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Author: WinXP

Merged: Bangkok & Central Thailand (by WinXP, mamak & munshiabdullah)

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Post time 8-9-2006 11:44 AM | Show all posts
tak sabar nak pegi hari khamis ni..

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Post time 9-9-2006 10:13 AM | Show all posts
slamat bercuti ke bangkok nyer tgk gbr2 ni..
saya nak g sana end of nov kot..tu pon pergi free sbb menang pakej for 4 to bangkok
btw guys, bln 11 & 12 sana monsoon season ker?..kalu pegi time ujan tak syiok lak...

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Tempat pertama aku sampai ialah Wat Chetuphon (Wat Pho) atau Reclinning Buddha. Bayaran dia 30 Bath. Tempat dia menarik jugak. Kalini aku masuk dalam Wat tu dan tenguk patung Buddha tu. Patung terbaring bersadur emas yang besar. Memang besar betul, bersinar-sinar warnanya. Ramai yang aku lihat masukkan duit dalam bekas sebagai membayar niat. Lama disitu aku keluar melihat kawasan sekeliling. Banyak patung di sini. Ada antara patung yang menyerupai pahlawan macam cerita dongeng komik cina. Masa aku ada di sana, ada pasukan pancaragam sekolah yang berlatih. Ramai juga orang di situ. Setelah itu aku berjalan disekeliling kawasan itu dan terus keluar. Di sekeliling kawasan wat tu ada Banyak juga tempat yang menarik seperti Territorial Defence Departmant, Saranrom Palace, Lama lepas tu aku naik tuk-tuk ke Wat Rchathiwas. Ini pun sebab di luar wat patung terbaring tu ada pemandu pelancong yang menolong aku mendapatkan Tuk-Tuk. Dia suruh Tuk-Tuk tu bawa aku ke semua tempat yang aku nak pergi hanya dengan bayaran 20 Bath aje.
Pakcik yang badannya penuh tatu di tangan kirinya bersetuju. Memang baik jugaklah. Dia memang bawa aku ke semua tempat yang dah dijanjikan dulu. Wat yang aku cakap tu, aku hanya lihat di luar aje, sebab ada ubahsuai yang dilakukan, lagipun tempat tu banyak anjing. Jauh jugak pakcik tu bawa aku jalan-jalan. Seronok jugaklah, sebab kalau nak harapkan aku hanya berjalan kaki, memang banyak tempat yang aku tak sampai. Last aku kata pakcik tu boleh tak bawa aku ke mana-mana kedai muslim. Pakcik tu bawa ku ke Baklampung. Dekat Disitu, aku suruh pakcik tu tungu situ, dekat kawasan tu banyak kedai Pakistan. Aku pesan nasi dengan Ayam tandoori. Lega aku, inilah kali pertama aku jumpa nasi setelah aku sampai di Thailand. Bila dah siap, aku balik semula ke tempat uncle tu tunggu. Tapi tak ada dia, lama aku tunggu. Dia tak ada jugak. Last aku jalan aje. Rupanya tempat tu dekat dengan Democracy Monument. Last aku tahan teksi dan terus balik hostel. Sampai hostel, benda pertama aku buat ialah makan. Nasi dia berbau wangi dan rasa limau nipis.
Lepas tu mandi dan terbaring. Rasa menyesal pulak aku. Kesihan juga uncle tu. Macam-macam aku fikir. Bukannya aku tipu, uncle tu yang tak ada kat situ.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:25 PM | Show all posts

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:28 PM | Show all posts
15.11.2000 Rabu --------------------------------------------

Aku seperti biasa bangun pagi. Kemas barang-barang, takut nanti kelam-kabut pula. Banyak pula barang aku. Masa datang dulu aku Cuma bawa satu beg aje, sekarang satu beg yang dulu, satu beg kecil yang aku beli di World Trade Center dan satu beg plastik Sogo Bangkok.
Lepas mandi, aku terus bawa barang turun, awal lagi, tapi elok kalau pergi awal sikit. Semua tegur tanya nak balik ke. Aku cakap yea. Tangkap gambar beramai-ramai dulu, dan ucap selamat tinggal terus pergi. Aku jalan kaki dulu sampai mana tah. Jauh juga lalu kat depan pasar pagi. Banyak barang yang dijual, murah-murah, tapi aku tak beli apa-apa sebab dah takda tempat nak letak. Lama kemudian aku tahan teksi dan minta dihantarkan ke Train Stesen. Bila dah sampai baru aku teringat sampul dan remote camera aku tertinggal, ni sebab nak cepat tadi. Telefon hostel balik, tanya dengan dia adatak barang aku tertinggal atas meja. Dia kata ada.
Tahan teksi, Beritahu dia aku nak pergi Pitsanulok Thanom. Dia kata okay. Lepas tu dia cakap apa tah, aku cakap I抦 not Thai. Lepas tu mula dia tanya aku mana tempat tu sebab dia tak tahu. Apa lagi mengamuklah aku. Aku cakap tadi dia kata dia tahu, sekarang tak pulak. Dia diam aje. Aku cakap aku takkan bayar kalu dia menipu. Memang sepanjang perjalanan dia saja aje buat lambat dan lepas tu siap tanya aku lagi. Aku kata dia atau aku yang Thai. Bila sampai aku bagi dia segenggam duit syiling. Dan aku takda tunggu terus aje jalan. Cukup ke tak, lantak. Penat betul aku. Ambil aje barang aku dan aku terus aje pergi.
Ambil teksi depan hostel. Cakap nak pergi Hualompong. Driver dia ingat aku Thai People. Bila aku kata tak, dia ingat aku dari Philippine. Aku dah okaydah, Siap ambil gambar tuk-tuk dari teksi dia lagi. Lepas tu aku rasa dia ikut jalan lain. Aku tanya. Where you go. Dia jawab Train Station. Aku cakap bukan jalan ni yang selalu aku lalu. Dia kata dia ikut jalan lain. Jalan tu jalan menuju ke Victory Monumen. Sampai aje nasib baik tak lebih dari 60 Bath. Awal lagi, baru pukul 12 lebih. Train aku pukul 1.00, jadi aku ke KFC untuk makan dulu.
Lepas makan duduk kat tempat menunggu. Tenguk gelagat orang. Lama lepas tu bila boleh masuk ke dalam train aku pergi. Cari Train aku yang bernombor 35 yang terletak di lorang antarabangsa. Seat no. 21 Car no. 2. Aku antara orang pertama yang naik. Selepas aku perempuan tua, aku minta tolong tangkapkan gambar aku. Makcik tu ingat aku Thailand sebab rupa aku seperti orang Thai. Selepas itu, semakin ramai yang naik, Yang ramai ialah pelancong asing dan juga org Thailand. Depan aku seorang kakak perempuan bernama Sangiaenjitr or A. Baik juga orangnya. Berbual dengannya. Dia berkerja di Haad-yai, Songkhla. Dan berumur 30 tahun. Baru aje melawat teman lelakinya di Bangkok, Perjalanan seperti masa aku datang. Berbual aje, Pekerja masing-masing sama seperti mula aku datang. Lelaki yang hansem itu dan pelayan yang sama itu juga.
Keretapi meninggalkan stesen pada pukul 14.20 petang. Pelahan-lahan keretapi meninggalkan perhentian, sedih rasanya bila lagi dah aku nak sampai. Semakin jauh semakin laju keretapi bergerak. Banyak betul kenangan yang aku tinggalkan. Aku harap satu hari nanti aku akan sampai lagi.
Perjalanan sama seperti aku datang. Melihat Thailand untuk kali terakhir untuk tahun ini (aku tak mahu katakan kali terakhir, sebab aku akan datang lagi satu hari nanti) Semakin lamam, semakin petang dan gelap, aku tak dapat lagi nak lihat apa-apa lagi di luar, Berbual aje dengan kak A, melihat buku yang yang aku tak faham apa-apa. Saja aje, tenguk gambar. Bila semakin gelap, pelayan yang bervest kuning itu datang, mengambil pesanan untuk makan malam, kalini aku pesan Tomyam aje bayaran 65 Bath.
Selepas satu jam, makanan yang aku pesan sampai, sedap juga tomyamnya. Kak A tak makan, aku lihat dia ada bawa bekal, apa tah, dalam plastik penuh dengan kuah. Aku rasa macam telur aje.
Selepas itu, aku tukar seluar, kali ni aku Cuma pakai seluar pendek aje. Senang, masa kali pertama aku datang, tidur dengan seluar jeans, aku betul rasa tak selesa. Kali ini aku tidur atas juga. Takpalah. Bila katil aku dah disiapkan aku terus naik atas dan cuba tidur. Bunyi keretapi sayup-sayup kedengaran. Aku tak tahu pukul berapa aku sedar. Yang tahu semua dah bangun Kak A dah bangun juga. Dia akan turun di Stesyen
Haad-yai nanti dalam pukul 7.30 pagi.
Sampai di stesyen Haad-yai, kak A turun di situ. Selepas itu keretapi meneruskan perjalanan ke Padang Besar, Malaysia. Untuk sarapan pagi, aku memesan makanan yang sama seperti masa aku datang, American Breakfast.
Sepanjang perjalanan ke padang Besar, aku Cuma lihat pemandangan yang ada aje. Tak tahu nak buat apa. Dalam pukul 8 pagi, aku dah sampai ke Padang Besar, Sekali lagi aku melalui pemeriksaan Passport dan barang yang dibawa. Barang aku tak begitu banyak, tetapi aku mendapat perhatian bila mereka tahu aku mengembara seorang diri ke Thailand. Satu tempat yang bagi mereka begitu merbahaya untuk seorang anak perempuan berjalan seorang diri. Tapi aku Cuma senyum dan berkata, aku dah terlalu cukup umur untuk pergi seorang diri. Keretapi berhenti hampir setengah jam. Tak tahu nak buat apa, Bila aku beli limau manis di situ, makcik yang menjualnya mengatakan aku orang siam, bila aku kata aku Malaysia dan datang dari KL, makcik tu kata rupa aku macam orang Siam. Selepas itu aku terus naik train dan duduk. Aku telefon mak lepas tu, nampaknya sibuk semuanya sebab hari ni, Haziq, iman dan ain akan bersunat. Selepas itu aku telefon Cik Jeffri, menyerit dia bila dengar suara aku, siap pesan beli asam lagi, aku kata keretapi dah bergerak dan aku tak boleh belikan, selepas itu cakap dengan cik shafri, katanya semua demam rindukan aku. Selepas itu, bila aku dengar peti suara pesanan aku, aku dapat dua pesanan dari Eddie, katanya dia ada di Singapura sekarang. Malam nanti baru aku call Eddie rasanya.
Selepas itu keretapi berjalan lagi, kalini tempat Kak A di ambil orang seorang yang aku rasa dari Thailand, macam pendatang aje. Sebab dia macam takut-takut aje. Selepas itu pemeriksaan tiket dilakukan, oleh pekerja KTM Malaysia. keretapi ini mengikut perjanjian, bila memasuki kawasan Malaysia semua tenaga pekerjanya ialah Malaysia dan bila memasuki kawasan Thailand, pekerjanya semua Thailand. Bila sampai kat aku, aku beri tiket, pakcik tu Tanya aku dari mana, aku kata kuala Lumpur. Pakcik tu kata aku sorang aje ke, aku kata yea. Selepas itu makcik tu pergi dekat lelaki depan aku, Kawan dia hulurkan duit RM 50.00 tapi pakcik tu buat tanda taknak. Lama kemudian pakcik pemeriksaan ticket tu datang lagi, kali ni dia Tanya aku ada saudara mara ke kat Thailand. Aku kata tak ada. Dia kata berani betul aku, sebab kalau dia pun tak berani nak pergi sorang-sorang. Sebab katanya Thailand selamat pergi ramai-ramai. Macam-macam pakcik tu tanya, macam dia tak puas hati aku pergi sorang aje. Sebenarnya dari mula aku pergi semua pegawai immigresen ingat aku baru aje habis SPM. Betapa semua ingat aku masih terlalu muda untuk mengembara seorang diri. Dan aku betapa bangganya kerana disangka terlalu muda, muda 4 tahun dari umur sebenar aku.
Boring betul aku sebab kena mengadap orang Thailand tu, bila dia buka kasut dia, busuk betul. Aku siap tutup hidung lagi, bila dia buat tak tahu aje aku buka kasut aku, Baunya lagi teruk, mana taknya, itulah kasut yang aku bawa berjalan berkilo-kilo meter tanpa berhenti. Bila dia pun dah merasai bauanya, mungkin dia pun sedar yang dia terpaksa mencium bau kasut aku juga, dia sarung semula kasutnya, dan aku pun menyarung kasut aku juga. Selepas itu tak ada lagi dia buka kasut dia. Kawan dia yang gemuk tu, bila datang duduk kat dia, mata dia melilau aje, takut aku tenguk.
Pukul 1 petang keretapi sampai ke stesyen Butterworth. Semasa keluar dari stesyen, selisih dengan pakcik pemeriksa ticket itu, kali ni dia tegur aku tanya aku balik KL naik apa, aku kata Bas rasanya.
Sampai di stesyen bas , aku beli nasi dulu, lapar nasi, lama tak jumpa nasik semasa aku di Bangkok. Selepas itu, aku turun cari bas, bila aku turun aje, semua kerumun Tanya mana aku nak pergi. Dan aku hanya pergi sendiri aje cari bas yang aku nak. Last aku naik bas C.K Express pada pukul 3 petang. Masa banyak lagi sebelum Bas datang, aku telefon rumah dan beritahu along yang aku akan datang ke rumahnya.
Bila bas datang terus naik. Aku duduk sebelah Bangladesh pulak. Depan aku budak lelaki yang mungkin bawah umur aku, yang mana telefon dia asyik berdering aje. Keretapi berhenti sebentar di kawasan rehat Tapah. Aku Cuma beli Hotdog dan air. Hotdg dia tah apa-apa rasa dan daging hotdog sebelah. Rugi duit aku rasa.
Selepas itu, perjalanan di sambung semula. Dalam pukul 8.30 malam aku sampai di kuala Lumpur.
Lega rasanya bila dah sampai kat KL. Tempat yang betul-betul aku faham selok belok selekohnya.
Ambil Bas 124 ke rumah along, bila dah sampai lega rasanya. Keluarkan barang yang aku beli untuk Najwa, Baju T yang aku belikan kat Safari World.
Selepas itu aku call Eddie. Bila aku dapat line dia aje, dia jawab dan menjerit mana aku pergi , kata nak pergi sampai Jumaat sekarang dah Rabu. Aku ketawa aje, tapi marah dia. Aku kata aku nak balik kampung besok, lagi dia marah, dia kata aku kill mood dia, dia dah nak datang Port klang, aku pulak nak balik. Entahlah aku pun hilang sabar jugak. Aku cakap ialah, aku jumpa dia juga sebab aku ada belikan dia Silk Tie lagi.
Masa nak tidur, macam-macam yang aku ingatkan, semalam aku tidur kat bilik aku kat Hostel International Bangkok, katil dua tingkat, selimut biru laut dan air-cond yang begitu sejuk. Emm, rindunya aku dengan tempat tu. Bila lagilah aku akan sampai厖

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:28 PM | Show all posts
sila ke
jika anda seorang yang minat mengembara ataupun menpunyai apa-apa sahaja untuk berkongsi dengan kami tentang pengalaman mengembara anda.@[email protected]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Scams & Warnings
Arrived in Bangkok via tuk-tuk - the driver was nice, took me down the street, dropped off the luggage and when I went to pay, he said, 'no charge - but why don't I show you the city, say one, two hours today - 60 baht total'. First mistake - I admitted it was my first day and didn't know the city, and said 'great', thinking this is a damn good deal. Met the guy later, and second mistake - I didn't catch on when he insisted I take my camera. I didn't, saying 'it's all in my memory'. Third mistake - he kept stopping along the way for food, the toilet, asking me to pretend to want to buy clothes at an exclusive shop so he could get free gasoline coupons, etc. He said 'go look at the giant Buddha', and I realize only now it was a diversion so he could call his mates. Luckily, for the last mistake, I was finally on guard - he took me down an alley and I was like - this is so not right - and when we stopped behind a couple of cars waiting to pull out into traffic (this can take all day in Bangkok), I saw the two youths approach me from behind - I watched them pass, staring at me, and then I saw the gargantuan butcher knife tucked behind the one kid's hand. I've been mugged before in Jo'burg and I swear this knife was at least three times as big. They came back towards me and then there was a screeching and a near-accident just in front of us on the main street - and in the commotion, they ran back from whence they had come. Lesson: if the deal sounds too good to be true - it is.
Neal Moore, South Africa (Mar 03)
I think anyone travelling to Thailand should be warned about the drink called 'Samsong' - a Thai whiskey which is drunk with Red bull and coke. Although the drink is very nice, I think people should be warned that the rumour is that it contains a highly toxic amphetamine which if taken in heavy doses can kill. There was an article in Mixmag about it. It's a very cheap drink and very tasty but has a different effect to most alcohol and is widely available in all bars throughout Thailand.
Becky Lunn, UK (Feb 03)

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 9-9-2006 10:34 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-9-2006 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mamakcute at 9-9-2006 10:29 PM
Scams & Warnings
Arrived in Bangkok via tuk-tuk - the driver was nice, took me down the street, dropped off the luggage and when I went to pay, he said, 'no charge - but why don't I show you t ...

Thanks mamakcute - kat mana ye dapat these info ? very good.........:

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:16 PM | Show all posts

Also known as the "City of Angels" (Krung Thep), the city of 10 million is Thailand's largest city. The original settlement clusters along the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River, which snakes between Bangkok and Thonburi, where the capital was first established after the fall of Ayutthaya in 1767. When King Rama I moved his capital in 1782 across the river, he chose a site that foreign vessels knew from their navigational charts as the village of Bangkok.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:17 PM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Toilet In Bangkok


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Our first stop was BKK ; The asian capital where nobody sleeps. Bustling and stifling by day , the momentum flows way into the dawn of a new day.
The district of Banglumphu is where many backpackers reside, with Thanon Khoa San being regarded as a nomad's institution in its self.
Many people give a negative impression of BKK but my friend and I loved it! The tuk-tuks, the culture ( riding on the huge barge next to the monks) the beautiful Grand Palace ( remember to cover your ankles, shoulders and legs).
For our stay we headed to Khoa San where we stayed in the Sawasdee Banglumphu Inn ( really cute , clean and breakfast included!) ... although if you can try and book at the D&D Inn ( It has a swimming pool on the rooftop and en-suite rooms for 750 baht ( £10) - However there are cheaper hostels ( but they are more like hotels!) if you look.
The common used Thai phrase ' Mai Pen Rai' ( Translated into 'Into it doesn't matter') is often used to contend with the many street vendors who approach you. Just give a air of confidence and try not to give eye contact and you'll be fine!. The Tuk- Tuks are a fab way of getting round ( you are putting your life in your own hands though, heh) but always approach them and make sure you settle a price before you hop in or check the metre is cleared.
Oh I could talk about Thailand all day long .... If you get a chance head to Krabi, a southern province about a 2 hour bus ride from Phuket. From there you can get a longtail boat to Railey Beach, Monkey Island and Koh Phi Phi. Have an amazing time chick and if you find this advice helpful don't hesitate to give me a mail if you have any more queries!



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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:42 PM | Show all posts


Located just 85 km north of Bangkok, Ayuthaya began as a military and trading outpost of the Khmer empire.   In 1350, a Thai prince named U-Thong moved his capital from U-Thong to Ayuthaya to escape an outbreak of smallpox, and to privide a bulwark against the ever-encroaching Burmese.   Located on an island at the convergence of the Lopburi, Prasak, and Chao Praya rivers, the city was ideally located for defense. Ayuthaya was named for the mythological city Ayodhya (from the Hindu Ramayana epic).
     Ayuthia was ruled by 33 kings, whose rule was patterned after the kings of Khmer, who elevated themseleves to the status of god-kings, claiming to be incarnations of Shiva.  Forced military conscription gave the Ayuthtayan kings the means first to resist outside attempts at subjugation, then to begin an expansionist policy of their own. Sukothai was subjugated in 1378 by King Boromaraja I. Ankhor fell to the Ayuthayan armies in 1431, aften a seven-month long siege, elevating Ayuthaya to the place of one the Southeast Asia's dominant kingdoms.   By the end of the 15th century, Ayuthaya stretched from Vientienne in the north to Malacca in the south, and from Ankhor in the east to Bago in the west.

     For 300 years, Ayuthaya was the center of Thai culture and religion. Trade was begun with first the Portugese, later the French. By the mid-18th century however, Ayuthaya had slid into an economic and military decline. In 1763, an Burmese army succeeded in overrunning Chiang Mai and and swung south.  The city withstood two years of siege, but fell in 1767. The victorious Burmese, in a wanton act of bestiality, burned the city to the ground, murdered or enslaved most of the city's population,  and destroyed countless, priceless art treasures, an act still shocking to Thais today.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:42 PM | Show all posts
The ancient city of Ayutthaya, or phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, The Thai capital for 417 yesrs, is one of Thailand's Major tourist attractions. Many ancient ruins and art works can be seen in a city that was founded in 1350 by King U-Thong when the Thais were forced southwards by northern neighbours.  During the period of aytthaya being the Thai capital, 33 kings of different dynasties ruled the kingdom until it was sacked by the Burmese in 1767
Ayutthaya is 76 kilometres north of Bangkok and boasts numerous magnificent ruins. Such ruins indicate that Ayutthaya was one of IndoChina's most prospeous cities.  Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Historical Park, a vast stretch of historical site in the heart of ayutthaya city, has been included in UNESCO's list of world heritage since 13 December,1991
Ayutthaya covers 2,556.6 square kilometres, and is admisnistratively divided into 16 districts (Amphoes).  It is conveniently accessible due to good roads and a short distance from Bangkok

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Description : A former capital of Thailand surrounded by water and full of ruins of old Wat

Comments : Traffic is allowed around the Wat so it is not an experience as peaceful as Sukhothai but it is culturally striking nonetheless. Ayuthaya is also a good alternative to Khao San Rd while waiting for your flight.

What to do ? Treat yourself with a good bike & a good breakfast as the area is big / Get a map of the area at the TAT Office near the National Museum / Then cycle around, on the island and off the island / Select the few Temples worth paying the fee and check the other ones from the outside only (quite a few are free as well) / Watch sunset at Wat Chai Wattanaram / Then bike the area a bit more to see the illuminations / In the early morning, watch Tai Chi practitioners near the Wat Phra Mahathat / Get up the Golden Mount Chedi (free) in the north-west for a good view over the flat area / Have a look at the original elephant kraal (enclosure), the last one in Thailand / See an old church and a Portuguese settlement in the south / Discover new places being excavated in the train station area / Cool of in the swimming pool of Sherwood House (B40) / Listen to locals playing the guitar /

What you may not like ? Getting an uncomfortable or breaking bike / Usually not being able to visit outside the ticket hours (8 to 18:30) as there are guards or gates at most temples / Not having one unique ticket for the whole area but numerous B30 entrance fees / The global cost when adding everything / The relatively expensive bikes (B40) or motorbikes (B250)

How long ? Half a day to one day for the inside, one busy day for the outside and one day for Lopburi ?

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:44 PM | Show all posts

The sights of Ayutthaya Province are fairly few in number but central, located around the capital of the same name. The main attraction is Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Historical Park in the midst of Ayutthaya city as well as the immediate surrounding area. Other sights worth seeing include Bang Pa-In and Bang Sai, but not much else. The ruins of the ancient city attract a devoted trail of tourists that are usually travelling north.

Ayutthaya was the ancient capital of Thailand in the 15th Century, and its grandiose past can be re-experienced through the ruins that are scattered throughout the region. Unfortunately not much more than this can be relived as the relics and records from this period were destroyed during the Burmese rampage of 1767.

From 1350 to 1767, the beautiful city of Ayutthaya was the capital of what then was known as Siam. Surrounded by a 12.5 km. wall , which was 5 m thick and 6 m high, the city had 99 gates, established brick and clay roads and canals to bring water into the city. Set at the meeting point of three rivers to make it central to trade, the city was founded in 1350 by King U-Thong and over the next 417 years, Ayutthaya would support 33 kings, 5 dynasties and repel 23 Burmese invasions, before being razed to the ground in 1767 after the Burmese finally succeeded in ransacking it. By all reports Ayutthaya was a fantastically beautiful city which would have rivalled most European capitals of the time. When the Burmese entered the town, they destroyed everything they came to, even to the extent of melting Buddha's for their gold.

Thing to do and Sights to See


This museum sites beside the cities temporary tourist office and houses a collection of various antiques, Buddha and carved wooden panels. On the second floor at the east and west end are two rooms, the eastern one displaying gold treasures which were excavated from Wat Raturana, and the western room display similar wares from Wat Mahathat. The museum is located on Rotchana Road opposite the Ayutthaya Historical Study Centre and is open everyday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. It is worth a look.


This centre, nearly opposite to the Chao Sam phraya National Museum was funded by the Japanese government and contains and excellent exhibit dedicated to outlining what ancient Ayutthaya was like. The highlight is a model of Ayutthaya in all its former glory. Admission is Bt100 and the museum is open Wednesday to Sunday from 9.00 am. to 4.30 pm.


Situated in the Northeast corner of the island, there is really little see have which cannot be seen at the Chao Phraya Museum. What remains of the palace itself (like most nearly everything else in Ayutthaya, it was flattened by the Burmese) is worth a peek if you are around the post office anyway. Entry is Bt10, and it is open Wednesday to Sunday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. Once you get tired of museums, wait for the cooler part of the day, jump on your bicycle and visit some of the wats and ruins in town. Both are spread over a large area of town.


Wang Long Palace (Royal Palace) was built by King U-Thong upon the founding of the city. The palace was inhabited for another 98 years by a succession of Kings until the palace was moved, and this building was turned into a wat. In Ayutthaya's heyday, this was the largest wat in the city. There were eight forts around the palace and 22 gates. Little now remains except for the three chedis which once held the bones of Rama I, II, and III. Before the Burmese 24th foray, This wat contained a Buddha which was covered with over 250 kg of gold. The Burmese wasted on time melting that one down. Admission is Bt20 and give you entry to the palace just to the north as well. The wat is at the northern end of Si Sanphet Road.


Just to the south of Wat Phra Si Sanphet, this wat contains one of the largest Buddha castings in Thailand. Cast in bronze the Buddha and its housing were badly damaged by fire. Photos inside the temple show how badly the image was damaged by fire and act as evidence of the immaculate restoration effort.


These two wats are separated by Naresuan Road and were built on the command of King Borom Rachathirat II after his two elder brothers died during an elephant back duel to contest the crown. Ther ruins here are still in quite impressive condition and are well worth a look. Admission is Bt20 to each site.


Located to the Southeast of the island, this wat's chedi is visible from most of town. Built by King Naresuan in 1592 to commemorate his single handed victory on elephant back, the Chedi now has a distinct tilt, but still can be entered via the stairs. Those who make the effort will find themselves surrounded by meditating Buddha in a peaceful environment. To get there cross the Preedee Thamrong Bridge then cross the train tracks and take a right down Route 3059. Adminssion is Bt20. WAT PHRA


Also the Southeast of the island, this wat can be reached boat from the fortress ruins. It was built before Ayutthaya was established as the capital and it is believed to have been originally constructed by Khmers. The main sitting Buddha within is 10 m tall, and is highly revered by the residents of Ayutthaya. The ancient golden Buddha was made in 1344 and called Luang Po To. Amongst Chinese this statue is believed to impart protection to sailors and is known as Sum Po Hud Kong. This wat has never been deserted and hence has an interesting collection of artefacts and architectural styles from different periods.


The most interesting fact about this wat is that it escaped destruction when the Burmese were burning everything down. Ironically, it was from the grounds of this wat that the Burmese King Chao Along Phaya decided to fire a cannon at the Grand Palace. The cannon exploded and he was grievously wounded and subsequently died on the way back to Burma. The Wat itself is impressive with a vaulted ceiling and quite nice Buddha image. Admission is Bt10 and the wat is just over the bridge near Si Sanphet Road.


This wat is about 5 km Northwest of town and has a huge stupa which can be seen from the highway. The wat was built by King Ramesuan in 1378. When the Burmese arrived and putan end to the Kingdom of Ayutthaya, they built the stupa in front of this wat. It later collapsed, so King Boromakot rebuilt it in 1744 based on his own design. The climb to the highest platform of the stupa gives views of the surrounds and the distant city. The wat also contains a Buddha footprint from Saraburi.


The main feature here is a 29-m reclining Buddha made of brick and covered in white plaster. The wat itself is in a complete state of ruins showing a few hexagonal pillars and enough bricks to see where the buildings and rooms must have once stood. The ruins directly adjacent are Wat Chettharam, which was built by King Ekathotsarot in 1605 in honour of his brother. Neither site is much to write home about.


This wat is still in remarkably good condition. It was built by King Prasat Thong in 1630 in honour of his mother, and the building served as a Royal monastery. the prangs and pagodas are similar in style to Khmer designs, purposely done so as to commemorate the victory over the Khmers. When the Burmese besieged the city in 1767, they used it as an army camp. The wat consists of a main prang surrounded by four smaller prangs and then by eight merus. The gallery originally had 120 lacquered Buddha images around it. Twelve crowned Buddhas sit in each of the eight merus which are located at each of the cardinal points. A meru is a building specially built for royalty which has a multiple tiered roof imitating similar wooden structures. Stucco designs of Buddha's life can still partly be seen on the outside walls of the merus. Directly opposite the wat on the other side of the river is the current Royal Palace where the current royal family occasionally visit by boat from Bangkok. Entry to the wat is Bt20.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2006 05:46 PM | Show all posts

The Royal Palace at Bang Pa-In is just over 20km south of Ayutthaya, but is only really worth visiting if you have half a day to kill in Ayutthaya. This site is very popular with tourists who arrive by tour bus or boat from Bangkok, so it can get a bit crowded. King Prasat Thong had the Chumphon Nikayaram Temple built and later the palace on the island in the lake during his reign from 1630 to 1655. It was a popular country residence for Ayutthaya Kings and later for King Rama IV and V, the later who transformed it to its current state. The palace is surrounded by a 40-m wide lake, and there is also a pretty pavilion in the lake which is a popular subject for photos. The Palace consists of a number of halls and monuments, some of which are closed to the public, but it is an interesting and pleasant stroll amongst the buildings and elephant style gardens. It is open daily from 8.30 m to 3.30 am, and admission is Bt50.


Outside the island itself, this wat is remarkable due to its gothic style, unlike anything else in Thailand. Not suprisingly it was built under the command of King Rama V in 1878.


Operating under the guidance of the Queens SUPPORT Foundation, this centre facilitates the training of novices by Artisans in folk arts and craft. The centre is open for tourists to visit and it makes and interesting distraction from wats. The crafts taught here include: basketry, hand woven silk and cotton, silk dyeing, wood carving, Thai dolls, furniture making and other textile products. There is an annual fair here every January and they also put on a show for the Krathong Festival in November. The centre is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.

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Post time 11-9-2006 01:27 PM | Show all posts
thanks to tipin.. for his priceless info
baru balik dari bangkok minggu lepas
what a journey...
bangkok rules....
puas hati sebab dapat explore satu bangkok perabis..
dapat tgk culture diorangh, tempat bersejarah, monument,grand palace, shopping complex, chatucak, and nightlife...
tempat bersejarah nothing more than wat...
satu tempat yang wajib pegi adelah grand palace + vimanmek mansion.. just 250bath for ticket fees..
jgn lupe naik golden mount.. leh tgk satu bangkok...
not forger pegi la wat arun.. ngan try lah explore chao phraya..
try naik public bus ngan public boat.. so cheap dari naik tuktuk, taxi n mrt.. tapi overall bangkok memang cheap...
shopping.. kalau boleh.. jgn shopping tempat lain selain chatucak.. memang berbaloi.. murah..
hotel.. memang murah gile.. banyak hotel kat area sukhumvit.. siap kolam renang , 2 or 3 star hotel below than 800bath...
nightlife pun best..
try pegi seberapa banyak tempat kalau boleh...jgn lupe pegi chinatown punye area gak..
leh jumpa tempat orang jual pistol openly..
macam2 tempat yang best ar... puas...



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