Post time 3-3-2018 09:12 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better."
-- Jim Rohn
Terus berusaha..niat, bdoa & tawakkal..selebihnya dengan izin Allah...inshaAllah hidup kita akan diberkati..kejayaan takkan datang bergolek tanpa usaha..walapun pernah tempuhi kegagalan tak semestinya kita akan gagal utk selamanya..
for me, never ever ever ever give up, always trust yourself and seek help from the Mighty
and love love love what you do.. so that you will not feel boring or down when there's a hole on the path. just do it.. if you cannot run.. walk..
Post time 12-6-2018 02:18 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
to me success equals accomplishments.the ability to live a life to the fullest and do as much as you can in the time you have here.success is feeling satisfied with yourself and your accomplishments but also continuing to strive for self improvement and maintaining humbleness.not dwelling on past failures or having regrets.reflecting on your life and seeing that you have been a kind person and a hard worker.
success is having what you want.happiness is wanting what you have.constantly engaging in the pursuit of doesn't matter if you are poor or a billionaire, if you are constantly striving to make your situation better with focus and a good heart.then you are successful.
success is not a goal, it is a way of's the ability to accomplish my life goals and interests while feeling confident in my own decisions and maintaining healthy relationships with other humans.
every human being is different and every one has an internal mission that will make his life bloom.and they are here to do this with all their power and skills.
prepare your machete of faith to create your own path through the jungle of life.- K_N
“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou (American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist.)
a) Wealth without work
b) Pleasure without conscience
c) Knowledge without character
d) Religion without sacrifice
e) Politics without principle
f) Science without humanity and
g) Business without ethics.”