pcyduck posted on 27-11-2012 04:23 PM
tur..dh r kene sit up..push up..dah elok2 pakcik SW suh bt sekali...sape ntah g ckp pakcik SW baek ...
sikyung x best...xde sense of humor..
aku rasa yg paling sesuai wat mende nie mr.cha ngn jongmin jer...
kalo la mr.cha 2 buat lg happening dgn gelak meriah dia tuh...
Ni macam msian idol ade juri komen tu ke?? |
lionsleepin posted on 28-11-2012 11:13 AM
Ni macam msian idol ade juri komen tu ke??
msian idol apa?
ctaisyah posted on 28-11-2012 01:04 PM
msian idol apa?
tak sempat nak scroll atas tapi tgk gamba cam ade singing audition. then yg 3 org tu jadi juri ala2 singing contest yg kt tv tu...sbb tu tanya epi kali ni ala2 msian idol ke.
ctaisyah posted on 28-11-2012 01:46 PM
epi terbaru ahad lps kat sana... mrk akan adakan concert kat pulau(ada lebih kuran 100 lbh pendud ...
first of all, hahahahahahaha....!! mesti tengok epi ni. utw tu bole tahan kelakar loyar dia skang ni. thnks for the update. epi ni blom tunjuk kt kbsw kn? kalu tertinggal ketapi kat website mane nk tengok? (tau da penah tanya dlu....huhu)
intuitable posted on 29-11-2012 11:44 AM
ni episode yg mana ni makdik? korg tgh ckp psl sapa eh? huhu! haku x sempat nk baca suma sbb tgh b ...
gambo yg ko tepek ni kan tabe, mata aku salah tgk ke? same tshirt tapi yg atas seunggi pakai yg bwh choding pakai? aku blom tgk episod ni kot...
’1N2D’, Cha Tae Hyun’s daughter looks just like daddyActor Cha Tae Hyun‘s daughter Tae Eun was introduced to the viewers.
On the December 2nd episode of KBS 2TV’s ’1 Night 2 Days’, part two of the ‘Island Town Concert’ in Jeollanam-do was presented with the amazing musicians Yoo Hee Yeol, Yoo Jong Shin, and Yoon Sang.
’1 Night 2 Days’ member Cha Tae Hyun was preparing for the concert at home and took a home video with his daughter Tae Eun.
Cha Tae Hyun’s daughter was smiling beautifully at the camera. Cha Tae Hyun looked happy, enjoying his time together with his daughter who looks just like daddy.
Image: KBS 2TV ’1 Night 2 Days’
Source: TV Daily via Nate
kpopfever ’1N2D’, Joo Won so pretty, enough for Yoo Hee Yeol to fall for him?
Joo Won had Yoo Hee Yeol smiling as a cross-dressing beauty.
On the December 2nd episode of KBS 2TV’s ’1 Night 2 Days’, the members prepared an ‘Island Town Concert’ with the talented musicians Yoo Hee Yeol, Yoo Jong Shin, and Yoon Sang.
The members divided up into groups to perform. Sung Si Kyung and Uhm Tae Woong formed the Myungpoom Ballad team, Kim Jong Min and Joo Won formed the Dance Prodigies team, and Chae Tae Hyun, Lee Soo Geun, and Kim Seung Woo formed the Trot Mavericks team. The three guests also made up a band for a fantastic performance.
Among the teams, the Dance Prodigies team Kim Jong Min and Joo Won transformed into Orange Caramel and presented their performance of ‘Magic Girl’.
Joo Won, who shared that he likes Orange Caramel, actually looked fantastic as a woman. The cross-dressing actor actually could pull off to be quite pretty even as a women. Yoo Hee Yeol was all smiles watching the Dance Prodigies perform.
Kim Jong Min was quite the opposite but was definitely fun with his powerful solo dance.
Image: KBS 2TV ’1 Night 2 Days’
Source: NewsEN via Nate
Last edited by ctaisyah on 3-12-2012 07:33 AM
lionsleepin posted on 29-11-2012 03:07 PM
gambo yg ko tepek ni kan tabe, mata aku salah tgk ke? same tshirt tapi yg atas seunggi pakai yg bw ...
btui r bju same..choding ngan heodang!!!kalu tgk org len cm pake sarung maskot kan....aku mmg ade tgk yg die org pake patung mase ep g sewkolah kt pedalaman ngan yg bt kejutan kt petrol pam..tp mmg x pasan bju tuh...mebi ade yg len kot!!!
pcyduck posted on 3-12-2012 03:26 PM
yorubun!!!tenet aku hampes sgt...pg td try msk sini x lepas2!!!!
makne nye dia suh ko concentrate buat keje la kan. kot2 dpt bonus byk thn depan xyah menabung lagi da...huhu
pcyduck posted on 3-12-2012 03:35 PM
btui r bju same..choding ngan heodang!!!kalu tgk org len cm pake sarung maskot kan....aku mmg ade ...
bape byk sekolah pedalaman dorg g ni? yg pakai maskot ni sekolah wuchin ke ape name dia yg tepi sungai tu kan? aku pun blom khatam season 1, tgk lubang2 wehh...ikut dan je.
p.s: sebelah tu menantu kaka shu ke???
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