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Author: bdk2

All About India - Part 2

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Post time 13-6-2013 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Gambar dari jambatan gantung di Sungai Parvati di Kasol, di pertengahan Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh


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Post time 13-6-2013 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Pergh amazing writtings lah @cmf_GAIA.

M thinking of going for ayurvedic treatment in india next year. Ramai lah jugak yg nak pergi minimum 20paxs. Can u assist us please.  We r serious travellers hah.

Baru jer ronda2 jogja, bandung n jakarta. There 10 of us but trip to india ayurvedic ni memang ramai nak g. Seronok bacer yr experiences ni

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Post time 13-6-2013 11:17 PM | Show all posts
minahsaudi posted on 13-6-2013 03:19 PM
Pergh amazing writtings lah @cmf_GAIA.

M thinking of going for ayurvedic treatment in india next  ...

hi hi....terima kasih, insya Allah kalau takde masalah soon tulis travelog betul nyer...tapi forum India kat cari ni kurang popular dah lepas AA stop terbang ke Delhi.

Pasal Ayurvedic tu...mcm mana eh? tak mahir sangat...kalo AYurvedic massage tu mcm ada kat merata Ayurvedic Treatment ni lain pula caranya? nanti me tanya kat my contact kat sana...ada lagi details info tak pasal AYurvedic tu?

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Post time 14-6-2013 08:32 AM | Show all posts
dengar-dengar Malindo nak pi ke India. hehehe. lepas tu baru meriah balik kot

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Post time 14-6-2013 09:07 AM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 5-6-2013 08:19 AM
masih blom nyempat sambung tulis....nak tempek pic je:-

Cakap pasal Jan Tak Hai Jaan tu, terus teringat nak tanya nie, adakah filming location die dekat tempat yang you pergi ni GAIA? And lagi satu nak tanya, kalau perempuan pergi sana, is it safe ke?

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Post time 14-6-2013 09:56 AM | Show all posts
poobritney posted on 14-6-2013 09:07 AM
Cakap pasal Jan Tak Hai Jaan tu, terus teringat nak tanya nie, adakah filming location die dekat t ...

JTHJ kat hotel tu jeling2 mcm tu jah, tak pernah tengok complete pun film tu....dari scene yg ada nampak mcmlebih kurang sekitar Leh je....ada satu tu nampak kem askar dia tulis kat Pahalgam kan? Pahalgam tak sempat pergi, tapi green mcm tu kat Sonamarg pun ada, asal bukan tengah musim sejuk la.....

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Post time 14-6-2013 09:57 AM | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 14-6-2013 08:32 AM
dengar-dengar Malindo nak pi ke India. hehehe. lepas tu baru meriah balik kot

waah...betol ke nenek? harap2 semurah-murahnya......n sampai ke Delhi juga

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Post time 14-6-2013 10:23 AM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 14-6-2013 09:57 AM
waah...betol ke nenek? harap2 semurah-murahnya......n sampai ke Delhi juga

heehhehe  menurut kata berita yang digembar-gemburkan la.
harap2 murah la. ... ke-india-singapura/


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Post time 14-6-2013 10:40 AM | Show all posts
poobritney posted on 14-6-2013 09:07 AM
Cakap pasal Jan Tak Hai Jaan tu, terus teringat nak tanya nie, adakah filming location die dekat t ...

mislooked pulak soalan last tu....susah nak cakap ni....India from my experience is generally safe tapi...ada tapinya, pre-caution kena tinggi n buatlah segala benda yg boleh utk minimumkan risiko....mcm perempuan elak keluar malam, sentiasa gerak dalam group n sentiasa di tempat ramai orang. Kalau ambik private driver pun safety jugak tu....ada sorang perempuan Belgium yg aku jumpa sana travel dgn private taxi dia bayar siap2 package utk beberapa hari....cuma jenjalan kat dlm/sekitar tourist attraction tu dia wat sorang la....tak pakai public transport je......

mcm kata, susah nak cakap sebenarnya...walaupun memang jelas ada banyak rape case foreign tourist kat India, still ramai sangat solo woman traveler kat sana....aku sendiri pun jumpa ramai and diorang ni pun pakai public transport je ke sana-sini, bukan takat tu je...ada sorang makcik Spanyol aku jumpa dia ke India tetiap tahun since past 22 years....n ada dua orang prempuan Jepun, satu berkujung ke India sudah 5 kali dan satu lagi dah 3 kali, most of time diorang travel solo dan akan terus kembali ke India utk masa2 akan datang pun....

so...memang subjektif, pendek kata apa saja yg terjadi memang ketentuan Tuhan, usaha di tangan kita hanyalah kurangkan risiko tu...mcm travel in group, kalau boleh ada lelaki better lah.....boleh tumpang other travelers, ambik bas tourist instead of bus public biasa, bus tourist ni mahal sikit tapi lebih selesa sbb numbered seat n tak bersumbat...masa aku kat sana most of time aku naik bas public biasa je sbb nak bajet, sekali dua je kot jumpa tourist lain dlm bas....bila bas public berselisih dgn tourist bus, baru aku sedar yg mat2 salleh ni mostly naik bus yg lebih mahal tu. senang nak letak beg etc....satu lagi kalau perempuan mat saleh, diorang ni senang sangat mengundang 'stare' dari lelaki2 local, antara benda yg aku paling menyampah tengok....bebudak muda la terutamanya, mcm tak pernah tgk perempuan mat salleh, mesti nak berkerumum dekat2 n pandang2 n borak2 sama sendiri, kadang2 diorang cuba berborak juga dgn prempuan tu....ada sekali dlm bas public dari Kasol ke Tosh village, bas berenti lama kat satu tempat then naik beberapa bebudak muda sikh terus diorang duduk berkumpul kat belakang sbb sana ada satu couple matsaleh, sorangnya pompuan...lepas lama2 tu couple tu turun ambik angin kat bawah, tak tahan kot......satu lagi kes kat AMritsar, aku join group 3 german ladies n 1 American, kat memana diorang pergi pun pasti mengundang pandangan2 renungan2 yg prempuan tak suka la kan....tapi kat sana mmg prempuan2 ni kena sentiasa polite la sbb masalah dengan locals ni diorang tak tahu apa yg diorang buat tu salah....salah utk merenung atau pandang perempuan secara terang2 mcm tu....dan kat India, south India n middle east ni kita mesti ingat yg lelaki2 masih patriach, ada ego dia yg mereka berkuasa atas perempuan, so jangan sesekali confront diorang.....berpura2 polite sepanjang masa. Aku rasa kes gangrape kat Gwalior tu yg perempuan scotland ke apa tuh yg berbasikal dgn husband dia tu....aku rasa dia ada buat rapers tu marah, tu jadi kes tu.....

Jadi mcm tu lah....kena examine situation, elak kan buat org2 mcm ni marah n jangan travel malam utk elakkan pemabuk (kecuali tourist bas, takpa)...tu kes kalo nak travel mcm me, solo

Kalo travel mcm Malaysian kebanyakannya, insya ALlah selamat je

DI Ladakh n Kashmir, generally lebih selamat dari bahagian lain terutamanya Bhuddist dominated Ladakh tu....Kashmir, aku rasa masih ada lelaki2 patriach yg fikir dia ada hak atas perempuan....Tapi org kashmir biasa baik2 je, cuma sesetengah tu je yg tamak nak duit....

Di Himachal yg cantik mcm sorga tu....kena berhati2 sepanjang masa......

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Post time 14-6-2013 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 14-6-2013 10:23 AM
heehhehe  menurut kata berita yang digembar-gemburkan la.
harap2 murah la.

Rupanya AA pun ada niat nak sambung balik flight ke Delhi....akan ada AA india nanti katanya....boleh murah kah? Now domestic flight diorang sangat2 mahal

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Post time 14-6-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 14-6-2013 11:31 AM
Rupanya AA pun ada niat nak sambung balik flight ke Delhi....akan ada AA india nanti ...

ehehehh tu la. baca kat thread mana tah lupa.
depa kata Malindo air ni kemungkinan boleh rugi kalo dengan style depa meniaga ala2 MAS tu.
heheh no komen la.

tapi AA ni banyak org merungut pon still org naik gak.


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Post time 14-6-2013 02:39 PM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 13-6-2013 11:17 PM
hi hi....terima kasih, insya Allah kalau takde masalah soon tulis travelog betul nyer...tapi forum ...

Thanks for your reply, sorry lambat balas.

Ayurvedic treatment yg saya maksudkan ada spa n village dia normally kat south india like chennai lah.  It is holistic treatment that based on natural therapy n invasion.  Massage tu among the treatment lah dari hujung rambut kehujung kaki.

Skang ni ada village n spa lah yg buat ayurvedic treatment ni. Well if u ada contact kat sana tolong kasi me their email add so that i can contact them.

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Post time 14-6-2013 02:52 PM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 14-6-2013 10:40 AM
mislooked pulak soalan last tu....susah nak cakap ni....India from my experience is generally safe ...

WOW! Memang brief expalnation la...So appreciate this. Betul jugak, like what you said, semuanya Tuhan dah tentukan if jadi apa-apa....Anyway, can't wait to have full story of your journey. Share lahh. Mana tahu Malindo buat promotion this year

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:20 AM | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 14-6-2013 11:48 AM
ehehehh tu la. baca kat thread mana tah lupa.
depa kata Malindo air ni kemungkinan boleh rugi kal ...

takleh bayang lagi camana AA India nanti....yelah, persaingan sana kan banyak...kalo fikir2 kenapa penerbangan ke Leh dari Jammu hanya ada satu airflight, dah la hanya sekali seminggu dan hanya Air India sahaja....Indigo dapat route Leh-Delhi, Srinagar-Mumbai...tapi takde Jammu-Leh atau Srinagar-Leh...mcm diorang dah bagi2, lagi satu korup n kroni2 dlm gov sana boleh tahan hebatnya.....AA mesti pandai main lobi2 lah kalo nak wat AA India, mungkin diorang focus kat south India dulu kot

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:26 AM | Show all posts
minahsaudi posted on 14-6-2013 02:39 PM
Thanks for your reply, sorry lambat balas.

Ayurvedic treatment yg saya maksudkan ada spa n vill ...

Hohoho...okays, nanti saya tanyakan cotact kat Delhi dia traveling ke Ladakh utk 2 minggu, susah online skit... bulan 9 dengarnya dia nak quit kerja n start travel keliling dunia selama 2 tahun or lebih, tapi korek maklumat dgn dia dulu....

Kalau south India masih blom sempat cover lagi....tadi cuba check tenet jumpa info yg Ayurvedic ni available mostly kat Kerala je...ada jugak kat Karnataka n Goa sikit2...tempat2 ni semua sebelah south territories yg me masih blom jejak kaki.....

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:28 AM | Show all posts
poobritney posted on 14-6-2013 02:52 PM
WOW! Memang brief expalnation la...So appreciate this. Betul jugak, like what you said, semuanya T ...

hehe...insya Allah sikit-sikit....skrg masih kena kerje 7 hari seminggu, lepas abis tempoh kerja lebih masa mcm ni bolehlah mula tulis sikit2

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Post time 15-6-2013 01:36 AM | Show all posts
My friend kat Delhi tu tengah travel Ladakh skarang. Dia ikut route dari Manali lalu Rohtang La (pass) yg terkenal tu, route yg memang aku bercita2 sangat nak buat since baca tentangnya kat dalam buku 500 must do Journey tak lama dulu...tapi masa me kat India, rohtang La masih tutup kepada laluan sebab penghujung musim sejuk salji masih tebal kat sana......

Dia ada post sory kat FB, menarik cerita dia melalui perjalanan Manali-Leh aku share kat sini jugaklah:-

So I finally reached leh on 11th (Tuesday) instead of Monday (10th) Thanks to the two bus rides from hell. This ordial began with taking the 4 am bus to Keylong. The bus was fine ... accept I got the last row as the bus was mostly booked by the Army. Nearly 30 seats of the 34 available were booked by the Army. Hence the last row... which was fine till the road existed. it was fun infact ... since I had the last row... I could stand on the footboard of the bus and take my hand out for the camera without the need of a window seat. It was an amazing drive to Rohtang.

Allthough it was a constant moving traffic jam restricted to a single lane and looked like a giant millipeed going up the mountain. Rohtang is something else... from wearing a T shirt to shivering in a jacket ... within 1 hour was amazing. Rohtang pass can simply be described as passing through snow walls. And thankfully the traffic jam only existed till rohtang as it was all the tourists who were going there (mostly Indian families). The real travelers were heading directly to leh... without stopping at rohtang... also because they were in a bus... they couldn't stop (hehe). rohtang is at such a hight but it didn't make my altitude sick ... though i was expecting it.

he fun began when we stopped at our last stop before keylong. The landscape suddenly changed ... it was clear that we were entering the no mans land. The surroundings were just so amazing that I felt like I was in heaven... but I was proven wrong a few minutes later as I saw something even more amazing. And then the penny dropped... the road decided to dissapear. We were literally traveling on a gravel road which was hardly 3 meters wide ... with two way traffic and huge potholes. The last row started playing its part in the drivers plan to kill everyone in the last row. Every few minutes we were at least 3-4 feet up in the air, barely missing the roof by not more than a couple of inches. And this wasnt once in a while ... it was for hours at stretch as it took 7 hours to get from Manali to keylong. Usually when you arrive at keylong, you dont get a direct immediately as there are only one or two buses to leh from keylong and they all leave early morning so that they can reach Leh on the same day as its a 12-14 hour ride depending on the road conditions. However, to my surprise when I reached keylong a bus was immediately leaving for Leh. Though my bus's driver insisted that I take the next bus ... but I didnt see the logic of staying for a night (although now when I look back ... I should have listened to him). This bus that I took from keylong looked much better. It had better seats, more comfortable layout and costed as much too. Manali to keylong was 130 Rs but keylong to leh was 552. Oh well... I got the last row again as I was the last one to board the bus.

Once on the move I started feeling that the road to keylong from manali was much better with the potholes... coz on this one there were potholes every 5 minutes. And as soon as we started we started going through streems of water running down the mountains and taking away the road with them... so no choice ... go through a pile of rocks... Yes ladies and gentleman ... proper offroading in a BUS. Through this road we came to a lake which I would say was painted on this earth ... it didnt appear. Look at it ... just look ... does it look real to you ? Everything was going smooth ... the landscape kept evolving into a vision of heaven... and it would better itself every few minutes. But then .. the bus stopped as it developed a snag. Upon examination it was found that the off-roading had killed the bus as one of the rocks had taken out the radiator system. Though the driver said he would have it fixed within 30 minutes or another bus would arrive within an hour ... I had a hunch that we were stuck for a at least 2 hours. Mind you there are worse places to break down and be stuck for hours... but was I going to mind this one ? Just take a look at it ... would you mind being stuck here? After getting bored of sitting inside in the first 5 minutes. I made my way upto the roof of the bus where I was joined by two more travelers. who then proceeded to climb the mountains and I decided to go and check out the snow(in my flip flops). Then I went back on the roof ... for I dont know what reason only to see something amazing. As I was climbing the ladder to the roof... I looked up and I couldnt believe what the sun was doing. Look at the picture... dont you see a portal to another world ? And all of this was visible to everyone but no one was looking but me... Well that kept me occupied for a while and soon it was 4 hours since we had been stuck at the same spot.. the sun started going down and it became colder.

Out came the jacket wearing people ... a bit concerned. Some people were solution orintated, some didn't give a F**K and some were just making the best of it. So a bunch of guys, stopped a few vehicals and asked for food and soon we had a picnic at 13,000 ft (could I have asked for more?). Then the sun completely went down and the jackets werent enough to keep you warm... mind you at 13000 ft your brain starts playing tricks with you as its not getting enough oxygen. For me it was a head splitting migrane and dizziness. I started talking to this traveler from south africa. She was on the same buses throughout but somehow opened up just now. We got talking about menifesting things into reality... she imagined a bus traveling in the dark, flashing its lights and I added ... it doesnt have to come when its completely dark, it can come now and 2 minutes later someone shouted ... I see the bus... people came to the edge of the road and the driver flashed its lights... Magic or timed right/ coincidence? I dont know ... you decide... but we were out of there immediately and headed for sarch into the night. The bus was traveling at 10 kms an hour now coz it was absolutely impossible to see anything, the edge of the mountain looked like a smooth road and we almost drove off it. Finally reached Sarchu around 11 in the night. Though sarchu was nothing but a few shantys made of tin but it felt like a castle full of earthly pleasures such as food and warmth. People were looking at the sky now ... it was so beautiful... no civilization around and being 14000 ft closer to the sky does something to the stars. Its magical, but I had a headache so this time I didnt give a crap about it and went staright for some food, sleep and an attempt to cure my splitting headache. The funny part is ... this place had liquor available but no shop that kept pills for headaches which I had conveniently forgotten to bring with me. So I ended up lying motionless, unable to sleep, cold and half dizzy due to the hight.

After 7 hours of this the bus started up again and we were on the move again on the busride from hell... actually I would say decending through 7 circles of hell ever since it broke down... as the new bus they had brought was smaller and had 4 seats less... so guess who doesnt get a seat ... people in the last row ... and hey! where was I sitting ? In the last row... after a few more spine breaking bumps we reached a place where there was small shrine, dedicated to a staff member of the road transport corporation who had died saving the lives of 30 people in his bus. People were offering anything that they concidered precious at that time; including water, ciggertte, food and everything under the sun. I have some shots of the surrounding area... can you imagine crossing another vehical on such a road ? we were literally driving on the edge and I didnt see more than 1 vehical that had lost it to the mountains... it was amazing. Few minutes later I gathered the strenght and asked my co-passengers if anyone had a pill for headache and luckly someone had only 1 left ... which I valiently took from his hands and consumed it. Ahh !! what a relief ... 20 minutes after taking the pill I was a new man.. interactions were better... I moved to the front of the bus and we started playing antakshari ... total strangers and it took 10 minutes to behalf like best of friends ... so much so that the other travelers though we were all traveling together... whereas 2 of the guys were from delhi and one from mumbai...anyway coming back to the topic ... we were soon on 17000+ ft which is the second highest point and the highest motorable road in the world and this place is something else. You do feel as if you're at the top of the world. And to my amazement I found a man who had cycled through what I would call circles of hell to this hight... were I was struggling just to get on an off the bus because there was no oxygen. People in the world are amazing ... you just have to look for them. Amazingly the road started to exist from this point onwards... freshly laid tarmac and finally i started believing this might be the way to heaven. Some red mountians, brown mountains and black mountains later... we reached the checkpoint for leh ... which was cleared in 30 minutes as everyone who is not an indian national as to go through verification ... well at least their passports do. Soon enough I had entered leh. I was exhausted getting off the bus... thinking will it be worth it... will it be worth the pain I had endured... and now after these few days ... I have no words. I am in heaven ... no this is not being cheesy at all ... I AM IN HEAVEN... there are no words, no pictures; nothing in this world exists to describe what I have found.... you have to see it to believe it. I'll try to post some more pictures to show what this place is like thoughout the day ... but still it wont be enough. Anyway ... stay tuned for more.

Pic dari FB dia...tak sangka dinding salji tepi jalan lebih tinggi dari bumbung bas! patutlah laluan ke Leh melalui Rohtang La ni hanya dibuka 4 bulan sahaja dalam setahun....

Baca citer dia ni...mengingatkan aku pada pengalaman perjalanan melalui Chang La dan Zoji La...yg walaupun tak sefemes Rohtang La, tapi gambaran tu adalah seseikit...traffic jam di, diding salji tepi jalan...tiba2 jalan hilang diganti dengan banyaknya pothole......hampir serupa, namun pengalaman dia lebih dasat n lebih adventure lah tapi

I'm sure I'll return to India lagi someday utk melangsaikan hutang melakukan perjalanan merentas Rohtang La ni....dan juga dua lagi High Mountain Pass, Khardung-La (di Ladakh) dan Khunzum-La (di Himachal Pradesh) yg dengarnya tak kurang ohsem juga pemandangannya....
Last edited by cmf_GAIA on 15-6-2013 01:52 AM


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Post time 26-6-2013 11:49 PM | Show all posts
sambung kesah perjalanan dari Leh ke Srinagar

lepas beberapa jam meninggalkan Kargil menyusur lembah2 yg indah dengan pohon2 epal dan Aprikot yg berbunga lebat, akhirnya tiba di satu tempat nama Drass. Ada signboard kata tempat ni tempat yg ada org tinggal kedua tersejuk di dunia...aku tanyakan pada salah sorang passenger taxi yg tempat pertama sejuk tu mana? Siberia katanya....

Bila keluar dari kereta yg ber-heater, memang agak sejuk sini....sisa-sisa salji masih ada di kiri kanan jalan. Driver dan passenger turun basuh2 muka n makan tengahari. Driver suruh aku lunch siap2 sebab sini tempat last yg ada kedai2, lepas ni perjalanan akan masuk remote area celah2 gunung. Pekan kecil Drass agak sibuk dengan banyaknya kereta2, teksi, bas2 dan lori2 yg turut berhenti makan. Aku ikut driver masuk kedai makan pilihan diorang, situ hanya ada nasik dengan kari kambing saja. Then baru aku tau rupanya perkataan Ladakhi untuk 'sabun' ialah 'sabun' juga.....masa aku mintak sabun utk basuh tangan yg sangat berminyak lepas makan nasik kari kambing. Driver sebut 'sabun' pada tuan kedai...macam mana istilah Ladakhi dan Bahasa Melayu utk 'sabun' boleh sama ya?

Setelah lebih kurang sejam berhenti, kita teruskan perjalanan. Walaupun masih menyusur lembah, salji semakin menebal di kiri kanan....sampai satu ketika tiada lagi rumput hijau kelihatan...hanya lapangan putih sejauh mata memandang...

Penutupan laluan Zoji-La ke Srinagar selama dua malam itu menampakkan kesan. Selain dari teksi kitorang, masih ada berpuluh2 teksi lain lagi yg turut terkandas dan meneruskan perjalanan hari tu. Tambah lagi dengan bas dari Kargil, dan lori2 barang/minyak...beratus2 kenderaan sama2 menuju ke Srinagar. Hasilnya...traffic jam

Bila semua kenderaan berenti, semua org pun keluar check apa yg berlaku kat depan...tapi barisan panjang sangat...then ada ura2 cakap pembersihan jalan masih berlangsung, ada chance kena tunggu sampai 3 jam. Pasrah kejap...tapi mujur la tak lama mana, lepas satu jam je semua kenderaan ringan dibenar bergerak dulu meninggalkan lori2 dan bas2 kat taxi kitorang terus maju, mendaki lereng2 gunung bersalji dan akhirnya merentas highest point Zoji-La pada ketinggian (3528m) itu.

Lepas je dari Zoji-La terus nampak Kashmir valley yang hijau terdampar depan mata....tapi masih kena menyusur berkilometer lereng2 bukit dulu baru sampai ke bawah. Daerah pertama lalu ialah Sonamarg, kelihatan ramai pelancong domestic di sana. Kitorang lalu saja lah, tak singgah sebab destinasi akhir ialah Srinagar n hari pun dah lewat petang. Masih ada 80km untuk sampai ke Srinagar. Salji semakin menghilang diganti dengan kehijauan. Lembah Kashmir berbeza dari Ladakh, sini lebih hijau...

Last edited by cmf_GAIA on 26-6-2013 11:50 PM



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Post time 3-7-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
cmf_GAIA posted on 26-6-2013 11:49 PM
sambung kesah perjalanan dari Leh ke Srinagar

saya baru balik India... memang pergi Manali, Rohtang pass.. by road..
memang lawa. tapi pikir byk kali kalau nak pegi lagik..
gmbor ..sat sat lagik upload..

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Post time 3-7-2013 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_xana posted on 3-7-2013 02:47 PM
saya baru balik India... memang pergi Manali, Rohtang pass.. by road..
memang lawa. tapi pikir b ...

Cerr citer skit asam garam kehidupan di jalanan tuh :-D

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