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Author: hakunamatata

KBSW-1N2D PART 3-updated! 1n2d special (Sat.11.30am-1.30pm) start 22/10/2011

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Post time 19-8-2011 08:34 PM | Show all posts
KBS announces that ‘1 Night 2 Days’ will end in six months

KBS’s ‘1 Night 2 Days‘ has announced that the hit variety program will be running for six more months before it comes to a close in February 2012.

All of the cast members reportedly made a mutual agreement with the producers of the show, saying that they would be leaving altogether in six months.

Their official press release reads as follows:

“We would first like to thank all of the viewers who have shown love for ‘1 Night 2 Days’. For the past four years, KBS’s ‘1 Night 2 Days’ has been an extremely joyful program that’s received the generous love of its viewers.

Because of recent events, many discussions have been taking place internally. After holding a frank, open-minded discussion with the ‘1 Night 2 Day’ members, including Kang Ho Dong-ssi, we have come to a final decision that we will be announcing to viewers in the following paragraphs:

The members of ‘1 Night 2 Days’, including KBS and Kang Ho Dong-ssi, cannot imagine a ‘1 Night 2 Days’ without any of its members. We have come to a consensus of starting and ending the show together as one.

As a program that runs true to form, there is no ‘end’. The case is usually members pitifully departing one by one due to a drop in viewer ratings.

‘1 Night 2 Days’, a program that’s praised for being the ‘nation’s variety show’, is the result of much sweat and effort from the members and staff. We do not want something that shines so brightly to meet with a pitiful end. Realistically, the members also all agree that ‘1 Night 2 Days’ cannot continue on forever.

As such, all of the members have agreed to do their absolute best for the next six months and bring the show to a successful conclusion.

We’ve worked with passion for the past four years, and will continue to do so for the next six months. We’ll be working as if each episode is the last and promise to move our citizens and provide them with laughter. We ask that you continue to show us your interest and love.”

Source + Photos: SPN via Nate


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Post time 19-8-2011 10:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 221# makdik2301

andwe !!!!!!!  

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Post time 19-8-2011 10:37 PM | Show all posts
all 1N2D fans shows their heart broken and this is one of them ..


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Post time 19-8-2011 11:00 PM | Show all posts
KBS announces that ‘1 Night 2 Days’ will end in six months

KBS’s ‘1 Night 2 Days‘ has announ ...
makdik2301 Post at 19-8-2011 20:34

betul ke ni ??? bukan rumour/gossip????
betul keeeee????
aku harap sgt show ni akan ada sampai bile2 ..sampai mong boleh joint balik ..sampai hodong sambut besday yg ke-70
nak nangissssssssssssss

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Post time 20-8-2011 12:17 AM | Show all posts
jadiknya rumours tu semuanya betul lah ekk.. memula kata hodong.. lps tu kata PD Na..
tp sekali ni... semuanya nak ditamatkan..
nak tanya, napa mlm ni takde 1N2D kat ch 391.. da tukar siaran ke?

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Post time 20-8-2011 03:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 221# makdik2301

Sedeeyyyyyyyynyer........ Aku sedey giler... dh la aku baca time pepagi buta nih...huhuhuhu...
Inilah keputusan utk segala rumors2 yg ada.... .... Sebak aku baca statement nih....

Harap2 members2 sume tau news nih dr mulut KBS sendiri bukan dr news yg diorg baca mcm selalu tu....huhuhuhu.... Aku rasa keputusan nih mesti dr conclusion kes HD nk kuar dr show nih... Diorg sume kn dh cam family, so sorang kuar, semua akan ikut skali...

Kat mana lgik aku nk tgk oppa aku.... huhuhuhuhuhu.....

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Post time 20-8-2011 03:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 225# zehra2

Mlm nih mmg x der sbb 24/7 ritu, kt KBS pn show nih ganti ngan acara reanang dunia.. So kbsw pn ikut la... minggu depan ada balik cam biasa...

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Post time 20-8-2011 03:33 AM | Show all posts
PD Na Young Suk gives an in-depth explanation about “1N2D” coming to an end

Na Young Suk PD of KBS’s “1 Night, 2 Days”, has spoken up about the program’s conclusion in six months.

After KBS announced that “1N2D” would end in six months, the PD made a statement through Newsen. ”We discussed the issue with all of the cast members, production crew, and the KBS Entertainment department for a long time… There’s an ending for dramas, but not for entertainment shows. We hope that the ending of “1N2D” can show that an entertainment program could have a successful ending,” he said with his tone full of regret.

Na continued, “Although dramas and other programs have conclusions and have time to take a breath, “1N2D” was not able to. We received so much love and ran for such a long time… Since we had non-entertainers in our cast, we had many parts we needed to drop and there were hard times at the turning point in our lives”.

“A typical entertainment show’s lifespan concludes when viewer ratings dropped, but we are suggesting a new paradigm, hoping that the viewers could understand… In other words, we hope we could be the first case where a program ends when it’s receiving the most love, thus creating the first ‘ending’.”

Na added, “Kang Ho Dong and the rest of the members agreed on the idea of a ’successful ending’. During these short remaining six months, we want to show everything we haven’t shown, and everything we could have shown.”

As for his personal thoughts on ‘1N2D’ coming to end, Na Young Suk said, “I think [the ending] discussion was something that was bound to happen at one point. Looking back, making the cast – which is mostly composed of singers and actors – give their lives up for the entertainment field could have been something cruel… To encourage the growth of the members, as well as open up a new path for the entertainment field, I believe that we, “1N2D”, need to carry on with our decision.”

“We still have six months, which is quite a long time…We will stay on the path we’ve been going down in order to have a ’successful ending’.”

The reporter on the phone then asked Na, “Is this the end of “1N2D?”, to which Na replied, “There is no such thing as an ending. If there’s an ending, there is another beginning.”

He concluded, “If it’s not a sad ending, but a happy one, wouldn’t there be another beginning? …One day, a program titled “1N2D” can be created again, and be done again. Whether its comprised of new members or mixed members, I believe ‘1N2D’ can begin again at any given time.”

credit to allkpop

Aku harap apa yg PD Na ckp tu akan terjadi.... Biarlah mixed members... Yg baru + lama.. Yg baru main MC jer la....

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Post time 20-8-2011 02:33 PM | Show all posts
KBS announces that ‘1 Night 2 Days’ will end in six months

KBS’s ‘1 Night 2 Days‘ has announ ...
makdik2301 Post at 19-8-2011 20:34

whyyyyyyyyy...oh baby whyyyyyy???????????? shirooooooo...andweeeeee..........ottokkeeee
kenapa KBS nie kejam sangat...abis mane ler nak tengok seungi..jiwon...dan nak tengok lokasi2 best kat korea...

sunyi ler idup den tanpa 1n2d nie....

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Post time 20-8-2011 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply 226# ctmufizano

sedeyy sgtt kn fiza...aku mmg terkejut giler baca brita nie smlm...dan mmg telah da disahkan oleh PD bkn rumour la nie...aaku bru jer sthun lebih follow show nie....tup2 dpt brita cm nie la plak...sian UTW bru jer sthun join show nie....

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Post time 20-8-2011 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 222# im_comey

sedeyy kn im....x dpt la nk tgok oppa2 kita 2 lg pasnie...pepun kptusan da dibuat terpksala kita terimanya ngn ati yg berat

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Post time 20-8-2011 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 229# ayie77
ayie mcm ko da lama kn follow dis show...lg la tersa khilangan...aku bru jer
sthun lebih pon da rsa sedeyyy...1N2D akn jdik knangan la....mcm AF la gak nie....w/pun rmai pminat yg x stuju tp,kputusan pihak produksi da,terpkasala nak x nak kena terima hakikatnya...kalo la dpt wat reunion member 1N2D pon bestt gak..pggil blik kim c n mc mong 2....:cry:

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 229# ayie77

hidup kita sure2 bosan tanpa show ni .. jiwonnnaaaaa !!!!!

dah le dulu aku cukup sedih bila dia tinggalkan show Come To Play, pastu show Star Golden Bell lak dihentikan, kali ni show plg aku suka ni lak senasib ngan SGB .. aduh, sakitnye hati !!!!

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:40 PM | Show all posts
sedih giler pulak aku tgk gambar ni , isk

credit dcinside

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Post time 20-8-2011 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Comments at dramabeans ..

javabeans: I think I’ll miss Ji-won the most. Because as a singer we won’t get to see him as much, and not on such a close, comfortable level.

girlfriday: Me too. *wails again* But I do think that he’s made enough of his variety career through 1N2D that he’s as much Eun Ji-won the TV personality as the idol singer. Maybe even more so.

javabeans: Definitely more so. Because…I have no idea what his idol career is like, apart from hazy, nebulous memories of Sechs Kies in the ‘90s. And even in those memories, my brain has slotted in present-day Ji-won.

girlfriday: Well he does look the same.

javabeans: And still acts like a teenage boy.

girlfriday: So, he hasn’t really grown up any.

im cuma tepek part jiwon jer so for the rest sila baca yg selebihnye kat sini --> ... -to-come-to-an-end/

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Post time 20-8-2011 10:46 PM | Show all posts
whyyyyyyyyy...oh baby whyyyyyy???????????? shirooooooo...andweeeeee..........ottokkeeee ...
ayie77 Post at 20-8-2011 14:33

sampai arini aku sedih lagii ....asyik teringat2 je ....

mmg sunyi la kita nanti
dah le tengok sejak 2008 ..tak pernah missed ..kalau missed kat tv usaha cari streaming atau donlot ....
ni le satu2nye variety show yg aku tak pernah missed ....

kat mana nak tengok dorang jadi gile2 camni ... seunggi ahhh ... jiwonni ... mongie ...
aku ingatkan kalau cite ni ada lagi 3 tahun ... mungkin mongie boleh joint balik

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Post time 20-8-2011 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kayla at 20-8-2011 23:40

masa ni aku belum start tengok lagi ... jiwon kiyoooo .. suguen kurus lagi .....

sangguen sihat lagi masa ni .... masa mula2 tengok dulu aku confuse nama anjing ni ngan nama suguen

baekdusan .. trip yg paling lama dan paling jauh  ... kena pusing dlm china sbb tak leh masuk korea utara ...  

masa perform kat KBS award 2008

KBS award 2009

trip ngan international fan ....

mong last ep .... scene dia banyak kena potong

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Post time 21-8-2011 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ctaisyah at 21-8-2011 02:34

berita ini sangat2 menyedihkan .... sy ingat 1n2d akan bertahan lebih lama drpd ini lagipun rating show ini  sentiasa tbaik . kerana show2 /drama korea sgt bergantung dgn rating..... saya dah follow sejak 'Are you ready' dan ditukar kpd 1n2d disbbkn  jongmin ada dlm show ini.. wlpn jongmin hny smp 30 episode je sblm ke military...(sy memang sgt sedih  masa itu kehilangan jongmin dalam show ini sbb sy memang follow hmpr semua show yg melibatkan koyote ) . sy masih cuba lihat 1n2d tanpa kehadiran jongmin wlpn pd awalnya memang agak pyh untuk menonton show ini tanpa kehadiran sy trpksa tgk jgk disbbkan room mate serta kwn2  sentiasa gi download show ini untuk menghabiskan masa hujung minggu di kolej yg ada ketika membosankan. plg utama kami semua dah terbiasa tgk show2 korea seperti heroine6,love letter serta xman..yg tlh ditamatkan terlebih dulu... sy memang  langsung x jangka jongmin akan diterima kembali ke dlm 1n2d.. perasaan sy masa begitu gmbira kerana boleh tgk kelibat jongmin dlm 1n2d. wlpn byk terima kritikan dr fan1n2d.... sehingga ada petition untuk minta dia tarik diri..   
sy still support dia sbb sy sgt2 minat dgn group koyote...dan akan terima kenyataan kalau jongmin tiada lagi dlm show ini ketika itu kerana sblm itu sy boleh terima show ini tanpa kehadiran dia... tp x sangka Kim C yg menarik diri dr show ini. dan tiba2 Mong ada masalah dgn undang2 korea.. dr 6 org(2007-2009) lps itu mereka  7 0rg dgn kemasukan jongmin (2009-2010) dan tiba2 mereka tinggal berlima dan nmpk agak janggal pd awalnya dan semakin lama boleh terima mereka berlima kerana ini satu-satu show yg boleh melepaskan tekanan  dgn gelak sepuas -nya  serta dpt  tahu info2 ttg korea wlpn belum berpeluang ke sana... dan plg penting show ini ditygkan di kbsw yg boleh ditonton dgn subtitle... Entah skrg sy agak x suka dgn hodong bila timbul isu sebegini...dulu2 dia beria2 suruh seunggi jgn tinggalkan show ini tp dia yg terlebih dulu... x sempat nak raikan hari jadi hodong ke-70 kat dlm ini..

sy masih ingat sy masuk kat forum ini dekat2 nak raya jgk thn lepas... slps terjumpa forum ini secara kebetulan.... ketika itu sy cuba bg sinopsis bg episode raw 1n2d ... (tp kini sy x dpt tgk bulang kali show ini krn terlalu byk kerja  kena buat jd skrg tiada sinopsis detail dr sy).. lgpun skrg  dramabean dah buat.. huhuhu.. ada 6 bulan  lagi untuk kita semua berckp ttg show ini di sini....

( source: cyworld shinji)

sy sepatutnya gembira tgk bouquet dr team 1n2d untuk koyote... tp bila teringat semua ini bakal berakhir tiba2 perasaan sedih muncul......

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Post time 21-8-2011 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 237# kayla

kayla, gambar2 yg mung tepek ni betul2 buat im rasa nak nangis

start dari show ni bertajuk Are U Ready (wpun tak pernah ler tgk dr ep 1 sbb yg ada subbed pun mula sejak Seunggi masuk jer), pastu dgn Sangguen (tu ler im pun confuse gak sbb rasa apsal lak anjing ni nama dia nak dekat2 sama ngan Suguen lak - anjing Suguen ker?)

Baekdusan trip lak betul2 the best trip ever !!! siap diorang gi China lagi utk gi gunung yg sgt2 ler jauhnyer tuh .. fans dr China greet diorang punyer ler ramai membuktikan mmg show ni bertaraf international (jgn harap show lain mmg setaraf dgn diorang punye show ni)

dan bila diorang dpt award setiap tahun .. seorg demi seorg naik sbb show ni (plg ketara Suguen sbb makin lama makin banyak lak rezekinyer sbb jenaka2 yg dia buat mmg kelakar habis)

tp plg im sedih sbb episod di mana jiwon jadik tour leader, lepas majlis kawin suguen sampai skrg diorang tak buat subbed lagi .. huhu kempunan ler den nak tgk (the funny ep ever sbb choding jadik leader tour)

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Post time 21-8-2011 12:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 238# ctaisyah

ct, im rasa im pun paham perasaan tuh .. klu jiwon tak de dlm show ni, im pun mgkn akan berenti terus tgk sbb x bgs juga klu tgk separuh hati jer ..

show2 lain yg im tgk pun sbb ada org yg kita nak tgk, klu tak de mmg tak rasa pape pun wpun show tuh kelakar giler ker ..

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