queen_aurora posted on 20-5-2014 01:41 PM 
me ..
28/8 nk ikot .. jum ah
Bila berape hari. Ticket dah beli ke lum
tix pg dh beli .. kul-PP
blk dr SR ( lom bli tix ..
Bape rege tix dpt.. nk ikot
Bagi flight details bole x. Daku 1st time nk jln sdiri ni  |
Ada sesapa yg nak join saya ke Nepal or Cebu next year? |
ada sesapa nak ikut ke Medan dari 23/10/2014 - 2610/2014 nih ??? MAS tgh offer rm199 return.. |
kamar22 posted on 19-5-2014 05:17 PM 
Jom2..I pn...tringin nk join gi turki lg...
Tp..bkn ths yr lah..bru gi bln 3aritu sblum gi umrah. ...
i dh PM u  |
queen_aurora posted on 20-5-2014 01:59 PM
tix pg dh beli .. kul-PP
blk dr SR ( lom bli tix ..
Nanti saya see see first. Nak pergi siam reap tu berape hari
watie79 posted on 20-5-2014 04:30 PM 
ada sesapa nak ikut ke Medan dari 23/10/2014 - 2610/2014 nih ??? MAS tgh offer rm199 return..
Murah nyer...mcm nk join je...
queen_aurora posted on 20-5-2014 01:40 PM
ade rejeki , smua tmpt ko pg ku mau ikot bha
Okeehh sila bawaku masuk dalam backpack mu ya hehehe..
Lobpuri u nak p bila? |
peachcobler posted on 20-5-2014 10:02 PM 
Murah nyer...mcm nk join je...
jomm..sy belum beli tix lagik.
peachcobler posted on 20-5-2014 10:02 PM 
Murah nyer...mcm nk join je...
ini itinerary MAS :
Thu, 23 Oct 2014 - 08.50am KUL-KNO (pergi)
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 - 09.05am KNO-KUL (balik)
berminat tak ??? 
watie79 posted on 21-5-2014 09:28 AM 
ini itinerary MAS :
Thu, 23 Oct 2014 - 08.50am KUL-KNO (pergi)
kaka watie, offer MAS smpi bilakah?
mcm nk join
gekkou posted on 21-5-2014 11:20 AM 
kaka watie, offer MAS smpi bilakah?
mcm nk join
offer from Mas neh will ends 24/05/2014, jomm beli tix sesama...
watie79 posted on 21-5-2014 11:50 AM 
offer from Mas neh will ends 24/05/2014, jomm beli tix sesama...
erkk...lagi 3 hari jek...
baru jek membeli tix AA 
nnti budget bulan ni lari la kaka
suh MAS postponed sampai gaji
tp nk ikott
gekkou posted on 21-5-2014 11:58 AM 
erkk...lagi 3 hari jek...
baru jek membeli tix AA
the more the merrier giteww..
baru leh sharing bajet supir 
watie79 posted on 21-5-2014 12:04 PM 
the more the merrier giteww..
baru leh sharing bajet supir
beb apasal tak start dari 22/10? ko tau kan deepavali dah ubah tarikh... instead of 23/10, dah tukar jadik 22/10
aku assume ko mmg nak pegi time cuti tu la.. kalau sekadar kebetulan, abaikan soklan aku tu... kekekek...
aku pun tgh gigih dok pk mane nak terjah time cuti tu |
watie79 posted on 21-5-2014 12:12 PM 
hah ??? deepavali dah ubah tarikh ?? kat mana ko tgk tuh ? haishhh...mujur belom beli tix :funk ...
ade keluar notice aritu... jap aku carik link
ko tengok part pengumuman tu
watie79 posted on 21-5-2014 12:18 PM 
kekekeke...aku masih kat korea barangkali aritu..
cehhh..gap 2 hari rugi lah pulak nak cuti, d ...
ok la tu .. amik 2 hari annual leave dapat jalan2 5 hari
| |