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ida88 posted on 28-3-2014 04:30 PM
Kes ni dh jadi kes tumpuan seduniya
Tipula kalau die bukan salah sorg darinye
Si M pula tengok d ...
ketelusan dia di pandang dr jauh..
M maybe tersenyum2 ahaks..sambil berkata..if only ai jd PM sekali lg.. |
NURMIMIE posted on 28-3-2014 04:31 PM
marilah kita sama2 solat taubat..
Allah belum nak dengar doa2 kita.. sebab dalam negara kita in ...
ye mari la kaka..sesama memohon maaf...
err..speku2 merata pon tak elok..baik baca n diam sepatutnya kita ni kan |
AMSA press conference - Australian Maritime Safety Authority Emergency Response general manager John Young and Australian Transport Safety Bureau chief commissioner Martin Dolan in attendance.
Article (will include video of full press conference for the next half hour): http://www.3news.co.nz/Search-zone-for-missing-MH370-shifted/tabid/417/articleID/337815/Default.aspx
Full press statements:
Full press statements:
Young statement:
We would like to update you on some credible information AMSA has received fromthe ATSB which will see the search area refocused today.The AMSA search for any sign of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370has been shifted to an area north following advice from the AustralianTransport Safety Bureau.
An international air crash investigation team in Malaysia provided updatedadvice to the ATSB, which has examined the information and determined an area1100 kilometres to the north east of the existing search area is now the mostcredible lead as to where debris may be located.
The new search area is approximately 319,000 square kilometres, about 1850kilometres west of Perth.
The Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation is re-tasking satellitesto capture images of the new area.
Weather conditions are better in the revised area and ten aircraft have beentasked for today’s search.
They include two Royal Australian Air Force P3 Orions, a Japanese CoastGuard Gulfstream 5 jet, a Japanese P3 Orion, a Republic of Korea P3 Orion, aRepublic of Korea C130 Hercules, a Royal New Zealand Air Force P3 Orion, aChinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force Ilyushin IL-76, a United States NavyP8 Poseidon aircraft, and one civil Australian jet acting as a communicationsrelay.
Four of the ten aircraft are overhead the search area, with a further sixplanes to fly over the area today.
A further RAAF P3 Orion has been placed on standby at RAAF Base Pearce in WAto investigate any reported sightings.
Six ships are relocating to the new search area including HMAS Success andfive Chinese ships.
Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) patrol ship, Haixun 01, is inthe search area.
HMAS Success is expected to arrive in the search area late tomorrow night.
A US towed pinger locator and Bluefin-21 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle havearrived in Perth to assist with location and recovery of the black box.
The depth of the water in the search area is between 2000 and 4000 metres.
These will be fitted to Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield which willarrive in Western Australia in the coming days.
The ATSB, as Australia’s transport investigation agency, is working with arange of other international expert organisations to analyse available data anddetermine the best area to search.The key pieces of information being analysed relate to early positionalinformation from the aircraft and later polling of a satellite by an aircraftsystem.
The new information is based on continuing analysis of radar data betweenthe South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca before radar contact was lost.It indicated the plane was travelling faster than previously estimated,resulting in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance ittravelled south into the Indian Ocean.The international investigative team supporting the search continues theiranalysis, which could still result in further refinement of the potentialflight path.
This has been combined with information about the likely performance of theaircraft—such as speed and fuel consumption for example—to arrive at the bestassessment of the area in which the aircraft is likely to have entered thewater.
The information provided by the international investigative team is the mostcredible lead we currently have in the search of aircraft wreckage.However, this information needs to be continually adjusted for the length oftime elapsed since the aircraft went missing and the likely drift of anywreckage floating on the ocean surface.
Finally, let me stress that under international convention, Malaysia hasinvestigative responsibility for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. At this stage,the ATSB’s main task is to assist in the search for the aircraft.
"This is day 21 of the search for the aircraft… we have drifted the areafor 21 days of movement, taking into account the actual weather and knowncurrents."
ATSB spokesman is unsure of what the actual speed was.
"The assumption is that the aircraft was travelling at a somewhatconstant speed"
Data from satellite polling and radar matches up
Satellite imagery may or may not be objects, and may not be "debrisfields".
Previous search areas have now been abandoned.
Could debris wind up scattered around the world depending who picks it up?No – under international convention it remains the responsibility of thecountry where the aircraft was registered. Any wreckage which is picked up will be held for the Malaysian investigative teams. As ATSB is operating on behalf of the Malaysians, any debris picked up must be handed over to Australian authorities.
New area will help get more aircraft on scene for longer. The other benefitis the search area is no longer in the roaring 40s – which means better weatherconditions more often.
No debris has been seen in the old search areas. Does not want to classifysatellite and visual spots in those areas as debris. "That is just not justifiablewith what we have seen." Adds that this kind of thing is not unusual."This is the normal business in search and rescue operations"
The new area is based on refined data. "It's possible that furtheranalysis may change that again."
What are you actually refining?
The relationship between 777 performance,satellite pings and various projections versus that information. "Tryingto find the right coincidence of those and the end point"
When the aircraft runs out of fuel do all engines die together? There are arange of scenarios.
Do you still believe the course changed several times? The best assessmentis the aircraft headed south consistently into the Indian Ocean.
Are you looking at other leads from the Malaysian investigation? The twoprimary methods are the analyses on the movement of the aircraft. "That isthe best information we can have." Satellite imagery is being followed upbut has produced no sightings. Sophisticated oceanographic modelling todetermine drifts. "Recall please that this is 21 days after the event wasexpected to happen, over that 21 days there’ll be a significant amount ofrandom dispersion of objects, so the search area gets significantly bigger overtime." Data marker buoys are being distributed into new search area tocontinue to model drift and keep search area confined. All data currentlyavailable has been made available to the search.
Last edited by lorelai on 28-3-2014 08:49 AM
C.K posted on 28-3-2014 04:42 PM
Aset pertahanan penting...mashalahnya negara kita ini kuat makan rasuah kuat makan komisen...beli ...
Ye betul nampak sgt pelahap rasuah n x bijak bgtau km menghilangnya barang2 tu semua... Ada ke kata jatuh dlm laut... Kalo jatuh dlm laut ms penghantaran leh claim insurans tuk dptkan senjata baru... |
NURMIMIE posted on 28-3-2014 04:33 PM
yes.. this is the fair one..
so SEMUA aspek perlu siasat..
so STOP tuduh pilot...
sampai semua bukti ada... |
C.K posted on 28-3-2014 04:42 PM
Aset pertahanan penting...mashalahnya negara kita ini kuat makan rasuah kuat makan komisen...beli ...
Komision Cik SU (SU30MKM) dapat kat Mantan KM Melaka, Adib Adam.
RM350 juta weh......
Kapai selam.............RM500 juta komision
Main ataih hangin jer.
Itew yg rakyat marah n PR persoalkan.
BUkan pasal beli peralatan ketenteraan tapi banyak sangat penyelewang.
Bab ni aku setuju dgn Pembangkang.
Simunggu posted on 28-3-2014 04:43 PM
Contoh nya - @NURMIMIE ...malayu yg sdh lupa asal usul.....
suluk tak lupa asal usul kah?
sebab tuh lah sibuk nak interprem lahad datu kan?
Changa posted on 28-3-2014 04:38 PM
beliau charge battery beliau guna bontot beliau
hahaha... astaga... |
C.K posted on 28-3-2014 04:42 PM
Aset pertahanan penting...mashalahnya negara kita ini kuat makan rasuah kuat makan komisen...beli ...
aku secara peribadi meyokong penuh pembelian aset ketenteraan dan pada masa yang sama aku bantah jika ada unsur rasuah dan kroni...
tp aku bantah sekeras2nya kita kerajaan malaysia beli aset pertahanan tp orang tu kata membazir...
2 benda yang bebeza dekat sini... |
azie.dz posted on 28-3-2014 04:46 PM
so STOP tuduh pilot...
sampai semua bukti ada...
paper dek..
mana kita boleh suruh stop stop..
tuh periuk nasi dorang..
sedangkan jin pun kena tuduh..
releks laa.. nak baca tuh baca aje.. percaya jangan dulu..
C.K posted on 28-3-2014 04:42 PM
Aset pertahanan penting...mashalahnya negara kita ini kuat makan rasuah kuat makan komisen...beli ...
Rakyat bising sekejap je
Lepas tu issue tu pun senyap je kan
Sebab tu meka tak kesah bgtau alasan terjatuh dalam laut
Umpama, asalkan ade jawapan apabile ditanye |
Last known location selepas 8 jam Lautan Hindi. (checked)
Minyak cukup2 penerbangan untuk 8 jam (checked)
Lepas tu nak ke mana kapal tu lepas minyak dah abis dan enjin dah lemah?
Isi minyak kat Shell berdekatan kah? Singgah R&R mungkin?
Ke bawah lah ia.
Tak percaya.Tak percaya.Tak percaya.Tak percaya.Tak percaya.!!!
Apa yang korang nak percaya sebenarnya.
Ni bukan drama tv LOST yang sampai 6 seasons tu.
NURMIMIE posted on 28-3-2014 04:49 PM
paper dek..
mana kita boleh suruh stop stop..
tats y i kata...malaysian yg tak perihatin..suka suki tuduh even lom ada bukti sahih
ok jum balik...malam ni long hours journey back to alor star |
the_killer posted on 28-3-2014 08:37 AM
nanti tetap orang pertikai,....membazir....
bg depa..pertahanan tak penting...
pertahanan penting
rasuah berdosa
membenarkan rasuah jua berdosa
lionsleepin posted on 28-3-2014 08:50 AM
Last known location selepas 8 jam Lautan Hindi. (checked)
Minyak cukup2 penerbangan untuk 8 jam (ch ...
tak faham aku
ping inmarsat percaya
pc pm da dengar..
tetap tanak percaya
azie.dz posted on 28-3-2014 04:51 PM
tats y i kata...malaysian yg tak perihatin..suka suki tuduh even lom ada bukti sahih
ya begitu lah adanya..
hati2 di jalan raya..
weols dah memang sedap2 dok rumah.. sedang bercuti2an..
azie.dz posted on 28-3-2014 08:44 AM
ketelusan dia di pandang dr jauh..
M maybe tersenyum2 ahaks..sambil berkata..if only ai jd PM s ...
klu dr m yg handle..
maun x bersuara PRC tuh..
mcm dia ejek ostolia ex convict..haha..masa tu best
Bateesta posted on 28-3-2014 04:53 PM
ada ke org dgr pc zaman ni jah
ye tak ye juga..
pm cakap pun kat PC kan..
pun orang tak mau percaya..
apa pun tak percaya.. so simpan sendiri je lah gamaknya.. lebih aman kekdahnya..
hzln posted on 28-3-2014 03:54 PM
"assume" jah yg kau nampak...frasa selepasnya "beyond any reasonable doubt" tetiba kau jadi bengap ...
apa pulok bengap2 neh??
betul la assume beyond reasonable doubt..
buat andaian melampaui keraguan munasabah.. tapi tadak bukti utk sahkan lagi.. jadi tetap la jadi andaian..
sapa yg bengap skang??
| |