Batman 3 coming soon maybe next 2 years mesti susah nak buat kan..sbb org akan bndingkan yag nie...ntah2 flop..harap tak...
BTW...mcm mana smbutan citer ni kat Box Ofis USA arr..? |
ari ni tgk batman kat pavillion kul 3.30pm
waaaa x sabar nak tgk
pastu tgk wanted lak
hehehehe muvi marathon ... |
'Batman' dijangka raih lebih RM320 juta
LOS ANGELES: Filem terbaru siri Batman iaitu Dark Knight dijangka mudah meraih AS$100 juta (RM320 juta) bagi tayangan minggu pertama di Amerika Syarikat, kata pemerhati industri.
Jika ini menjadi kenyataan, Dark Knight akan mengatasi pencapaian 10 filem lain, termasuk Spider-Man 3 dan Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
Berdasarkan jualan tiket tempahan awal, hampir 1,000 tayangan filem terbaru Batman habis dijual, kata Fandango, agensi memantau jualan online.
"Ia fenomena bagi semua. Kami mengesan minat bagi filem ini seawal tahun lalu lagi," kata Ketua Pegawai Operasi bagi Fandango, Rick Butler.
Warner Bros, firma bersekutu Time Warner Inc yang menyiarkan Dark Knight memberitahu, filem itu akan ditayangkan di 4,366 pawagam, mengatasi Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End yang ditayangkan 4,362 pawagam pada minggu pertama 2007 dan meraih AS$115 juta (RM368 juta).
wowzie.. ni yg aku tak sabaq nak tengok mlm nih... :victory:
Tetapi, Dark Knight diharapkan mengatasi rekod Spider-man 3 pada 2007 yang mencecah AS$151 juta (RM483 juta). - Reuters |
aku nak tengok...tapi takde org nak teman...sumenye busy... |
COMPETING STUDIO REPORTS: 'Dark Knight' may top opening day record with $63M and 3-day record with $153M!
by Steve Mason
FRIDAY 4:00 p.m. (Pacific): Just got off the phone with a competing studio exec, and I am told that their "numbers crunchers" are, at the moment, projecting that The Dark Knight (Warner Bros) will break the all-time opening day and all-time 3-day weekend records, surpassing last May's Spider-Man 3.
According to the studio exec, the Christopher Nolan-directed Batman Begins sequel is on pace for a $63M opening day! That does include the $18.4M reported by Warner Bros this morning for overnight business. If the number holds (or even if it is close), it will a staggeringly huge start for the impeccably reviewed superhero picture, and it will be enough to blow by Spider-Man 3's $59.84M opening day.
My source also reports that The Dark Knight is on pace for $153M for the 3-day, which would top Spidey 3's opening frame of $151.11M. Keep in mind that when the numbers get this big, the percentages get very small. At $153M, Knight would set the record by a margin of less than 1% over SM3. The numbers laid out for me went like this: $63M Friday, $53M Saturday and $37M on Sunday.
Complete numbers, including early results for Mamma Mia! (Universal) and Space Chimps (Fox), as they become available.
aku jugak yg tak tengok2. nyampah ! |
Reply #205 bedah_kg_pisang's post
Boleh tahu filM yg pegang rekod TOP 3 ALL TIME OPENING DAY? |
Reply #206 nashrudean's post
aku pon da tgk td.. haha.. psycho gak la cite ni.. ak ah mmg joker yg bnyk control citer ni.. kalakau le bila dia pkai bju nurse tu.. time dia jln nmpk baju tergantung plg xtahan tgk moto batman kona kt dinding.. x mengagak btol |
pade hari yang semalam, aku dah pegi tengok dah batman!!
mule2 pegi...sumenye Full.
sampai tetibe ade bukak tempat baru...perghhh
hepi gile...mule2 ingatkan impian dah berkecai...
mmg bes gile aaaaaaaa tgkkkk
mmg the joker tuh, was superbly acted by Heath Ledger.
paling tak tahan, waktu die jilat2 aiyak lioq die...
bes jek tengok...
hahahaha satu lagik paling bes...
banyak no plak version die dapat scar tu...
heh...perasan tak edison chen pon ade?
tapi satu scene jelaa
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa aku rase cam nk gi tengok laaaaaaaagiiiiiii |
Sepatutnya gi tengok siang tadi, tapi tak jadi
jadi minggu depan baru tengok
wouldn't want to miss this one!
Batman, here I come |
Pratonton Batman pecah rekod
KEMATIAN Heath Ledger yang memegang watak sebagai
The Joker dalam filem ini turut menarik perhatian penonton
menyaksikan sekuel terbaru Batman
NEW YORK - Sekuel filem terbaru Batman - The Dark Knight memecah rekod tayangan pratonton tengah malam kelmarin apabila berjaya mengutip jualan tiket sehingga AS$18.5 juta (hampir RM60 juta).
Menurut kenyataan pengedarnya, Warner Bros., angka itu diperoleh hanya untuk tayangan serentak di 3,040 pawagam seluruh benua Amerika Utara pukul 12.01 tengah malam, tidak termasuk tayangan 3 pagi dan 6 pagi semalam.
Kutipan awal itu malah mengatasi rekod AS$16.9 juta (hampir RM55 juta) diraih oleh filem Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith yang pernah ditayangkan secara pratonton pada tahun 2005 lalu.
Sekuel Batman ini menelan bajet produksi AS$180 juta (RM583 juta) serta bakal menemui para penonton di sejumlah 4,366 buah pawagam di Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada pada Jumaat depan. - Agensi |
i think i may be the few ones yang think there was nothing GREAT about this movie. don't get me wrong, it was a decent and good movie, but it didn't wow me, and i certainly do not feel like watching again in the scinemas.
i thought this movie had too much going on and had too much crammed into one screenplay, that it felt so convulted. further more the ending was rather contrived, and i did not feel that this movie was about The Dark Knight. more of a batman vs the joker show. putting into harvey dent, rachel's death, the boats scene at the end, just way too much philosophy forced into a movie.
i absolutely loved batman begins. it's much lighter and easier to follow. christian bale had good lines, and we get more facets of batman to see. in the dark knight, unfortunately, CB appears to me, imho, as one dimensional, and the show stealer has to be Heath Ledger. kalau panggil The Joker pun takpe instead of Batman show.
perhaps, another reason for spoiling it all pun, i compare it to ironman. ironman was a true superhero movie. it was fun. batman begins pun true superhero movie. both ada entertainment value. TDK to me feels TERLALU SERIOUS. why so serious??? lenght dia yang panjang pun membuat i rasa restless tengok movie tu.
don't get me wrong, i GET the movie. dark, deep internal conflicts, philosophical questions. but like they say, too many cooks spoil the soup. too much ajinomoto, spoil the food. that's what i feel for dark knight.
overall aku bagi 7.5/10.
kira baguslah tue. |
Reply #212 merigigi's post
actually the The Dark Knight doesn't really refers to Batman, in fact i think the whole point of the movie is not about Batman, hence there's no "Batman" in the title.
from what i understand, as a layman, i think The Dark Knight is a metaphor referencing to the value of virtue which is subjective depends on how you defines it. It also explores the dark side of human mind where firm purity doesn't mean it can't be tainted.
I do agree with you that the screenplay is crammed with alot of philosophicalities (if there's such a term) that makes it kinda weird for a comic adaptation movie, but that's what I LOVE about this movie. I love it so much that i already named The Dark Knight as the best movie of 2008 with no contest whatsoever.
It's a genius of the brothers (Chris and Jon Nolan) to steer away from the typicality of comic superhero movie. rather than making Batman kicking everyone's butt with 4 millions gadgets around his belt, they simply makes the main character more humane, focus more on the alter ego (Bruce Wayne) struggle to deal with his rules, principles and the one he loves.
As Batman being one-dimensional, actually that's what Batman really is. Batman is a symbol that supposed to create terror in order to fight evil. A symbol that will create terror in the eyes of the bad guys therefore "Batman" cannot show emotions or empathy. In other words, Batman is not human, it's an entity that fight evil and how you wanna refers it..a monster...a ghost...is not important.
The Joker is what the movie is all about. The Dark Knight revolves around Joker, the arch nemesis of Batman. A psychotic played brilliantly by the late Heath Ledger, is the incarnation of evil in the movie. The Joker is the "evil" that challenge the concept of virtue by testing people humanity reasoning by mentally pushing them to the limits. The Joker believes that everyone has a dark side in them, even the purist of them all, in this case, Harvey Dent, the "White Knight" of Gotham City relentlessly fighting crimes and in the end falls for the "evil seduction" of The Joker. The Joker is totally opposite of what Batman representing. He's extrovert, flamboyant, colorful and "multi-dimensional". Like Batman, The Joker is an entity, which is why he doesn't have any background...he is "absolute".
I wouldn't define The Dark Knight as a superhero movie. Superhero theme is just a medium to carry out the motif. It can be a typical cop/robber/killer type of movie and still be entertaining, but to present it in the form of Superhero and Bad Guys?...that's really elevating popcorn movie to a whole different class.
Batman Begins for me is more to autobiographical, it simply told a story of how Bruce Wayne became Batman, a good movie but The Dark Knight is where Batman really becomes the dark vigilante of Gotham City, in other words, where Batman really become "Batman" and that's what makes it excellence.
and also that's why The Dark Knigt deserves 5/5 from me.
anyway, good point you making there.
[ Last edited by king_kong at 20-7-2008 05:52 AM ] |
setuju dgn king kong.
The Dark Knight is to me, the deepest most thematically complex blockbuster film ever made. setanding dgn mana2 filem art klasik!
ia berjaya buat aku takleh tidur utk 2 hari(setakat ni) berpikir pasal isi filem ni. gila!
[ Last edited by maberik at 20-7-2008 10:19 AM ] |
Reply #212 merigigi's post
aku masih rasa Batman centerpiece filem ni. dia macam ni, kewujudan Joker adalah disebabkan Batman. both are two sides of the same coin(macam coin Harvey Dent tu). one does not exist without the other. Harvey Dent adalah 'personification' of both Batman's good and Joker's evil.
dan kalau pasal one-dimensional tu, aku rasa Joker adalah one-dimensional;in a good way i mean, sebab that's the point of the Joker character. that's what the character calls for, to be a pure anarchist. an agent of chaoshe's just as enigmatic as Anton Chigurh. tugas dia just bring chaos into the world. mana ada backstory,emotional complexities,etc pasal Joker.) |
Reply #212 merigigi's post
aku masih rasa Batman centerpiece filem ni. it's more about what are the effects of the other characters have on the batman. dia macam ni, kewujudan Joker adalah disebabkan Batman. both are two sides of the same coin(macam coin Harvey Dent tu). one does not exist without the other. Harvey Dent adalah 'personification' of both Batman's good and Joker's evil.
dan kalau pasal one-dimensional tu, aku rasa Joker adalah one-dimensional;in a good way i mean, sebab that's the point of the Joker character. that's what the character calls for, to be a pure anarchist. an agent of chaos. he's just as enigmatic as Anton Chigurh in NCFOM. tugas dia just bring chaos into the world. mana ada backstory,emotional complexities,etc pasal Joker.
dan endingnya amat tragik bagi aku. dlm perspektif aku, Joker wins. or maybe it's a stalemate. batman dah tak ada calon penggantinya, the one he sees in harvey dent. he is ultimately alone, even Gordon has to 'chase him'. the joker may be caught, but the repercussions of his reign of chaos is permanent. he had to face the fact that he brought the joker into this world, walaupun dia berkuasa melindungi Gotham. pada masa yg sama dia perlu wujud, dan tak perlu wujud untuk Gotham. itu pilihan yg bruce wayne perlu buat lah.
i mean, i do love Iron Man for its fun factor. but TDK is on a whole other level. apa yg aku rasakan adalah, TDK did to the superhero genre what 2001:A Space Odyssey did to the sci-fi genre. it transcends the genre's traditions and apparent limitations. proves that comic book films can also be great art. the pop entertainment is just a mask, inside it's a different beast.
but as a consolation, i do have some minor quibbles such as batman's overdone voice, a few 'wtf' moments and the still-sloppily shot fight sequences(still better than Batman Begins though). however, they're worth neglecting as the film itself serve a grander purpose.
don't get me wrong, ur points are valid to a degree. but a work this ambitious, even for its flaws, are ultimately what cinema is all about, no?
[ Last edited by maberik at 20-7-2008 11:11 AM ] |
oh and anybody notice the recurring 'dog' symbolism in the film?
mungkin ia represent rakyat Gotham(atau mungkin kita semua sekali pun!). they can be domesticated and tamed, but when the chips are down, when the situation calls for it, they will show their true nature. just like dogs, inside they're still wild.
[ Last edited by maberik at 20-7-2008 11:48 AM ] |
the dark knight .. i luv every minute of it
worth it ...
definitely the best movie so far in 2008....winning in every aspects.. |
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