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 Author| Post time 12-5-2023 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia to Provide S. Korea with New Payment Schedule for Joint Fighter Project in June: DAPA Chief

SACHEON, South Korea (Yonhap) -- Indonesia will provide South Korea with a new timetable for its payments for the joint KF-21 fighter project by late next month, the head of Seoul's state arms procurement agency has said, in a development expected to ease concerns over its unpaid share of the program's costs.

Eom Dong-hwan, minister of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), told reporters of the plan Tuesday, as Indonesia resumed payments for the project last November for the first time in nearly four years.

As a partner country, Indonesia has agreed to shoulder about 20 percent of the project's total cost of 8.8 trillion won (US$6.5 billion). But it had halted payments from January 2019 until its resumption last November, raising questions over its commitment to the advanced warplane development project launched in 2015.

The country is estimated to have over 800 billion won in unpaid amount for the project scheduled for initial completion by 2026.

"(Indonesia) has promised to notify South Korea of its payment plan for the remaining amount by late June," Eom said during a media event at the headquarters of Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft maker, in Sacheon, 437 kilometers south of Seoul.

"In order to ensure the payment plan proceeds normally next month, our project chief is scheduled to visit Indonesia soon for talks with high-level defense officials on its details," he added.

Eom acknowledged the financial burden Indonesia is likely to face considering the project's deadline, but noted that the country made a payment of around 40 billion won in late February.

"We plan to manage such issues so that it does not disrupt the KF-21's development," he said.

During Tuesday's event, reporters were given close looks at KAI's fighter jets, including a demonstration of a KF-21 prototype being equipped with mock air-to-air missiles.

A group of engineers swiftly fastened two dummy air-to-air missiles -- a beyond-visual-range Meteor and a short-range AIM-2000 -- on prototype No. 1 parked at a hangar just minutes away from the company's assembly lines.

Since the KF-21's maiden flight in July last year, South Korea has staged over 200 test flights with four prototypes and the aircraft has achieved supersonic speeds and has staged armament tests.

"Guided launches (for the missiles) are scheduled to take place in the second half of 2025," Cha Myung-su, a senior test pilot at KAI, told reporters.

The fifth KF-21 prototype will make its first flight next week and the sixth one by the end of next month, according to KAI officials.

DAPA plans to stage some 2,000 test flights in total with the six prototypes by 2026.

On the back of the steady progress, DAPA seeks to sign a mass production contract for the aircraft next year, with Eom vowing to swiftly complete a "provisional" combat suitability test for the aircraft as part of efforts to finalize the mass production plan.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2023 10:21 PM | Show all posts
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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 06:57 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 07:00 PM | Show all posts
KRI Halasan (630), KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat (992), Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL), and KN Sarotama (P112), Indonesian Sea and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP) Transits the Singapore Strait.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Prajurit Batalyon Arhanud 10/ABC melaksanakan kegiatan sinkronisasi Rudal Mistral Atlas.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Tim Har Yonarhanud 15/DBY dan PT Cipta melaksanakan pemeliharaan dan perawatan Alutsista Starstreak serta Radar CM 200 di Batalyon Arhanud 15/DBY

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 10:43 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Informasi beredar, tahun ini Mirage 2000 pesanan Kemhan akan tiba di Indonesia.

Bulan Juli atau Agustus mendatang (2023), Mirage 2000 akan segera tiba di Indonesia.

Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto telah menyatakan bahwa Indonesia akan mengakuisisi Jet Tempur Mirage 2000, selain mengakuisisi Rafale dari Prancis dan F-15 dari Amerika Serikat.

Prabowo menyampaikan hal itu saat berpidato pada Reuni Akbar dan Halal Bihalal Purnawirawan Pejuang Indonesia Raya (PPIR) di Jogja Expo Center (JEC), Yogyakarta pada 3 Mei 2023. Prabowo sendiri, selain menjabat Menhan RI dan Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra saat ini, juga adalah Ketua Dewan Pembina PPIR.

Terkait dengan Mirage 2000 ini, Jakarta berkeinginan untuk mengakuisisi 12 Mirage 2000-5 bekas pakai Angkatan Udara Qatar.

Alokasi anggaran untuk pembelian Mirage 2000 bekas pakai ini bahkan telah disetujui oleh Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) RI melalui Pinjaman Luar Negeri (PLN) sebesar 3,9 miliar dolar AS untuk tiga proposal terpisah yang telah diajukan guna mempertahankan kemampuan tempur TNI Angkatan Udara, seperti diwartakan pada November 2022.

Sementara itu, TNI Angkatan Udara sendiri sedang berupaya meningkatkan kesiapan pesawat Hawk 100/200. Tipe pesawat ini dioperasikan oleh Skadron Udara 1 di Lanud Supadio, Pontianak dan Skadron Udara 12 di Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru.

Apakah kedatangan Mirage 2000 ini adalah untuk segera mengisi Skadron Udara 1 di Pontianak yang mengoperasikan Hawk 100/200?

Airspace Review (AR) pernah memberitakan bahwa Hawk 100/200 rencananya akan dikumpulkan di satu skadron, yaitu Skadron Udara 12 di Pekanbaru, Riau. Sementara Skadron Udara 1 selanjutnya akan diisi oleh pesawat tipe baru.

Kini informasi yang beredar di ranah publik, pada bulan Juli atau Agustus mendatang (2023), Mirage 2000 akan segera tiba di Indonesia.

Namun sepengetahuan AR, di TNI AU sendiri belum ada informasi mengenai pelatihan penerbang maupun teknisi untuk mengoperasikan dan merawat pesawat tipe baru untuk TNI AU, yaitu Mirage 2000.

Lazimnya, beberapa bulan sebelum kedatangan pesawat baru, TNI AU akan mengirimkan personelnya untuk pelatihan pesawat tipe baru tersebut.

Mengoperasikan pesawat tipe baru tentu membutuhkan persiapan yang menyeluruh terkait skadron operasional, skadron teknik, hingga ke depo pemeliharaannya.

Kita tunggu, apakah memang akan ada kejutan di tahun ini dengan datangnya armada Mirage 2000?


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 Author| Post time 13-5-2023 11:43 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2023 03:17 PM | Show all posts
DislitbangAD Gelar Uji Coba (Sertifikasi) Munisi Kaliber 155 mm Produk Expal Systems

Jakarta – Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AD Gelar Uji Coba Sertifikasi Munisi Kaliber 155 MM Produk Expal Systems Spanyol untuk Meriam Caesar Yang Diajukan Oleh PT Expalindo Sukses Pratama di Lapangan Tembak Sub Lab Uji Laboratorium Dislitbangad, Ambal, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (11/05/2023).

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2023 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Penerbang Uji TNI AU Sukses Terbang Perdana KFX/IFX-21 Boramae.

Seorang penerbang tempur sekaligus penerbang uji TNI AU,  Kolonel Pnb Muhammad "Mammoth" Sugiyanto telah sukses melaksanakan penerbangan uji perdana pesawat KFX/IFX-21"Boramae" produksi nomer 4 yang merupakan pesawat kursi ganda (tandem) bertempat di Pangkalan Udara Sacheon, Korsel, Selasa (16/5/2023).

Penerbangan tandem ini diawaki oleh Penerbang Uji Jim Tae Bom dari KAI (front seat) dan Kolonel Pnb Muhammad Sugiyanto (backseat) untuk menguji sistem Communication, Navigation and Identification (CNI-1) & Core Avionics, Penerbangan berlangsung pada pukul 10.35 s.d. 11.34 Korea Standard Time di Area South of Sacheon AFB. Bertindak sebagai pesawat Chaser (pengawal) adalah sebuah pesawat F-16 ROKAF.

Kolonel Pnb Muhammad "Mammoth" Sugiyanto adalah alumnus AAU tahun 2000 dan Sekbang LXIV, penerbang Pesawat Hawk 100/200 Skadron Udara 1 Lanud Supadio.

Mammoth bersama Letkol Pnb Ferrel "Venom" Rigonald, MMOAS., adalah dua penerbang TNI AU yang bertugas sebagai Test Pilot Pesawat KFX/IFX-21 Boramae.

Penerbangan tandem ini juga mengawali penerbangan perdana prototype 5 (single seat) yaitu tipe yang akan digunakan oleh TNI AU.  Untuk itu pada hari yang sama telah dilaksanakan penerbangan perdana prototype nomor 5, oleh Test Pilot dari ROKAF. Pesawat inilah yang akan diserahkan kepada RI pada fase terakhir di 2026.

Setelah penerbangan ini dilanjutkan dengan congratulation party pada sore harinya, bersama-sama perwakilan dari KAI dan PTDI.

Semoga program pembuatan pesawat tempur masa  depan Indonesia- Korsel ini sukses, selain agar mampu menguasai teknologi kunci pembuatan pesawat tempur juga memperkuat TNI AU untuk menjadi Angkatan Udara yang disegani di Kawasan.

Prototipe Kelima KF-21 Boramae untuk Indonesia Sukses Melakukan Terbang Perdana

Prototipe kelima KF-21 Boramae untuk Indonesia yang diterbangkan oleh pilot uji Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) berhasil menyelesaikan penerbangan perdananya pada 16 Mei 2023.

KF-21 005 adalah prototipe kursi tunggal terakhir dan terbang selama 45 menit. Penerbangan terbaru ini hadir 10 bulan setelah prototipe KF-21 Boramae pertama menyelesaikan penerbangan perdananya pada 19 Juli 2022.

Prototipe KF-21 telah melakukan lebih dari 200 uji penerbangan sejak Juli dan akan melakukan lebih dari 2.200 total uji penerbangan individu pada tahun 2026. Prototipe keenam, versi dua kursi yang kedua, akan melakukan penerbangan perdananya bulan depan.

Pada 15 Mei 2023, Defense Acquisition Program Administration  (DAPA) menerbitkan sertifikat pendahuluan bagi KF-21 Boramae sebagai resmi "combat ready" 6 bulan lebih cepat dari jadwal karena kemajuan pengujian yang lancar. KF-21 akan menjalani produksi serial pada tahun 2024 dan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2026. ... kcFRmqrrHuaUARxUU1l

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2023 01:54 PM | Show all posts
TNI AD Akan Kembangkan Pusat Latihan Tempur di Baturaja Untuk Latihan Perang Multi Dimensi

TNI Angkatan Darat (AD) akan mengembangkan pusat latihan tempur (puslatpur) di Baturaja, Lampung Barat, Lampung.

Hal itu diungkapkan Kepala Staf TNI AD (KSAD) Jenderal Dudung Abdurachman saat menerima kunjungan Chief of Staff of US Army atau Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat AS General James Charles McConville di Mabesad, Jakarta, Jumat (12/5/2023).

“TNI AD akan mengembangkan pusat latihan tempur TNI AD di Baturaja, yang juga menjadi daerah latihan besama (latma) Garuda Shield antara TNI AD dan US Army,” kata Dudung, dikutip dari siaran pers Dispenad, Senin (15/5/2023).


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 Author| Post time 18-5-2023 07:59 PM | Show all posts
Latihan Weapon Delivery (WD) Semester I T.A. 2023 EC-725 Caracal

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2023 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Training Yonarhanud 14/PWY 2023 dari British Army, PT. CIPTA dan PT. THALES.

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2023 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 18-5-2023 09:48 PM

Indonesian pilot Boarded Korean-made KF-21 4 for the first time today

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Seung-wook Park Soo-yoon = It was confirmed that a pilot from Indonesia, a co-developer of the Korean supersonic fighter KF-21 (Boramae), boarded prototype 4 for the first time on the 16th.

A military source said that an Indonesian pilot participated for the first time in the test flight of the KF-21 prototype No. 4, which took place at the 3rd Training Wing in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province, on the afternoon of the same day.

Unlike the previous prototype, which was a single-seat aircraft, the prototype No. 4 is a two-seat aircraft with a cockpit divided into front and rear seats, allowing two pilots to board.

In this test flight, a Korean pilot held the steering wheel while an Indonesian pilot sat in the rear seat. Prototype 4 made its first flight on February 20th.

An Indonesian official posted a photo and a post on social media that day, revealing that "An Indonesian Air Force test pilot flew the first KF-21/IF-X Boramae today." IF-X is the Indonesian name for KF-21.

A military official said, "According to the agreement between the two countries, Indonesian pilots dispatched to Korea are supposed to participate in some flight training."

Maiden flight of KF-21 Boramae 5th prototype.


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 Author| Post time 18-5-2023 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 18-5-2023 09:32 PM

Indonesian Navy Commissions 2 KCR-60M Fast Attack Craft.
2 KCR Ini Akan Bergabung dengan Satuan Kapal Cepat KOARMADA 3.

Both ships are armed with BAE Systems’ Bofors 57mm Mk3 Gun, 2x 20mm gun, radars, ESM, and Terma C-Guard Decoy Launching System. During the ceremony, KRI Kapak was equipped with a 4x surface-to-surface Missile (SSM) launcher (which likely will be loaded with Exocet MM40). Their combat management systems (CMS) were also supplied by Terma. With these weapons and sensors, it is claimed that the ships could perform anti-surface warfare, anti-air warfare, electronic warfare, and naval gunfire support.
Even though PT PAL has yet to receive new KCR orders from the Ministry of Defence, the shipyard stated that it has prepared the KCR Next Generation design that offers a more flexible hull shape, more advanced radar protection, and a maximum speed of 40 knots to better support naval hit and run tactics.

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) commissioned its fifth and sixth KCR-60M (Kapal Cepat Rudal-60 Metre) Fast Attack Craft (FAC) in a ceremony held Tuesday, May 17, in Surabaya City, East Java. The contract for both ships was signed in 2019 and, despite the pandemic, the construction began in the same year.

The vessels, named KRI Kapak (625) and KRI Panah (626), were built by the state-owned shipyard, PT PAL Indonesia, which has previously delivered four KCR-60M in two batches (2014 and 2019). According to PT PAL, this third batch of KCR-60M comes with several improvements, including in terms of the overall design, hull stability, and a better space/compartment arrangement.

Kaharuddin Djenod, CEO of PT PAL, said that the contract of this latest batch of KCR-60M differs from the previous ones because since the beginning it includes the installation and integration of both ships’ weapons systems. Several months before the commissioning ceremony, KRI Kapak and KRI Panah underwent successful harbour acceptance, sea acceptance, and live-fire tests, as well as commodore inspections.

Both ships are armed with BAE Systems’ Bofors 57mm Mk3 Gun, 2x 20mm gun, radars, ESM, and Terma C-Guard Decoy Launching System. During the ceremony, KRI Kapak was equipped with a 4x surface-to-surface Missile (SSM) launcher (which likely will be loaded with Exocet MM40). Their combat management systems (CMS) were also supplied by Terma. With these weapons and sensors, it is claimed that the ships could perform anti-surface warfare, anti-air warfare, electronic warfare, and naval gunfire support.

Additionally, a small boat can be deployed or recovered using one of the two telescopic cranes installed on their sterns. The KCR-60M is powered by two 3,900 KW (5,230 bhp) diesel engines. Although originally it was only targeted to have a maximum speed of 28 knots, both ships could achieve speeds of 30 knots during the sea acceptance tests carried out in December 2022 and January 2023.

Attending the ceremony, Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Ali, stated that the construction of both warships is part of an effort to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign arms imports and supplies. To note, in 2021, PT PAL announced that the KCR’s domestic component rate (TKDN) has reached 68% in terms of quantity and 35.27% in terms of value. Moreover, TNI AL stated that KRI Kapak and KRI Panah will be assigned to the 3rd Fleet Command to strengthen Indonesia’s eastern regions.

Even though PT PAL has yet to receive new KCR orders from the Ministry of Defence, the shipyard stated that it has prepared the KCR Next Generation design that offers a more flexible hull shape, more advanced radar protection, and a maximum speed of 40 knots to better support naval hit and run tactics.

PT PAL actively promoted the KCR-60M series to the international market. For instance, earlier this month, one of the KCR-60M Batch I, KRI Halasan (630), visited Changi Naval Base to take part in the IMDEX Asia 2023. KRI Halasan and KRI Kerambit (627), the latter of which is the only Batch II KCR-60M ship, will also attend the 2023 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) in Malaysia from May 23 to 27.

KCR-60M Batch III specifications:
– Length Overall (LOA): 60 meters
– Width: 8:10 meters
– Height: 4.85 meters
– Displacement: 500 tons
– Maximum speed (full load): 30 knots
– Cruising Speed 20 knots
– Operational range: 2,400 NM at cruising speed
– Endurance: Five days
– Accommodation: 55 people ... -fast-attack-craft/


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 Author| Post time 21-5-2023 07:05 PM | Show all posts
KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (FFG-332), Indonesian Navy, Sails into Changi Naval Base prior to IMDEX Asia 2023

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2023 07:09 PM | Show all posts

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