Originally posted by nenektua at 4-1-2007 07:59 AM
tu tahu bila tu...
gila lama aku tengok setem2 tu
tahun2 sebelum merdeka dan selepas merdeka....ada yg tahun 1949...
masa tu malaysia still guna malaya... |
Reply #177 captain_scubby's post
aritu masa pi kat pertama tu, aku tengok ada banyak setem2 camni...
tahun yang guna malaya tu...
lagi...lagi gambarnya |
Originally posted by nenektua at 4-1-2007 09:45 AM
aritu masa pi kat pertama tu, aku tengok ada banyak setem2 camni...
tahun yang guna malaya tu...
lagi...lagi gambarnya
sabarlah sayang....internet slow bangat..aku nak upload gambar tak boleh....hishhh..... |
Originally posted by captain_scubby at 4-1-2007 10:07 AM
sabarlah sayang....internet slow bangat..aku nak upload gambar tak boleh....hishhh.....
ala apa sayang2 ni..malu i tau....:malu::malu:
tergugat ketuaan nenek ni |
Originally posted by nenektua at 4-1-2007 11:11 AM
ala apa sayang2 ni..malu i tau....:malu::malu:
tergugat ketuaan nenek ni
hehe...tak salahkan kite semua saling menyayangi....:love:
kena tanamkan budaya sayang-menyayangi ni...
baru hidup tak berperang....tapi jgn over sayang dahlah...
nanti ada org datang serang...muahaaaha.. |
ye la aku nak upload gambar pun xleh.. |
Originally posted by captain_scubby at 4-1-2007 11:40 AM
hehe...tak salahkan kite semua saling menyayangi....:love:
kena tanamkan budaya sayang-menyayangi ni...
baru hidup tak berperang....tapi jgn over sayang dahlah...
nanti ada org datang serang.. ...
haah...sebab tu ada kempen sayang ni kat bukit jalil.
kadang-kadang sebab sayang pon bleh berperang... :hmm: |
Originally posted by captain_scubby at 27-12-2006 11:34 AM
yang ni stamp hari kemerdekaan 31 ogos 1957.....
kite ada satu jer..sorilah..gambar blurrr....
attee, wehh!!!
ni yg clear punya...
Originally posted by nenektua at 4-1-2007 07:59 AM
tu tahu bila tu...
gila lama aku tengok setem2 tu
Woih Nenek Tua! Aku declare sumer stem ko tu sebagai aku punyer tau!! Hehe! So, kamera ko dah idup balik!
Kamera dah kong for good kot!
Tak balas pon SMS aku..Cheh! |
[quote]Originally posted by spitfire007 at 5-1-2007 12:58 AM
:tq::tq::clap::clap: |
En. Faisal
Besar collection tu.. |
Reply #184 spitfire007's post
wahhh banyak lagi rupanya setem pramlee tu. aku baru dpt satu je.. hehehe |
Originally posted by ipes2 at 5-1-2007 01:29 AM
Woih Nenek Tua! Aku declare sumer stem ko tu sebagai aku punyer tau!! Hehe! So, kamera ko dah idup balik!
Kamera dah kong for good kot!
Tak balas pon SMS aku..Cheh!
woiihh suka suka hati je nak declare seme tu ko punya. nanti aku tengah pikir berapa aku nak caj utk sekeping tu.
aku dah setelkan keje ko dengan jaya dan cemerlang. bagus tak aku? :jeling: |

[ Last edited by rileks at 8-1-2007 09:55 AM ] |
aku pengumpul thematic stamp... comel tak kucin aku.. :pmuka:
[ Last edited by rileks at 8-1-2007 09:59 AM ] |

antara shape stamp yg aku ade...
[ Last edited by rileks at 8-1-2007 10:06 AM ] |
Utk pengetahuan kpd yg baru menceburi hobi nih
**antara terma-terma yg biasa collector guna**
ADHESIVES: Term used to describe stamps that have gum on the back which are intended to be stuck on articles to be posted.
AEROPHILATLEY/ AIRMAIL: The collecting of anything to do with mail carried by air. Stamp, covers etc.
APPROVALS: A selection of stamps sent by a dealer for you approval. You pick the ones you want to purchase and return with payment those you have kept.
BLOCK: A term used to describe a block of at least four intact stamps. Still joined.
BOOKLET STAMPS: These are usually special printings, making it easier for the printer to make the books up. Most TETE BECHE stamps come from these sheets. Sometimes the booklet stamps have one or two sides IMPERF. (no perforations).
CACHETS: Impressions made on an envelope other than the postmark itself. These marks are frequently added to covers to commemorate special occasions. Like first flight or exhibition. These are not postmarks.
CANCELLATION: A mark applied by the post Office to cancel the stamp (POSTMARK). So the stamp can not be used again for postage.
C.T.O. CANCELLED TO ORDER: Stamps where the postmark has been applied by the Issuing government in sheets, making them appear to have been used through the post. Frequently the postmark is printed at the same time as the stamps! Many thematic stamps come like this.
COIL STAMPS: These are stamps are joined together in a large reel, being used in slot machines at Post Offices. On single stamps these coil stamps are very difficult to distinguish. Sweden & USA coil stamps come with 2 sides imperf. Some issues are numbered.
COLOURS: An important feature of stamp collecting. Most catalogues list differences in shades and colours of the same stamp. You will find a colour guide issued for the purpose of identifying stamp colours a great help. But remember the light you view with will alter the colour seen. View in daylight if possible. Where a catalogue lists colours as RED & YELLOW, these would be the colours used to print the stamp. If it is listed as RED/YELLOW the yellow usually refers to the colour of the paper.
COMB PERFORATION: A method of perforating stamps in which whole rows of stamps are perforated both vertically and horizontally in one operation. Stamps perforated by this method can easily be spotted by the fact that the perforation holes meet in a regular pattern at all four corners of the stamp (see line perforation also).
COMMEMORATIVE STAMPS: Are those issued to mark some special event or anniversary; they are often larger than regular issues, and are usually on sale for only a limited period.
CYLINDER BLOCK: Where a block of stamps with attached sheet margin, that also contains the printers cylinder numbers. When a printers replace a printing cylinder, the cylinder number is normally changed as well.
[ Last edited by rileks at 8-1-2007 10:21 AM ] |
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