Datin Vivy Sofinas Yusof dan para duckies V4
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Iman has spoken. See, she never ever burukkan her ex bos nor the company itself. Ish i tak boleh lah, kesian iman. agaknya thats why lah family dia bising bagi pihak dia, terlalu baik sangat. you are loved iman |
nampak att pun ada komen dkt ig iman |
Yang orang marahkan sangat, sebab lack of empathy. Start dari post dia dalam nst haritu. Sampai la dia cakap dia pun miscarriage twice.
Macam iman cakap, semua orang ada right untuk pilih macammana pregnancy yang dia nak. Semua orang ada hak nak rasa sakit atau tak. Semua orang berbeza2 rezekinya. Tapi janganlah sampai dipertikaikan orang lain.
Itu je puncanya. Dan benda ni jadi makin worst, bila dah start mengungkit2. So nampak la tak profesional di situ. Dan buat orang jadi lagi marah, bila kakak dia back up — again, it’s all about vivy.
Memang tak dinafikan, bukan senang nak handle sampai 200 staff. Tapi, pasti ada cara yang lebih baik untuk handle conflict ni.
Sampai husband i cakap - typical malay company |
Lolzer replied at 21-5-2018 06:52 PM
wow kakak privy boleh tahan mengungkit semua kauu hahaha tapi rasa nak tahu jugak dari vivy sideee ...
kannn habis mengungkit. tak professional langsung. now boleh nampak upbringing diorang macam mana. respect for iman, even orang burukkan dia pun, langsung dia tak burukkan ex boss or company lame dia. tulah i pun nak dengar side privy jugak and wondering ape yang iman mintak sampai tak boleh tu pfttt |
kibodwatriuh replied at 21-5-2018 07:25 PM
Vivy already explained that article and if you still don’t get it, that’s up to you to live your ...
Is the first one referring to dee and instafamous one - Att? Too much la kakak vivy kot ye pun nak backup |
Kena tanya forummers lain, derang lagi tahu. Iols kenal Iman jah.
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Post time 21-5-2018 07:59 PM
From the mobile phone
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Ok nampaknya kakak tinvy lagi emo dari aisyah |
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Kakak Vivy:
it’s ok for Iman’s sister to lash out at my sister with so much lies, anger, vulgar words, but I can’t defend my own with facts? If your sister was being thrown so much fitnah at, wouldn’t your heart break? I didn’t reply to Aisyah’s vulgarity with more vulgarity, I just told my sisters side of the story. I don’t wish to pick a fight here, I just love my sister and if you were in my shoes, you’d understand. |
cik.panda replied at 21-5-2018 06:16 PM
Korang, nadhira brundage dulu kerja fv juga kan? Dia tak follow vivy pun.
Aah and nadhira tu dia like post aisyah ni. Hehe sesuatu sangat vivy ni yeeee. Hehe |
andalism replied at 21-5-2018 07:55 PM
Is the first one referring to dee and instafamous one - Att? Too much la kakak vivy kot ye pun n ...
Betul sgt da tu. Makasih la kakak privy spill the beans. Tak yah susah2 ummah forum nk cari sendiri |
I rasa macam nak declare war je kalau ada boss peel mcm vivy nie (again if all this story are true; still cuba husnuzon bulan puasa nie ) . Anyways...
V, i don't believe you miscarriage twice bfr daniel . Looking at you yg tgn berjahit dgn phone (im judging based from your super amount of ig story sampai i rasa anak u tak de privacy) you mesti dah lama mention dlm blog or your new collum dkt nst kan.
I am too a boss now . Under i ada 20ppl that i have to handle not mentioning pekerja asing and all the site project etc... But please V , have some respects to your worker. I too bfr as PA to my boss (now my business partner) never ever he rejected my leave because he always gave me peluang utk bekerja dgn waktu i sendiri. Please V dunia makin maju sekarang .with all the technology nowdays,ppl can work tak de sempadan. Oh well , i tak tekejut pun sbb you punya website pun kerja crash je kalau launcing duck. So , yeah no surprise i guess if you don't give your worker work w/out boundaries.
To iman , i doakan yg baik baik utk dia. Tuhan tak uji hambanya kalau dia tahu hambanya tak mampu nak menghadap ujian. Sabar ya iman . Goods things will comw to you insyaallah . |
Wow makin menjadi2 drama Ya..just want to add, head of marketing yang terang2 in writing, black and white ckp she use her pregnancy card to tidur in surau to justify the company punya baik hati tak Takut Ker..tgh baik everything is fine, Kalau Tak baik bukanker HR Dah Ader bukti you confess you ngular time working hours..not a right move girl...
Anyway, read iman's confession and I think she's sincere..she's right, every women have have their own different wants and needs and other women should respect that..such heartfelt note without condemning other people.. |
PinkyPie replied at 21-5-2018 08:04 PM
Ok nampaknya kakak tinvy lagi emo dari aisyah
wow kak privy ni sibuk cakap org sound angry. Girl you nitpicking other stating lengthy post apa adik u buat nampak sgt u count deeds lol. Balqis and other girls sapatah backup vivy i'm sure vivy jenis pilih bulu lol. But on the other side nak tahu jugak side iman, wonder what her req |
Wow ade group mean girls dalam fv ganging up against iman ke?
Padehal iman xkata pape pun sebelum ni
Abg iman bersuara pun sbb vv mempersoalkan motive iman
Banding sil iman dgn kakak vv,lg teruk kakak vv punya komen habis ungkit semua benda even yg pnc pun
And ermm hello 7k tu sikit je banding keje siang malam like a slave to vv..bodyguard aliff syukri pun dpt 10k
Benda ni boleh dicontrol kalau vv jwb elok2 tanpa mempersoalkan motive iman & memperlekehkan iman punya miscarriage, same goes dgn nadiah tu
For you mungkin miscarriage tu normal,tp to most ppl miscarriage tu a big deal..kehilangan nyawa anak
kalau u kata common je xtaulah nk ckp,lebih2 lg bagi org yg tggu lama nk dpt baby mcm iman ni
How can u simply say it’s common so just move on..seriously lack of empathy
kekgebu replied at 21-5-2018 08:21 PM
Betul sgt da tu. Makasih la kakak privy spill the beans. Tak yah susah2 ummah forum nk cari sendir ...
Kan penat acik bawang nak korek rahsia what happened between V n dee n Att. |
Iman really professional
Baca ayat dia i would consider as neutral and calm (not as super angry person)
But privy side..hmm...seems need batalion to defend her
I believe one fine day Iman will get better job and boss + cute babies
Skrg juga i nak follow iman |
Iman pregnant berapa bulan before miscarriage? |
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maknanya masa dia tulis pasal her pregnancy tu dah ade conflict laa kot dengan iman
tu yg keluar column konon nak empower women but at the same time perli the pregnant women |
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