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Tolonglah Jangan Besarkan Lagi Perkara Ini - Serina Akhirnya Buka Mulut

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:27 PM | Show all posts
adelea replied at 19-4-2017 11:59 AM
klu baca komen gavin ni, macam ada bende yg chef wand and serina mintak and consider as yg bagi  ...

ai pon x agree sbb dia dok ungkit lagi pasal HM nie...anak HM dah besar kot...arwah dah pon HM....kalau pon ada peminat2 yang dok ungkit as orang lama x yah la terikut atau emosi sgt psl nie...mulut chepone memang xde insurans..


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Post time 19-4-2017 12:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mommymonster82 replied at 19-4-2017 10:21 AM
Nak tahu chef wan cakap apa lagi..

Akak tak baca abis banyak skip. Panjang sangat heshe tulis

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:30 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu...let them settle their marriage problem by themselves la..kesian pulak serina dgn gavin ni...

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:14 PM

Meh meols tepek apa kata cepwan...

chefwan58 I just read my x son in law Gavin giving his side of the story to Free Malaysia Today. I can see he is trying to justify telling the world he paid for the family bills, put the kids to International school etc... Arent u the father to the kids? That is every father responsibility.full stop!
" I would have been surprised if Serina had asked for additional pocket money and indeed serina to her credit never did, WE HAD NO ISSUEs"

Liar! Liar! What was all this wife Nafkah for 6 years that was not given a cent to her and he still want to twist and turn? So all this while when i spoked to him or Serina and we argued about what?

Then he went to say he is devaststed that Rina move out and dont know the reasons? HELLO...
Is he stupid or just ignorance? U want to cover your mistake pun please come out with a smart excuse la Gavin. Tak pandai jaga isteri dia cabut lari lor!

He didnt tell the story of the rm5000 he requeste from Serina to contribute each month to the house hold expenses? How come?..I paid for everything! Ya right....

"One day we will be judged by our actions and i can hold my head high?" Dont let me roll on the floor laughing. When we go to court let see how u can lift yr head high when the judge ask u
" Nafkah isteri ada kasi 6 tahun....Pakaian isteri segalanya ada kasi?" I love to be in that court room to see this smart Ass guy lifting his head up high?.

Yes Rina left the house as she could not put up with your nonsence which i dont need to expose that as that will embarrass u more but every morning she come to pick the kids to school and drop them home after lunch like most mothers do how come u dont tell this to the world Gavin?
Why u want to paint her as a useless mother and u are suddenly the Saint Gavin?
We are not hear to argue about u being a good father and a provider to the kids ok.
We are here to tell u to do yr huband Duty that is to provide Nafkah for yr wife...

Nak ku carut aja....yg tu kasi free ke?
Strange how some men will never suck up to their own mistake that result in their fail marriage!
Oohh i dont know this....oh i dont know why?
Try giving that answer to the lawyer in court?
Hee hee Cant wait all this drama in court.


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Post time 19-4-2017 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:15 PM

chefwan58 Morning.Oh yes i like what he quote up here.  Its not the end of the world!
Kesian di luar salah yg melempar pelbagai tuduhan serta fitnah yg bukan2 on me this few days bertambah la pahala saya diahirat nanti. So typical of Malaysian buka sahaja mulut berbau longkang and make all sort of speculations out there.

Yg nasihat saya tak usah masuk campur padahal that is my 1st time comfronting my son in law about the " Nafkah". Being a stubborn fool and an arrogance bastard he refused to take my advice sampai saya suggested if u are that desperate why dont i save yr marriage by giving u this money and my daughter does not even have to know. But u still need to dress your wife and look after her like most suami and not just the kids.

U know what he told me. " Oh if Serina want her nafkah i sent the maid home and that maid salary she can have and be a housewife instead"
Kurang ajar ini bangsat punya orang putih. Kawin 6 tahun satu cawan kopi or 1 dinner pun tak pernah saya kerumah dia.That is why u never see me with him except once or twice for the cucu2 birthday. I just dont have respect for people like him.

Eeee such a fucking stingy bastard this guy is u have no idea. So i am glad Serina finally come to her senses after being bullied for years. No wife will stay in that kind of marriage la. Serina sangat bersabar orangnya and kept all this for years which i never knew. Only last year she told me she cannot take it anymore and she is moving out! That is the time when i ask him and itu sekali sahaja .

After i found out the truth and realised this i said to my daughter No ...Cerai kan dia Rina u deserve to be happy and respected by the wife. Off course la reading his notes the public rasa kesian dgn dia konon dia jaga anak when Rina left. He goes to work balik hari2 lewat tapi pagi2 despite not staying together Rina still sent the kids to school mcm the rest of the world. Tapi tak pulak dia cerita kan.

Also Rina cannot have him as a husband kerja dia asyik buruk kan agama Islam dan org2 Malaysia my daughter cerita. Tapi tak tahu malu ke yg kau kawin tu siapa? Yang kau cari makan tu bukan di Malaysia ke

Memang ada setengah org putih di negara ini yg perangai macam tu!

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:16 PM

chefwan58 I always find it very strange and just cannot comprehend all this husband who are not only tight with money but dont know how to beza kan tanggung jawab menyedia kan household expenses serta anak2 and giving your wife some Duit " Nafkah". Dont who dont understand what this mean pls google!

Kedekut tak bertempat jika pendapatan suami sedikit lain la then jika isteri mahu membantu its ok ini tidak for son in law case. Bulan2 kau nak makan hasil bini pun bukan la berapa sen pun kerja as an artist ni pun as we all sedia maklum.

Saya yg selalu jenis bermurah hati dan suka membantu org memang sungguh pandang sebelah mata pun tak boleh especially when that is a husband duty. How to compromise. Lebih lagi anak kita yg kita kawin kan elok2 si lahanat tu boleh buat mcm tu. I only wished Rina has told me much earlier of his bad taste and poor attitude.

She only demanding her basic right as a wife pun she told me. Mana ada Rina minta2 yg bukan2 Pa.
I jenis tak kisah semua urus sendiri cari duit sendiri sampai baju Raya dia dan family each year pun Rina tanggung.

He can only say " Oh why Muslim every Raya must buy new clothes"?
What kind of bangsat question is that? Kau Christmas tak shopping sakan ke?
Are u a fucking idiot to come out with that statement?

Every Raya Rina say to me " I am so lucky Pa always buy the children clothing Pa.Sometime the kids clothing yg they have out grown i told Gavin and he make dont know aja".
So i took my cucu2 to shopping.

That is the honest truth. No even a thank you from his mouth once!

U know what he advice me once orang putih bangsat tak ada class ni
" Oh pls dont spoilt the kids buying all that clothing i rather u teach them good manners!"

I swear to u he said that! In my heart said u bloody fool if anyone who got the style and manners is me and u should direct that question to yrself.

Eeee geram sungguh saya tau. We have been very patience with him for a long time.
Memang tak tau adat dan kurang ajar. Anyone who goes through my honest and real experiences will understand why i cant no longer save their marriage. We are very honest and simple people.
All our true close friends know exactly who we are. Tak tahu tu SHUT UP!

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:16 PM

chefwan58 When i was young i always remembered my late dad bila dapat Gaji askar dia rm160.00 bulat2 ayah beri keseluruhan gaji itu for my mother to agih2 kan nak belanja barang2 dapur all urusan pakaian serta kelengkapan anak2 yg kami bertujuh.

Bila emak mula berniaga kueh mueh with me bila ada duit lebih rm5.00 emak kasi pada tangan ayah buat beli rokok katanya. Itu pun ada masa Ayah pulang kan rm2.00 pada ibu katanya simpan la dlm tabung ayam itu mana nak tahu sesak2 esok nak beli Beras Ani...

Such are the sacrificies my father have done for the family. Bila ada rezeki lebih ayah juga rajin beli emak kain batik or baju kurung just to make my mother happy.

From that i learned until today to be xtra generous bila ada rezeki saya beli kan kain2 baju for my sisters or even sister in law and help their kids to go to university finacially when its needed.
Itu bukan pun my wife cuma family dan X wife.

Itu la didalam rumahtangga suami mesti bertanggung jawab terhadap isteri kita mau pun anak2 kita. Jangan tahu nak lepas tangan kerana isteri itu sudah pun bekerja.

Didalam islam the wife is not suppose to work pun and the husband must be the provider.
If she work pun is not wajib for her to contribute her earnings to the household expenses melain kan dia sudi membantu keluarganya sendiri.

Tapi sayang ramai suami yg berkahwin tidak tahu or ambil kisah semua ini. Ada yg totally abused their wife position pun these days ramai. Bringing this subject in the open is also to debate about all this iresponsible husband that is an embarrssement to society today.

No one like to hear the truth as the truth is painful to swollow by all this arrogance and egostic men.
I am the type always so generous can never comprehend all this selfish human soul.
Sebab itu la Allah selalu murah kan rezeki saya dari muda sampai sekarang despite others out there trying so hard to put me down but they have failed.

That is why bila kita berada di tempat yg benar dan tak aniaya org lain nanti Allah akan bantu kita.
Even di saat2 yg i am supposely to be stressful saya mampu lagi tersenyum! Di akhirat nanti Allah pasti akan adili ini semua dgn adil. Boleh ke nak angat muka masa itu and deny all this?

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:17 PM

chefwan58 I can never understand bila kita menceritakan perihal penceraian diantara org Malaysia dan bangsa Asing ada yg terus melenting terus berkata why tak kawin org Melayu? Tu la bangsa orang putih ni mcm tu, yg bertepuk tangan konon dulu tak nak terima lamaran H.Mosein pun ramai padahal she only 18 masa tu.

Have all this people forget sikap manusia jenis2 begini bersepah even di kalangan apa bangsa di dunia pun. Yg Melayu tak usah cakap la. Mcm la kita ni bangsa yg sempurna. Bila mereka buka mulut membuat comment mereka mcm la they know me so well to make all this assumption.
Attitude and mind set of a person that is not willing to compromise in a family issues today its presence anywhere.

Please stop this racial blaming etc as that only reflect keatas fikiran kita yg cetek serta kurang matang. Each person is judge by its individual action regardless of their race or religion.
So ridiculous to see some of u that kept bringing this subject again and again.
I stand with what i believed even if it means i have to stand alone!

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 19-4-2017 11:44 AM
Byk bendalah tu yg kecik2 lama2 jadi meletup..mcmkan mommy x paham plak.mommykan org lama di FD sa ...


Tambah2ada tukang hasut..haish...

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:17 PM

chefwan58 I am always very proud of my daughter for her hard work being totally a very responsible person independence and very strong at heart. I told her the other day tak pe la Rina always remember " What doesnt kill u will make u even stronger" after all this. As most thing segala ribut taufan ini hanya seketika dan hujan tidak sepanjang hari. Most important we are all there still as family to give what is also best for her children too.

From time to time beside loving to spoilt my daughter with designers handbags, make up to parfume and jewelleries from Chopard dan Bulgari from all my world travel not once she would asked me for anything. " Tak ada la perkataan Pa can u get me or this, Never once"

Nanti saya yg akan tanya what do u want me to get for her and the answer is always no need la Pa u have done enough Jaga MaMa, Nenek and others so pls let me find my own way and insyallah Rina can survive la Pa. So i do have that alot of respect for her as she not the type that demand for material things.

Sometime saya berleter why la pakai baju2 nampak so cheap ni kena la jaga image u and i scoulded her for not having good taste in dressing. Dah terlanjur beli kan cucu2 baju i will ask her lets go and get some baju2 for u pulak and guess what she still pick yg harga murah2 punya and said boleh la Pa jangan membazir lagi pun Papa dah belanja alot for my kids Pa. We are all so grateful yg Papa tak lupa kan kita semua.

What good is harta jika that charity cannot begin at our very own home and what more is our family yg kita pelihara to make them happy! I can never comprehend perangai2 manusia yg suka berkira kira dan sifat Tangkai Jering mereka yg tidak bertempat. Attitude begini sangat la buruk dan merugi kan kita diakhirnya.

Always remember yg kita sedekah kan itu ada la ahli keluarga kita and we should never hesistate to be generous to them. Saya jumpa mana2 saudara mara yg rapat pun pasti nanti saya akan hulur kan bersedekah kepada mereka2 atas tanda kasih sayang serta hormat saya kepada mereka.
Hari ini bila kita perhati kan tak usah org jauh anak2 kita sendiri pun belum tentu mampu melaku kan apa yg kita telah laku kan. The honest truth is always painful to swollow.

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by getarsukma at 19-4-2017 02:18 PM

Cerita terserempak fans pastu selit kisah si jahanam gavin...

chefwan58Jalan2 di Great Eastern Mall terserempak some of my fans and IG followers enjoying coffee with their mom and kids.
Mother close to emak age and orang Kedah.
Punya la excited depa and terus ajak i berbual seketika and bought me a cafe Latte.
Both went thru failed marriages before and now very happy and settled back again.
They told me insyallah ada jodoh Serina will be happy again.
Their mother pula dah kawin 3 kali tapi jodoh tak panjang and still they all have moved on to be a one big happy family.
Yes family support at time like this is very important especially from a father like me and a victim of years being bullied like my daughter that just swollowed everything kerana stigma " Tak nak malu kan Papa and Papa dah belanja besar kawin kan Rina nanti apa org cakap pulak"!
I told her screw apa orang nak mengata Rina.
As u can see many gave opinions mcm otak letak celah their jubur jugak.
Pandangan masing2 kebanyakan berbau longkang dah yg cerdik akan menilai itu semua dan kita nampak kebodohan masing2.
Nasib baik Allah tak jadi kan hati kita busuk dan perangai kita mcm all those keyboard worriors in this country that is stupid to the core.
I told all this ladies as father u cannot lepas kan tangan begitu sahaja menantu aniaya kan anak kita!
Si Jahanam Gavin tu comes and goes in our life.
There plenty like him seumpama kita letak gula nanti depa mai sat ajak nak hurung gula tu.Beg dah buruk kita campak kan sebelah and we move on with dignity and integrity kita sementara ada.
Never be like those low class human beings yg kurang ajar and talk like they know u inside and out pun.
Menantu come and goes....tetapi your daughter is always your own daughter and u must take care and be there for them at times like this.. Those man that wished i would not interfear are just COWARD running away from their familiy issues.
Bapak or Mertua jika tidak boleh menasihati menantu or takut boleh la saja terjun bangunan tu.
Sia2 Allah jadi kan kita manusia yg terlebih dahulu makan garam tetapi boleh memandang anak sendiri menderita and pretend nothing has happened?
Binatang tu pun pandai sayang kan anak sendiri.
Itu semua bodoh punya pandangan.
Ada hati pulak nak menasihati kita!

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
getarsukma replied at 19-4-2017 01:25 PM
chefwan58 I can never understand bila kita menceritakan perihal penceraian diantara org Malaysia dan ...

Cef wan tk boleh ke bg kenyatasn rasmi dlm paper? Mcm gavin buat?

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
getarsukma replied at 19-4-2017 01:33 PM
Cerita terserempak fans pastu selit kisah si jahanam gavin...

chefwan58Jalan2 di Great East ...

For once aku stuju ngan stetment chepwan hansuang ni. Ada makpak mertua semua pejam mata je anak menantu kena buli dek laki.

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:42 PM | Show all posts
BlueRoses96 replied at 19-4-2017 02:26 AM
Tersedak I bila sedar perkataan "Chepone" tu is Chef Wan..selama nie I baca Ce. Po. Ne.

bahahaha...samala kita...ingat kemenda la CePoNe tu

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:45 PM | Show all posts
yg menjajanya apaknya serina
kalau dia x bagitau mana org tau
doklah memaki si Gavin tu kat IG dia x benti2

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mommymonster82 replied at 19-4-2017 10:35 AM
Gavin ada Co sendiri kan ?

So mmg kena banyakla jimatnya..mana ada pencen..he is the bos...

yg ni i tak pasti
samada his own co
atau keje ngan local co
or international co

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Post time 19-4-2017 01:45 PM | Show all posts
wadiunong replied at 19-4-2017 08:23 AM
kalo pon betul salah Gavin, tapi akak still tak suka CW jaja & cerca lebih2 kt IG dia tu. tak  ...

dia tadak partner nak meluah...rina selama ni senyap sebab tanak kecoh camni la kot..bertabahla


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Post time 19-4-2017 01:46 PM | Show all posts
one of the comments chefwan (bukan dalam IG post) yang cakap  perabot buruk tak bertukar rasanya... ada jugak dia ungkit2 lagi pasal kain baju tak bertukar... penat la pulak nak godek..

lagi satu dlm comment tu chefwan ada cakap bukan nak banyak.. bagi seratus dua sebulan pun cukup untuk nafkah.. dia even suggest nak bagi 3k to gavin to pass to serina.. tapi jgn bagi serina tau.. gavin taknak... haruslah gavin taknak.. ego sebagai lelaki.. nmpk mcm dia tak mampu pulak...

kalau dah seratus dua pun gavin taknak bagi ada dua kemungkinan lah...

1- dia mmg kedekut
2- dia control freak.. lebih pada nak kawal serina daripada berkawan dgn kawan2 tertentu... mgkn kawan2 hangout serina ada yg dia tak berkenan... kalau bagi duit lg la galak serina jumpa kawan2 yg dia tak suka tu..

entah la... nak buat edisi speku pun yistana hajjah speku tak habis2 lagi.. kita tunggu kisah di mahkamah je lah... at least kisah ni fakta mmg dah ada... tinggal nak dibentangkan.. kes hajjah tu penuh pelbagai edisi, ilusi, fantasi, air lior basi....


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Post time 19-4-2017 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaklehot replied at 19-4-2017 10:05 AM
umah melayu pon byk yg culas bayar kalo ada somi yg mmg sediakan keperluan rumah & dapur ...

kalau tak nak bagi duit nafkah
tiap2 bln tapi sekurang2nya
bila keluar shopping tu
beli la baju sehelai dua
tak miskinnya kalau pemurah
dgn anak isteri


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Post time 19-4-2017 01:51 PM | Show all posts
ooo...sekali je la yang dia talked to gavin
ari tu dia cakap byk kali kate byk cakap byk salah
diam adalah lebih baik dari berkata2
hang cakap segalanya hang je la yang betoi
yang saint
takut nanti hang kena darah tinggi heart attack stroke
penat je tiap2 tahun wat facial wat colon cleansing bagai
chill2 sudah la cepwan
bukannya langit runtuh
bukannya serina tu kena pukui
dia cume nak bercerai je pun
gavin pun bukan maki hamun hang pun
and you said gavin cerca islam and org mesia
hang tak pernah cerca org mesia ka
satu mesia kot tahu hang cerca arwah HM tu
tu bukan cerca islam ka
islam melarang kita bercakap butuk tentang org yang dah mati
and yang hang mencarut menyumpah bangsat tu
hang bangsa apa
agama apa

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