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Author: kikilalat

Kaedah IVF-volume 3

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Post time 5-8-2011 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 196# mmelonberries

    Mel, I'm a housewife so unlimited mc ;p

Tapi  dulu masa I was still working I pernah buat IVF di SJMC.  My dr didn't believe that resting would help. So dia bagi I mc 5 hari je.. Day 1 OPU, day 3 ET, tinggal balance 2 hari je, campur weekend jadi 4 hari I rest after ET. Sadis kan. My attempt failed. I think I should have rested more..I should have asked for more mc, but at that time tak berani coz I was working for a boss from hell

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Post time 5-8-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 201# ziara

    ituler ziara... nurse tu pon ngan confident ckp ngan mel
buat apa nk mc lama2.... xperlu.... cukup jer seminggu tuh
pastu kehidupan seperti biasa jer....
so buat cam biasa jer dia ckp huhu

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Post time 5-8-2011 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 202# mmelonberries

    Mel, I rasa baik Mel mc lama sikit. Kalau dah pergi office, kdg2 kita tak sedar kita dah terlebih lasak.. Jalan sana-sini, angkat box file yg berat2, kereta lompat dlm pothole dsbg nya. I dulu nyesal tak mc lama... Masa tu I belum pandai ber forum so tak tau org lain mc lama. I dok refer website mat salleh.. Diorang mmg lebih lasak dari kita. Cakap kat dr Mel yg your job lasak & stressful (err bohong sunat ke ni?).

Bagaimanapun terpulanglah kat Mel. You know your job best.

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 Author| Post time 5-8-2011 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 198# mmelonberries

    Nanti nak kena tanya balik kat dr. Menon nih... Thanks for sharing mel!

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 Author| Post time 5-8-2011 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply  kikilalat

    Yes good luck to you too Kiki. Bagi your boys dapat adik gigirl pulak. su ...
ziara Post at 5-8-2011 13:51

     Thanks ziara! ... Their cousins yg dok dekat2 nih ramai girls, anak2 I dah seronok plak join main masak2... Alih2 I kena belikan masak2 plak utk my boys

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 Author| Post time 5-8-2011 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 194# sh|nobu

    Shin and ziara, calling2 lah dgn clinic. Dorang kan ada price list untuk treatments... I think yg biasa buat billing tahu nak estimate berapa. I hari tuh tanya kat dorang jer psl cost IUI and gonal-f.

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Post time 5-8-2011 07:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 196# mmelonberries

melon, shin pun macam ziara housewife jer so mc unlimited hehehe.. tapi memang kene rest betul2. sebab ivf ni bukannya macam pregnant normal. baik ambik mc lama sikit. atleast 2 weeks.

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Post time 5-8-2011 07:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 200# ziara

tula pasal shin pun tekujat la cepat sangat period. lebih kurang baru 2 weeks lepas last bleeding tu...bule la try lagi kot hehehee...

sebenarnya dah pun bersama lepas settle pantang haritu kuikuikui dua2 taktahan!   
dah berapa lama berpuasa ehem ehem. Sejak dari preparation IVF lagi tuh...

Tapi perut shin masih bloating lah. Ke sebenarnya perut buncit? :@

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Post time 6-8-2011 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 205# kikilalat

    Kihkihkih kelakar. Nanti you boleh masukkan your boys dlm Junior Masterchef Malaysia ;p

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Post time 6-8-2011 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 208# sh|nobu

    Hehe thanks Shin for the 'info'. I nak tanya tapi segan . My hubby pun dah semacam haha..

Kenapa Shin still bloated lagi? Ada rasa tak selesa ke? Alhamdulillah IVF kali ni I bloated kejap je.

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Post time 8-8-2011 07:19 AM | Show all posts
thanks kawan2 sume yg bg advice kt mel
tuler mel pon rasa mel nk amik mc atleast 2weeks

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Post time 10-8-2011 09:13 AM | Show all posts
mel nak tnyala kengkawan...
ari sabtu ni mel kena buat tvs day12
nk scan kt bawah tu x batalkan posa?

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2011 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply 212# mmelonberries

    tak rasa nyer...

jap... google jap...

If no medication has been inserted into the vagina, the fast will not be broken. If any gel or other substance was inserted into the vagina, the fast will break.

Ultrasound scanning does not invalidate the fast.

And Allah Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Oops! I was wrong... found 2 other articles kat google yg cakap kalo dry takper, kalo ader moisture or fluid tak boleh.

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Post time 10-8-2011 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mmelonberries at 10-8-2011 16:27

Reply 213# kikilalat

    errrr ye ker kiki?
mel pon dh survey kt tenet... rasanya boleh...
kl dh masuk alat kt vagina mestilah buh gel kan
xkan nk masuk kering gitu.....sakitla huhu.....

ni mel tepek sket.....

      Perkara yang membatalkan Puasa                                       

September 6, 2008 by Ummu Hakeem  

Perkara yang membatalkan Puasa (from PAPISMA)
Terlalu ramai umat Islam yg keliru dengan perkara-perkara ibadah, lebih-lebih lagi bab ibadah puasa. Kan dah jelas melalui dari alquran dan sunnah yg sohih, perkara-perkara yg membatalkan puasa seperti penerangan di bawah ini.

From the 9th Fiqh-Medical Seminar, convened at Casablanca, Morocco, during 8-11 Safar 1418, corresponding to 14-17 June 1997, under the eminent auspices of the Commander of the Faith- ful, His Majesty King Hassan II. The theme of the seminar was “An Islamic View of Certain Contemporary Medical Issues”, and it was held jointly with the Hassan II Institute for Scientific and Medical Research on Ramadhan, the ISESCO, the Islamic Fiqh Academy, and the World Health Organisation Regional Office.

Substances and actions that nullify the fasting:

According to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the prophet (pbuh) three actions nullify fasting: eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. Therefore, the passing of any solid or liquid sybstance that can be described as food or drink, in any quantity through the gullet would nullify fasting.

Accordingly, the participants agreed unanimously that the following do not nulIify fasting).

  • Eye and ear drops, and ear wash.
  • Nitroglycerine tablets placed under the tongue for the treatment of angina.
  • Insertion into the vagina of pessaries, medical ovules, vaginal washes, vaginal speculum, and doctor’s or midwife’s fingers during pelvic examination.
  • Insertion of the urethroscope into man or woman radio-opaque media for X-ray diagnosis or bladder irrigation.
  • Tooth drilling, extraction, cleaning or the use of mis-~ and toothbursh, provided nothing is swallowed into the stomach, do not nullify fasting.
  • Injections through the skin or muscle or joints or veins, with the exception of intravenous feeding.
  • Blood donation or receiving blood transfusion.
  • Oxygen and anaesthetic gases.
  • All substances absorbed into the body through the skin, such as creams, ointments, and medicated plaster.
  • Drawing blood samples for laboratory testing.
  • Catheter and media for arteriography of heart or other organs.
  • Endoscopy for diagnostic or intervention purposes.
  • Mouth wash, gargle or oral spray, provided nothing is swallowed into the stomach.
  • Hysteroscopy or insertion of an intrauterine device.
  • Biopsy of the liver or other organs.

A majority of participants added the following:
  • Nose drops, nose sprays, and inhalers.
  • Anal injections, anoscopes, or digital rectal examination.
  • Surgery involving general anaesthetic, if the patient decided to fast.
  • Machine or intraperitoneal renal dialysis.
  • Use of gastroscope, provided it does not entail the introduction of liquids or other substances into the stomach.

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Post time 14-8-2011 01:55 PM | Show all posts
hi alls..

lama x update kt cni...shaz dah 3 kali try iui tp nampak gayanyer lom ade rezeki sad but masih blom give up lg...suppose after raya kena proceed for ivf but shaz rasa masih blom ready nak commit ngan sume ni..plan nak turunkan berat badan dulu...hrp2 berhasil la...then early next yr baru ready rasanya...

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Post time 17-8-2011 10:33 PM | Show all posts
hai uols....mummy bercadang nak buat ivf nov ni kt hospital k.trg..kosnya cuma 4k termasuk ubat dan bekukan embrio..skrg sdg cari info ttg ivf..mummy dah ttc  5-6 thn..dah cuba iui 4 kali, setiap bln trg nturally tp  blm ada rezki mummy nampaknya..lps raya ni ummy cam rasa nak buat iui dulu sbl proceed nge ivf nov dr tak galkkan sbb chancesnya rendah berbanding ivf..lgpun ttc dh lama dan iui dh buat beberapakali..huhu

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2011 05:45 AM | Show all posts
hai uols....mummy bercadang nak buat ivf nov ni kt hospital k.trg..kosnya cuma 4k termasuk ubat dan  ...
dreamingmummy Post at 17-8-2011 22:33

    Salam... Wow! Rm4k jer ?? Best tuh...

Gynae cakap kenapa ye tak boleh conceive?

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Post time 18-8-2011 10:58 AM | Show all posts
salam perkenalan buat semua kawan2 yg TTC-IVF

saya ni tengah dalam mood bersedih, memang sikit-sikit nangis, sikit-sikit menangis. baru saja gagal dengan FET last week. Bila tengah bersedih sampai ada tahap mempertikaikan takdir. Tapi saya istighfar semula. Saya terfikir macam2...sampai fikir tak adilnya org yang baru buat iui first timer terus dapat kembar empat (kisah sorang dr. keluar dalam paper last week). Tapi saya tahu, kita kena redha, sabar dan jgn putus asa. Allah Maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu. Minta motivasi dan panangan dari semua yg sudah berjaya dengan ivf, dan sedang menjalani ivf dan yg akan buat ivf....

saya dah kahwin 10 tahun, memang ada PCOS tahun ketujuh berkahwin baru dapat anak sulung, -2nd trial ivf. Alhamdulillah.

1)First trial IVF yang x jadi tu, ET dibuat masa day 3 embryos - 8 cell. Transfer 2 embryos. xda rezeki.

2)Cubaan IVf kedua, guna frozen embryos dari yg first tu, tapi masa tu saya insist my gynae minta transfer blastocyst, sebab saya baca percentage blastocyst lagi tinggi. So gynae saya minta lab embryologist thaw my frozen embryos, culture from day 3 sampai jadi blastocyst-day 5, then she transferred 2 blastocysts, satu menjadi. alhamdulillah, itula permata hati saya dan suami.

3) bila anak saya dah almost 3 years, and kami pun as usual cuba la secara natural, takde rezeki, kami decide buat ivf lagi. This time saya pindah tempat buat ivf. And saya tahu lab ivf di tempat saya buat ni, memang akan transfer day 3 embryos only, the lab memang tak akan culture sampai blastocyst, saya cuba la ckp dgn gynae, but my gynae memang kata day 3 pun ramai succeed. yang ni pun tak menjadi. Transfer 2 embryos, xda rezeki.Ni bulan 2 tahun ni

4) cubaan ivf kali keempat, baru last 3 weeks, kami guna frozen embryos dari ivf ketiga ni, masa ni, memang saya berharap sgt, memandangkan anak saya dulu berjaya pregnant dgn frozen embryos, this time my gynae transfer 3 frozen day 3 embryos. Saya memang menaruh harapan tinggi, bangun qiam tiap2 malam, doa banyak2 dengan suami, dan kami pun dah kering, pokai dalam erti kata sebenarnya2. duit memang dah banyak habis,......tapi kuasa Allah mengatasi segala2nya....tidak berjaya lagi.

This time, saya memang amat sedih, kecewa, pilu, rasa nak mati, rasa nak terjun, rasa nak suruh suami kahwin lagi since dia memang nak ramai anak. Tapi saya tahu Allah berkuasa, kita as muslim perlu redha, tabah dan jgn putus asa, anak saya tu adalah kekuatan saya..
saya tak tahu apa perasaan saya sekarang....asyik menangis je....dah la ambil un
paid leave sementara tunggu result...

memandangkan history ivf saya, 3 kali tak berjaya adalah semasa transfer day 3 embryos, dan satu kali berjaya semasa transfer day 5-blastocyt, saya nak tanya forumer yg pernah buat ivf, memang betul ke transfer blastocyst higher percentage? saya nak kumpul duit semula, it takes 2 and half years again utk kumpul duit buat ivf kalau ikut budget gaji saya dan suami.

So this time, saya nak survey2 tempat mana yg memang transfer blastocyst only.....sambil2 cuba secara natural..rezeki Allah mana kita duga.....moga Allah beri saya kesabaran, juga buat suami saya supaya bersabar utk diberi zuriat.

oh, saya pun nak tanya, TMC tranfer blastocyst ke atau 8 cell? terima kasih semua kawan2.

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Post time 22-8-2011 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply 218# qurratulain

Salam perkenalan qurratulain,

Maaf ummi menyampuk...ummi tak pernah try ivf lg, dan buat iui baru sekali, tp failed...insyaAllah akan proceed dgn 2nd iui lepas raya pengalaman & ilmu ummi tak banyak mana compare to kawan2 kat sni & juga compare to Ain (boleh ye panggil Ain)..

tp ummi terpanggil utk komen, kebetulan free skit harini, terbaca ur posting...
Subhanallah, ummi rasa kagum dgn segala usaha yg Ain dah lakukan utk ttc..dah ummi sgt2 kagum dgn ketabahan & kesabaran Ain & hb, berhabis duit, masa, tenaga..dll..mcm2 yg perlu dilalui, menghadapi kegagalan demi kegagalan...yakinlah Ain, ujian itu tanda kasih sayang Allah pd kita..

Bg ummi, dan ummi yakin, insyaAllah satu hari nanti Ain akan berjaya....jgn putus asa, jgn mengeluh...Allah akan sentiasa bersama org yg sabar..Setiap kali doa, yakinlah pdNya yg Dia akan beri apa yg kita minta...insyaAllah..

Dan ada satu amalan yg ummi nak kongsikan bersama (baru dpt td dr sorg kwn):
Amalkan 3 jumaat berturut.
1) selepas solat asar, duduk menghadap kiblat hingga masuk waktu maghrib
2) baca Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Allah berulang kali (dgn khusyuk & yakin Allah akan bantu kita)
3) Sehinggalah bunyi azan maghrib "Allahuakbar...", terus angkat tgn berdoa apa yg dihajati

InsyaAllah akan dimakbulkan Allah...sama2 kita amalkan ye....

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 08:17 PM | Show all posts
oh, saya pun nak tanya, TMC tranfer blastocyst ke atau 8 cell? terima kasih semua kawan2. ...
qurratulain Post at 18-8-2011 10:58

    Salam... Yg soalan last tuh, insyaAllah ziara or shinobu boleh tolong jawabkan...

Kalau dorang tak masuk thread dalam waktu terdekat, qirratulain (sedap nama) boleh call TMC and tanya kat nurse situ. Dorang ih pun very knowledgeable pasal procedure...

Setahu saya, TMC ader bnyk procedure yg di buat... Kalau bua appointment to see fertility specialist (dr. Surinder or dr. Menon) sebelum you decide nak buat aper pun ok... Nurse akan ambik medical history you and then you can discuss the options dgn the fertility specialist. Sorry to say, saya tak suka kalau doctor kasik reason 'sebab ramai dah berjaya' or similar to that... Kena lah bagi medical explanation pasal procedure and success rates...

Primary Services :

Fertility screening
Fertility counseling
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Ovulation induction and monitoring
Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
In-Vitro Maturation (IVM)
Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT)
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Blastocyst Transfer
Sperm freezing / sperm banking
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
PGD PCR Thalassaemia screening for embryos
Hysteroscopic surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Secondary Services :

Assisted hatching
Freezing of embryos/embryo banking
Egg donation
Fertility investigation
Colour flow Doppler Scanning
4D scanning
Treatment for ectopic pregnancy/cysts/fibroids

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