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Author: Hujatul_Jihad

Sunnah nikah budak 6 tahun

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Post time 20-7-2016 10:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
unoryah replied at 20-7-2016 10:08 AM
semua agama ada terrositnya sendiri

penganot agame laen bunoh orang bukan kerana agame. Orang Islam teroris bonoh orang boooomb!!!!! Orang kerane agame. nampak beza?

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Post time 20-7-2016 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 20-7-2016 10:31 AM
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 10:24 AM
Lu memang samdol, so jangan nak ajak wa jadi samdol macem lu tau! Lu tau berape % org M ...

u mau debat dgn samdol ini? x perlu buang masa...I dah tau taktik dia.....cuba tengok topic I . deedat dan lain...dia guna taktik utk mempertahankan islam....

to me : GOD is energy...thru the  energy manifest many faith but it all one...that what i call      the essence of  GOD energy...religion is man made   to served for their own agenda.....hence is all fake and man made...

To understand GOD energy....visit INDIA and certain places in Jerusalem  where Christ was born  ...there is message there...sorry I  do not     believed islam...simple as that...


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Post time 20-7-2016 10:31 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 10:28 AM
penganot agame laen bunoh orang bukan kerana agame. Orang Islam teroris bonoh orang boooomb!!!!! O ...

tu yang sedih sikit


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Post time 20-7-2016 10:38 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 09:25 AM
Agame lu ajar omat jadi teroris. Semakin koat agame semakin dekat ontok jadi teroris.

Wakakakak ...

LOL , ko dah jadi janda gila talak

Mana data ko tu? Meroyan bukan data atau fakta ..... meroyan adalah kebodohan


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Post time 20-7-2016 10:45 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 10:24 AM
Lu memang samdol, so jangan nak ajak wa jadi samdol macem lu tau! Lu tau berape % org Muslim di USA kalo bandingkan dengan Christian dan yahudi?

Lu paham ke apa yang lu kopipes tu? Wakakakaka. Kopipes je yang lu tau kan? Tapi berapa % Muslims di USA pun lu tak pikir kalo di bandingkan debgan agame laen. Hahahahaha

Lu tengok pernah dengo teroris di Middle East? Lu pernah dengo teroris di eropah? Wakakakaka lu samdol lah talking from your ass! Wakakakaka

Samdol betulah lu ni.

Analysis yg sungguh bodoh ... ha ha boleh pulak janda gila talak ni dok cakap pasal jumlah muslim di US & Europe.

Ooi bodoh , terrorism adalah terrorism. Ko dakwa
Agame lu ajar omat jadi teroris. Semakin koat agame semakin dekat ontok jadi teroris.

Sekarang macamana .... ko dah kantoi. Muslims are the least in terrorism.

Ok kita tengok pulak on a global scale :

Despite the very large number of European Muslims, in 2007-2009 less than 1 percent of terrorist acts in that continent were committed by people from that community.

Terrorism is a tactic of extremists within each religion, and within secular religions of Marxism or nationalism. No religion, including Islam, preaches indiscriminate violence against innocents.

It takes a peculiar sort of blindness to see Christians of European heritage as “nice” and Muslims and inherently violent, given the twentieth century death toll I mentioned above.


Ha ha , mana data , statistical analysis & fakta ko?

Meroyan bukan data , statistical analysis & fakta. Ia hanya konfom yg ko ni ala janda gila talak

Muslim bagi fakta .... kapiaq bagi auta dan meroyam bagaikan janda gila talak

Apa tu ... pada ko sunnah tu mesti ..... apa punya bangang


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Post time 20-7-2016 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Edited by changepassword at 20-7-2016 11:31 AM
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 10:45 AM
Analysis yg sungguh bodoh ... ha ha boleh pulak janda gila talak ni dok cakap pasal jumlah muslim  ...
@ibnur  apasal lu punya anak didikan ni samdol bodoh sangat? Wakakakaka

Lu memang samdol bodoh lah tak tau nak bezakan terrorist yang pi bomb orang kat tengah banda, dalam airport, dalam bas, dalam tube, dalam cafe, dalam shopping mall. Teroris tu bomb  kerana agame di abad 21 lah.
Bukti lu bagi tu 20 century. Terrorism yang dimasukan tu lebih kepada peperangan. Ke lu memang samdol dilahikrkan ontok jadi bodoh? Ke lu salah sorang lobai carigold bodoh yang berkokok di board agama cari? Wakakakaka lu memang samdol bodoh talking from your ashole!

Juan Cole has penned an excellent and important article that puts to rest the Islamophobic claims of bigots that Muslims are more violent than people of other religions.
He mentions murder rates in the Muslim world which are very low compared to the USA and analyzes 20th century political violence by European Christians vs. Muslims. He comes to the low estimate for violence by Christians of European descent as 100 million and 2 million for Muslims. If one were to compare the higher estimates between the two groups it wouldn’t alter much.
Terrorism and the other Religions
by Juan Cole (Informed Comment)
Contrary to what is alleged by bigots like Bill Maher, Muslims are not more violent than people of other religions. Murder rates in most of the Muslim world are very low compared to the United States.
As for political violence, people of Christian heritage in the twentieth century polished off tens of millions of people in the two world wars and colonial repression. This massive carnage did not occur because European Christians are worse than or different from other human beings, but because they were the first to industrialize war and pursue a national model. Sometimes it is argued that they did not act in the name of religion but of nationalism. But, really, how naive. Religion and nationalism are closely intertwined. The British monarch is the head of the Church of England, and that still meant something in the first half of the twentieth century, at least. The Swedish church is a national church. Spain? Was it really unconnected to Catholicism? Did the Church and Francisco Franco’s feelings toward it play no role in the Civil War? And what’s sauce for the goose: much Muslim violence is driven by forms of modern nationalism, too.
I don’t figure that Muslims killed more than a 2 million people or so in political violence in the entire twentieth century, and that mainly in the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 and the Soviet and post-Soviet wars in Afghanistan, for which Europeans bear some blame.
Compare that to the Christian European tally of, oh, lets say 100 million (16 million in WW I, 60 million in WW II– though some of those were attributable to Buddhists in Asia– and millions more in colonial wars.)


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Post time 20-7-2016 11:36 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 11:30 AM
@ibnur  apasal lu punya anak didikan ni samdol bodoh sangat? Wakakakaka

apa hujah kau selain dari perlekeh orang?  aku tak nampak apa-apa pun.  artikel yang kau paste pun caca marba, pro pun ye, contra pun ye....  enath mana satu la kau ni mamat?

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Post time 20-7-2016 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Acong lu mana suda lari? Apasei sekalang lu sudeh diem 1000 bahasa?

Wa mari sini board mau tolong sama lu . Sekalang lu lari sambe sorok tolu lu ka?

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Post time 20-7-2016 11:42 AM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 20-7-2016 11:36 AM
apa hujah kau selain dari perlekeh orang?  aku tak nampak apa-apa pun.  artikel yang kau paste pun ...

Apa yang wa paste tu dari anak didik lu punya link la. Itu yang dia mau buktikan pada wa.

So sekalang lu sundiri pun talak paham apa yang anak didik lu mau bagi tau. Sebab itu wa kata dia samdol bodoh.

Sekalang lu ada pahem ka? Pahem? Wakakakaka

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Post time 20-7-2016 11:53 AM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 20-7-2016 11:36 AM
apa hujah kau selain dari perlekeh orang?  aku tak nampak apa-apa pun.  artikel yang kau paste pun ...

Ok lah bro wa mau pigi makan loti chanei. Lu mau ka wa kasi tawpaw ontok lu?

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Post time 20-7-2016 11:57 AM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 11:42 AM
Apa yang wa paste tu dari anak didik lu punya link la. Itu yang dia mau buktikan pada wa.

So se ...

itu jer yang kau nak mengadu....  ???  nak mengadu rupanya.  ingatkan dah bertaubat.

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Post time 20-7-2016 12:01 PM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 20-7-2016 11:57 AM
itu jer yang kau nak mengadu....  ???  nak mengadu rupanya.  ingatkan dah bertaubat.

Mestilah wa nak tonjok kat lu anak didik lu. Si samdol wakakakaka.

Ok lah bro wa chow dolo! C'ya muahhhhhhh! Bye....

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Post time 20-7-2016 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 20-7-2016 01:21 PM
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 11:30 AM
@ibnur  apasal lu punya anak didikan ni samdol bodoh sangat? Wakakakaka

Lu memang samdol bodoh lah tak tau nak bezakan terrorist yang pi bomb orang kat tengah banda, dalam airport, dalam bas, dalam tube, dalam cafe, dalam shopping mall. Teroris tu bomb  kerana agame di abad 21 lah.
Bukti lu bagi tu 20 century. Terrorism yang dimasukan tu lebih kepada peperangan. Ke lu memang samdol dilahikrkan ontok jadi bodoh? Ke lu salah sorang lobai carigold bodoh yang berkokok di board agama cari? Wakakakaka lu memang samdol bodoh talking from your ashole!
Apa yg ko dok meroyan macam janda gila talak ni?

War & terrorism ends with the same thing .... fatality ..... senang macam ni pon ko dah kantoi.

Mana data & fakta ko nak lawan aku? Soalan aku yg lebih mudah - ko tau ke apa data & fakta?

Aku rasa ko tak tau pasal jawa macam ko ni macam baru aje keluar dari Gua Kelawar kat Jawa Tengah tu. Pada ko , kemungkinan data & fakta ni macam tempe lah kira kira nya ... ha ha .... data & fakta lain tau dari tempe ....

Selagi ko tak mampu bagi apa2 data & fakta .... aku anggap ko ni bangang .... memang betul pon .... dok meroyan macam janda gila talak

Muslim bagi fakta .... kapiaq bagi auta .... data talks bullshit walks

Another butt kick for you ....

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Post time 20-7-2016 05:19 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 01:19 PM
Apa yg ko dok meroyan macam janda gila talak ni?

War & terrorism ends with the same thing .... fa ...

Wakakakaka lu memang vangang bertingkat tingkat.

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Post time 20-7-2016 05:33 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 05:19 PM
Wakakakaka lu memang vangang bertingkat tingkat.

Ha ha , jangan meroyan macam janda gila talak.

Mana dia data & fakta ko ttg terrorism yg melibatkan muslims? Sampai skg habuk pon tadak tapi ko meroyan macam org hilang akal

Oops .... mungkin ko tak tau apa tu data & fakta kot ..... bukan tempe ye

Ha ha ... Theresa May pon ko tak tau sapa .... lagipon pada ko sunnah tu mesti

Well , nobody expect much from you looking at your knowledge & education level

Another kick up your ass


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Post time 20-7-2016 05:58 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 05:33 PM
Ha ha , jangan meroyan macam janda gila talak.

Mana dia data & fakta ko ttg terrorism yg meliba ...

Sebab apa wa kata lu memang samdol?

Apa kata lu pandang 1400 tahun dulu? Lu ingat agama lu takda bunuh orang?

Lu tau kisah Muslims serang turki? Lu tau Muslim serang Spain? Lu tau sejarah nabi Muhammad?

Sebab itu wa kata lu samdol vongok.

Lagi mau?


Agama lu failed lah didik omat sebab agama lu ajar lu lies and live in denial.

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Post time 20-7-2016 06:02 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 05:33 PM
Ha ha , jangan meroyan macam janda gila talak.

Mana dia data & fakta ko ttg terrorism yg meliba ...

Sebab itu wa tak mau cakap sebelom abad ke 21.

Ke bebird lu blom tomboh lambut lagi? Sebab tu lu tak tau peperangan sejarah Islam bonoh orang sana sini.

Sebab itu wa kata lu samdol bodoh.


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Post time 20-7-2016 06:06 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 05:58 PM
Sebab apa wa kata lu memang samdol?

Apa kata lu pandang 1400 tahun dulu? Lu ingat agama lu takda bunuh orang?

Lu tau kisah Muslims serang turki? Lu tau Muslim serang Spain? Lu tau sejarah nabi Muhammad?

Sebab itu wa kata lu samdol vongok.

Lagi mau?


Agama lu failed lah didik omat sebab agama lu ajar lu lies and live in denial.

LOL , aku mintak ko bagi data & fakta klaim ko ttg Terrorism & muslims.

Tak ada sapa mintak ko meroyan. 1400 than lepas lah  , muslim serang Turki lah  , muslim serang Spain lah , sejarah Nabi Muhammad(saw) lah ... ia bukan data & fakta.

Ia hanya royan ko aje pasal ko tak mampu bagi data & fakta ttg apa ko klaim.

Ko ni dah macam janda gila talak.

So , mana data & fakta ko tu?

Ha ha , boleh harap ke ko ni nak pikir sejauh tu .... Theresa May pon ko tak tau .... pada ko sunnah tu mesti ... ko hanyalah kapiaq yg tak ada pelajaran


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Post time 20-7-2016 06:10 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:02 PM
Sebab itu wa tak mau cakap sebelom abad ke 21.

Ke bebird lu blom tomboh lambut lagi? Sebab tu lu tak tau peperangan sejarah Islam bonoh orang sana sini.

Sebab itu wa kata lu samdol bodoh.


Laaa , meroyan lagi .... ko ni betul2 macam janda gila talak

Ko nak ke tak nak ke , I don't give a damn .... ko dah buat klaim , skg mana data & fakta ko tu?

Unless memang betul lah ko ni hanya kapiaq yg tak ada pelajaran - ye le
- Theresa May pon ko tak tau
- pada ko ... sunnah tu mesti (this is so funny kapiaq macam ko nak ajar muslims)

Kalo ko tak ada pelajaran .... buat apa ko campur dgn org2 yg ada pelajaran kat sini.

So ... mana data & fakta ko tu


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Post time 20-7-2016 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Edited by changepassword at 20-7-2016 06:21 PM
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:06 PM
LOL , aku mintak ko bagi data & fakta klaim ko ttg Terrorism & muslims.

Tak ada sapa mintak ko  ...


Agama mana jadi terrorist semejak 1400 tahun dulu sehingga ke abad 21?

Adalah agama yang failed ontok didik omatnya!

Sebab? Agama lu memang suka berperang, bonoh orang, paksa orang suruh jadi macem mereka, kalau keluar islam hokom bonoh, wakakakakaka
lu samdol sebab tu lu tak tau sejarah Islam bonoh orang. Sebab tu wa tak mau cakap apa yang berlaku sebelom abad 21.


Lu tengok bendera Arab Saudi pun lu sudah paham agama lu adalah agama keganasan. Siap ada gambar perang!



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