Aku dah try upgrade, mula2 ok tapi lepas tu, bila aku masuk network setting, Zupp!....Blue Screen!!!! Nasib baik boleh recovery mode. now using 1.5 again |
muahahahaa...nasib baik bukan biru skrin yang mati (blue screen of death) |
Rough Guide
Ni yang aku tau setakat ni untuk semua noob, (termasuk aku sendiri)
- Boot - Bila kau 'on' psp, dan Game UMD jalan, kira UMD Boot, kalau takde disk, Boot akan masuk ke XMB
- UMD - Disk PSP
- ISO - Image UMD. (Lebih kurang macam photostat UMD)
- CSO - Compressed ISO. Iso yang di kecilkan (Macam zip)
- DevHook - Software untuk tipu PSP supaya run ISO guna Firmware pilihan anda
- Homebrew - Software yang dibuat sendiri.
- Downgrade Firmware - Menurunkan versi firmware ke versi lama, selalunya 1.5
- Flash - Memasuk kan software kedalam 'otak' psp
- Brick - Ambik psp kau, letak kat pintu, jadi panahan pintu. Itu aje psp boleh buat sekarang. (ROSAK)
Kalau flash tak betul, psp boleh brick. First time nak downgrade firmware tu, make sure BACA semua step. lepas tu BACA sekali lagi. Lepas tu BACA sekali lagi. Sampai faham. Jangan main agak-agak. Tanya kat forum. Kalau tak sure jugak JANGAN CUBA. Kepada yang dah faham, ikut step-step semua dengan betul. Aku dah upgrade/downgrade banyak kali, ok je.
Mula-mula, Homebrew boleh jalan guna Firmware 1.5 aje (Sekarang 2.71 SE-A). Firmware lain takleh.
(Sebenarnya boleh, tapi leceh). Step pertama selalunya, downgrade firmware ke versi 1.5.
Cari kat internet cara-cara nak downgrade.
Untuk aku, aku guna Downgrader, software ni ajar dan install semua software yang perlu. Tapi kena ada GTA:Liberty City Stories ori.
Bila dah ada firmware 1.5, elok install DevHook. Testing dan setup devhook. Test devhook sampai dah puas hati.
Lepastu cari Firmware patch HarleyG 0.2 untuk Dual boot. Jalankan firmware patch tu.
Sekarang, PSP kau dah boleh dual boot. Yang bestnya, Dengan guna Wifi switch boleh control varsi Firmware yang nak dipakai. Tolak Wifi Switch ke atas, Firmware 1.5. tolak ke bawah, Firmware 2.71. Best...!!! |
I baru je lepas upgrade 2.71 Special Edition Revision A ke Revision B... best lah yang baru nie... tak payah pakai DevHook lagi untuk load ISO/CSO.. sume boleh load directly dari menu.. masuk je menu Game, semua ISO nya icon display kat situ.. terus je load.. tak perlu setting apa-apa...
Nak tunggu Revision C pulak.. ada support untuk DAX format dengan USB host..
[ Last edited by Paris_Hilton at 25-10-2006 09:26 PM ] |
Sekarang 2.71SE-B2, boleh run game tanpa UMD.....mmg best... Ini compatibility No UMD mode...
Source dari maxconsole.net Compile oleh jasonuk
Ace Combat X
Ape Academy
Ape Academy 2
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light [USA]
Bleach [JPN]
Bleach Heat the Soul 2 [JPN] [occasionally locking up]
Bomberman [JPN]
Bounty Hounds [JAP]
Breath Of Fire III
Bubble Bubble Evolution
Bust-A-Move: Deluxe [USA] [press START to skip intro]
Bust-A-Move: Ghost [EUR]
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts
Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded
Coded Arms
Crash Tag Team Racing
Dark Stalker Chronicles: Chaos Tower
Daxter [USA]
Dead to Rights Reconing
Death Jr.
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover
DJ Max
Dragonball Z Shin Budokai
Dynasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 [USA]
Every Extend Extra
Everybody's Golf
Exit 2
F1 Grand Prix
FIFA Street 2
FIFA World Cup Germany 2006
Fight Night Round 3
Fired Up
Football Manager Handheld [EUR]
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing
Frogger Helmet Chaos
GGXX-Judgement [JPN]
Ghost in the Shell
Gitaroo Man Live! [JPN]
Go Sudoku
Gottlieb Pinball Classics
Gradius Portable [USA]
Gretzky NHL 2005
Guilty Gear Judgement
Gundam Battle Tactics
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee [USA]
I.Q. Mania
Infected [USA]
Initial D Street Stage [JPN]
Juiced Eliminator
KAO Challengers
Kazook [EUR]
Killzone [USA]
King Kong
Legend Of Heroes 1 [USA]
Legend of Heros 2
Lego Star Wars II [USA]
Lemmings [USA]
Loco Roco [EUR]
Lumines [crashes when exiting]
Madden 07
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
Me and My Katamari
Medal of Honor: Heroes
Medievil Ressurection [USA]
Megaman: Maverick Hunter X
Megaman: Power Up
Mercury Meltdown [EUR]
Metal Gear Acid
Miami Vice: The Game
Micro Machines V4
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
MLB 06 The Show
Monster Hunter Freedom Portable [EUR]
MTX Mototrax
MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On The Edge
Myst [EUR]
Namco Museum Battle Collection
NBA Ballers Rebound
NBA Live 06
NBA Street 2
NCAA Football 2007
Need for Speed: Carbon [use it as ISO rather than CSO to avoid lag]
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Underground
NHL 07
Outrun 2006 [USA]
Pac-Man World Rally
Passport to Amsterdam
Pilot ni Narou [JPN]
Pinball Hall of Fame
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest
Pocket Racers
Power Stone Collection [EUR]
Prince of Persia [crashes when exiting]
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Pursuit Force
Puzzle Crossword Challenge
Rapala Trophies
Ridge Racer [USA]
Ridge Racer 2 [EUR]
Shin Sangokumusou 2nd Evolution [JPN]
Shinobido Homura [JPN]
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
Spectral Souls [USA]
Spiderman 2
SSX On Tour
Star Wars Battlefront II
Street Fighter Alpha 3 [USA]
Street Riders
Super Monkey Ball Adventure [USA]
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror [USA]
Taiko No Tatsujin Portable 2 [JPN]
Tales of Eternia
Tekken: Dark Resurrection [JPN]
Tekken: Dark Resurrection [USA]
The Con
The Godfather: Mob Wars
The Sims 2 [USA]
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
TOCA Race Driver 2
Tomb Raider Legend
Ultimate Block Party [USA]
Untold Legends [USA]
Valkyrie Profile [USA]
Vampire Chronicles
Wipeout Pure [EUR]
Work Time Fun [EUR]
World Poker Tour [USA]
World Rally Championship
Winning Eleven 9
Worms Open Warfare
WTF: Work Time Fun [USA]
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006
Not working
50 Cent: Bulletproof G-Unit Edition
Astonisha Stories
ATV Offroad Fury Blazin' Trails
ATV Offroad Fury Pro
Avatar: The Last Airbender [USA]
Burnout Legends
Family Guy
Field Commander
GGXX-Slash [JPN]
GTA: Liberty City Stories
Gun Showdown
Intelligent License [JPN]
Lord of the Rings Tactics
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - ripkit applied
Metal Gear Acid 2 [not working with UMD mode either]
NBA 07
NFL Street 2 Unleashed
Open Season
Pac-Man World 3
Pilot Academy [EUR]
Puyo Puyo Fever
Space Invader Evolution [EUR]
Spectral vs Generation
Splinter Cell Essentials
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Twisted Metal Head On
Virtua Tennis
X-Men Legends II Rise of Apocalypse
Ys Ark of Napishtim [USA] |
eKai This user has been deleted
Fuh... syokk ... main tanpa UMD... huhuhuhu |
hahahhahaha...screenshot akhirnyer jln kat 2.71SE-B'

Bye bye devhook..... |
wah..hebat..aku pun rasa nak install firmware ni.. |
tunggu 3 4 bulan.. keluar c .... |
Originally posted by eKai at 30/10/06 12:55
Fuh... syokk ... main tanpa UMD... huhuhuhu
kalu tak pakai ms 2gb lagi best:pmuka: |
dah upgrade! dapat balik features wallpaper ni..hehe..
system software sekarang 2.71 SE-B'
so sejarah psp aku
2.00 --> 2.71 --> 1.50 --> 2.71SE-B'
[ Last edited by sixfullbar at 1-11-2006 07:37 AM ] |
ooo camtu bar penuh... dari fw1.5 rupanya... aku ingatkan dari 2.71 terus ke 2.71SE |
Originally posted by slayerknight at 1-11-2006 09:39 AM
ooo camtu bar penuh... dari fw1.5 rupanya... aku ingatkan dari 2.71 terus ke 2.71SE
yup..nak install firmware ni kena dalam ver1.50.. aku tak tau kalau dari 2.71 boleh upgrade ke 2.71 SE tu ke tak..tak berani nak cuba..
recovery console ni macam entiti yang berlainan dengan 2.71se...sebab kita bypass loading system 2.71se untuk masuk recovery ni..so kalau ada apa2 terjadi di 2.71se, boleh recover balik ke 1.50.. |
Originally posted by sixfullbar at 1-11-2006 10:15 AM
recovery console ni macam entiti yang berlainan dengan 2.71se...sebab kita bypass loading system 2.71se untuk masuk recovery ni..so kalau ada apa2 terjadi di 2.71se, boleh recover balik ke 1.50..
yg ni aku nak dgr ni... mana la tau kan...air tenang jgn disangka tiada buaya...  |
best sgt ker? 2.71seb ni... tak convincing engough utk aku mencuba |
Originally posted by sLapshock at 1-11-2006 02:14 PM
best sgt ker? 2.71seb ni... tak convincing engough utk aku mencuba
yup..kalo sekadar nak main iso..kekalkan jer 1.50...
tot.. macam mana ko tangkap screenshot untuk psp ko tu??? |
Update : NO UMD games compatibility now are better with 2.71SE-B'' (Rev3). 95% are working...
Ace Combat X
Ape Academy
Ape Academy 2
ATV Offroad Fury Pro
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light [USA]
Bleach [JPN]
Bleach Heat the Soul 2 [JPN] [occasionally locking up]
Bomberman [JPN]
Bounty Hounds [JAP]
Breath Of Fire III
Bubble Bubble Evolution
Bust-A-Move: Deluxe [USA] [press START to skip intro]
Bust-A-Move: Ghost [EUR]
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts
Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded
Coded Arms
Crash Tag Team Racing
Dark Stalker Chronicles: Chaos Tower
Daxter [USA]
Dead to Rights Reconing
Death Jr.
Death Jr. 2: Roots of Evil
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover
DJ Max
Dragonball Z Shin Budokai
Dungeon Siege
Dynasty Warriors
Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 [USA]
Every Extend Extra
Everybody's Golf
Exit 2
Eyeshield 21 [JPN]
F1 Grand Prix
Field Commander
FIFA Street 2
FIFA World Cup 2006
Fight Night Round 3
Finder Love: Rina
Fired Up
Football Manager Handheld [EUR]
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing
Frogger Helmet Chaos
Generation of Chaos
GGXX-Judgement [JPN]
Ghost in the Shell
Gitaroo Man Live! [JPN]
Go Sudoku
Gottlieb Pinball Classics
Gradius Portable [USA]
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Gretzky NHL 2005
Guilty Gear Judgement [USA]
Guilty Gear XX # Reload [JPN]
Gundam Battle Tactics
Gun Showdown
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee [USA]
I.Q. Mania
Infected [USA]
Initial D Street Stage [JPN]
Intelligent License [JPN]
Juiced Eliminator
KAO Challengers
Kazook [EUR]
Killzone Liberation [USA]
King Kong
Legend Of Heroes 1 [USA]
Legend of Heros 2
Lego Star Wars II [USA]
Lemmings [USA]
Loco Roco [EUR]
Lord of the Rings Tactics
Madden 07
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
Marvel Ultimate Alliance [USA]
Me and My Katamari
Medal of Honor: Heroes
Medievil Ressurection [USA]
Megaman: Maverick Hunter X
Megaman: Power Up
Mercury Meltdown [EUR]
Metal Gear Acid
Metal Gear Acid 2
Metal Gear Digital Graphic Novel
Miami Vice: The Game
Micro Machines V4
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition [USA/AUS]
Mind Quiz
MLB 06 The Show
Monster Hunter Freedom Portable [EUR]
MTX Mototrax
MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On The Edge
Myst [EUR]
Namco Museum Battle Collection
NBA Ballers Rebound
NBA Live 06
NBA Live 07
NBA Street 2
NCAA Football 2007
Need for Speed: Carbon [use it as ISO rather than CSO to avoid lag]
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Underground
Neopets [USA]
NFL Street 2 Unleashed
NHL 07
Open Season
Outrun 2006 [USA]
Pac-Man World 3 [USA]
Pac-Man World Rally [USA]
Passport to Amsterdam
Pilot ni Narou [JPN]
Pinball Hall of Fame
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest
Pocket Racers
Power Stone Collection [EUR]
Prince of Persia [crashes when exiting]
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
ProStroke Golf 2007 [EUR]
Ps2nfo Sucks 6
Pursuit Force
Puyo Puyo Fever [JPN]
Puzzle Bobble Pocket [JPN]
Puzzle Crossword Challenge
Rapala Trophies
Ridge Racer [USA]
Ridge Racer 2 [EUR]
Samurai Warriors: State of War [USA]
Shin Sangokumusou 2nd Evolution [JPN]
Shinobido Homura [JPN]
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron [USA]
SOCOM [USA] [has sound problems]
Space Invaders: Evolution [EUR]
Spectral Souls [USA]
Spectral vs Generation
Spiderman 2
Splinter Cell Essentials
SSX On Tour
Star Wars Battlefront II
Street Fighter Alpha 3 [USA]
Street Riders
Sudoku [EUR]
Super Monkey Ball Adventure [USA]
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror [USA]
Taiko No Tatsujin Portable 2 [JPN]
Taito Memories [JPN]
Tales of Eternia
Tekken: Dark Resurrection [JPN]
Tekken: Dark Resurrection [USA]
The Con
The Godfather: Mob Wars
The Sims 2 [USA]
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
TOCA Race Driver 2
Tomb Raider Legend
Twisted Metal Head On
Ultimate Block Party [USA]
Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins [USA]
Untold Legends [USA]
Untold Legends 2 [EUR]
Valkyrie Profile [USA]
Vampire Chronicles
Virtua Tennis
Winning Eleven 9
Wipeout Pure [EUR/USA]
Work Time Fun [EUR]
World Poker Tour [USA]
World Rally Championship
Worms Open Warfare
WTF: Work Time Fun [USA]
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006
X-Men Legends II Rise of Apocalypse
Ys Ark of Napishtim [USA]
Not working
Games with a * are still not working in the current version. [all games below are tested under SE-B'']
* 50 Cent: Bulletproof G-Unit Edition - crashes and switches off
* Astonishia Story - crashes and switches off after gameboot
* ATV Offroad Fury Blazin' Trails - crashes and switches off after the first screen
* Avatar: The Last Airbender [USA] - crashes at first screen and PSP switches off
* Burnout Legends [EUR] - crashes while loading, can exit with HOME
* Colin McRae Rally - locks up and doesn't switch off
* Family Guy - crashes and switches off after gameboot
* Guilty Gear Judgement - GGXX Slash [JPN] - crashes ingame and switches off
* Pilot Academy [EUR] - crashes ingame
Dah download...tinggal nak install jer...sebab sekarang kat opis. Sapa2 yg belum upgrade ke 2.71SE-B'' nie....baik upgrade sebab 1.50 dah lapuk....huhuhuhuh |
Originally posted by tot31 at 3-11-2006 09:31 AM
Update : NO UMD games compatibility now are better with 2.71SE-B'' (Rev3). 95% are working...
Ace Combat X
Ape Academy
Ape Academy 2
ATV Offroad Fury Pro
Blade Dancer: Lineag ...
yeah...1.50 dah obsolute ler rasanya...
dah update!
[ Last edited by sixfullbar at 3-11-2006 10:30 AM ] |
Hmm.. beb!.... erm...
2.71 SE-B3 !!!
ok ah..aku nk upgrade...tapi..........
CHEATMASTER takleh gunala kan!! |
| |