Malaysia pusat ketamadunan dunia berusia 1.83 juta tahun !!!
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beruk2 ni dtg ke indon berjuta tahun dulu
-pastu bila adam turun, berlakulah percantuman benih anatar anak cucu adam dgn homo erectus, jadilah orang indon
-pasu dtg ke johor buat kerajaan pulakkkk, simple tp masih ramai org tak tahu fakta ni |
Reply 213# winamp05
aku perbetulkan sedkit jaa... syeikh abdul qadir al jailani... berketurunan.. nabi.. di mana sebelah ibunya.. berketurunan saidina hussien dan bapanya berketurunan saidina hassan.. cucunda nabi muhammad saw. dan di gelar sultanul awliya.... |
Reply 221# sekngucing
ko tak habis2 ngn fakta khurafat ko tu..
tuduh2 sultan khurafat......hambik, kene batang hidung sendiri. |
faktya kurapat apa plak? betul la aku ckp
-kena btg hidung sniri apanya? |
Reply 224# sekngucing
betul kepala bapak kau...penah baca quran ke tak? |
Post Last Edit by hasell at 22-2-2011 00:56
maafkan daku..
kenalan ku kata, gambar ni adalah relau di site sungai batu, sungai petani kedah.. bukannya di bukit bunuh..
tp gambar2 yg len tu, memang di bukit bunuh. tq
quran? hari2 aku baca, kenapa |
Reply 227# sekngucing
alahai...kena expen ke? malas ah. ko teruskan je la kekhurafatan ko tuh.. |
unek, dah ngaku ke keturunan kau asal dari beruk homo erectus tu?
sekngucing Post at 22-2-2011 00:23
aku tak bodo mcm ko beruk komunis |
Reply 215# unekspekted_II
besi kat mana la org utan ni cilok buat tikam ikan? |
Reply 194# anonymous
Owh... Moga-moga akan ketemu. DIA pn da nak pulang da nih.. |
aku tak pahamlah thread nieh, perbincangan pasal penemuan pasal tapak-tapak sejarah..
ekceli aku nieh bukan tak percaya dgn keramat-keramat ker kasyaf ker..
aku percaya benda tuh ada tapi tak perlulah diperbesarkan...
nanti kita tak boleh nak mencipta sesuatu yg dibanggakan..
bayangkan omputih atau jepun..
dah start cipta keretapi laju dgn mengunakan konsep arus magnet..
40 tahun dulu
kita plak tak abis berbalah dgn pemikiran terlebih percaya dgn teori
dgn pemikiran suka magik-magik nieh...
setiap apa yg ALLAH s.w.t jd , mestilah ada bersebab..
cthnyer burung..
burung boleh terbang ada sayap..
jd terciptalah kapal terbang boeing..
pasal kejadian manusia plak..
dah sah-sah manusia moden skrg adalah sama
semut yg dulu adalah sama dgn semut yg sekaragng,
TAPI jgnlah kita menidakkan pasal perubahan iklim bumi,
struktur kimia bumi..
serta graviti bumi yg dulu..
semuapun boleh berlaku..
sebab itu kena mengkaji...
cth, omputih siap boleh kaji..
apa yg org yg dekat nak mati rasa dan perasan..
arituh aku ada tgk..
sampai camtuh kajian dia..
dan istilah mati bagi diorg tuh apa..
apa yg org koma rasa..
siap rakam lagi gelombang otak diorg..
dan aku mmg terkedu dgn kajian diorg..
bukan apa..
kalau kajian diorg jd sumber rujukan..
maka akan berfikir..
org kafir bila mati masuk cahaya (mcm ghost whisper)..
padahal dlm agama kita sah-sah lain penjelasannya.. |
Just because science is unable to explain some things doesn't mean there's no real science behind them.
"Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it". Tak ke penat nak belajar balik lost engineering yg built all these great structures? All these medicinal advances yg sains tak mampu nak explain, sedangkan placebo sendiri diorang dah iktiraf.
"burung boleh terbang ada sayap..
jd terciptalah kapal terbang boeing.."
Kalau tak ada orang mengkaji, takdala boeing tu, hanya burung.
Apa yg pelik dengan evolusi? Semut pun melalui proses evolusi, sebelum galaksi ni ada, tak ada apa2 kat mana2 pun, hanya kita yg mempercayai Tuhan yg patutnya sedar yg kalau kita percaya segalanya diciptakan oleh Tuhan, these are His creations, and we should study them. Takada percanggahan antara Tuhan dengan sains kalau kita ingat yg sains tu ciptaan Tuhan jugak.
Sila google Islam and evolution. Teori Kristian dan Islam dlm evolution berbeza 100%
Kat wiki ni agak basic, tp enough for us Muslims to realize that if you're a Muslim, it's your duty to be INFORMED. |
adoi banyak fahaman dan puak rupanya tengah bertelagah dalam ni.. kena digest pelan2 |
Hahahaha ... thread sejarah yang beralih menjadi diskusi agama ...
jf_pratama Post at 20-2-2011 00:32
tu lah, board ni balik2 akan kait dengan agama jugak |
Thread yg menarik tapi penuh dgn statement2 provokatif
Kaabah from Bombay? That blog post from a Hindu revisionist is a load of bs. |
Post Last Edit by manap77 at 26-2-2011 15:04
Just because science is unable to explain some things doesn't mean there's no real science behind th ...
elkasih Post at 26-2-2011 14:36
500 tahun sebelum darwin keluarkan teori dia tu ibnu khaldun dah lama cakap tentang evolution. Dia buat kitab nama Muqaddimah untuk terang ilmu2 dia dan bahagian biologi ada penjelasan tentang idea evolusi ni
This world with all the created things in it has a certain order and solid construction. It shows nexuses between causes and things caused, combinations of some parts of creation with others, and transformations of some existent things into others, in a pattern that is both remarkable and endless. [...]
One should then take a look at the world of creation. It started out from the minerals and progressed, in an ingenious, gradual manner, to plants and animals. The last stage of minerals is connected with the first stage of plants, such as herbs and seedless plants. The last stage of plants, such as palms and vines, is connected with the first stage of animals, such as snails and shellfish which have only the power of touch. The word 'connection' with regard to these created things means that the last stage of each group is fully prepared to become the fist stage of the newest group.
The animal world then widens, its species become numerous, and, in a gradual process of creation, it finally leads to man, who is able to think and reflect. The higher stage of man is reached from the world of monkeys, in which both sagacity and preception are found, but which has not reached the stage of actual reflection and thinking. At this point we come to the first stage of man. This is as far as our (physical) observation extends. [pp 74-75]
We explained there that the whole of existence in (all) its simple and composite worlds is arranged in a natural order of ascent and descent, so that everything constitutes an uninterrupted continuum. The essences at the end of each particular stage of the worlds are by nature prepared to be transformed into the essence adjacent to them, either above or below them. This is the case with the simple material elements; it is the case with palms and vines, (which constitute) the last stage of plants, in their relation to snails and shellfish, (which constitute) the (lowest) stage of animals. It is also the case with monkeys, creatures combining in themselves cleverness and perception, in their relation to man, the being who has the ability to think and to reflect. The preparedness (for transformation) that exists on either side, at each stage of the worlds, is meant when (we speak about) their connection.
Plants do not have the same fineness and power that animals have. Therefore, the sages rarely turned to them. Animals are the last and final stage of the three permutations. Minerals turn into plants, and plants into animals, but animals cannot turn into anything finer than themselves |
orang dalam board ni yang tak bertamadun agaknya.....ikot nafsu ammarah....gado2...kah4... |
adam dah lama dah juta tahun dulu.....beruk beruk tu semua dari manusia...laknat ke atas sesuatu kaum.....
ikot karbon date...beruk beruk tu semua baru ada...bukan berusia jutaan tahun.....takde dinosour rupa beruk.....
sebelum adam,penghuni JAN iaitu leluhur jin menghuni planet bumi ini.....sehinggalah datang Tuuuuuuut(disensor sebab ruhsyia) habis semua kena tarah......yang selamat semua duk masuk dalam perut bumi.....makin lama duduk dalam bumi makin kecik kemetot dan rapuh tulang.....JAN masih ada lagi.....tapi sudah kecik kecik....terperosok hidop jauh kedalam.....
usia bumi ni pon dah 5 billion tahun.....2 billion tahun di huni JAN. |
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