. Muslims CANNOT choose other way of life and must follow Arabic lifestyle blindly or again, will be question by Allah. Muslims CANNOT even choose to leave Islam or they will be hunted down and killed by Allah's followers (of course these doesn't happen in Malaysia yet).

Islam has NO worldly knowledge - because Muhammad was an illiterate and his four friends was morons who busy invading and killing others instead of learning anything.

Muslims continued to live in the bottom of the social order even if the country belongs to them because Islam never promoted Muslims to learn higher education (Muhammad remains illiterate to the day he died - proof of these). People who are Scientists, Engineers and other professions are looked down as worldly seekers in comparison with Pak Lebais and their goaties.

So what is the use of Islam? Nothing ... it is USELESS. And therefore, it is FALSE.

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Post time 29-4-2016 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 29-4-2016 02:24 PM
Siapa bising? Kamu (orang Islam) yang bawa masuk Anjing macam Zakir Naik yg buat bising satu Malay ...

Tuyuk,islam ada 4 mazhab..yang smuanya bergantung pada psekitaran hidup..jadi mau pegang anjing atau mau jaga anjing,non of ur biz isnt?yang aku bising siapa kamu mahu mencari salah agama?apa kamu tiada agama?

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Post time 29-4-2016 02:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dasar atheis!apa agama ko tu bgus ke?!abah kau la ..islam salah pada mata org kafir seperti kamu!
Kau jaga agamu,aku jaga agamamu,jangan dibahas. Dasar tolol

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2016 05:02 PM | Show all posts
mh17 replied at 29-4-2016 02:56 PM
Dasar atheis!apa agama ko tu bgus ke?!abah kau la ..islam salah pada mata org kafir seperti kamu!; ...

Jaga kepala hotak kamu. Kamu nak orang2 bukan Islam diam diri dan tidak menpersoalkan ciri2 agama kamu sementara kamu dgn suka hati menpersoalkan akan agama kami.

Tengok anjing Zakar Naik itu, menpersoalkan dan menpersendakan agama kami (bukan islam) dgn mudah sementara orang2 melayu berderat di belakang dia, cium tangan dan buntut dia macam dia itu Muhammad dilahir semula. Kaum Melayu memang kaum tak tahu malu dan lupa daratan. 500 tahun yang lalu, kalau bukan kerana kaum India dan China mengajar nenek moyang kamu macam mana nak hidup macam manusia, kemungkinan besar, kamu masih lagi tinggal atas pokok.  


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Post time 1-5-2016 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-4-2016 05:02 PM
Jaga kepala hotak kamu. Kamu nak orang2 bukan Islam diam diri dan tidak menpersoalkan ciri2 agama  ...

Hahaha..kamu kaut hasil kami,menumpang di bumi kami..kau mahu kami tgal di pokok?kamu dimana?jamban ke?
Kenapa tiada wakil dari agama kamu yg pertahankan?kerana mereka tidur atau masih tumpang tidur di pokok2 tanah melayu?kamu makan babi?knape smua jwapan dan ptanyaan kamu bodoh belaka...sangat lucu..

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Post time 1-5-2016 01:24 AM | Show all posts

nama akaun terbaeik

tpi,vincent valentine all day

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Post time 1-5-2016 02:06 AM | Show all posts
Reject Islam as hard as you like. Nobody cares. In fact, Muslim does not need you. Muhammad PBUH does not need you. More than that, Allah does not need you, big time.

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Post time 1-5-2016 03:45 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 29-4-2016 08:56 AM
First reason :- Al Quran is man-made book.

1. Muhammad do not know how to read or write.

The Quran and The Orientalists -  a Brief  survey of their assumptions ( with an appendix on the orientalists' Translation of the Qur'an)  authored  by  Dr Muhammad Mohar Ali

a good book.  find it.


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 Author| Post time 1-5-2016 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 1-5-2016 03:44 PM

by mh17

... menumpang di bumi kami ...

Bumi KAMU? Bumi kepala hotak kau.

Bumi ini HAK SEMUA orang - manusia, haiwan dan organisma lain. SIAPA KAU untuk mengaku Bumi ini kau punyai? Siapa bagi kamu hak cipta atas Bumi ini kepada kau - orang Islam?

Perangai kaum Muslim tak ubah macam perangai Syaitan2 Komunis di China sana.

Kenapa tiada wakil dari agama kamu yg pertahankan?

Siapa cakap tak ada wakil dari agama kami yg menpertahankan hak kami? Barisan Nasional tumpas sejak 2008 dulu tu siapa punya kerja? MIC sudah jahanam. MCA sudah jahanam. Gerakan sudah tak boleh gerak. Dan esok lusa, giliran Barisan Nasional utk tumbang terus.

Bila BN sudah tumbang, PAS kamu akan ikut sama dan akhirnya negara ini akan bebas dari tukar menjadi spt Indon, bangla ataupun Pakistan.

KALAU kami gagal, kamu bersedialah untuk perang saudara. Nyawa kamu serta masa depan agama Islam kamu di tanah Air ini TAK ADA JAMINAN.

by Lagubestbest

More than that, Allah does not need you, big time.

Deh, your Allah don't exist. Your Allah was the alter-ego of Muhammad. He pretended to be Allah and gave those commandments to Muslims because his ego wants him to rule others. Go and read my posts and understand there was no such thing as Allah.

GOD EXIST - BUT IT IS NOT ALLAH. That is my statement here. You want proof? Please wait, I will give it next week.

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Post time 3-5-2016 12:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
,then yg ko claim mak abah nenek ko yg merempat datang ajar kami tu motipnya ko na ckp ape?
Pasal agama ko tu yg salah,makanya tiada tempat di malaysia tanah melayu
Berambusla ko ngan ktrunan ko

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