I forgot to elaborate...It's pokemon Black & White...It is believed to be released next year in spring..
It's a new generation with new amazing 3D playing system which is still new for pokemon game...
Next is Squirtle..A water type pokemon...It evolves into Wartortle at level 16.. And evolves into a blastoise at level 36..Hydro cannon is a move which is specialised for water typed starters...
wah!! tak sbr tnggu..cam best jeh
fuhhyoOoO Post at 16-6-2010 00:26
Yup.... Since ya own a lappy ya can play this thing in ur own lappy but I recommended you to buy a NDS so that ya would get the true experience of playing this game..There's an event which is called wifi event that ya can trade and battle other players all around the globe..There're some events in catching exclusive pokemons that using this method so ya won't get those if ya play on lappy unless ya use some codes..
Nak paste gambar lagi..
Ape kata uols main Pokemon Heart Gold and Silver soul dulu...
The official Japanese Pokemon website has updated with clearer screenshots and artwork of the Black and White content from the leaked CoroCoro magazine scans. You can click all of the images below to enlarge them, excluding the last few screenshots. The Pokemon art below is transparent.
The major piece of information revealed on the website is the purpose of uploading your Black and White save file to the Internet, which CoroCoro mentioned but did not elaborate on. Once the games are released, there will be a special website that will allow you to upload your save file so that you can play Black and White on the Internet. Once you're done, you can send the save file back to your DS to continue playing. Whether this will allow you to play the games in full, whether there will be limitations, or if it's just for extended content remains to be seen. We'll bring you more as soon as we find out!
Tengok ;a ni....Comeyy khennz kak ilah... The region is called Isshu region..