k laa...iolss nk out dluk.....not feeling well...makin terok...aduyaii...
aniweii...kalau ad warga istana yg terasa ati...iolss ckap sal KIMCy..iolss nk mintk maaf bebnyk....from now....i'll never talk bout STACY anymore melainkan tuk pomot JC or CORNETTO....iolsss tau xsumenya suka KIMCy....again...im sorry...
sara1910 Post at 7-2-2011 13:08
hurm..betul ke kita dah tak boleh cakap pasal kimcy? i thought stacy is a part of akim,and akim is a part of stacy...kite cuma borak2 ringan je...yg chatting pun dlm 5 org je,memeriahkan istana..kdg2 ahli stacy yg dtg memeriahkan dgn gambar2..diorang pun selalu cakap pasal akim kat thread diorang...it's just for fun je.. i thought we're suppose to be happy and talk about anything,as long as akim ada sekali..memangla kadang2 ada tersasar ke benda lain,tapi bukan selalu..n kite cepat2 come to akim..We didn't know that it would offend anyone..anyway,i'm sorry too if we talk to much about kimcy...i feel sad right now..:cry: