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Author: fatz

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Feb 20, 2008         
Grandpa gets jail, fine for taking bribes in sham marriage

By Elena Chong, Court Correspondent

A GRANDFATHER who took bribes from a China woman to enter into a sham marriage was jailed for six months and fined $1,600 on Wednesday.

Kwow Ah Loke alias Kwok Pok Loke, 68, who pleaded guilty to five out of 12 charges, was also ordered to pay a penalty of $3,200.

A Community Court heard that he received two payments of $500 each from Ms Li Xuefang, 34, in January and March 2006 to enter into a marriage of convenience with her to enable her to extend her social visit pass.

As his customary marriage to his wife was still valid, he had commited bigamy when he wed Ms Li on Feb 3, 2006.

He was also fined $800 on each of two charges of illegally running two massage parlours at Chun Tin Road, off Jalan Jurong Kechil, and Balestier Road in December and September 2006 respectively.

The offences came to light when Li, who was among 12 women nabbed by anti-vice officers at Lorong 14 Geylang in April 2006, admitted that she had entered into a sham marriage with Kwow so that she could extend her stay in Singapore.

Seven other charges were taken into consideration.

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2008 07:08 AM | Show all posts

Singapura : 21 Februari 2008         

Johari Rahmat

SEMALAMAN Encik Eunos Simen dan keluarganya berteduh di kolong blok selepas flat mereka di Blok 331, Bukit Batok Street 33, musnah dijilat api.

Menceritakan peristiwa Isnin lalu sekitar 4.30 petang itu, pekerja pembersihan tersebut berkata beliau sedang menonton televisyen di ruang tamu sementara anaknya, Nuryunizah, sembilan tahun, sedang membaca buku di bilik.

Lima lagi anaknya dan isteri beliau, Cik Masnizah Sharif, 38 tahun, tiada di rumah.

'Tiba-tiba hati saya tidak senang. Saya terus ke bilik untuk menjenguk anak saya. Terkejut saya apabila melihat lampu tidur di bilik terbakar. Anak saya pula terlelap dan tidak sedar apa yang berlaku,' katanya.

Encik Eunos, 38 tahun, bergegas mengejutkan anaknya itu.

Beliau kemudian menjirus air dari baldi ke atas api. Namun, api semakin marak.

Flat Encik Eunos itu hampir musnah keseluruhannya. Justeru, beliau sekeluarga termasuk dua orang tuanya, Encik Simen Mohd, 68 tahun, dan Cik Halus Sani, 67 tahun, terpaksa berteduh di kolong blok.

Menurut Encik Eunos, jiran-jiran tidak putus-putus menawarkan bantuan sama ada dari segi makanan mahupun pakaian, termasuk mempelawa mereka tinggal bersama buat sementara waktu.

Encik Eunos berkata beliau bersyukur tiada sesiapa yang cedera.

'Kami sekeluarga selamat. Itu yang paling penting. Mujurlah saya ada beli insurans rumah,' katanya.

Semasa dihubungi, jurucakap Lembaga Perumahan dan Pembangunan (HDB) berkata pihaknya diberitahu Encik Eunos bahawa beliau sekeluarga mempunyai perumahan alternatif buat masa ini.

Justeru, kata jurucakap itu, majlis bandaran hanya membantu menyimpan barang-barang Encik Eunos yang dapat diselamatkan.

Kerja pembaikan flat itu kini sedang dijalankan dan dijangka siap dalam masa dua minggu.

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 Author| Post time 21-2-2008 07:09 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 21 Februari 2008         

LANTARAN bimbang, dua orang anaknya dilarang memasak menggunakan tangki gas di flat baru mereka di Jurong West. Ini kerana sebelumnya mereka menggunakan gas daripada paip yang sedia dibekalkan City Gas ke flat-flat.

Kebimbangan Cik Siti Rohani Samad, 41 tahun, menjadi nyata apabila beliau disambar api daripada tangki gas lewat tahun lalu setelah berpindah dua bulan ke flat baru.

Cik Siti Rohani, seorang ibu tunggal, menerima rawatan di Hospital Universiti Nasional (NUH) dan berulang-alik ke poliklinik hingga awal Januari.

Apabila lecuran di kakinya semakin membengkak, beliau terpaksa dirawat di Hospital Besar Singapura (SGH) selama dua minggu sehingga 22 Januari lalu.

Peristiwa itu berlaku sekitar 9 pagi 20 Disember semasa Cik Siti menyiapkan juadah Aidiladha menggunakan tangki gas yang baru dipasang seorang pekerja.

Selepas kira-kira setengah jam, api tiba-tiba bergejolak dan menyambar tangan dan kaki kanannya.

Cik Siti, seorang pembantu kantin, berkata beliau tidak mampu membiayai bil rawatan yang telah meningkat kepada $2,500 itu.

'Saya telah cuba minta ganti rugi daripada syarikat yang terbabit,' ujarnya.

Seorang jurucakap Summit Gas Systems, Cik Alexis Teo, yang membekalkan gas petroleum cecair (LPG), berkata kes tersebut masih disiasat oleh syarikat insurans.

Cik Teo yang dihubungi semalam mendakwa Cik Siti Rohani enggan menukar alat kawal atur (regulator) setelah dinasihati pekerja yang memasang tangki gas itu.

Menurutnya, jika alat yang rosak bukan disebabkan kesilapan syarikat tersebut, Cik Siti mungkin tidak akan menerima pampasan.

Cik Siti juga cuba mendapatkan bantuan Persatuan Pengguna Singapura (Case).

Ketika dihubungi, Case menyatakan kes seperti itu akan dirujuk ke Pusat Penyelesaian Pertikaian Industri Kewangan (FIDReC) yang lebih khusus menimbang tara pertikaian kes dalam perkara dakwaan insurans.

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Singapore ecstatic at winning Youth Olympics bid
Posted: 21 February 2008 1914 hrs

SINGAPORE - Singapore erupted in celebration on Thursday after winning the right to host the inaugural Youth Olympics in 2010, with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong calling it a new era for Southeast Asian sport.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) awarded the Games to the city-state ahead of Moscow by a vote of 53 to 44. It will be the first time that Singapore is hosting a multi-disciplinary sporting event of such a magnitude.

"Friends and fellow Singaporeans, congratulations to all of us," said Mr Lee in front of thousands of cheering supporters wearing red and white, the colours of the national flag.

"It is a great honour and privilege for all of us. It will be the first time that the Olympic flame will be in Southeast Asia and in Singapore.

"We will be the focus of a new era for sporting development for Southeast Asia and Singapore. We worked very hard, it was a national effort, but more than that it was a people effort."

Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth, and Sports, called it "an historic day".

"By choosing Singapore, the IOC has declared that it is possible for small young cities like Singapore to host the Olympic movement," he said.

"On Friday, the hard work begins. I know we will succeed because every Singaporean will go all out to welcome the youth of the world to Singapore in 2010."

Moscow had Russian President Vladimir Putin in its corner, far deeper pockets than Singapore in terms of budget, and long-standing ties with the IOC on its side. But Singapore played its size-is-not-everything card to perfection.

A huge buzz has been generated among Singaporeans, with people from all backgrounds in the nation of 4.5 million people supporting the bid.

Online, they have shown their backing by blogging, chatting on forums, posting videos and setting up websites. And more than 550 companies publicly backed the bid.

The brainchild of IOC chief Jacques Rogge, the Youth Olympics will feature traditional sports such as athletics and swimming, and also some innovative events such as beach-wrestling and BMX bike riding.

Rogge made the announcement himself from the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, ending a process that originally started with nine cities in contention. This was whittled down to Athens, Bangkok, Turin, Singapore and Moscow before it became a two-horse race.

"This is a key moment for the Olympic movement," said Rogge. "Singapore has put together a very exciting project. Hosting the Youth Olympic Games for the first time is a great responsibility, and I have every confidence in the team in Singapore.

"I have no doubt that their professionalism and enthusiasm will be instrumental in the staging of a successful Youth Olympic Games in 2010."

The Games will see 3,500 athletes, aged between 14 and 18, competing in 26 sports.

Singapore is proposing 24 venues, with four being built as temporary facilities, including one large cluster of 13 facilities in its Marina-Kallang area.

The Youth Olympic Village will be located at a new multi-million-dollar student residential complex at the National University of Singapore, slated for completion months before the event.

Singapore is budgeting US$75.5 million to run the Olympics, covering everything from educational and cultural programmes to development of services and transport. The Games will run from August 14-16. - AFP/ir

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Court of Appeal keeps man in detention for alleged overseas crimes
By Chew Wui Lynn, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 21 February 2008 2327 hrs

SINGAPORE: In what appears to be a landmark case, the Court of Appeal has ruled that a man continue to be detained for his alleged crimes committed overseas.

Since September 2005, 50-year-old Wong Sin Yee has been held under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act (CLPTA), which allows for those suspected of criminal activities to be detained without trial.

Wong was arrested by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) in September 2005 for allegedly consuming a controlled drug, and subsequently detained for drug-related activities including trafficking.

Wong was alleged to be the leader of a syndicate that had smuggled the drug from Malaysia to Taiwan and from Malaysia to China via Hong Kong.

His detention without trial was extended repeatedly after several reviews of his case.

The CLPTA gives the Home Affairs Minister the power to detain a person "associated with activities of a criminal nature", and if "it is in the interests of public safety, peace and good order".

But Wong's lawyer, Senior Counsel Jimmy Yim, argued that the Act does not extend to crimes committed outside Singapore.

The Court of Appeal felt otherwise. The judges ruled that the reach of the CLTPA extends beyond Singapore in this case, because the public safety, peace and good order of the country would be affected.

Having lost the appeal, Wong will continue to be behind bars. His case will be reviewed annually by an advisory committee. - CNA/ir

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Analyst sold obscene movies to settle family debts
By Khushwant Singh

TO PAY off family debts of $120,000, Charles Tan Boon Tien started a sideline selling mostly obscene movies.

The 28-year-old business analyst on Thursday pleaded guilty in a district court to dealing in 11 obscene video CDs last year. He also admitted to distributing films without a licence from the Board of Film Censors.

Acting on a tip-off, police arrested Tan on March 27 last year as he was about to post the 11 movies to customers.

In his Woodlands Ring Road flat, which he shares with his parents and grandmother, there were another 1,106 obscene movies and 169 uncensored movies.

District Judge Shaiffudin Saruwan will consider these offences when passing sentence on March 18.

The court was told that Tan advertised on the Yahoo classified website and customers would e-mail him for a list of the movies he offered.

Payment would be via Internet payment or ATM transfer and Tan would post or deliver the movies.

He confessed to duplicating the VCDs on his laptop and desktop computer and admitted that the $13,040 in his bank account were earnings from his illegal activities.

Asking the judge to consider imposing a fine on Tan, his lawyer, Mr Anand Nalachandran, said that a psychiatrist, who treated Tan last June called it 'a sad case of filial piety gone wrong'.

Tan's father was retrenched as a marketing manager in 1999. Unable to find full-time work, the father started a bubble teashop in 2001. It soon failed, incurring a debt of $50,000.

Tan, an only child, who was then studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the National University of Singapore, supported himself by trading in collectible toys and music CDs over the Internet.

By the time he graduated in 2003, Tan had saved $30,000. To earn more, he started selling obscene movies.

By 2005, he had saved $50,000 from his sideline and from his salary as a market research analyst. He settled the debt only to find out that his father's CPF had been depleted and there was now an outstanding housing loan of $70,000.

They were also unable to sell the flat as they had not occupied it for five years.

For distributing obscene films, Tan could be fined $80,000 and jailed for two years. For failing to obtain censorship certificates, he could be fined $40,000 and jailed for a year.

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Maid fell, broke spine while cleaning windows; boss charged

Tan Puay Cheng, charged with failed to provide a safe working environment for her maid by instructed her to clean windows when she slipped and fell from a three storey flat. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

A WOMAN employer was charged in court on Thursday with failing to provide a safe environment for her Indonesian maid.

Tan Puay Cheng, 37, a human resource manager, is said to have instructed Ms Nia Wulandari to clean the inside and outside windows of her third-floor Housing Board flat in Choa Chu Kang by standing on the kitchen sink or using a ladder.

She is said alleged to have done this between Feb 25 and March 16 last year, thus failing to comply with the conditions of the work permit issued.

The 24-year-old foreign domestic worker fell in the early hours on March 16 and broke her spine.

Tan was represented by Mr Irving Choh who asked for an adjournment to make representations.

The case will be mentioned on March 24.

Bail of $4,000 was set.

If convicted, Tan faces a fine of up to $5,000 or a jail term of up to six months or both under the Employment of Foreign Workers Act.

Two years ago, a 37-year-old housewife was jailed two weeks for a negligent act by ordering her 22-year-old Indonesian maid to hang laundry on the ledge of her eighth-floor condominium in December 2003. The maid died as a result.

She was the first employer to be convicted for jeopardising a maid's life by placing her in danger.

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Ice truck thief jailed 2 yrs, banned from driving
By Elena Chong

AN ICE truck thief who led police on a wild-goose chase around the island for about 90 minutes last December was jailed two years and banned from driving for three years on Thursday.

Rajagopal Ramayan, 46, a former patient of the Insitute of Mental Health, was also fined $500 each on two charges - failing to provide his DNA sample and his photographs, finger impression and particulars at Ang Mo Kio police division on Dec 6 last year, a day after his arrest.

The former cabby stole the $10,000 Mitsubishi Canter lorry at a carpark at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 at about 11.15am on Dec 5.

Myanmar driver Wunna Swe, 28, had left the key in the ignition with the engine running when he left to do some delivery nearby.

Rajagopal hopped onto the driver's seat and drove the lorry away. When Mr Wunna Swe saw this, he chased after the lorry but could not catch up. He called his boss, who contacted the police.

About half an hour later, the lorry, fitted with global positioning system, was spotted in Buangkok Green.

Rajagopal was seen driving in a zig-zag manner causing danger to other road users. At one point, he stopped the vehicle in the middle of the road and drove dangerously by swerving from left to right.

Earlier reports said that Rajagopal led police on a 58-km chase from Sengkang to Yio Chu Kang Road. He was finally caught hiding under a vehicle at a ComfortDelgro workshop at Sin Ming Drive.

His assigned lawyer, Mr B. J. Lean, said Rajagopal, who has been suffering from schizophrenia since 2002, was remorseful for what he had done.

He told Community Court Judge Bala Reddy that the latest medical report from IMH showed that he was entirely different from the last time. He was managing well with medication and would benefit from long-term treatment, he added.

Six other traffic-related offences were taken into consideration during sentencing.

Rajagopal has previous convictions for robbery, disorderly behaviour and criminal intimidation. He could have been jailed for up to seven years for motor vehicle theft.

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Post time 22-2-2008 12:57 AM | Show all posts
King OKs Rail Link Between Holy Cities
P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News

JEDDAH, 21 February 2008

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Post time 22-2-2008 01:02 AM | Show all posts
Women Driving Is Not in Conflict With Religion: Scholars
Samir Al-Saadi, Arab News

JEDDAH, 21 February 2008

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Post time 22-2-2008 07:13 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 22 Februari 2008        


Khalid Khamis

RAYUAN seorang lelaki supaya dikurangkan tempoh penjaranya bagi empat tahun lagi kerana merompak dan merogol dua pelacur warga China ditolak Hakim Besar, Encik Chan Sek Keong, semalam.

Pada Ogos lalu, Mohamed Fadzli Abdul Rahim, 28 tahun, setelah mengaku bersalah, dihukum penjara 22 tahun dan 24 kali sebatan oleh Hakim, Encik Tay Yong Kwang.

Peguambela Mohamed Fadzli, Encik Ismail Hamid, tidak dapat meyakinkan tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan - Encik Chan; Encik Andrew Phang dan Encik V.K. Rajah - untuk mengurangkan tempoh hukuman itu.

Encik Chan, yang membacakan keputusan tersebut, berkata:

'Anda sendiri (Encik Ismail) akui hukuman yang dijatuhkan adalah di dalam lingkungan rendah dan memandangkan terlalu banyak faktor yang memberatkan lagi kesalahan, saya tidak bersetuju keputusan oleh hakim adalah terlalu melampau, malah wajar.'

Dalam rayuannya, Encik Ismail cuba meyakinkan hakim bahawa Mohamed Fadzli amat kesal atas perbuatannya dan kecederaan yang dialami mangsa adalah hanya luka ringan dan bukan kecederaan serius.

Mencelah, Encik Rajah berkata walaupun hanya luka ringan, mereka juga mengalami trauma psikologi dan ini tidak boleh dipandang ringan.

Sebelum menggulung hujahnya, Encik Ismail turut berkata Mohamed Fadzli adalah satu-satunya pencari nafkah bagi ibunya dan ketiadaannya mendatangkan masalah.

Bekas penyelia penerbangan itu mengaku bersalah merogol dan merompak dua pelacur warga China berusia 27 tahun dan 36 tahun pada 1 April dan 12 Ogos 2006 bersama lima rakannya.

Mereka memerangkap mangsa dengan helah untuk mendapatkan khidmat seks lalu membawa mereka ke tempat terpencil sebelum membelasah, merompak dan merogol.

Selepas itu, dua wanita tersebut ditinggalkan di kawasan sunyi dekat Nicoll Highway dan Jalan Sam Kongsi di kawasan Tampines dalam keadaan separuh bogel.

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Post time 22-2-2008 07:15 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 22 Februari 2008         


Nadzri Eunos

PERNIKAHAN di masjid bukanlah suatu yang asing. Tetapi pernikahan melibatkan lima pasangan serentak amat luar biasa.

Tetapi itulah yang bakal dianjurkan Masjid Sultan pada Jun ini.

Lima pasangan mempelai bukan sahaja akan dinikahkan secara bergilir di dewan solat utama masjid, malah setiap pasangan juga akan berpeluang 'bersemayam' di lima pelamin yang bakal disediakan di pentas auditorium masjid.

Selain daripada itu, 50 tetamu yang diundang setiap pasangan akan dijamu. Untuk semua itu, setiap pasangan hanya dikenakan bayaran $2,800.

Majlis pada 8 Jun itu difahamkan adalah yang pertama pernah diadakan di Singapura.

Ketika ditemui, pengurus Masjid Sultan, Ustaz Mohd Khair Rahmat, berkata tujuan utama acara itu ialah untuk memasyarakatkan masjid dan berkhidmat kepada masyarakat.

'Kami tidak meraih apa-apa keuntungan kerana majlis ini khusus untuk membantu pasangan yang ingin mengadakan pernikahan yang sederhana.

'Setiap pasangan akan dipadan dengan naib kadi yang tinggal berhampiran dengan mereka agar mereka boleh dijadikan tempat rujukan sekiranya timbul masalah selepas berumah tangga nanti,' kata Ustaz Khair.

Selain daripada pelamin dan jamuan, setiap pasangan juga disediakan dengan sepasang baju pengantin, khidmat jurusolek, jurugambar dan juruvideo.

Ceramah ringkas dan sesi perkongsian oleh pasangan yang berpengalaman juga akan disaji untuk santapan minda mempelai dan para undangan.

Ketika dihubungi, pendaftar Pejabat Pendaftaran Pernikahan Orang Islam (ROMM), Ustaz Syed Ahmad Syed Mohamed, berkata: 'Kami sokong usaha Masjid Sultan kerana ia merupakan usaha masjid untuk mendekati masyarakat dan sebaliknya.'

Sejauh ini, tiga pasangan telah menyatakan minat hendak menyertai majlis yang dianjurkan dengan kerjasama syarikat Vibes International.

Sesiapa yang berminat boleh menghubungi Cik Norsham Ibrahim di talian 6293-4043 atau e-mel, [email protected].

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Post time 22-2-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts

68 buyers, 8 contraband cigarette sellers nabbed in sting operations
Over 2,000 packets of duty unpaid cigarettes were also seized

The total duty and GST for the cigarettes amounted to $17,722. -- PHOTOS: SINGAPORE CUSTOMS

SINGAPORE Customs, continuing its tough enforcement against cigarette smuggling, caught 68 buyers and eight sellers in a two-day sting operations, and seized over 2,000 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes.

The raids were carried out at the Central, Western and Eastern parts of Singapore on Feb 18 and 19, including areas in Tampines, Bedok, Geylang, Changi, Jurong, Boon Lay, and Ang Mo Kio.

Seven of the sellers caught at various locations, such as interchanges, void decks and coffee shops, were Singaporeans. They have been charged in Court. The 68 buyers were fined up to $500 per packet on the spot, said a statement from the Singapore Customs on Friday.

The total duty and GST for the cigarettes amounted to $17,722.

Said Assistant Director-General of Customs (Investigations & Intelligence), Mr Lee Boon Chong on the two-day operations: 'We will continue to mount such island-wide operations as part of our enforcement effort against cigarette smuggling. Our enforcement efforts will be more effective if buyers say no to duty-unpaid cigarettes.'

Singapore Customs will continue to conduct such island-wide operations to flush out duty unpaid cigarette sellers and those who buy them. It also works closely with other enforcement agencies such as the Singapore Police Force and Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to conduct regular sweeps and operations at hotspot areas.

It warns that buying, selling, conveying, delivering, storing, keeping, having in possession or dealing with duty unpaid cigarettes are serious offences under the Customs and GST Acts, carrying stiff penalties.

Convicted offenders can be jailed or fined or both. The vehicles used in the commission of the offence are also liable to forfeiture.

The public are also urged not to buy duty-unpaid cigarettes. Buyers face a minimum composition fine of up to $500 for each packet of cigarettes or prosecution in Court.

Those with information on smuggling activities or evasion of Customs duty or GST can contact the Singapore Customs Intelligence Hotline at 1800-2330000 or e-mail to [email protected].

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Post time 22-2-2008 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Feb 22, 2008         
Illegal sex drugs: 29 more suspected cases

By Lee Hui Chieh

ANOTHER 29 men are suspected to have developed low blood sugar levels after consuming an illegal sexual enhancement drug called Power 1 Walnut, in addition to 10 confirmed cases so far.

A man remains critically ill in hospital after he suffered a stroke, which is most likely linked to taking the drug.

All of the cases were men aged between 30 and 70, and they displayed symptoms of low-blood sugar level.

The Health Science Authority (HSA), giving an update on Friday, said more than 75,000 Power 1 Walnut and other illegal sexual potency pills and tablets, with an estimated street value of $200,000, were seized in three raids in Desker Road and the backlanes of the Petain Road vicinity from Feb 13 to 18.

The drug regulatory body was alerted to Power 1 Walnut about two weeks ago by a doctor who had tended to the first two men whose blood sugar levels dipped after taking the drug.

Made by China company Guangzhou Xinkuaili, Power 1 Walnut supposedly contains herbal ingredients.

But it has also been found to contain drugs controlled under the Poisons Act here - glibenclamide, a prescription drug for diabetes, and sildenafil, which is sold as Viagra.

The HSA is still testing the other drugs seized, but said that it was highly possible that those, too, are adulterated.

The unlicensed sale, possession or import of drugs controlled under the Poisons Act is an offence punishable by a jail term of up to two years or a fine of up to $10,000 or both.

A low blood sugar level, if not treated in time, can result in unconsciousness, fits or even death.

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Post time 22-2-2008 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Feb 22, 2008         

Two workers crushed by toppled crane at NUS worksite

A 60-METRE crane toppled over at a construction site near the National University of Singapore's arts faculty in Kent Ridge, crushing and pinning two workers underneath.

The incident happened at about 2.10 pm on Friday.

Rescuers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) are trying to extricate the two workers.

More details to come.

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Post time 22-2-2008 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Feb 22, 2008         
Indon maid jailed for stealing from employer

AN Indonesian maid was jailed for 12 weeks on Friday for stealing cash and jewellery totalling $4,800 from her employer.

Suratna Kliwon, 27, pleaded guilty to stealing three gold bracelets, two rings, a set of earrings, five necklaces, a locket and cash $200 from Ms Susie Yeow, 46, at a Sin Ming Avenue flat on Jan 4.

Ms Yeow reported to the police on Feb 8, a day after she discovered most of the jewellery missing.

She confronted Suratna at her brother's home and she admitted to the theft.

Investigation showed that Suratna went to Ms Yeow's master bedroom and used her mobile on Jan 4.

On noticing two locked drawers, she used a pair of scissors to force open the top drawer of the wardrobe.

After taking the jewellery, she rearranged all the items to make it appear as if nobody had touched them. She then re-locked the drawer.

She sold the jewellery to unknown persons and gave some away to a friend to sell on her behalf.

She could have been jailed for up to seven years and jailed for the offence.

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Post time 22-2-2008 06:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #195 fatz2's post

3 workers killed by toppled crane at NUS worksite
By Carolyn Quek and Diana Othman

THREE workers were killed when a 72-tonne crane (above) toppled at a construction site near the National University of Singapore's Arts Faculty canteen in Kent Ridge Drive, crushing and pinning two of them underneath. -- ST PHOTO: JOYCE FANG

THREE workers were killed when a 72-tonne crane toppled at a construction site near the National University of Singapore's Arts Faculty canteen in Kent Ridge Drive, crushing and pinning two of them underneath.

Two other workers escaped with minor injuries and were sent to the nearby National University Hospital.

The incident happened at about 2.10 pm on Friday, watched by dozens of shocked NUS students who were having lunch in the canteen.

The falling crane narrowly missed the nearby NUS Business School, and hit some trees just behind a bus-stop where some students were waiting.

Eyewitnesses said the 60-metre crane fell onto the three workers, pinning two of them beneath, on the site where a new five-storey club house for NUS alumnus is being built.

The site is the size of two football fields.

Rescuers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), who received the call at about 2.15 pm, took 45 minutes to extricate the two trapped men - a Malay Singaporean, 47, and an Indian foreign worker, 42.

They had to use hydraulic spreader and airbags to reach the two workers. The third victim was a Chinese national aged 45 years.

Paramedics pronounced the three dead when they arrived.

A number of students who were taking their lunch in the Arts Faculty canteen watched in horror as the crane came toppling down.

One of them, Mr Willy Chia, a fourth year psychology student, 24, said he almost 'froze' when saw the 'crane falling in slow motion.'

'It was just like a scene out of a movie,' said a shocked Mr Chia, who was queuing for his food when the incident happened.

'The crane narrowly missed the Business School when it collapsed, hit some trees behind a bus stop. There was a thunderous noise when the crane hit the ground.'

'As the canteen is on a high point, I could clearly see the whole scene unfolding. It was scary.'

Some 30 students who were in the canteen rushed out to the balcony and saw the crane collapsing into a pile.

Another student, Ms S.L. Zhuo, 20, a second-year Business School undergrad, said she heard a loud bang while she was having a project meeting with a group of classmates in the building. She rushed out to check and found the fallen crane metres away from the school, and several snapped trees near the bus-stop.

Many workers who were at the worksite scrambled for cover when the crane came crushing down.

SCDF described the operation to reach the two trapped workers as 'delicate' as the rescuers had to work through a mess of reinforced steels bars to get to them.

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Post time 22-2-2008 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Inaugural Singapore Airshow sees deals worth US$13.4b clinched
By Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 22 February 2008 2303 hrs

Singapore Airshow 2008

SINGAPORE : The inaugural Singapore Airshow has sealed more than US$13.4 billion worth of trade deals.

The figure fell short of the more than US$15 billion achieved in the last show two years ago, when it was known as the Asian Aerospace.

But the show's organiser says there were also significant investments into Singapore's aviation services and facilities sector.

The daily dazzling air display thrilled more 30,000 trade visitors by close of business day on Friday.

During the four frantic action-packed days of wheeling and dealing, several mega deals were announced by aviation companies at the show.

Aircraft maker Boeing topped the deals in terms of size with an order of 56 Boeing 737 jets by Lion Air worth more than US$4 billion.

Rival aircraft maker Airbus sold 3 of its A380 superjumbo jets to Korean Airlines - a contract worth $900 million.

The organiser says the success of the inaugural Singapore Airshow is not just by the numbers.

In fact it is the ability to ride on the Singapore brand name that has attracted many of the top aviation companies back to Singapore for the next show.

Jimmy Lau, Managing Director of the Singapore Airshow, celebrated his 53rd birthday to cap the last day for trade visitors.

He offered some reasons why he felt the inaugural show was a success.

Mr Lau said: "The first being the number of international overseas delegation that we bring to the show. (Next) the number of top 100 aerospace companies in the world - we have 59 of the top 100 firms. Then the rebooking rate that we have for the 2010 event - we have 70 percent of space taken up."

Besides aircraft sales, Singapore's aviation sector also got a considerable boost.

41 investment agreements were signed, some in the form of setting up maintenance, repair and overhaul, or MRO, facilities.

These investments totalled more than US$2.5 billion.

The Economic Development Board says such investments will enhance Singapore's status as a global aviation hub. - CNA/ch

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Post time 22-2-2008 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Feb 22, 2008         

PM gives $300k from payrise to set up endowment fund

By Jane Ng

TWO new awards will honour outstanding students from two vocational schools and secondary schools with innovative practices in the Normal course.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has contributed $300,000 from his salary increase last year to set up an endowment fund for the awards.

The fund will be built up over the next few years with further contributions to enable the Education Ministry to introduce more awards.

The rest of PM Lee's salary increase - about $200,000 - has been donated to a range of community, grassroots, arts and social welfare organisations.

The Lee Hsien Loong Award for Special Achievement, to be given out from next year, will go to one student each from NorthLight School and Assumption Vocational Institute who have done well to gain entry to the ITE.

The winner must also have a positive attitude towards learning and self-improvement, strong leadership qualities, strength of character and a commitment to community service.

NorthLight School opened last year to take in students who have failed the Primary School Leaving Examinations, while Assumption Vocational Institute prepares students for the Institute of Technical Education.

Each winner will receive an award of $600. But this prize money is not as important as the morale boost it would give the students, said the principals of the two schools.

Assumption's principal Christopher Neo said the school makes a conscious attempt to give awards annually because many of them did not get awards in their previous schools.

These school-based awards are given out for academic, sports, character building and participation based achievements.

Mrs Chua Yen Ching, principal of Northlight School said she likes the community service component which the students have to fulfil as part of the award criteria.

The other award, the Lee Hsien Loong Award for Innovations in the Normal course, will recognise up to two schools each year that have implemented innovative practices that have benefited the Normal Course students.

Their students would also have to excel in academic and non-academic areas. Each winning school will receive a $3,000 award.

In a statement on Friday, PM Lee said one of his top concerns has been to build an inclusive education system to grow and develop students of every ability.

'I wanted to recognise both the students who have persevered and done well, as well as the schools that have paid special attention to these students and found effective ways to help them develop as individuals,' he said.

He hopes the awards will motivate teachers, principals and students.

'If you make the effort, we will help you to do even better, and give you every opportunity to get ahead. In fact, this is the attitude and mindset we want, not just in our schools and students, but throughout our society,' he said.

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Post time 24-2-2008 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Feb 23, 2008         
Geylang fight left one man dead

By Mavis Toh

Police received a call about a fight in Geylang Lorong 10 at about 6.30 am. -- PHOTO: SHIN MIN

A VICIOUS fight in Geylang early Saturday morning left one man dead.

The victim was identified as Mr Seah Boon Lai, 26. He had open wounds on his head and body as well as his arm and leg.

A passer-by said he saw a group fleeing and that the man had blood gushing from a deep head wound.

Police received a call about a fight in Geylang Lorong 10 at about 6.30 am.

Mr Seah was sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital and was pronounced dead shortly after at about 7am.

When The Sunday Times visited the scene on Saturday afternoon, shopkeepers there said they had heard that a man had been murdered.

But noodle seller Francis Fan, 51, said he saw the blood-soaked body lying in front of a coffeeshop at about 6.25am.

Mr Fan, who was riding his motorcycle, slowed down to take a closer look.

He saw five young people - four men and a woman - running away. But they came back later.

'The woman touched his arm but he was already motionless,' said Mr Fan.

Hawker Liang Choy Ying, 44, said her employee also saw the body before police arrived.

'There was a deep cut to his neck,' she said. 'Gang fights are common in Geylang,' she added.

At press time, no suspect had been arrested. The case has been classified as murder.

Anyone with information should call the police hotline on 1800-255-0000.

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