chekshu posted on 19-11-2012 03:03 PM
lee suja
tq for reminding......mmg langsung x perasan nme suja ni. kekekeke
pcyduck posted on 19-11-2012 02:54 PM
UTW sempat dpt didikan kejam dr PD Na...tu yg kejam skit tuh...cepat2 die rampas pen bile member s ...
kannn??? da la kira countdown laju. lps tu xleh bg mase lebih sketttt pun. iskk...joowon tu ntah ape dilukisnye
chekshu posted on 19-11-2012 03:03 PM
lee suja
akak, org ada nk tny soklan. walaupun sbnrnya jwpn dia blh jumpa kt rmh lama, tp rasanya cam x termampu nk back log blk la. hehe! nk tau psl apa mc mong dgn hodong kena keluar dr 1n2d dulu. pastu dh episode ke brp yg dorg kena keluar tuh? pastu dorg sambung blk ke 1n2d ni or abis kt situ terus je? btw, sapa2 yg lain nk jwb pun dipersilakan la ye. sbb org jumpa article ni td.
PD Na Young Suk recently shared his thoughts about former ’1 Night 2 Days‘ (‘1N2D‘) members, Kang Ho Dong and MC Mong. PD Na will step down from his position on February 26th. Prior to that, he held a in-depth interview with OSEN, who asked for his feelings about the members on his team. PD Na revealed, “The members that I feel for the most are Kang Ho Dong and MC Mong.” He continued, “It’s because these two are currently in the worst situations. When we went on the trip for the ‘Korean’s Winter Dining Table’ concept, I remember the words from the lady who cooked sweet potato porridge. She said, “Well off sons are sons of the nation, the sons with debt are my sons.” Those words of wisdom was exactly like how I felt.” “Lee Seung Gi is one of the longest lasting members on the team and I am personally very close to him, but Seung Gi is the well off son. He is currently receiving lots of love from everyone and he is someone who will do well in any situation. But, MC Mong is the person that I feel the most for. Lee Seung Gi and MC Mong are close to me, both as a director and in my personal life, but the feelings I have for both of them are a little different.” “Truthfully, what family goes on a trip, eat together, and sleep together every week? There has been a lot of difficulties these past five years, but we fought through them and we became really close with each other. I feel like we have more than a real average family would have. It’s just as the viewers believe — the relationship between the staff and crew are like family.” “Kang Ho Dong is a bit better off, but MC Mong…No matter what people say, I always want to help him find a successful path. Whether it’s him coming back to television or whatever else, I want to help him as much as I can. I feel really bad for Kang Ho Dong and MC Mong having to suddenly quit the program like that.”
so nk tau la..
utk @intuitable
mr.cha ko pakai spek ada glass la...
not bad gak kan table bila sesekali dia pakai spek nie..
intuitable posted on 19-11-2012 04:01 PM
huhu! haku jeles gila sehhhhh korg dpt tgk episode semlm pny nih! haku x dpt imagine la part tuh. ...
ni episod last week la tabe. episod minggu baru ni aku x tgk sbb berpaling tadah pada RM. skali skala je berpaling tadah. jumaat ni aku catch up balik la since aku perasan da start kelakar da season 2 ni. taewoong mmg kaki merapu tapi dlu dia byk senyap so agak bosan la utk aku tapi epi dia jadi PD ni buat aku bukak mata la yg dia ni ade bakat melawak (personal opinion den ajo...). lagi 1 dia dapat point main ping pong time morning mission. pricelessss...utw & sukan hmm
makdik2301 posted on 19-11-2012 04:15 PM
PD Bird yg kalah dgn JM..
dgn members lain JM yg kalah..
pastu PD Bird lari xmo kena sebat ng ...
hahaha....!!! sengal la PD bird ni. aku rase mmg sengaja dorg pilih PD bird ni utk lead season 2. terbalik ngn season 1 yg members selalu kene buli ngn PD kali ni PD kene buli. ade la kelainannye....1n2d, fighting!
intuitable posted on 19-11-2012 04:11 PM
akak, org ada nk tny soklan. walaupun sbnrnya jwpn dia blh jumpa kt rmh lama, tp rasanya cam x ter ...
mong pasal kes heols menipu tak mo masuk tentera
kat sana - nak elak masuk tentera - salah satu nya sebab medikal...
so - gossip kat sana - mong bersubahat ngan doktor gigi - rosakkan gigi heols
so heols pun di kecualikan dari join tentera
disebabkan scandal ni - heols menarik diri dari 2d1n
abg besar - hodong pasal tax evasion
which actually - heols bukan sengaja nak tipu or tak declare
heols katanya - tak tau dan terlepas pandang certain mende
lagi pun - heols yg uruskan sendiri bab2 income tax...
so heols sendiri mengundurkan diri dari 2d1n
chekshu posted on 19-11-2012 04:23 PM
mong pasal kes heols menipu tak mo masuk tentera
kat sana - nak elak masuk tentera - salah satu n ...
dua2 kesalahan ni adalah kesalahan yg berat kat sane which public mmg anti sgt kan? netizen kecam dorg & bagi pressure up to the extend dorg terpaksa undur diri. bila da undur diri nak masuk industry balik blom tentu sukses lagi...
tapi hodong is catching up...mongie plak masih tertungu2 ape next project dia. nsib baik x bunuh diri. ok sekian menyampuk
intuitable posted on 19-11-2012 04:26 PM
owh.. sbb last week pny haku x check lg. bila dh missed aritu, terus haku sambung tgk yg season 1 ...
aku lagi tipu....bila baca kat sini agak2 kelakar baru gigih aku tahan mata tunggu jumaat malam. ahad petang2 tu susah sket la sbb ade aktiviti lain. jadi nye, kita akan berjemaah meroyan lambat kt sini diselang seli dgn season 1. harap tt x marah....kekeke
makdik2301 posted on 19-11-2012 04:19 PM
Jongmin yg bising..sekali kena lekuk pale ngn UTW
pastu bising gak...
respek giler kat bini sugeun...
dalam tak sihat sangat tu - bleh memasak berbagai2 side dish...
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