sesaper leh explain psl initiative ni apa bnda...aku makin xpaham sejak initiative ni msk dlm season ni secara total...n saper pompuan tu??aku tgk dia laie power dr yg lain2...
graxier06 posted on 13-1-2013 02:00 AM
sesaper leh explain psl initiative ni apa bnda...aku makin xpaham sejak initiative ni msk dlm season ...
spoiler alert......
initiative, full name the Americon Initiative ni mcm satu organization underground. macam terorist pun ada. group ni punca nahas kapal terbang yg bapak emily/amanda kena tangkap dulu tu. dia control certain group of people with wealth n prestige for its own benefits. eg...conrad greyson. skrg anak dia daniel. up above, initiave [si halen crowley] ni nampak macam top investor bg greyson global. beneth it....aku pun xtau nak explain mcm mana, tapi bila initiave nak sumthing, head of greyson global kena la ikut perintah.
apa yg initiative dah buat:-
- nahas kapal terbang [bapak emily kena tuduh]
- nahas kapal terbang yg nk bawa victoria [tp victoria x mati...hehe]
- ada kaitan ngan kehilangan adik aiden, colleen
- ada connection ngan geng russia [dimitri vladof]
- tgh korek nolcorp utk cari projek yg bernama carrion
known members of Americon Initiative
- helen crowley
- gordon murphy [assassin/dead]
- padma lahari [sian nolan....]
Pergh...bila Marco kata U making a very big mistake, I was like damn! Padma is evil! And yeah she is 1 of the member of the initiative
come to think about it, kiter bole anggap Grayson family pun kira victim gak la, mcm mana la Emily nak avenge her father's death and destroy the whole group entirely.