adnil posted on 14-6-2013 05:37 PM 
errr xsesuai for kids? ms kami pegi - our kids were from 9 yrs till infant.. cuma kena be on guar ...
i think what i meant was .. bali is not quite suitable for kids..the whole journey utk pegi sana sini tu yg jauh...
sian my kids..penat naik turun van..but i was pretty sure,they enjoyed the trip very well...
i gave my opinion pun based on my p.o.v as a mother... no harms...
letih2 pun ada plan nk repeat trip lg nihhh...
the villa was still the best treat ever..pat-mase mmg superb kan?
the kids totally suka gileeee.... the plunge pool tu mmg just nice utk kiddos...
mine was 2 bedrooms.. very spacious...
kimoree posted on 14-6-2013 09:45 AM 
Thanks cik_Chili for your advise.
I pun baca selalunya Private Villa ni not so suitable for kid ...
no harm on getting a private villa..especially when u have that extra cash to spend..hahaha...
u would not get that price,if u're in malaysia...
saya suka tgk muka anak2 saya dan anak2 sedara bersuka ria 24jam dlm pool...
puas ati...
adnil posted on 14-6-2013 05:37 PM 
errr xsesuai for kids? ms kami pegi - our kids were from 9 yrs till infant.. cuma kena be on guar ...
Frankly speaking dear I tak pernah pergi Bali so really don't know what to expect.
Hope my kids will enjoy there because this is first time I bawa my kids bercuti ke Asean country. Sebab selalu diaorang tahu end of the year mesti pergi tempat sejuk2 saja.
Sure PA my husband terkejut tahun ni kitaorang redeem our annual ticket pi Bali saja ....hehheheh.
Anyaway masa you tinggal di Pat Mase tu you Ada ambil Butler services sekali ke?.
Villa with 3bedrooms tu boleh masak ke?
cik_chili posted on 14-6-2013 11:19 PM 
no harm on getting a private villa..especially when u have that extra cash to spend..hahaha...
u ...
Cik Chili,
Yes memang priceless kan bila tengok anak2 kita happy.
Cuma I nak Tanya semua food dekat Pat Mase ni halal ke?
We plan nak book any Villa yg boleh cater makan sekali.
Susah Ada AnakKecik nak keluar makan kan sebab I baca from review Jimbaran ni agak jauhkan from Kuta etc.
khg posted on 14-6-2013 03:01 PM 
cer jengok2 di sini.. muslim bali tour
It's link to forum portal...
Ni yg supirnyer yanto kn?
I dh dpt no hp dier... Thanks ek...
cik_chili posted on 13-6-2013 12:12 AM 
pat-mase by jimbaran ...
kawasan dia on top of hill...tp villa nya sgt puas ati...
a bit further ...
Betul...aritu 2 org 180,000 ....tanye kot2 ada ala carte ke....jgn ikut pakej ..
cik_chili posted on 14-6-2013 11:16 PM 
i think what i meant was .. bali is not quite suitable for kids..the whole journey utk ...
ohh ok - yup agree gak lah the travelling ke places tu agak jauh.. bebudak mungkin akan restless during the journey tu... tp my kids dari baby mmg "membesar" dlm keta ehehehe.. so xde problem sgt la pd sy - cuma kena pastikan ada enough jajan/snacks and books or playstuff during journeys tu.
yup, villa tu mmg superb... but then kat bali nih mmg byk private villas gini - so kena rajin surf tenet cari somewhere that fits your interests, budget and preference. sy mmg rekomen pd sesapa yang ada budget extra to spend on your family's holiday.
pat-mase xleh nak masak - kami tapau food dari luar. tp sy penah baca someone's blog yg dpt villa yg leh masak tp tak ingat nama villa tu apa...
kimoree posted on 15-6-2013 12:17 AM 
Cik Chili,
Yes memang priceless kan bila tengok anak2 kita happy.
i nk jawab lebey2 pun takut gak sbb byk otai sini yg dah ratusan kali repeat pi sana...
hehe..yes,they have staff serving the breakfast in ur villa..
lunch or dinner..maybe bole kot since ada service tuu...
mmg bole masak..siap ada dapur bagai..and they said,kalu nk apa2 just helo je kt diorg..
and service diorg mmg tip top..u ckp kejap je,trus diorg sampai...senyum memanjang..
as i went thru the menu..yes, they cater food..if u nk bbq dlm villa pun bole...
they have the packages available to choose from...
just mind u,..spt biasa mesti ada oink!oink!..jd i xsuggest u mkn kt situ..
but u can use their shuttle service to travel back and fro...selesa..
kebanyakan forumers sini pun ckp..food is not a big issue,the thing is..berapa kembang u nk bukak tekak u nanti...
the more fancy the dining place is,the more money travelling out from your poket...itu je prinsipal nya..hehehe
i mkn kt gerai jeee..puas ati....
tp u still byk masa lg ni..scroll pelan2..cari the best villas..sure can find one
princ3ssfaith posted on 16-6-2013 10:40 AM 
Betul...aritu 2 org 180,000 ....tanye kot2 ada ala carte ke....jgn ikut pakej ..
giler kentang kan...sblm tu tgk barong dance kena 100k per pax...xmenarik pun...lawak lucah..ada plak selingan sebut2 F**k you...
sib baik kecak dance tu menarik..emmm....
kimoree posted on 7-6-2013 10:24 AM 
Dear cmf,
What do you mean makanan halal banyak tapi makanan muslim susah nak cari?
restoren yang i pergi semua claim halal, pada diorang halal means no pork je. tp ayam tu properly sembelih or not wallahualam.ambik cth yg kt jimbaran, me n hubby smp keluar semula dr restoren yg supir bawak sbb masuk je entrance, dah ada tuhan dia belalai gajah tu huhu. tak ke ngeri. tp dok kata halal, halal. pastu kitorang jln kaki utk carik restoren lain sekitar tu tp hampa, semua ada belalai tunggu. end up sbb dh lapar sgt order ikan steam n sayur je. and even ada satu restoren ni siap ada surau, tp still serve mknan meragukan...
even hotel yg i tggl pun dok kata halal. sekali ada crispy pork daaa! deng!!!
taktao la kebanyakan restoren mmg macan ni or i je tersalah masuk(but of course my supir pun bg cadangan).
cik_chili posted on 17-6-2013 12:10 AM 
i nk jawab lebey2 pun takut gak sbb byk otai sini yg dah ratusan kali repeat pi sana.. ...
Thanks for your info.At least from your feedback I boleh dapat gambaran dekat Bali nanti.
At this moment my husband decide nak stay area Nusa Dua.
So nampaknya tak ada rezeki I nak stay dekat Pat Mase.
But as you said I still ada 5month plus untuk cari right place to stay kan. |
cmf_sh3 posted on 17-6-2013 09:31 AM 
restoren yang i pergi semua claim halal, pada diorang halal means no pork je. tp ayam tu properly ...
Dear cmf_sh3,
Ok I understand sekarang maksud you tu.
kembang juga baca banyak restaurant yg serve oink-oink ni kan.
Memang kena pandai cari restaurant yg truly muslim yg masak kan.I tak kisah makan tepi gerai pun as long as halal dan bersih.
dekat hotel tune kuta ada satu kedai nasi padang muslim.kecik je....dkat simpang tiga yg boleh ke matahari guest house.. depan kedai muslim tu ade kdai jual prepaid..gmbr xde nk tepek.. |
Baru habis khatam thread Bali ni.
Banyak sangat info yg membantu.
I pun dah baca thru tripadvisor. Apa yg i baca kalau nak stay private villa kebanyakkan dia area Seminyak. Memang boleh dapat semurah RM400 semalam hingga la ke RM 1K pun ada.
We still cannot decide to stay at Private Villa and Hotel. Both ada pron and cons. Sebab I ada anak2 yg kecik kalau duduk dihotel atleast ada banyak activity yg diaorang boleh join di Kids Club dekat hotel.
Cuma yg pasti my husband nak stay area Nusa Dua. Still cannot decide which hotel yg suitable. I prefer The Mulia Nusa Dua but my husband prefer The Westin Resort Nusa Dua.
Any forumers yg pernah stay diarea Nusa Dua please share with me the best hotel ya. |
Artemesiaa posted on 13-12-2011 12:43 AM 
Bali pun turut berubah sedikit sebanyak mengikut peredaran zaman. Nampak ketara perbezaanya antara ...
Di Nusa Dua you tinggal which hotel ya? I still cannot decide either The Westin or The Mulia. The Mulia ni baru saja operate last 2month.
How about Spa di Nusa Dua ? Banyak pilihan or just buat di Hotel saja.
kimoree posted on 19-6-2013 04:23 PM 
Di Nusa Dua you tinggal which hotel ya? I still cannot decide either The Westin or The Mul ...
Art suka tinggal kal Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. Hotel dia mengadap laut ada inhouse spa dia sendiri so tak payah susah2 nak cari kat luar. Setiap wing ada swimming pool dia sendiri so boleh pilih nak terjun kat area mana. Kalau malam kat hall dia ada pertunjukan kebudayaan macam2 tarian balinese ada. Boleh dinner sambil tengok show tu atau just tengok show tu je. Best untuk santai2 misal kata malas nak keluar atau dah biasa gi sightseeiing kat sana. Kalau nak gi Kuta ada shuttle bus free dari main entrance. |
Fresh Air on Git Git Waterfall
yantohood posted on 21-1-2013 11:34 PM 
untuk honeymoon mungkin kawasan nusa dua, seminyak atau ubud adalah kawasan yg romantik,dan sisaka ...
antara Kuta Central Park Hotel & 100 Sunset 2 by Aston,mana lagi bagus?
sofahani posted on 20-6-2013 11:31 AM 
antara Kuta Central Park Hotel & 100 Sunset 2 by Aston,mana lagi bagus?
kuta central, lg dekat dengan town Kuta
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