nat12 posted on 8-2-2014 10:07 PM 
sweetnya baju kaka..!!!
good choice, zara!!!
kaka pon mmg bekerja keras dan ada kesungguhan nak menang.. .. dapat gak akhirnyer... zarazya atau orang yang terdekat dgn zarazya yang baca porem ni, TAHNIAH!!!!!!...  
yes baju kaka mmg suwit.... pink tu warna rasmi si cik nobelis kan ... .. warna zara amirah dalam lyma, dan warna kaka jua kan....
tak sia2 kaka pilih kaler tu .. kan? buat iol teringat lagu (sila baca yang iol highlight hokeh!!)
aerosmith - pink
Pink it's my new obsession
Pink it's not even a question,
Pink on the lips of your lover, 'cause
Pink is the love you discover
Pink as the bing on your cherry
Pink 'cause you are so very
Pink it's the color of passion
'Cause today it just goes with the fashion
Pink it was love at first sight
Pink when I turn out the light, and
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight
You could be my flamingo
'Coz pink is the new kinda lingo
Pink like a deco umbrella
It's kink - but you don't ever tell her
abam , mungkin he doesn't care.... he deserve it ( )