tiM This user has been deleted
Originally posted by eastrun at 9-8-2006 05:17 PM
I really wonder if the word translation make the Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God...bahaya tu....
Jusus is the Son of God... So what is your problem about that? translate of not trslate Jesus is the Son of God... Jgn pulak buat pencarian bodoh lagi... cari perkataan son og god dlm bhs greek atau aramik...
[ Last edited by tiM at 9-8-2006 05:30 PM ] |
Original greek: monogenhvß
Transliterated greek: monogenes
Definition : single of its kind, only
used of only sons or daughters (viewed in relation to their parents)
used of Christ, denotes the only begotten son of God
the whole thing in bold here is the definition/meaning of the word "monogenes"! Don't only read half of it.
so yes - even in Greek, it means that. Jesus is the only begotten son of God, and single of its kind. |
Originally posted by sparrow at 9-8-2006 10:03 PM
Original greek: monogenhvß
Transliterated greek: monogenes
Definition : single of its kind, only
used of only sons or daughters (viewed in relation to their parents)
You see, the reason the translator put the word single of its kind, is because the meaning is stronger than another two meanings..
In Greek, the word means Single Of it's kind...where as Jesus and God are not from one kind/medium...nothing to do with God at all:pray: |
Originally posted by tiM at 9-8-2006 06:28 PM
Jusus is the Son of God... So what is your problem about that? translate of not trslate Jesus is the Son of God... Jgn pulak buat pencarian bodoh lagi... cari perkataan son og god dlm bhs greek a ...
Jusus?...who is that? |
Originally posted by eastrun at 11-8-2006 06:19 PM
You see, the reason the translator put the word single of its kind, is because the meaning is stronger than another two meanings..
In Greek, the word means Single Of it's kind...where as Jesus ...
Where got other two meanings? The whole thing is one meaning. The three lines, put together, is the full meaning of the Greek Word "monogenes"
Definition : single of its kind, only
used of only sons or daughters (viewed in relation to their parents)
used of Christ, denotes the only begotten son of God
In this case, the word "monogenes" only have one meaning. Not three.
If it is three different meanings, the dictionary would have numbered them, 1, 2, 3...
[ Last edited by sparrow at 11-8-2006 10:09 PM ] |
If it is three different meanings, it will be written like this, with numbers.
Take for example, the word "kosmos" which means "world". It can mean 7 different meanings, and the dictionary numbers them to show that it is 7 different meanings.
1. an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government
2. ornament, decoration, adornment, i.e. the arrangement of the stars, 'the heavenly hosts', as the ornament of the heavens.
3. the world, the universe
4. the circle of the earth, the earth
5. the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
6. the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ
7. world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly
the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc,
which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ
p/s: see for example, number 7: it has 3 lines, but the 3 lines is to explain one meaning.
[ Last edited by sparrow at 11-8-2006 10:11 PM ] |
Originally posted by eastrun at 11-8-2006 06:19 PM
In Greek, the word means Single Of it's kind...where as Jesus and God are not from one kind/medium...nothing to do with God at all
Like i explained earlier, according to the Bible, Jesus is God - that is how and why Jesus can be "Single of its kind"... |
Originally posted by sparrow at 11-8-2006 10:08 PM
Like i explained earlier, according to the Bible, Jesus is God - that is how and why Jesus can be "Single of its kind"...
Yes..i know..the reason they put three meanings under one word, because they are three meanings, but the reason they put which one is HIGHER, is to determine which one is the strongest meaning.The closest meaning.
So, Single of its kind is the strongest meaning.
Jesus is not same medium with God...so he is out for the strongest meaning. So, he is out for the most accurate meaning of the word begotten.When he is not in same medium with God, so he is not God. |
Originally posted by eastrun at 12-8-2006 06:32 PM
Yes..i know..the reason they put three meanings under one word, because they are three meanings, but the reason they put which one is HIGHER, is to determine which one is the strongest meaning.Th ...
you have not been reading my replies properly. Don't waste my time just because you don't read properly.
Read again my posts properly. There are NO three meanings for the Greek word monogenes. There is ONLY ONE meaning for that Greek word.no higher meaning, no lower meaning.
Read my posts above again properly and carefully.
Definition : single of its kind, only
used of only sons or daughters (viewed in relation to their parents)
used of Christ, denotes the only begotten son of God
This whole thing here is to explain and illustrate ONLY ONE meaning, not three.
[ Last edited by sparrow at 12-8-2006 07:55 PM ] |
Originally posted by sparrow at 12-8-2006 07:36 PM
you have not been reading my replies properly. Don't waste my time just because you don't read properly.
Read again my posts properly. There are NO three meanings for the Greek word monogene ...
My answers are still the same...the more ACCURATE the meaning the HIGHER they put the meaning, if you don't believe it, open the dictionary... |
Originally posted by eastrun at 13-8-2006 05:34 PM
My answers are still the same...the more ACCURATE the meaning the HIGHER they put the meaning, if you don't believe it, open the dictionary...
what nonsense are you talking? where got higher, lower meaning? there's ONLY ONE MEANING here. |
Here's a print screen from the Greek dictionary for you...
Like i said, there's ONLY ONE definition (there is no definition 2, 3.. etc). No higher, lower or more accurate or less accurate definition. There's ONLY ONE definition for the word "monogenes", which is "single of its kind"
[ Last edited by sparrow at 13-8-2006 06:28 PM ] |
Originally posted by sparrow at 13-8-2006 06:14 PM
Here's a print screen from the Greek dictionary for you...
Like i said, there's ONLY ONE definition (there is no definition 2, 3.. etc). No higher, lower or more accurate or less accurate defin ...
But JESUS not the single of His Kind and those prophets begot by God also not SINGLE OF ITS KIND. The word begotten also used for the prophets, but why the translator say the word is just for Jesus?:geram:
[ Last edited by eastrun at 14-8-2006 06:39 PM ] |
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