dengar cite adam kalah in that contest but why is it the poll still on.............ramai lamb skanks dah give up with that poll............
aku mmg pendengar setia rasanya sekali jer dorang main lagu adam lagu kris selalu gak......
probably that contest is not legit pon probably they have to play NB kris version somehow due to some agreement, after all kris won........but just to make things interesting they came out with that poll but at the end of the day........they already set to play kris song
Originally posted by alyssasarah at 13-6-2009 11:28
dengar cite adam kalah in that contest but why is it the poll still on.............ramai lamb skanks dah give up with that poll............
aku mmg pendengar setia rasanya ...
something fishy is going on...aku dari awal lagi pelik ngan poll nih...makin banyak kita vote makin jatuh % dia....bole?ramai international fans yg duk kutuk hitzfm nih...padan muka hitz...buat lagi poll bodo mcm nih...
aku dh kate dah..idea hitz tu mmg mengong...let say la adam yg mng battle tu..takkan drang nak suke2 je tak main kris' version kan? pdhl kris yg mng AI...pdn la muke hitz dok kene kutuk pasni..ekeke...ape2 pon..aku tetap dgr hitz..