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Author: freakyskinny

[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari

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Post time 11-1-2018 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 11-1-2018 11:19 AM
yes! omg, tak sabariah nak tahu movie ponti fazzy tu ape dia

Yesss. Pls fazzyyy. Suap meols dgn bts byk2

Kalau takde BTS nnti org luar tak tau psl filem baru. Tetiba dh abis je kt panggung..mcm filem Hanyut tu. Rasa mcm nk suruh je keluarkan balik kt panggung

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Post time 11-1-2018 11:26 AM | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 11-1-2018 09:21 AM
kaka miss ni msian atau indo ya? hehehe. maaf tanya.

Indonesian here... mulai ngefans sama Fazura pas dia ikut jadi cast dlm film Langit Terbelah di Langit Amerika dan pengisi soundtrack filmnya saat itu featuring Ridho Roma... Meols sempat liat Fazura in person waktu nonton gala premier Rafathar di Jakarta... omg she is not only pretty but talented and smart yet so humble. Malaysia must be proud of having such a multitalented actress like her.

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Post time 11-1-2018 11:37 AM | Show all posts
MissAzalea replied at 11-1-2018 12:12 AM
Yep,.. I can attest to this... banyak peminat film indo, especially from para penonton dari kaum a ...

Kakak .....itu sudah sedia maklum kok. Kedua-dua hos ini syok sendiri. Fazura tidak boleh disebut-sebut dalam rancangan itu. Kakak pasti sudah tahu kan?

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Post time 11-1-2018 12:52 PM | Show all posts
MissAzalea replied at 11-1-2018 11:26 AM
Indonesian here... mulai ngefans sama Fazura pas dia ikut jadi cast dlm film Langit Terbelah di La ...

oh hi jiran sebelah! we are so proud of her too! just to let u know, nothing to worry about the meletop show (coz not mentioning her name) as long we appreciate the positive feedback of her role as BRENDA in AAC2. sukses sekali iya AAC2 di Indonesia?

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Post time 11-1-2018 12:52 PM | Show all posts
haznor replied at 11-1-2018 11:37 AM
Kakak .....itu sudah sedia maklum kok. Kedua-dua hos ini syok sendiri. Fazura tidak boleh disebut- ...

Theyols treat Fazura mcm tu because host cewek yg namanya Neelofa ni ex gf suaminya Fazura ya??

Kalo betul memang tak professional langsung la... soalnya aneh aja..secara judul segment talkshow nya "AAC2 film gabungan pelakon-pelakon Indonesia & Malaysia" tapi nama Fazura which is the only Msian actress after Bront Palarae yg ikut main dalam film tersebut gak ada disebut namanya sama sekali. Pelik betul..

I mean how could anyone ever hate this soft adorable , sweet lovable girl ? i just don’t understand you haters.. Padahal meols tengok kat youtube masa Fazura di interview orangnya ramah banget... gak sok diva kayak kebanyakan artis papan atas. Sempat liat interview sheols wt Anggun and her comments like very down to earth gitu.. dgn humble dia, sentiasa senyum, lemah lembut. Adore sangat.

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Post time 11-1-2018 12:53 PM | Show all posts
separasedar replied at 11-1-2018 11:26 AM
Yesss. Pls fazzyyy. Suap meols dgn bts byk2

Kalau takde BTS nnti org luar tak tau psl file ...

omg, agree agree agree!

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Post time 11-1-2018 01:17 PM | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 11-1-2018 12:52 PM
oh hi jiran sebelah! we are so proud of her too! just to let u know, nothing to worry about the me ...

Tapi sebagai host sudah menjadi tugas mereka memberikan informasi itu seharusnya... karena meols yakin banyak penonton di luar sana yg tak tau kalo ada satu lagi artis Malaysia yg ikut terlibat dalam film yg diperbincangkan dalam talkshow tersebut..

Yes, I can tell this movie is quite successed.. sampai sekarang masih running di bioskop-bioskop kat Indo .. though I am very certain this movie is not gonna be her last indonesian movie that she took part in... Sbb buat masa sekarang ni Fazura antara very few Msian actresses yg sudah sangat dikenal luas di indo entertainment industry... aside from the hot daddy Bront Palarae yg namanya melejit lewat filmnya yang berjudul Pengabdi Setan ofcourse.

Looking forward for Fazura's next movies...

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Post time 11-1-2018 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Remy berlakon ponti?
Muka pure melayu klasik

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Post time 11-1-2018 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

btw arini aac2 keluar dah kan,ade sape2 pg tgk mlm ni? or tadi ke?

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Post time 11-1-2018 07:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissAzalea replied at 11-1-2018 12:52 PM
Theyols treat Fazura mcm tu because host cewek yg namanya Neelofa ni ex gf suaminya Fazura ya??

Biarkan aja mereka2 di talkshow itu tak sebut nama Fazura. Seluruh Malaysia memang tahu sebabnya kenapa.  Yang penting faz berlakon bagus kan, very talented actress!

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Post time 11-1-2018 08:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ok guys let me review filem ayat2 cinta hehe.i dah tgok around 230pm tadi kat sumit usj.mybe i pg waktu kj so kerusi kosong bnyk gilas.first i bukn la type yg tgok wayang kecuali filem tu betul2 bagus n las movie yg i tgok is dangal.genre filem ayat2 cinta ni pun mmg bukn my taste.tapi i pg tgok sb suport fazura.for u fazura..seyus do. Haha.ok ckp sal diri pulak dah kat bwah.hekhek

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Post time 11-1-2018 08:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nanti dah review ni jgn lupe bg kredit weh.first aku nk bgtau filem ni terbaik.mmg x rugi tgok.aku pg tgok sb fazura je tapi bile aku tgok untuk half hour aku rs xde fazura pun aku akn tgok aac2 ni kalau aku pengikut aac1 tapi x.aku x pnh tgok aac1.untuk watak brenda yg bg aku xde pun x pe.seyusly agak kecewa la bile brenda just muncul gitu2 aja.ntah la kalau bg pndangan org kmunculan brenda x gitu2 pun tapi ade aku harapkn lbh nk tgok bnyk scene brenda.seyusly fazura is so brenda.i want more.part mabuk tu sbnrnye aku ingtkn ade adegen dukung ke apa bts mcm ade bl faz tnye die berat x kat slh satu plakon kan.xde.just like that.i aspec more part fahri tolong brenda mabuk tu tapi still ok pun.itu first kmunculan brenda.amazing
walaupun mabuk ketum wei.mabuk pun bagus n cantik.exited kot bile first faz muncul tu.the bes part brenda ofcoz curah air kat muka bront.brenda n barac mcm knl each other bile dieorg jump kat cafe tapi x dirungkaikn.oh bile tgok faz n bront satu layar seyusly aku nk tgok dieorg dlm 1 movie hero n heroin.dieorg toooo good ok.brenda ni mcm so chiky gedik frenly.mmg mcm real fazura sgt la..aku rs brenda just muncul 6 7 kali je gitu.itupun kejab2.n aku ad tgok bts brenda n fahri minum kat taman tapi scene tu xde.syg weh.tunang brenda pun xde spt yg dlm not sure if watak sbgai pguam yg nk tolong sabina tu penting x bg uols tapi bg i brenda just pnyeri tapi dpt ad dlm filem aac2 dah cukup baik faz.bront pun x bnyk pun scene tapi both faz n bront deliver watak masing2 dgn baik.mcm lbh baik drp hero n heroin.aku tpikir kalau fazura yg jadi hulya.mesti fazura akn menghulyakan diri dgn satu part aku rs mcm faz lg cantik drp hulya..ayat brenda jika kamu rase saya saingan kamu.kamu silap.itu mnusuk hati.n faz ms scene tu mcm nmpk tua sikit.tapi deliver dgn baik.dan scene brenda n bruce ke barac behenti tanpa tau ap jadi dgn dieorg.yala ni bukn tntg brenda kan.its about fahri.ha mybe ade aac3.x kan nk tgu 10 tahun lg kot adoi.kalau fazura yg jadi hulya tu meletop2 aku uolss yg syg faz yg x syg faz ke go la tgok filem ni.kalau bukn sb faz pun filem ni mmg terbaik.5 bintang.x bole nmpk kekurangan sb tu nk bg 5 bintang.i just review part fazura je.the whole  watak i akn review kat board filem i mmg suke bab review2 ni.ko dah knp



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Post time 12-1-2018 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 11-1-2018 08:54 PM
Nanti dah review ni jgn lupe bg kredit weh.first aku nk bgtau filem ni terbaik.mmg x rugi tgok.aku p ...

Sooooo agree with u on this one! Serious la kena ada movie fazura & bront together as a couple. Walaupn 1 scene je diorg sekali, tapi dia punya chemistry n aura tu kebabom betul! Tak puas tengok! Harap2 ada production malaysia yg tgk aac2 berkenan nak amik 2 org ni berlakon movie sekali. Proud moment sgt bila 2 malaysian actors sangat menyerlah dlm filem org luar. Cuma certain part sikittt je faz ada bunyi kl sikit. tp dimaafkan sbb sangat gojes. Voleh? Haha..part mabuk tu memang comel sgt. Boleh kata brenda tu scene stealer la.

Overall meols puas hati tengok aac2. Ada part happy, marah, sedih..cukup rasa. So chuols sume sila tengok Ayat ayat cinta 2 hokey!

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Post time 12-1-2018 02:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 11-1-2018 08:54 PM
Nanti dah review ni jgn lupe bg kredit weh.first aku nk bgtau filem ni terbaik.mmg x rugi tgok.aku p ...

iols suka review chuols kucenpink! Yup iols setuju. Wpun iols rasa tatjana bawa watak hulya dgn baik, walaubagaimanapun iols rasa kalau fazzy bawa watak hulya, sheols akan menghulyakan diri sheols sepenuhnya. Sheols amat cool, sassy, friendly, bubbly dlm aac2, like sooo fazzy laa senang cite. iols mmg gemar amat movie yg menunjukkan sisi kuat saorang wanita. Part brenda curah air kt muka baruch tu iols hampir terberdiri mau tepuk tgn dalam cinema tu tp tak jd sbb tgk kiri kanan ramai orang haha! iols just punching air sajork.
p/s: kalau nasib baik, dapat la iols sediikit kredit. Bhaha

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Post time 12-1-2018 02:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noiz_phayz replied at 12-1-2018 12:03 AM
Sooooo agree with u on this one! Serious la kena ada movie fazura & bront together as a couple. Wa ...

bab fazzy ada tersasul slang kl tu pun iols maafkan jgk sbb aura brenda kuat bila sheols muncul di screen, seterusnya mengcover kelemahan slang indo+kl sheols itew. Org indo sendri pun tak kisah bab brenda tersasul slang kl sebab lakonan faz as brenda itu sendiri udah amat bagus dan meyakinkan. Brenda kicks ass! Seperti katanya penulis terkenal di indo, iols lupa namanya siapa. Hehe

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Post time 12-1-2018 05:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Bsli at 12-1-2018 06:07 AM rs hepi sgt sbb da tgk aac2 smlm just nk review ni pendapat ai la.. Lps ai tgk aac2 smlm ai lebih suka aac1.. X kisahlah yg pntg watak Brenda n bront(x igt nm wataknye) mmg mantap betul ckp pink klu watak hulya tu kasi kt faz mmg faz akn meng hulya kan (berangan much) haha....


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Post time 12-1-2018 07:18 AM | Show all posts

Lorrrr ingatkan forum ni dah hilang...
lama meolls x masuk sbb x nmpk

happy new year uolls!

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Post time 12-1-2018 07:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meols tepekkan review AAC2 daripada bapa viral kebangsaan, chef selebriti, anak jati pahang dan peminat fazura

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Post time 12-1-2018 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iamsickofu replied at 12-1-2018 02:33 AM
bab fazzy ada tersasul slang kl tu pun iols maafkan jgk sbb aura brenda kuat bila sheols muncul di ...

Ikanatassa. Penulis critical eleven,  the architecture of love, antologi rasa n byk lagi

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Post time 12-1-2018 06:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rata2 org perempuan komen pasal AAC2 penonton kena standby tisu.
Belum ada masa lagi nak tengok.

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