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Author: demonagirl6

Thread of Revenge!: Help Me Pull The Greatest Revenge Ever!!!

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Post time 25-6-2008 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 03:05 PM

so memang benar la kan...klu org tuh cepat panas baran terus nak hentam org...tuh saiko kan..
he is not on drugs..sebab dia tak kuar dari rumah...and he has no money..


tapi ...

yeap...13 y.o is still very budak. and of kos dia tgk his own bro as his 'role model' eventho abg kau tu tahape2...and as a younger bro, i think he yearns for his older bro's acceptance and affection.

tu secara halus kau kenak kasik tarik, bah...jangan sampai dia jadi mcm abang kau! or worse, mangsa abg kau...

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 03:06 PM


betul jugak.. dier takde duit, macam mana nakbeli dadah..

alaahh... mngkin kau takkan mintak tolong abang ko, tapi ko pasti akanmintak tolong parents ko satu hari nnt.. even skarang pon ko masihhidup bawah dorang...

and look, look, your dad is giving u the freedom, and at the same time,he offers his help in your dire times of need. maknanya, dier bagi kausegalanya... dier nak ajar kau macam mana hidup kat luar tuh, life istough, and only the tough gets going. living under your parents shellis not a very tough life now, izzit? dad wants me to suffer
dier nak anak dara dier dok jaoh2 dari rumah
tapi aku nak tido terkangkang sampai ke tengahari...and tunggu mak masak jerk
i don't have to worry about bills, no responsibility and all that $hit
how come my bro bleh wat cam tuh sampai umo 28 and I can't?

Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 03:06 PM
but your brother is the other way round.. maybe skarang kau rasatertekan, tapi sooner or later dier yang rasa tertekan, sbb he didn'thave anything on him. remember, satu hari nnt parents kau pasti akankembali mengadap Allah, and when the time comes, should u do well inKL, then u won't have anything to worry about.. but u'r brother.. heckhe will be in deep trouble, coz he depends on your parents, ya?

klu abg aku depends ngan parents aku..
maksudnya..dier tuh..berdosa ka sebab dia freeload?
but my dad n bro nanti nak buat biz...
he's going to be successful...nanti dia byk duit bagai...tapi sebenarnya semua nih...dari modal bapa..

Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 03:06 PM
nnt dier pasti akan mintak tolong kau jugak, so until that moment comes, all u have now is patients..

tapi kau jangan pegi niat nak balas balik, nnt Tuhan tak tolong kau..kalau Tuhan tak tolong kau, sapa lagi yang bole tolong kau?

just a friendly and loving reminder from me. dun want u to get intotroubles. but the choice is yours. u wanna follow the dark revenge pathor the path that was laid down by prophet Muhammad s.a.w...?

i want to be rich and successful...

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 03:26 PM
uuhhh?? nape dengan orang melanau?

mmg perang punya kaum kaaa?

if i tell you...are you going to use it against me...klu aku chatting ngan engko nanti?

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Post time 25-6-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts

ko x de lebam2 ke dikerjakan abg ko...l
eh dijadikan bahan bukti jgk kan lebam2 tu...

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Post time 25-6-2008 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 03:36 PM

how come my bro bleh wat cam tuh sampai umo 28 and I can't?

i think it is because your father knows that you are capable & better than your brother...mcm mana pun parents la org yg paling kenal siapa kita

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Potpouri at 25-6-2008 03:43 PM

ko x de lebam2 ke dikerjakan abg ko...l
eh dijadikan bahan bukti jgk kan lebam2 tu...

well he's laying low
and tak da aktiviti belasah

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mala0n at 25-6-2008 04:01 PM
i think it is because your father knows that you are capable & better than your brother...mcm mana pun parents la org yg paling kenal siapa kita

oh patut la bapa aku cakap aku pintar ari tuh masa aku counter cakap bapa aku tuh
*kembang idong*

and mak aku salu cakap aku pintar...
sebab aku salu cepat2 lari atas masok bilik aku
escape dari basuh pinggan pas makan
*kembang idong*

[ Last edited by  demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 04:25 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mala0n at 25-6-2008 03:36 PM
yeap...13 y.o is still very budak. and of kos dia tgk his own bro as his 'role model' eventho abg kau tu tahape2...and as a younger bro, i think he yearns for his older bro's acceptance and aff ...

so tell me how..nak tarik dia halus2
sebab adik aku nih...masa ni fasa.."aku nak kawan ngan laki jerk"
i have boobs

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Post time 25-6-2008 04:41 PM | Show all posts
ske aku bace postin ko ni demona... ganazz tp naive..

buat laa aper yg ko nak wat. asalkan tak musnahkan diri ko dan org lain..

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Post time 25-6-2008 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 24-6-2008 12:29 PM

mereka tengok montot aku nih indah...
seolah-olah I shoot rainbows and $hit cotton candy out of my ass...

sebab tuh la mereka rasa nak terjah montot haku..

Gelak guling2 aku baca statement ko nie..cara ko tulis nie sebijik mcm forummer LaydKronik dari forum

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by itamrazali at 25-6-2008 04:47 PM
Gelak guling2 aku baca statement ko nie..cara ko tulis nie sebijik mcm forummer LaydKronik dari forum
nanti aku nak jengok2
ada gak manusia kat dunia nih sama palak otak ngan aku..

[ Last edited by  demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 05:08 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 25-6-2008 04:41 PM
ske aku bace postin ko ni demona... ganazz tp naive..

buat laa aper yg ko nak wat. asalkan tak musnahkan diri ko dan org lain..

tak de la...naive sangat...
contoh klu ada org laki yg aku tak kenal...
dia kuarkan btg pler dia dari zip dia..berjuntaian kuar
dah tuh dia cakap "meh sini adik....meh sini adik...adik nak ice cream abg tak...tapi ice cream ni ada bulu..meh sanggul bulu abg"

mula2 memang la ngangga kejap...heran..kejap jer la..dah tuh lari..
klu ngangga lama sangat nanti habis la kita terkena sumbat bulu pler bagai..
so tak da la aku naive sangat sampai nak pi kat org tuh...

[ Last edited by  demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 06:22 PM ]

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Post time 25-6-2008 05:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 demonagirl6's post


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Post time 25-6-2008 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Teruknyer abg ko tu demon..... xder ke yg cuba nasihatkan dia...

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Post time 25-6-2008 06:13 PM | Show all posts
demonagirl, ckp mala0n tu betul.. maybe mak dan bpk ko tgk ko ni ganaz semacam so diorang percaya la ko leh berdikari. ko pi jela kl. bpk ko dah bg greenlight tu. lg2 bpk ko nk tlg ko bila susah. aku ni punyer la gedik2 nak cabut duk sensorang tp tak leh sbb mak aku tak bg. jeles giler kat ko.hehehehe. pasal adik2 ko tu, ko cal la diorang selalu bila kat kl nanti. sentiasa tanya khabar depa dan nasihat depa.

lama2 adik2 ko akn rasa la kasih syg ko tu... so mereka takkan pi kat abg ko. ko nak selamatkan adik2 ko pun tp... kena selamatkan diri ko dulu... aku takut bila ko dok dgn abg ko, tetiba ko pun nanti jd mcm abg ko gak tanpa ko sedari... selamatkan diri ko dulu..

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Post time 25-6-2008 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 03:36 PM dad wants me to suffer
dier nak anak dara dier dok jaoh2 dari rumah
tapi aku nak tido terkangkang sampai ke tengahari...and tunggu mak masak jerk
i don't have to worry about bills, no responsibility and all that $hit
how come my bro bleh wat cam tuh sampai umo 28 and I can't?

manusia kene bertanggungjawab.. apa yg kau cakap nih, samada kau memang pemalas ataupun kau belum matang...

kau kene belajar berusaha.. bukan dok mengangkang.. like i said.. binatang pon tau cari makan sendiri.. kita manusia kan ada maruah.. belajarlah berdikari..

klu abg aku depends ngan parents aku..
maksudnya..dier tuh..berdosa ka sebab dia freeload?
but my dad n bro nanti nak buat biz...
he's going to be successful...nanti dia byk duit bagai...tapi sebenarnya semua nih...dari modal bapa..

itu hal dia lah.. yang kau pulak, kau usaha lah sendiri.. kau memang spoilt brat ker? yang hanya tau merengek mintak something tapi tak reti nak berusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang kau nak?

i want to be rich and successful...

the path is not all bed of roses, u know.. bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah..

if u wanna be rich and successful, then u have to work you butt up to that level..

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 06:53 PM | Show all posts

Tadi kan...masa aku tengah dok cari aku nyer certificate semua...
aku nyer big bro masok lam bilik...
dah tuh...dia rasa uncomfortable...tengok aku nyer cert course yg aku ikuti byk2 sblm nih..
mesti dia rasa malu sebab adik dia nih sedia nak kerja semua..

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sherkmarch at 25-6-2008 05:25 PM
Teruknyer abg ko tu demon..... xder ke yg cuba nasihatkan dia...

Dia dah tua bangka..
ada susah sikit klu nak nasihat..
dia salu lari pi bilik klu bapak aku tego dia..

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2008 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 06:26 PM
manusia kene bertanggungjawab.. apa yg kau cakap nih, samada kau memang pemalas ataupun kau belum matang...

umm...well...i'm always tired...fatigue..
i'm just scared going back to work..
i'm always weak..and tired...
kekadang..aku tak pat concentrate..

Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 06:26 PM
kau kene belajar berusaha.. bukan dokmengangkang.. like i said.. binatang pon tau cari makan sendiri.. kitamanusia kan ada maruah.. belajarlah berdikari..

actually..aku ni mesti bangun awal...
cos i am prone to infections..
pastuh sambong tido balik..masa tengahari

Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 06:26 PM
ituhal dia lah.. yang kau pulak, kau usaha lah sendiri.. kau memang spoiltbrat ker? yang hanya tau merengek mintak something tapi tak reti nakberusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang kau nak?

well...sometimes...aku mintak something from my dad..
but tak da merengek...

Originally posted by gunblade712 at 25-6-2008 06:26 PM
the path is not all bed of roses, u know.. bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah..
if u wanna be rich and successful, then u have to work you butt up to that level.

aku tau..aku buat pojek sejarah adik aku..
pasal keluarga aku..
my dad dulu org miskin benar...tak da diploma..
but in the end..he end up being successful...without a diploma..
and aku freeload jerk..

tapi at least i have something to start off...
my big bro hidup bawah bapa aku...senang lenang semua..
my big sis..dia sara hidup sendiri..'s just..that..i'm scared..
cos i don't know whether i can survive or not...
and aku tak nak minta tlg klu aku lam kesempitan nanti
cos aku tak nak bapa aku betul...cos i really hate it when he's right! it's annoying..

i want to be right! so that aku nanti
i could have a picnic and dance on my lil toes on my big bro's grave

and aku takut..bapa aku hantar abg aku ke kl nak tunjok aku perlukan abg aku..
dah tuh bapak aku akan throw it back in my face semua yg dia lecture kat aku tuh!
dia nak tunjok abg aku baik semua bagai! baik apa! baik sebab bapa aku yg suroh!
tuh aku tak nak! aku tau plan bapa aku!

rasa2nya partly bapa aku hantar aku ke KL...becos of that

[ Last edited by  demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 10:52 PM ]

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Post time 25-6-2008 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 25-6-2008 05:13 PM

tak de la...naive sangat...
contoh klu ada org laki yg aku tak kenal...
dia kuarkan btg pler dia dari zip dia..berjuntaian kuar
dah tuh dia cakap "meh sini adik....meh sini adik...adik nak ...

.. aku tak lahh pikir ko sampai camtuh... maksud aku ko ni cakap je aper yg ko pikir.. aku ske laaa

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