Reply aishahahmad
akak x call sy pn? hihihi....sbb aritu sy busy sgt2. x sempat nak call ...
bdk2 Post at 2-8-2011 14:22 
laaaaa .. kene call yek ... ?? !!takpe2, FM tu ada lagi ..
ada nak gi travel memana awal nov, boleh jupe kat epot .. |
I akan naik AAX ke NZ sept ni. In CHC 4/9 out CHC 17/9.
Ni nak minta pandangan kawan2 kalau nak cover North + South Island sekali macamana yek.
Cadangnya sampai CHC, ambik domestic flight ke Auckland & then drive ke Rotorua & Taupo. Then naik overlander ke Wellington (ok ke ni), then flight ke CHC semula.
Following week drive south dari CHC-Dunedin-Milfoud Sound-CHC.
Ok ke jadual cam ni? Pergi berdua suami isteri. |
Reply 154# leni
sabar ye...sibuk skit sbb balik kampung sambut posa |
Reply 183# bdk2
bro...during ur vacation ritu...accommodations u booked upfront ke atau gamble jer redah masa hari nk overnite tu?..i tgh gigih mencari accommodation ni bro... |
Reply 181# mieciput
kalau saya mmg dah puas hati sangat...dapat cover north and south sekali gus.... |
Post Last Edit by mypleasure at 3-8-2011 14:55
I akan naik AAX ke NZ sept ni. In CHC 4/9 out CHC 17/9.
Ni nak minta pandangan kawan2 kalau nak cov ...
mieciput Post at 3-8-2011 14:18 
bdk2 - i quote itinerary mieciput....roadtour yang mieciput plan utk south island ni, laluan dia x sama mcm itinerary u kan bro?..mieciput, thanks beb for the rough idea... |
Reply 186# mypleasure
yg terdekat ni dah selesai ke??... |
Reply 184# mypleasure
semua accom sy booked upfront. except yg kat auckland which is last day kat NZ. gamble je call pagi sblom smpai sana...nasibbaik ade vacancy. plus winter is low season...
since u pegi summer, i rse better book upfront. jgn bwt main2..kang tdo tepi jalan kang.  |
Reply 183# bdk2
patutlah selalu nampak kat sana..... |
Reply 187# poknen
poknen..hahahah..belum tul2 selesai la bro...hotel dh confirmed, makan lum confirmed lg nk g mana nnt masih gigih mencari info, travel pun nnt 'underground' jer..kakct pun sy lum sempat pm (terlupa dok concentrate bagai kat NZ ni sbb terasa adventurous...erkkk )..tadi terigt nk jengah rumah tu jap nk tanya pasal visa application tapi x sempat la pulok...dh contact member kat TA dia suh dtg sabtu ni hantar passport n bawa 2 keping gambo paspot... |
Reply 190# mieciput
thanks url tu beb...x pe dont worry kat sini ramai otai NZ..insyaAllah depa leh share the thoughts..klo x silap ade 2 jalan berbeza ke QTN dari CHC kan?...otai2 tolong share yer...tang-queue |
Reply 183# bdk2
bro..i've been there nov 2010...believe me SK is really amazing...love the people, cultures n traditions, tourist attractions n etc...sure u mesti enjoy the trip nnt.. |
Reply 188# bdk2
i masih lagi study roadtour nk ke QTN dari CHC whether nk ikut totally u punya roadtour atau roadtour yg mieciput mentioned tu...for sure i mg x nak miss milford sound lake/river cruise bro....that's the reason for being late to make the booking bro...atau nnt someday leh arrange nk plan dok discuss itinerary gn u kot f2f |
Reply 193# mypleasure
thanks bro. hopefully, approvela cutiku. cz time tu mmg time peak utk weols. huhuhu...
bestnyaaa nk g nz....rindulak. |
Reply bdk2
i masih lagi study roadtour nk ke QTN dari CHC whether nk ikut totally u punya roadt ...
mypleasure Post at 3-8-2011 17:03 
boleh je kalo nk jmpe face2face utk diskus. i lg semangat!!! hahaha....i duk area damansara @ pj.
insyaALLAH, kalo dh set date nk jmpe bila, blh dtg jmpe...no hal. i bwk semua perkakas @ notes2 yg i dh bwt awal2. kasik tunjuk. no worries....gmbr pn blh tunjuk skali kalo nak. dalam 6000+++ keping. |
I akan naik AAX ke NZ sept ni. In CHC 4/9 out CHC 17/9.
Ni nak minta pandangan kawan2 kalau nak cov ...
mieciput Post at 3-8-2011 14:18 
Your timing ni dekat nak sama dengan my timing. Saya pergi insyaallah 5/9 ke 19/9 dan saya cover both North and South island. Kalau nak ikutkan rushing, tapi sebab my husband dulu study kat Hamilton, so we still pergi juga lah ke North sebab dia nak visit univ lama dia.
Pada saya agak rushing, tapi terpulang lah kan. Our itinerary [yg sangat rushing ni ] is :
6/9 : landed in Christchurch, then take a domestic flight to Auckland. Overnight @ Auckland
7/9 : take a car, petang go to Hamilton. We won't cover Auckland that much coz my husband said tak ada apa kat sana. Overnight at Hamilton
8/9 : Hamilton - I think kat sini tak ada apa sangat, just that my husband nak visit his univ and go down memory lane. Overnight Hamilton lagi.
9/9 : Hamilton - Waitomo Caves - Rotorua. Overnight @ Rotorua for geothermal experience
10/9 : Pagi kat Rotorua, late evening will drive to Taupo. Overnight Taupo
11/9 : Very pack - because will drive Taupo - Wellington (and in the middle singgah kejap kat Palmerston North visit kawan). Overnight Wellington
12/9 : We don't plan to tour Wellington, again because my husband tak suka tempat ni . So pagi we will take interislander ferry to Picton. Then from Picton drive to Kaikoura. Overnight at Kaikoura
13/9 : Kaikoura pagi, then petang off to Christchurch. Overnight kat Christchurch
14/9 : Currently our booking of accomodation is still kat Christchurch. Plan asalnya nak stay sini and perhaps visit Akaroa as well. Tapi we might tukar last minute and overnight at Lake Tekapo instead 
15/9 : Current booking, is from Christchurch to Queenstown. In the middle will stop by Wanaka. Overnight Queenstown
16/9 : Queenstown. Will also visit Arrowtown. Overnight Queenstown again.
17/9 : Queenstown - Milford Sound - Queenstown. Overnight Queenstown.
18/9 : Pagi kat Queenstown. Petang will take domestic flight to Christchurch to board our flight back to M'sia early morning.
Sangat-sangat rushing . But because I've already planned to come back again April next year and just visit South, then takpe lah. |
Reply 161# mypleasure
Kami gi mid june, early winter hari tu..masa kat mt cook cuaca sunny dan nyaman..
Mt cook ni lepas lake tekapo, around lake pukaki..kena drive masuk junction about 1 hr dari jln chc-qtn..
Kami pon gi 9hari...sempat jugak singgah kat situ |
xy2...tq for sharing yr photo.....really appreciate it....
Leni ingat nk naik heli juga ...
leni Post at 30-7-2011 18:20 
pasal heli ride tu, Leni bole refer kat sini http://www.helicopter.co.nz/mtcook.asp
kami ambik yg 30 mins..dpt discount skt sebab bukan peak period..naik 5 org including pilot..
view mmg cantik sungguh dari atas & ada snow landing kat atas gunung tu.. |
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