Originally posted by Airis at 13-11-2007 04:43 PM
hi all... i just came back from Swiss Alps & Italy tour yesterday.. penat but seronok! As I followed a tour, just ikut tourist guide lah bawak u ke mana2.. from one place to the other naik bas ex ...
Wahhhhhh...dah balik eh ???
Best kan ? Jgn lupa upload gambar! |
Originally posted by Airis at 14-11-2007 04:19 PM
hijau, alja, cupcakes...
i pegi on the 3rd Nov, sampai M'sia balik on the 12th.. sejukkkkk kat sana.. bila nak mandi mlm2 mesti menggigil2 w/pun mandi dgn air panas.. kat italy ada a few plac ...
best tu dpt jalan2 makan angin...byk btol duit cik airis yeeee.....i ni bila la dpt gi travel lagi ni....hmmmm.....nanti cik airis tepek gambor lake lugano k.... |
tempek satu dua gambar jadi lee |
Ni gambar Matterhorn from our hotel room in Zermatt..
part of city of Bern, Switzerland .. photo taken from a bridge..
on the way from Zermatt to Bern... salji dah ada kat area gunung2 tapi belum tebal..
View of Englisg Garden in Geneva.. boleh nampak sikit the water fountain.. water can go up to 150m high..
view of the swiss alps from the plane..
ishhh page stuck lagi |
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fed upnya dgn page nihhhh :@ |
sabar je page baru ni tak nak keluar2.... :@ |
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