[Benang Sanding] Fattzura Bersanding 25 Februari Ini!
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melnanzz replied at 26-2-2018 05:41 PM
pre-engagement di Koh Samui, bersama rakan-rakan.
pre-nikah (or is it? ) semasa di umrah, bersa ...
I rasa Maldives sebab dia penah comment kat HZ one day dia akan kesana |
Loginlogoff replied at 26-2-2018 05:52 PM
aikkk??bkn ke heols kt amsterdam smbg phd ke??ttbe muncul kt sinih...meaning fattah n fas n geng f ...
Fas pegi amsterdam tu 2weeks je, pastu smbung buat research kt malaysia..  |
personally akak tak suka dedua fattah ngan fazura....
tapi reception nih BEYOND awesome!!!! cantek secantek2 nya....esp fazura....lawonyer la hai sampai tak tejeling kat fattah
pelamin, mekap, baju, guest semua on point!!!! mmg x de cacat celanya! kudos to RT. akak suka betul event simple, classy and nampak mahal( kompem mahalpon)
pelamin tu nasehat akak jgn lah ada BBNU nak tiru or ciplak konsep castle tu. konsep tu pelik tapi sangat terletak and highly customised utk fazura. akak rasa kalo org lain buat mmg tak kena sbb payah nak dapat so called perfect combination mcm ni. |
Edited by Badigol at 26-2-2018 10:19 AM
ni sape ye?nenek fatah blh mana?suka pulak tgk pgantin dua2 turun bwh bersalaman.. |
akubest replied at 26-2-2018 06:00 PM
personally akak tak suka dedua fattah ngan fazura....
tapi reception nih BEYOND awesome!!!! cante ...
Couldn’t agree more. |
Badigol replied at 26-2-2018 06:08 PM
ni sape ye?nenek fatah ke?suka pulak tgk pgantin dua2 turun bwh bersalaman..
Sah2 la along tu fattah. Opah fattah chuolss. Membaca jambatan ilmu. Hahaha |
aduh..mksd i nk tnye td nenek belah mn u...sori sori..hehe
sora13 replied at 26-2-2018 04:18 PM
isu itu akan dibawangkan selepas habis hype wedding fattzura nih kata forumer2 dalam nih!
Ooh ada citer hangat kaaa ??? Ok i tungguuuuu  |
shaynina replied at 26-2-2018 04:22 PM
FAS tgh sambung study DBA kat Amsterdam..so mmg xleh dtg..
Fattah skang tak attach ngan mgmt comp ...
Ooh fattah bukan bawah fastyle dah ke ? Tp aca still PA dia kan ? Bukan tuh bwh mgmt fastyle ?
Lg satu Eddie yg Faz panggil Mama Dee pun tak nampak, tak kn jempit ke ? Dulu dia jugak yg ikut diorang gi holland, buka puasa, keluar sesama |
tomaz replied at 26-2-2018 06:16 PM
Sah2 la along tu fattah. Opah fattah chuolss. Membaca jambatan ilmu. Hahaha
JAngan marah tomaz dia tanya je tu m. Maybe terbaca along in english hahaha |
Badigol replied at 26-2-2018 06:18 PM
aduh..mksd i nk tnye td nenek belah mn u...sori sori..hehe
Hihihi. Meh tunggu jwpn dr yg lain. Iolss pon x tahu. Hehe |
Finally fattzura reception dah selesai! Im so happy & berharap semoga kekal hingga ke jannah 
Untunglah kaka kasel yg join reception untuk peminat march nnt hehe! |
sweetgirl replied at 26-2-2018 12:50 PM
schawal rasanya bff hajjah... so x de le hahaha
Title the hottest couple dh brtukar tgn. Eh. Tp schawal pnh ke dpt title hottest couple in the town ? |
Opah sebelah Fattah. Tu sebab Fattah nampak caring sikit dgn opahnya... cucu favourite, mungkin. |
vous_me6 replied at 26-2-2018 05:28 PM
Yang bertanya pasal staff fastyle ada ke tidak.. Some of them ada semalam kecuali eddie.
Haa i baru perasan mama d takda eh? |
Title hottest couple in town ni I dengar sejak dari shooting HSC lagi. Masa tu diaorag baru balik dari Perhentian - somewhere around Thinker Studios gate-crash buat HLive special interview. Dalam one of the igs, they were mentioned as hottest couple in town. Masa kena panggil title tu dua2 nampak tersipu-sipu malu lagi.
Cekla replied at 26-2-2018 02:21 PM
haah..lupo lak mel/aizat...dan i perhatikan, mana2 pelakon yg pernah berlakon dengan fazz, diorg a ...
Sbb die x memilih org kan. Even pelakon separa veteran mcm anne abdullah tu pun elok ngn die... |
szairmz replied at 26-2-2018 05:14 PM
Dorang gi 2nd honeymoon dekat2 je..tak lama
2nd homeymoon kat pulau dia berlakon hsc tu ke? Hahaha i rasa diorang pergi Bali je kot hehe. |
review wedding dress Fazura dari IKnowFashion.

The wait is over. The reception of #FattZura was held last night and my review is here! Fazura looked beyond pretty in 2 different outfits by @rizmanruzaini
Frankly speaking, I was expecting more from Fazura because both outfits were 'biasa-biasa' to me
BUT, the 'biasa-biasa' that made them special especially the white dress and this is my favorite compared to the pink ball gown
The dress and the veil were really minimal with no excessive detailing. It was such a beautiful moment when Fazura walked the aisle with the veil covering her face. So graceful and dreamy!
I believe this was Fazura's request to keep everything minimal. Her beauty spoke for itself and she is certainly the princess to her own prince charming
Credit photo: BeautifulNara.com & @fattzura.fairytale Instagram
#FashionPolice #FashionCritique #FashionReview #Fashion #Fesyen #Glamour #Style #Vogue #Glam #Fazura #FattahAmin #RizmanRuzaini #RRBridal #FattZura #FattZuraFairyTale #PowerCouple #HeroSeorangCinderella #IanMedina #WeddingOfTheYear #FairyTale @rizman.n
repost from @i_knowfashion |
neowati replied at 26-2-2018 09:41 AM
Semalam nampak #befaz, hari ni ada #belofa.. Apakah?
Hahahaha byk betul kebetulan faz n lofa ni. Tapi faz punya #befaz tu kalau tengok hashtag dari tahun lepas lagi bong si mua faz tu guna. Kebetulan pulak. |
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