season2 bila nak tayang kat starworld? |
limau posted on 28-1-2013 12:40 PM
aku x suka kwn dia..jahat..
kawan dia yang mana satu ko x suka...
yg pompuan tu ke??
aku tengokkk ok je
chaoyunjie posted on 4-2-2013 11:51 PM
kawan dia yang mana satu ko x suka...
yg pompuan tu ke??
kwn laki yg anak pompuan dia nk balas dendam tu...yg jahat nk padam kan msg laki2 tuu..
First of all what a relief to see that Victoria actually shot Helen, I was hoping more like a shot in the head, but as long as she is dead, it is totally ok with me. That woman really got on my nerves all this while.
Now I am wondering whether or not Amanda has put back Emily's laptop inside the secret cabinet. I wish Emily will know about it soon. It feels good that Aiden is back with Emily, and by back i mean that he is now on Emily's side and taking down the Initiative
Can;t wait for the next episode. The ending was not really suspenseful to me. I am more interested to know what is going to happen with the Grayson. I bet there will be a new person to replace Helen as the representative from the Initiative. |
mati gak makcik halen ni kan..aku tgk muka dia jer dh nyampah....tp tu la nsb la victoria pndai bgtau kt daniel psl keluar tu walaupn dia dh tau yg org2 helan selalu perhatikan daniel kt opis dia...
tp kompom grup2 halen ni besar dan bukan dia sorg jer org besar kt initiative tu..
amanda dpt laptop tu??perh gila la minah ni..kalo emily tau dia amik n xpulang blk kompom abis la minah ni..emily pn satu dh tau amanda jenis yg ssh nk percaya naper ms dia smpan laptop n bnda2 berharga tu dia tnjuk terang2 kt amanda yu..aku dr dulu mmg xleh caya langsung kt amanda tu pas satu2 bnda bodo dia dh wat...
aku ingat kan ryan brothers tu mungkin plan nk kenakan carl atau adik jack..tgk2 dia dh msk dlm boat tu...
makin bes plak citer ni even makin lama cam complicated nk paham plan sorang2... |
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giler la episode kali ni. xsabo nak tunggu next week punya episode.
nak tengok tangan yang kat dalam bot karam epi 1 tu sapa punya....huhu
dah nak dekat season 2 finale kah? season 3 dah konpem ke blum? |
graxier06 posted on 12-2-2013 02:33 PM
mati gak makcik halen ni kan..aku tgk muka dia jer dh nyampah....tp tu la nsb la victoria pndai bgta ...
puas hati la...tapi aku rasa pengganti dier pasti akan lebih melampau and heartless
Weller posted on 12-2-2013 02:54 PM
giler la episode kali ni. xsabo nak tunggu next week punya episode.
nak tengok tangan yang kat d ...
ni baru episode 13, kalo first season ada 22 episodes, so target ada dlm 9 episodes lagi la
hike80 posted on 12-2-2013 08:27 PM
puas hati la...tapi aku rasa pengganti dier pasti akan lebih melampau and heartless
yup aku pn dpt rasakan pengganti dia laie brutal dr makcik halen ni...
kt tggu apa jd mggu dpn...bes kalo ikut satu persatu plan dorg ni xspecially emily...ngan dia dh blk tag team ngan aiden ngan nolan..
ngan padma yg aku still xcaya lgsg apa dia ckp...tgk2 dia pn salah sorang org kuat initiative..n mana tau bapak dia pn mayb sama rank ngan makcik halen ker...
episode kali ni...wow! menitik air mata okey. huhu. scene last kat laut tu macam titanic pun ada.
replacement makcik heln dah kuar. pakcik trask. skali pandang mcm creepy tin man dlm charlie's angel movies. rasanya boleh tahan ruthless jugak orangnya.
conrad dh announce yang dia nak run for governor. victoria n daniel berlakon mcm xtau apa2 pasal helen. diorang plant baju n hphone helen under mandy/jack's bed. kiranya....yang bunuh helen mandy la
mandy mati kat laut, kena serpihan bot amanda yg meletup [ sedih tapi sglad that she's died ]
nate ryan pun mati jugak
jack kena tembak, unconscious n under surgery
nolan otw gi amik ems kat laut
ems sedih mandy dh xde
the lappy was not yet to be found, kat montouk kata mandy.
padma, i trust her 55%. something still off 'bout her
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Fauxmanda mati..she was good in that role.
pasni leh la Emily hook up balik dgn Jack.cinta 4 segi |
I admit...mula2 mmg tak suka Amanda...mean the Fauxmanda....but after a while i kinda like her. I like her devotion to her love towards towards Jack...and her friendship for Emily. She was great in that sense. Dier jenis bole berkorban utk Emily anytime. So to see her character go mmg agak menyedihkan.
But that is the interesting twist, the Grayson was trying to put the blaim on Amanda for Crowley's death, but skrg Amanda is dead, hopefully they won't try to put it on Jack pulak...come to think about it...why don't the put the balim on Ashley?? Simply because I don't like her at all....LOL!!!
sedih gila la prt amanda mati tu...nmpak sgt dia mmg sayang kt emily psl emily la org yg bg dia hidup keluarga...dalam cell pn emily yg nk kawn ngan dia,..n psl emily gak la dia dpt kawin ngan jack walaupun emily makan hati...bila dia mati ni cam ssh lak nk jangka apa akn jd...so itu yg lain2 grayson yg family clarke not longer exist especially chorlatte tp cam xder hala tuju sgt la chorlette
aku nk tau sgt la apa perasaan grayson bila dpt tau ms dorg bunuh makcik helen tu amanda n jack dh dlm boat tgh honey moon...n plg bes plak amanda dh mati... |
graxier06 posted on 24-2-2013 02:15 AM
sedih gila la prt amanda mati tu...nmpak sgt dia mmg sayang kt emily psl emily la org yg bg dia hidu ...
Tu yg tak sabar ni nak tunggu....next episode 17 Mac la pulak...lagi 4 minggu mau tunggu!!
oh la tgh break ekk..
jenuh la nak tunggu...
sedih gila kan amanda mati..
mula2 aku rasa dia mcm a bit annoying, tp lama2 ok je..
amanda mati kerr
baru tgok episode yg die nak kene bunuh nie.... |
hike80 posted on 24-2-2013 01:15 PM
Tu yg tak sabar ni nak tunggu....next episode 17 Mac la pulak...lagi 4 minggu mau tunggu!!
aper 17 mac??? ayooooooooo
i love you too amanda |
teky posted on 1-3-2013 02:59 PM
aper 17 mac??? ayooooooooo
yeap...break for 4 weeks....bosan kan???? dah la tgh tense giler episode...but at least masalah jack dah selesai..unless abg si jahat tu pulak nk balas dendam
Next episode...no more distraction
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