azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 03:59 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Seoul base camp ni yg mcm capsule hotel mcm kat jepun tu ehh..??
tak pasti sangat.. cume base on their email.. die ade 2 type ..
satu capsule.. satu dorm.. kiteorang nye tak tau yang mane..
booking yang 12 katil.. (rasenye yang tu yang capsule kan??) huhuhu..
nanti saya update bile dah check in..huhuhuhu..
feezasabri posted on 4-10-2012 04:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tak pasti sangat.. cume base on their email.. die ade 2 type ..
satu capsule.. satu dorm.. kiteor ...
ic ic... jgn lupe bagi review nanti .... |
azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 04:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ic ic... jgn lupe bagi review nanti ....
hehehe.. mesti.. sharing is caring..
caring make loving..
loving with suffering..hahaha... joking only...
btw.. just let u all know.. kat seoul land pun ade cam lotte world or everland..
n the best thing.. from 32,000 won.. ada discount.. it only 14,000 won until 28/10/2012..
tu yang cam frust tak dapat g sane.. celah mane nak selit...??? ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
feezasabri posted on 4-10-2012 04:22 PM ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/common/back.gif)
hehehe.. mesti.. sharing is caring..
caring make loving..
loving with suffering..hahaha... jokin ...
Seoul land ni tak silap aku theme park yg first2 kat seoul ... lepas bukak lotte world & everland, mcm dah tenggelam seoul land nih...
ur time is too short kat sane.. mmg takleh nak selit2 dah ... |
azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 04:26 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Seoul land ni tak silap aku theme park yg first2 kat seoul ... lepas bukak lotte world & everlan ...
the best thing nye.. dah r diskaun baek punye...
pastu ada festival bunga chrysanthemum.. mesti menguning sume kawasan tue...
azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 05:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ko bace balik article nih...
Don’t be surprised if you have to transfer lines to get places in ...
Haaa.. ni la yg aku baca dulu.. Thanks azra. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 04:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ic ic... jgn lupe bagi review nanti ....
confirm.. i get capsule type..hehehe.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
That is no problem.
5 people has booked capsule room .
have a nice day
see you next week.
feezasabri posted on 4-10-2012 05:20 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
confirm.. i get capsule type..hehehe..
huhuhuh.... review bergambar nanti ehhh... mane tau kot2 menarik, bleh la jugak try .... brape won pernite?
feezasabri posted on 4-10-2012 05:20 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
confirm.. i get capsule type..hehehe..
wah gi 10 gak hb ke..sekapal la kita ye..aku gi 10-22hb october![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
azradiza posted on 4-10-2012 05:31 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
huhuhuh.... review bergambar nanti ehhh... mane tau kot2 menarik, bleh la jugak try .... brape won ...
okey... harga tu yang tak tahan..hahahaha...
time kiteorang booked tu promo pembukaan ...
10,000 semalam per person.
pastu nak tambah sorang sekarang kene 15,000 per person..huhuhu.
capsule tu sekarang, 18,000 won, doom 15,000 (10 bed) -16,000 won(8bed).. boleh refer kat www.hostels.com
saladin780 posted on 4-10-2012 08:40 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
wah gi 10 gak hb ke..sekapal la kita ye..aku gi 10-22hb october
huhuhu.. yeke??
sekapal la ye.. lame nye sampai 22/10..
pusing satu korea ke?![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
feezasabri posted on 5-10-2012 07:47 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
okey... harga tu yang tak tahan..hahahaha...
time kiteorang booked tu promo pembukaan ...
10,0 ...
10k?? murah bangettt ..... ![](static/image/smiley/default/3sweat.gif) |
azradiza posted on 5-10-2012 07:49 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
10k?? murah bangettt .....
tu r sis..
Alhamdulillah.. percutian ke korea buat pertama kali di luar jangkaan..
Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya..
dapat gak naik bas free g busan..
yang buat pening sekarang.. hanya 2 orang je dapat tiket bas free (me n my friend under my name)...
4 orang lagi tak dapat.. ntah camne dieorang pilih pun tak tau..
yang peliknya.. time kiteorang apply dulu.. time tu saya orang ke 11 apply, kawan saya ke 12.. n sorang lagi ke15..
so it should be ours la kan ?? sekali boleh lak dieorang dapat email " you are not won ticket to Busan"... frust kan??
nie dah kene split iti ... kiteorang berdua ke busan.. dieorang kat seoul..
tapi blm final decision lagi... maybe dieorang g, maybe tak.. cos dah frust..huhuhu..
the issue is , kalo ikutkan... its base on first come first serve r kan?? but.. it's not happen here... they do lottery pick up..
the application open until reach 76 pax.. then do lucky no.. (like lottery).. n just pick up only 25!!..urm... dunia2...
nak bagi free pun kene main lottery gak... bek bagi je sape cepat apply, die dapat.. kan???
p/s : sorry panjang lak.. geram cara dieorang bagi free seat tu... |
feezasabri posted on 5-10-2012 08:27 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tu r sis..
Alhamdulillah.. percutian ke korea buat pertama kali di luar jangkaan..
Moga Allah p ...
Itulah namanya taktik business Feeza. Heheheheh!! Takpe, sabar,sabar. Manalah tau nasib baik lg dpt juga seat ramai2 nanti gi Busan. Smp Busan tlg sampaikan salam kat man mentua akak di Busan tu. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
feezasabri posted on 5-10-2012 08:27 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tu r sis..
Alhamdulillah.. percutian ke korea buat pertama kali di luar jangkaan..
Moga Allah p ...
laaa...cemane bleh takdapat tiket bas free tu.... tak best la jalan asing2 ...
ape kate ko suggest kat diorang naik train yg paling murah ke Busan ... train mugunghwa, tambang dlm 28k jer one way sorang ... about 5.5hours ... pastu tambang tu korang share2 laaa...
Peterpan17 posted on 5-10-2012 08:47 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Itulah namanya taktik business Feeza. Heheheheh!! Takpe, sabar,sabar. Manalah tau nasib baik lg d ...
tu r pasal.. geramjiii je ..
kim salam kat mak mertua tak tahan.. sape name die??
kang sume ajumma kat sane saya kim salam.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
azradiza posted on 5-10-2012 08:49 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
laaa...cemane bleh takdapat tiket bas free tu.... tak best la jalan asing2 ...
ape kate ko sugges ...
tu r..papepun mesti kami bersama.. kiteorang try dulu tunggu kat station tu..
mesti punye ade seat kosong lagi..hhahahah (tinggi harapan ku)...
yang tak dapat.. ambil bas kat terminal bus station. share bajet same2.
jadi sampai lebih kurang same... huhuhu..
mesti jejak kaki gak kat busan.. akibat pengaruh "lovers in Heundae" punye pasal..
k.. doakan perjalanan kami dimudahkan ...
p/s : nie kire okey lagi.. dari saya ada pengalaman tahan kapal terbang.. lagi dasat..hehehehe...
tak leh lupe punye.. |
feezasabri posted on 5-10-2012 09:10 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tu r..papepun mesti kami bersama.. kiteorang try dulu tunggu kat station tu..
mesti punye ade se ...
hhahhahahaha..... pengaruh kdrama sungguh korang nih ... tambang dari seoul ->busan brape won yer?
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