salam ...
dah lama tak jengah jubittdee  |
wsalm biitt....dd........sis zai..................... |
ju.. ju ju junaidahhhh..wakakakkakaa |
hii juju..sis zai..dee n the geng..
ape citer skang ni..
bitt dpt jengah kejap2 je kat sini..
busy skitle skang ni..  |
3 kasi la sumer../
ek 3 aku skng tetibe jatuh citna satu lg
tlong carikan
carlito- whos that boy (go go Carlito)
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
Reply #2386 dee_dee's post
masuk sini : LINK
oritee.. nti aku Cari lgik |
dd tlg letak lirik lagu tu sket leh x?? |
wah malam akng aku dload tochee2
weh tu carlito tlg leww  |
Hey, Senorita! Senorita Carlita, you want to go with me to Americo. Ah come on ... I'm Carlito!
Me me me you wanna you wanna everybody wanna wanna Go Go Go! (x2)
Who's that boy, want to be amigo?
(Carlito! Carlito!)
Who's the boy I'll never let go?
(Calaca-lito! Calaca-lito!)
Who's the boy? Come and dance, amigo!
(Carlito Carlito, Cala-calito!)
Who's that boy? Take a chance on me now - we want you so.
Every night I'm walking walking very far I'm very tired.
Have no rest and no ciesta |
ko tkaleh tgk youtube ni atau sumer jenis youtube? |
Reply #2396 dee_dee's post
sumer jenis utube..
tu yg ssh sket nk Cari lagu yg br ni |
lagu nid ah lama gile ekeke..org upload tu thn lepas..aku je br dgr...
aku jumpe mpeg file...nak mp3 |
Reply #2398 dee_dee's post
bak sini link dier... aku nk dgr |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara