Versi Bawang Antarabangsa : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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nour2001 replied at 9-2-2019 03:03 PM
Ko jgn..ada fanataik dia ckp william boleh dihalang jadi pewaris takhta kalau peminat semua bersat ...
Delusional much, sugars! 
Tp nak tgk gak diorang buat petition tu.
1. Dia ingat pemenat MM ni ramai banget ke? Gebang lebih kat socmed je, realiti nya nan hado!
2. Kebangangan apa dia ingat negara2 commonwealth nak backup Ex Z-lister actress over true blue blood? Not a refined nor a classy one summore. |
Katanya babana message utk sex worker depa tak agihkan pun plak   |
nour2001 replied at 9-2-2019 12:28 PM
Salam semua..anyone here have Twitter acct please follow Torontopapers...next week expect some juicy ...
Ok noted sis. |
Cicisweets replied at 9-2-2019 08:41 PM
Kat Mana baca?
Kat tumblr..charlatan.. |
nour2001 replied at 9-2-2019 06:06 PM
Kan..ko gugel je Nama dianadoneveu ..baca je lah tweet dia , kalau ada acct boleh lah ko reply..ak ...
Buang masa je layan depa ni. I saw one of her tweet, baru nak masuk 18 tahun. So, umur macam tu memang biasanya ada strong opinion and rasa lebih tau tentang satu2 issue. Tapi memang dia all out defend Meghan dan dia sarankan semua fan Meghan buat macam tu jugak. |
From most movies made about anne boleyn ni almost all depicted her as troublesome b****h yg gila harta si king henry tu. Penggoda and caras from her own sister. So why would anyone decent nak worship si anne ni sampai bukak acc guna anne’s background konon2 tersiksa bagai. We can feel pity for her tapi takde la sampai worship. Si meggot ni nak pakai nama diana kang takut too obvious kan so dia gune nama queen lain yg ‘terianaya’ from monarchy kononnya. Padahal sendiri cari penyakit.
Tgk kat iflix series king henry tu pun rasa nak tampar je the woman yg bawa watak anne tu annoying bitchy and cunning sungguh. Based on real events tu.
Kasi off with her head je la meggot ni QE. Semak sungguh if only boleh kejam mcm zaman dulu2 kan aman terus istana QE |
nour2001 replied at 9-2-2019 02:57 PM
Lagi satu our group member kebetulan alum northwestern uni, dia tgh godek pasai wallis kat uni..dia ...
Juicy gila info ni. If harry tak pancung his marriage dgn this witch meggot taktau la nak kata apa. Maybe sama je laki bini nak manipulate the monarchy for living in luxuries pakai nama QE. |
nour2001 replied at 9-2-2019 12:28 PM
Salam semua..anyone here have Twitter acct please follow Torontopapers...next week expect some juicy ...
thanks nour.. terpaksa la bukan new acc sbb yg lama dah x ingat password |
judicata replied at 9-2-2019 02:06 PM
Uuuuuuuuu juicy
rasanya dorg kena suruh pergi Morroco kan... kalau x silap. Both mm ngan ph kena buat lawatan 3 hr ke sana.. I read somewhere kat messyduchess ig |
ramai sgt loose canons, bimbos dan semua yg low mentaliti penyokong tegar nutmeg nie. napa la si PH x tapis betul pompuan ni.. tangkap muat je. Asal ada bini je kekdahnya. Atau pompuan ni dah perangkap dia mcm2. |
knp plak tak diagihkan, penat mm tulis 
OMG can't wait!

Edited by eva at 10-2-2019 04:12 AM
atie77 replied at 9-2-2019 08:03 PM
Katanya babana message utk sex worker depa tak agihkan pun plak
kalau atie tengok kat ig messytheduchess tu... isu pisang tu dah jd mcm mcm.. jd bahan joke nak kenakan MM. saya x reti post kat sini picture dr megsy tp 2 of those pictures siap ada caption "do you want a banana?" pastu the next picture " oh, you want banana too?" mmg hilarious. semua gambar tu dlm keadaan mm tgh berckp dgn certain ladies. mcm nak promote banana je  |
pagi uolls..so hari ni william dan catherne akan attend Bafta award ..guess who will make the news...Thomas has sit down on an interview set today to counter the beech....it will end up all about her again instead of will n Cath at Bafta....... |
Bafta ada live tak kat sini? |
nour2001 replied at 10-2-2019 05:19 AM
pagi uolls..so hari ni william dan catherne akan attend Bafta award ..guess who will make the news.. ...
sampai mcm tu sekali teruk dia pr strategy.teruk la pompuan ni.
minta2 la sampai bb dia lahir QE x payah announce apa2. x pyh bg title kat anak dia.'benci betul org mcm nie. kat KP punya ig pon berderet muka dia ngan Harry. tenggelam terus PW n Kate
oh no torontopaper punya twitter dah x exist.. 
teruknya nutmeg.. nasib baik sempat bc semlm apa dia tulis.. org ingat dia hater pd nutmeg, rupanya dia adalah ghosted friend, dia nak expose nutmeg punya past. klau x colorful past pesal mm takut? yg I remember she or he wrote I paid her bills, not the royal family .. |
It’s torontopaper1...kena report lah tu...
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