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Author: eenaz

Permainan Untuk Baby....

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Post time 6-4-2007 12:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #186 baby_blue's post

kalau nak pegi pagi2..kul 9 keatas jgn harap...barang dia cepat abis..

2nd  RM 8

sume ni 2nd gak beli  kat tempat yg sama...

yg boat tu RM 12 dan dkt 2 thn gak benda tu..tu yg dah jahanam skit....masa mula2 beli
cantik lagi...

yg mcm buku tu baru dlm sebulan kot...RM 18...masih berfungsi...

Yg doll tu ada dua tapi jumpa 1 je..satu lagi tak tau berjalan mana ..satu rambut oren satu
biru..masa memula dapat baju elok lengkap..rambut ok rebonding..dapat kat anak aku...
disikatnye...tanggalkan baju...kasut...haru...dibuatnye..2 doll RM 12.....
yg jewellery tu baru beli tapi bkn 2nd...kena pao ngan anak..sorang nak beli..sorang lagi ikut
oder le..
ada satu mainan tak snap lupa sok..sok lah...rege dia RM 5 je...



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Post time 6-4-2007 08:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #219 mamapotter's post

my baby kan xder lompatlompat.. huh pelik.
pastu meniarap pon xnak sgt...
yg dia nak duduk dan bangun jalan... tp yg teruk kita dok membongkok kena pegang dia jln adeh  sakit pinggang dan lutut..

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Post time 6-4-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Heheh tadi tersilap thread

Toys Naim (Elmo TMX)

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Post time 6-4-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mamapotter at 4/5/07 07:12

uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats the problem with currency exchange and postal charges!! issh nak marah sape ni!!!:@ :@

actually memang plan by end of this year nak peknen balik...mintak2 ler  ...


Jumper mcm ni dan sewaktu dgn nya dlm $70 ++


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Post time 6-4-2007 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alamaktuan at 4/5/07 07:21
DARSITA,itu anak u ker?



Oh xie xie nie kawen mat saleh ke?


kita baru jon forum ni

Selamat datang dan harap you can stay here longer

actually u tinggal kat maner sekarang

Yamelika (USA)

comel222 barang22 tu..GERAM....

Hari hari tengok hari hari kutip hari hari basuh -- jadi geram lain. geram ini ->:@

off topic - Hehehe saya kecik kecik dulu tomboy sbb ada 4 orang abg. So jangan haraplah saya belikan CARI anak patung

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Post time 6-4-2007 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anir at 4/5/07 08:41
kalau nak pegi pagi2..kul 9 keatas jgn harap...barang dia cepat abis..

2nd  RM 8

Anak you umur berapa tahun? amboi siap anting anting bagai ~ caya lah

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Post time 6-4-2007 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spidernfly at 4/4/07 21:31
betol betol... i agree. postage sooo mahal. esp kat australia ni... semua guna air mail. at least US ke M'sia ... ada gak naik kapal.

Dkt sini ada kapal -- pernah hantar kemah & tilam angin utk Mod CT Ridzuan (Kelantan) harga dlm $50++ USD. Dekat dua tiga minggu gak barang tu atas laut baru sampai Malaysia.

Bugabooo stroller... mahal la Dar. sini  diorang jual about AU$1000-1500 without accessory. gila hapa?!!!.

Sini almost $800++.

ku sudah tepek gambar la Dar   page awal-awal tu..... ekekeke[quote]
Lor ya ke ... time server slow maleh betul nak check satu satu. Kena tunggu orang Malaysia tidur & server laju baru bisa ku katam kan thread ini.

[quote]e'eh..i nampak catepillar kat picture ni ... caterpillar ni yg ada ABC kat kaki dia kan dar?

Ha'ah. Dah penat dah ku ajar CARI tekan kaki ulat tu supya keluar music or abc or color and sebutan -- tak nya mau.

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Post time 6-4-2007 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mama_damia at 4/4/07 21:44
darsita samer la anak kiter..anak i 7++ gak 24hb ni masuk 8 bln anak u dah bole aper...

CARI err ni gambar kepandaian dia.

- Ada gigi dua batang. Hari tu sebatang jer keluar lepas tu baru yang satu lagi keluar. Tu pasal gigi dia satu tinggi satu rendah.
- Dah duduk --- nak duduk atas sofa tak nak duduk dah dlm her bouncer. Angin betul
- Dah merangkak kebelakang dan tak tau nak merangkak ke depan -- hahahha hari tu kaki dia tersepit bawah playpen terus playpen kena bungkus masuk kotak.
Dan yang paling terbaru dah pandai berdiri dlm crib!!!

Gambar 2.

Mula mula dia capai palang crib .. so sempat saya naik kan gate Crib. Bila masuk bilik dia one more time dia dah berdiri!! Lepas kena marah dia bantai gelak pulak



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 Author| Post time 6-4-2007 12:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rorygilmore at 26-3-2007 03:09 PM
tumpang tanya...
kat ner kita boleh beli kipas kecik yg letak kat stroller tu ekk...
agak2 berapa rega dia...
bukan aper, jln2 kat soping komplek nengok mak bapak bwk baby ngan stroller siap a ...

cuba tgk kat semua house yg kat bawah tue...sbb eenaz beli kat situ dulu...RM19.90  tapi kalau pergi kat warehouse my dear lagi murah...

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Post time 6-4-2007 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lmokhtar at 4/5/07 06:03
Ish...ish...geramnya aku tgk betis baby ni. Rasa mcm nak kunyah-kunyah

Acu paste gambar anak anak you sikit dlm ni (with their tiger outfit)-- nak tengok betis yang kena kunyah dgn mama dia orang hari hari

Bagi makan apa sampai sihat cenggitu?

Susu cap gantung

Dar bagi makan burger tiap2 hari ke? Hehehe

Eden tak makan daging ayam, lembu kambing, itik etc etc so anak anak nampak gaya tak makan ler burger

Walaupun aku tak nampak muka mu...tetapi betis mu tetap menjadi pujaan hatiku  Definitely one of the most adorable babies I've seen here by far..

Oh mekacih -- kot jadi balik Malaysia bulan Julai ni leh auntie Im jumpa CARI face to face gitu

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Post time 6-4-2007 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Ina & hubby memang suka sangat nak beli permainan especially educational toys tapi anak aku tu lagi seronok main dgn remote control, surat2 butang2 kat tv ..... arghhhh geram pulak dibuatnya. Anak Ina buat tak tahu aje permainan dia....kalau sekupang dua tak apalah ini berkupang2 ...

Gambar2 toys yg Ina dpt dari internet ...

Ada lagi nanti Ina share ....



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Post time 6-4-2007 12:43 PM | Show all posts
darrsita,,,elmo tukat sana berapa????? kat sini rm239,kalau sale rm199.90.kalau kat toy r us member rm179.90.comelnya CARI dia....gerammmmmmm.kenapa muka dia di colour2???? comeila,nk tgk muka sebenar..banyak brg2 baby comei kt us,harga lbh murah dr cini,tp shipping x g malaysia......hampeh tul!

[ Last edited by  alamaktuan at 6-4-2007 12:44 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2007 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 6-4-2007 12:07 PM

CARI err ni gambar kepandaian dia.

- Ada gigi dua batang. Hari tu sebatang jer keluar lepas tu baru yang satu lagi keluar. Tu pasa ...

kak CARI nih betul2 muka mat saleh yer...kak dar kawin dgn org sana ke?? sejibik mat saleh betul..langsung takde muka melayu....bestnya dpt baby secomel ini  

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Post time 6-4-2007 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 6-4-2007 11:34 AM

Anak you umur berapa tahun? amboi siap anting anting bagai ~ caya lah

1st umo 6 thn....2nd  3 thn.....

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Post time 6-4-2007 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 6-4-2007 12:07 PM

CARI err ni gambar kepandaian dia.

- Ada gigi dua batang. Hari tu sebatang jer keluar lepas tu baru yang satu lagi keluar. Tu pasa ...

cutenyer cari dah pandai mcm2 posing time snap snap!!
kelakar kene marah sengih!!!!!
mesti cute reverse merangkak ni!!!  ko tak ajar dia ke dar kete selain dari reverse gear ade gak N, D and P kekkekek tapi aku rase P dia dah pass!!!!

hmmmmmmmmmmmm dah ade org book tak CARI? kekkkekekekek

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Post time 7-4-2007 07:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mamapotter at 6-4-2007 11:41 PM

cutenyer cari dah pandai mcm2 posing time snap snap!!
kelakar kene marah sengih!!!!!
mesti cute reverse merangkak ni!!!  ko tak ajar dia ke dar kete selain dari reverse gear ade gak N,  ...

wwwooiittt fasss!!!kemain lagik ko ek?adjust sane,adjust sini.abih segala anak dara org ko risik.

sat agi pening la kepala dak ashmaan memikir mane yg terbaik utk mama dia.

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 7-4-2007 09:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #227 DARSITA's post

wakakakaka caterpillar tu bila dah umur 1yr plus baru they can appreciate it. before that... simpan dulu dlm closet. mcm Thomas punya tracks la. i sampai naik hangin dok memasang. i pasang diorang cabut. last2 i simpan. now when they are 2, baru they appreciate to play the trains on the tracks without destroying it.

eh DAR, if post to OZ berapa ek? ku teruja tgk barang on eBay. tapi kena pulak dok bayar guna paypal. ku sudah tutup account kat paypal.....

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:02 AM | Show all posts
10 ClassicBaby Toys for Fun and Learning
Many parents hope to help their child develop avivid imagination. After all, what is a childhood without afternoons filledwith swashbuckling pirates, roaring zoo animals, and other wild imaginaryadventures? Toy stores filled to the brim with electronic baby toys and myriadplaytime choices may leave some parents scratching their heads when it comestime to stock a playroom.

It抯 not necessary to choose the biggest or mostexpensive baby toys in order to encourage a child抯 imagination and learning,though. In fact, updated versions of classic baby toys like building blocks andtoy telephones are available today that offer the same inspiration for pretendplay as the old standards, and even add a few new, fun features along the way.

Play Time is Learning Time
Experts agree that playtime has a unique way ofhelping children learn new developmental and social skills.

According to Tammy Benson, Ed.D., assistantprofessor of child development at University of Central Arkansas, imaginaryplay offers young children not just a good time, but also vast opportunities tolearn about themselves, others, and the world around them. Through imaginary play,children can learn to assert themselves in ways that prepare them for theirreal-life roles as adults. The Association for Childhood EducationInternational even goes so far as to say that no adult instruction can take theplace of a child抯 own activities and experiences through continual play, andthat play is a natural behavior that is directly related to a child抯development.

So, which of the many toys on the retail shelf willencourage your baby and young child to engage in imaginary and skill-buildingplay? Here are my top picks for a fun-filled playroom for the older baby ortoddler (ages 1 to 3) with classic, inexpensive toys that are sure to sparkyour child抯 imagination and teach developmental and social skills. For eachsuggestion, I抣l provide one or more examples of commonly available toys thatwould fill the niche.

Note: Some of these toys may be more appropriatefor toddlers and could contain small parts that are unsuitable for babies.Please evaluate any toy choices carefully and remove small parts if your childis likely to put them in his/her mouth.

Dolls orStuffed Animals
This is an easy one, because I don抰 know manyparents who have to try very hard to come up with a collection of stuffedanimals for their child. They seem to multiply overnight in my house. Dolls andstuffed animals offer young children a chance to practice their people skillsand model behaviors that they see in other people. For example, a one-year-oldmight practice rocking the stuffed animal or feeding it (with pretend food, youhope). An older toddler might practice routines and reinforce house rules byrepeatedly putting the doll to bed or telling the doll not to run into thestreet.

Toy Phone
It抯 never too early to start practicing good phoneskills! Providing a child with a toy phone gives them a chance to model thediscussions they hear around them, which helps develop their speech and socialskills. Older babies and toddlers will enjoy 揷alling



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Post time 9-4-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Tool Kit orWork Bench
Every kid needs a toy hammer! Not only does a toolkit provide many options for the noisy banging that babies and toddlers adore,it also lets them model adult behaviors (make sure you don抰 say anything youshouldn抰 when you hammer your thumb!). Pretend play as Mr. or Ms. Fix-It willhelp kids develop self-confidence, and it nurtures the child抯 natural desireto see how things work. A classic small work bench with pegs and a hammer isalways a good choice, but some newer child work benches offer stacking toys andother features that add to the fun.

A toy kitchen is a must-have for boys and girlsalike. From the time a baby can sit or crawl, they have a driving need to getinto your kitchen cabinets and clang the pots and pans with zeal. A toy kitchenwith plastic pots and pans fills this need, too, and it keeps your own kitchenstock clean and ready for actual cooking. Older babies and toddlers can alsoengage in pretend play with a toy kitchen, and as they cook plastic eggs andbananas (together in the same pan, naturally) and serve them to their dolls,friends, or you, they will learn the joy of doing for others. They抣l alsoreinforce safety skills by telling friends and stuffed animals about the hotoven and the sharp knives. Kitchen sets range from very simple folding sets toelaborate, multi-sided designs.

Ride-On Toy
I never thought much about how a ride-on toy wasstimulating my daughter抯 imagination until she announced to me one day thatshe was taking her baby doll to Pizza Hut. As she hopped onto the toy, shewaved goodbye and said, 搘e抣l be back in a little while, Momma!

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Post time 9-4-2007 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Pada pendapat Ina tak semestinya kita perlukan toys utk membuat anak kita gembira. Kadangakala kita gunakan toys utk occupy masa anak kita supaya dia boleh channel perhatian dia pada toys/permainan itu sementara kita lakukan tugasan di rumah seperti memasak etc... Tapi kadangkala kita juga gunakan permainan utk membuka minda atau minat anak kita, walaubagaimanapun tanpa adanya permainan, kita sebagai ibubapa boleh spend quality time bersama anak2 kita sambil mengajar anak2 kita sesuatu ... Di bawah ada beberapa cara yg boleh di amalkan oleh semua utk yg Ina simpan dari internet...enjoy ...

Head control
You don't have to do much to encourage the development of head control, but you do have to be careful until it's well established. For the first few months, especially, you'll need to cradle your baby's neck and head when you lift him, hold him, or carry him. Although your baby should always sleep on his back, put him on his tummy frequently while he's awake

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