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Author: welds

Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love

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Post time 20-6-2005 04:15 PM | Show all posts
episode ari jumaat tu memang nyampah... jadi aku tengok kejap2 je.... tak tau lak ter 'miss' episode lawak ng n pauline..... ish! ish! ish!

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2005 07:36 PM | Show all posts
eeeeeeee....nyampah tul ngan lau wah..

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Post time 20-6-2005 09:01 PM | Show all posts
aku memang rase nak tembak-tembak je lau wah ngan nenek die tue...

nf:nf:nf:nf:memang nak marah betul le ngan Yama...bodohnye...huhu....pauline yang sengal pun bijak..ini plak,Yama yang bijak tu bodoh...:ketuk:

boleh citerkan tak 15 minit terakhir...aku tak tengok pun..sakit ati jer...pleazzzzzee

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Post time 20-6-2005 10:10 PM | Show all posts
haa tu la sejak episod skrg ni malas nak tgk...yama tu asyik kena tipu jer..memang sakit hati tgk..kecian kt jason yg baik hati wal encem tu..uhukss

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Post time 20-6-2005 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Tolong.... sesaper bleh crite episod ari nie? Nak tahu sangat... tadi ada keje

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Post time 20-6-2005 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Kenapa lah lelaki nih tak cari kerja saja>> asyik nak tipu duit pompuan je??? Guna duit pompuan lah... menyampah tengok lelaki tak guna macam tu...

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2005 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Eastern at 20-6-2005 10:20 PM:
Tolong.... sesaper bleh crite episod ari nie? Nak tahu sangat... tadi ada keje

aku copy from tvbsquare..

Episode 17 - Wah's plan is discovered

Wah goes to find Jason to ask him to lend him more money for his Granny's treatment whilst Kwong and Keung eavesdrop. They get some numbers off Wah's phone and try to point out to Jason that Wah is a gambler and a cheat, but Jason refuses to believe them. They decide to find the truth about Wah. Kwong goes to Granny's village to investigate and joins a Mah Jong game with her, he befriends her by saying he wants to buy a house and she invites him back to her home. Kwong blocks the toilet and Kwong roots around Wah's things. Yama drops off some things for Din and Jason is there, they both receive calls from Kwong and Keung telling them to go to the village to see Granny in action. They go to the village and search for evidence, but all they can find are documents supporting Wah's story. Granny realises something is up and puts on another act, which Yama falls for. Yama scolds Kwong for trying to stir up trouble whilst Wah and Granny celebrate another victory. Yama tells Wah what they have done and he plays the sympathy card on her, making her feel very guilty. Pauline suspects Yama of falling for Wah, then they realise that a lot of things seem to have happened on the night he took her to the motel. At work, Yama's colleagues ask Wah for gambling tips and Yama is angry at Jason for making a fool of him. He continues the act of innocence and Yama asks him what happened. Wah tells the story once again that he fell for Yama and that is why he drank until his stomach bled. Yama is very touched by this. Wah feigns illness and Yama takes him to the doctors, watched by Jason and Din.

Jason still doesn't believe his father about Wah, but Kwong assures him that Wah is not what he seems. Keung and Din also tell him about the points of suspicions. Jason is passed some info about Wing who runs the motel and is told that Wing spoke to Yama for a long time. They decide to investigate and the worker at the motel tells them about Wah's plan with Wing. Jason and the others then approach Chai's wife and ask her about Wah's character. She tells them that he wanted to trick Chai out of money and that he is not to be trusted. Then they go and check on Sandy's grave which belongs to a man and they confirm that they have misplaced their trust in Wah and fallen for all his tricks. They vow to show his real identity.

Din offers to move back to Yama's house if she leaves Wah. Yama asks why they are all against him and refuses to believe he is a nasty person. Din tries to tell Yama what they have found out but she still wants to be sure for herself. Din designs a test Yama and Pauline pretend to go on a business trip and Wah sees them off at the airport. There he bumps into Chai and his wife who offers him a con job, which Wah accepts. Working with Granny, Wah tries to con an associate of Chai's at poker he wins. Yama and the others watch the entire scene through a video link and she bursts in and yells at him before leaving. Granny chases after her and in the heat of the moment, she falls down the stairs to try and ask for Yama's forgiveness. At the hospital, Granny tries to take the blame for Wah's actions and once again Yama is taken in. After she leaves, Granny and Wah once again celebrate another success and prepare for their next step. Jason invites Yama to Kwong's birthday celebration, but Yama cannot stop thinking about Wah and his reasons, Pauline has her doubts but agrees to check with her at the bar and the motel, but they have already been bought out by Wah. Yama goes to look for Granny, but hears that they have left for China. Yama chases them to the bus station and sees Wah and Granny there. They put on another act for Yama's sympathy and Yama is totally taken in by them. Meanwhile, Jason and the others wait at the restaurant for Yama, she tells them she can't make it and Jason is shocked to hear Wah's voice in the background.

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Post time 21-6-2005 12:01 AM | Show all posts
geram nye kat yama yang bengap sangat tu .... lau wah n nenek tu memangle jahat... so tu memang nature dia la utk jadi jahat... tapi yama ni, umur 12 thn ke?
nenek tu dah ngaku yang dia memang penipu n dia cakap lau wah tu memang terror menipu, yama ni still tak boleh pikir yang nenek tu memang tengah menipu dia.... lantak le, padan muka. esok still critakan kebodohan yama lagi ke? malas lak aku nak tengok.....

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Post time 21-6-2005 08:48 AM | Show all posts
ini lah part2 yg aku paling menyampah tgk.... lau wah..

yama ni pun senang sgt ditipu... dah tak leh kata lurus bendul dah.. dah masuk bodoh...:cak:

[ Last edited by eyka on 21-6-2005 at 08:49 AM ]

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Post time 21-6-2005 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Tu le... geram betul tgk citer tu smlm...  Ingatkan bila Jason & the geng dpt perangkap org tu...  kiranya terbongkar rahsia...  tapi........ pandai pula nenek tu cover line...  ampeh tul........

Nape la Yama lebih percaya kan org lain dari Jason, sdgkan dia cintakan Jason......

Bengkek jerr tgk lakonan 2 ekor tu....  Nenek ngan cucu sama jerr...  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... :geram:

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Post time 21-6-2005 09:28 AM | Show all posts
kalau bel kesian gan Herman & Chu chai yg ni pulak bel bengang gan Yama yg senang betul tertipu ni....rasa nak ketuk2 aje kepala nenek tu gan Lau wah....:geram: bekas bapa mertua pun ikut turun padang nak bantu anaknya....

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Post time 21-6-2005 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Apa nak buat? Mereka kan pandai menipu...Ini juga salah satu taktik menipu, mengaku bersalah supaya dapat kepercayaannya semula untuk menipu dia... Yama ingat mereka akan berubah jadi nak bagi peluang lah ni.... Tapi memang sakit hati nak tengok...

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Post time 21-6-2005 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Asiafever at 21-6-2005 09:48 AM:
Apa nak buat? Mereka kan pandai menipu...Ini juga salah satu taktik menipu, mengaku bersalah supaya dapat kepercayaannya semula untuk menipu dia... Yama ingat mereka akan berubah jadi nak bagi pelu ...

memang sakit ati je tgk....  Dah le petang tu geram tgk tuan pang...  pastu sambung & bertambah geram lak tgk dorang nie....

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Post time 21-6-2005 10:36 AM | Show all posts
hak hak hak...aku pon sama ngan korang........geramtahap cipan ngan Yama tu...budus....padahal dia tu baru je kenal Lau wah tu.....cemana lah yang caring nak mampos.....

Nenek tu pon sama....dah tua pon tak sedar2 diri lagik.....haaaaaaaaaa........geram.....semlm aku tgk dlm 20 minit je....geram punye pasal.....

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Post time 21-6-2005 11:41 AM | Show all posts
waahh..benci nya dua org jahat tu...
x insap2 jugak...mana diorg dpt duit nak rasuah sume org arr??

kalau kite jadi yama pun, mesti ade percaya skit kat penipu tu..
tp setakat maafkan diorg sudah la...jgn smpai percayakan diorg....
dah kene tipu sedahsyat2 nya pun, masih percaya jugak...
tu mmg xbetul la....

sian ngan jason....

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2005 04:55 PM | Show all posts
aku benci ngan lau wah.....rasa nak masuk tv jer and bagi tau kat yama yang lau wah tu mmg penipu....nenek dia pun sama jgak...xsedar diri dah tua nak mampossss...

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Post time 21-6-2005 06:57 PM | Show all posts
aku tak sanggup nak tengok episod ari nie..memule start citer je dah kluar si lau wah ati aku....yama plak makin bodoh...

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Post time 21-6-2005 09:58 PM | Show all posts
huru hara sumenya ari nih.....
sape lagi punya keje....
kat mana ade rahsia, kat situ la 2 ekor tu ade....

christine masih harapkan jason....hmm...
ingat die dh lupakan sbb nak satukan yama ngan jason....hmm...

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Post time 21-6-2005 10:24 PM | Show all posts
aku dengan sengaja miss the first 20 minutes tadi.... tengok2 part penting pulak aku miss...

mungkinkah yama menerima lamaran lau wah nanti so that christine dapat bersama ngan jason? berkorban lah tu kira2nye....

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Post time 21-6-2005 11:19 PM | Show all posts
tu lerr..kesian plak aku kat christine..nampaknye macam yama akan undur diri..

memang bengang betul tengok muke lau wah tue..aku tak tengok pun kalo ade part die..isk...banyak betul rancangan diorang..menjadik plak tue..

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