[V71] All About Fattah Amin **berangkat ke Eropah untuk berbulan madu **Menang A
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omg fattah ni memang tau.tup2 keluar madu selori  |
tahtah replied at 30-12-2017 09:04 PM
BACKHUG!! hmmmmmm hmmmmmm kadura?
It seems like both of them dah tak malu2 kucing nak tunjuk their love affection in public.. masa mula2 kawen nak tangkap gmbr pun nampak keras nya .. after 1 month kawen kemainnn tunjuk kemanisan dorang.. semoga jodoh fattah & faz kekal hingga akhir hayat |
Fattzura baby on it's way.. hehehehe.. keep praying for their happiness |
Koalajaguar replied at 30-12-2017 09:19 PM
Kannnn finally dorang kasi madu berlori
Ooooohhhhh i suka nya tgk kebahagiaan mereka ni..so sweet & romantic!!
Foto tu mcm foto cover novel2 romance Mills & Boon pulakk..ha3..
Teringat zaman muda2  |
Zaiajay replied at 30-12-2017 09:29 PM
Ooooohhhhh i suka nya tgk kebahagiaan mereka ni..so sweet & romantic!!
Foto tu mcm foto cover nov ...
Lagi lama dorang holiday lg byk laa madu bakal tumpah |
love_warrior replied at 30-12-2017 12:34 PM
17 Pasangan Selebriti Paling Hebat 2017
02. Fattah Amin dan Fazura
Its ok kaka...our lovebirds br sebulan sambut anni..dh tangga no 2. They talked about pasangan khens. So thn depan harus depa merampas takhta.. |
kita as a fans, nmpk progress dr awal kahwin malu2, amik pic peluk bahu je, slowly holding hands, holding fazzy's waist, msa honeymoon their progress drastically improve especially fattah, back hug kiss fazzy on her cheek.. so yg diluar yg kta fazzy just a rebound sila hadam.. depa berdua mmg trully madly deeply in love.. AS A FANS SINCE HSC KMI DOAKAN SEMOGA ABDUL FATTAH DAN NUR FAZURA TERUS BERKASIH SAYANG SEHINGGA KE JANNAH..
yeah.. no worries dik. i just express my opinion. xde nk merempan or kecam.
Koalajaguar replied at 30-12-2017 09:08 PM
Backhug in front of Eiffel tower.. ohh Eiffel tower im in love .. ohh myyy gula tumpah
Jgn lupa tonton movie eiffel im in love 2 yaaa tahun depan bulan feb sempena hari kekasih |
Nak request fattah dukung faz dr belakang plak.gambar yg cantik camni..arghhh xblwh ar tgk dorg ni..xpuas!! |
Koalajaguar replied at 30-12-2017 09:06 PM
Panas dr oven
Ya Allah...so perfect..so happy for them!
Meols br nk join votes ni..byk pulak diorg buat votes di akhir2 thn ni... |
K to de E to de L to de U to de G to de A to de A to de N |
boylondonn replied at 30-12-2017 09:47 PM
Jgn lupa tonton movie eiffel im in love 2 yaaa tahun depan bulan feb sempena hari kekasih
Hahaha siap promo |
love_warrior replied at 30-12-2017 09:37 PM
kita as a fans, nmpk progress dr awal kahwin malu2, amik pic peluk bahu je, slowly holding hands, ...
Lagi banyak setan menangis slps tengok gmbr backhug + kiss cheek fazzy |
ahhhhhhh cemberut cemberut cemberutttttttt......

sungailui replied at 30-12-2017 09:49 PM
Ya Allah...so perfect..so happy for them!
Meols br nk join votes ni..byk pulak diorg buat vote ...
Doa yg baik2 for both them..
Mohon jauhkan dorang dr setan2 yg nak 'ganggu' their happiness |
pujanggamerpati replied at 30-12-2017 10:01 PM
ahhhhhhh cemberut cemberut cemberutttttttt......
Pooja baby jgn laa nangis... Meolls taktau pujuk.. Bg pooja ice cream nak tak? |
Sampai skrg tak caya fattah adalah suami fazura |
hanahani replied at 30-12-2017 10:13 PM
Sampai skrg tak caya fattah adalah suami fazura
Setiap kaum adam diciptakan seorg kaum hawa sebagai tulang rusuk merekA.. Ternyata fazura adalah tulang rusuk fattah dunia akhirat |
love_warrior replied at 30-12-2017 09:37 PM
kita as a fans, nmpk progress dr awal kahwin malu2, amik pic peluk bahu je, slowly holding hands, ...
Amin to this. |
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