tanya geng kat sini...
klau naik kapalterbang bleh lepas
ka cek...takut kantoi plak
tu ari tak bawak terpakse isap
rokok konveSIAnal plak...
tak brani nak bawak sebab
ade ura ura bende ni bende terlarang....huhuhu |
malikselamat posted on 18-6-2013 06:33 AM 
tanya geng kat sini...
klau naik kapalterbang bleh lepas
ka cek...takut kantoi plak
tadak masalah bawak ecig naik flight untuk domestic la...international brunei brazil dengan singapore ja ban benda ni...
Topet posted on 27-6-2013 08:49 AM 
tadak masalah bawak ecig naik flight untuk domestic la...international brunei brazil dengan singap ...
terima kasih bro...
malikselamat posted on 28-6-2013 09:28 AM 
terima kasih bro...
aku bawak hari tu dengan ejuice 5 botoi...hahaha... |
sy mmg zero knowledge ttg e-cigar ni. tolong suggest e-cigar yg best utk buat present jgk n tahan lasak sket. byk sgt dah gugel ni. penin pala. korang pakai apa yg latest ni? kat mana nak beli online wehhh..
tq  |
Ade sesapa nk jual bateri ngan charger efest v2 x? Nk bli URGENT! ! Thanks |
sentinel v3 
Salam sumer...
Aku pun pengguna Ecig ni... tpi aku dah tak pkai Ecig yg jenama Ego tu... aku dah beralih ke mechanical mod... Currently aku pkai 2nd hand Pirate Mod (Pinoy) + Igo-L tank dgn Driptip aku lupa aper brand tp mende alah tu RM80 sebijik...
Member aku lagi jahanam... dia pkai mod GGTS ori + Itthaka tank... Dia punyer Mod ajer dah RM800... tank dia RM900... giler mahal... tu pun dia nak jual... pasal GGTS ada kuar model baru...
Skang aku tgh belajar setting coil utk tank aku... utk yg tak tau... nk setting coil ni kene guna wick (benang) dgn Kanthal (dawai)...
Liquid aku dah tak pkai Hanseng dgn Liqua... aku pkai JB Liquid... local made... rasa mmg best... ada 6MG dgn 12MG... aku penah try Halo 12MG Midnight Apple mmg ketat... pastu aku try Witcher's Brew... Made in USA... mmg sedap... smooth ajer pastu rasa mcm kek vanilla... Mountain Oak pun dah try... bole tahan laa tp aku lg prefer Witcher's Brew...
Kalu ada sesapa nk try JB Liquid bole PM aku... TQ! Last edited by medangtamang on 21-10-2013 01:59 AM

Witcher's Brew

Halo |
Salam.. aktif lagi ke thread vape ni? Atau ada thread baru ?? |
vape tu lagi selamat daripada e-rokok. e-rokok boleh menyebabkan kanser. |
e-cigg murah, vape lagi mahal tapi vape lebih best sebab ada flavor semua. |
sendunya thread nie  |
Hello.. Salam.. Nak tanya pasal ecigar. Bary nak try pakai sbb rokok biasa dah xboleh nak isap, sakit kepala. Ecigar yg mcm mn ok? Yg best skit.. Hara budjet dalam rm200. |
Scientific ignorance or deliberate misconduct? Statements on e-cigarettes from Malaysian cancer “expert”
Friday, 14 August 2015 14:33

By Dr Farsalinos
In an amazing attempt to create confusion and misinform the public, an online newspaper in Malaysia is quoting today the chief medical officer of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) Dr Dalilah Kamaruddin saying that: “In fact vapourised nicotine is similar to nitric acid which may trigger cancer”. Moreover, she claimed that: “you cannot use liquid nicotine no matter how small the dosage, for fear that its absorption into the blood stream may produce mutations which create chemical imbalance in the cells, besides containing glycerine”.
These are shocking statements, because they are completely ridiculous. Nicotine is an alkalic substance, while nitric acid is a strong acid. The two chemicals are as similar as day and night. Here is their formula:
A secondary school student would easily understand the difference. I wonder, has Dr Dalilah Kamaruddin heard that nicotine is inhaled when smoking tobacco cigarettes? Is she aware of the extensive literature explaining the huge differences between nicotine-related health risks and smoking-related health risks? In any case, I am certain she has never reviewed the extensive evidence on e-cigarette safety/risk profile.
I am not sure if it is better to assume that she is ignorant or that she deliberately misinforms the public, regulators and decision-makers. Whichever of the two is true, this is another attempt to create confusion, with the end result being to protect and promote tobacco cigarette sales. Dr Dalilah Kamaruddin needs to immediately retract and apologize for her statements.
http://www.ecigarette-research.o ... atsnew-2015/221-mal
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