Reply #52 mias_2004's post
Okay nanti kasi alamat kat saya.
1. Kak Noor
2. rmtie
3. Melur
4. azima
5. balquen
6. eva
7. wa'ah
8. iman baby
9. maizana
10. blossom
11. honeydew
12. mias
13. musliha |
Originally posted by noor_hannah at 7-8-2006 02:02 PM
untuk baiduri.. yg sudi memberi keychain sorang satu.. melur sudi membalas dgn ini..

dan maizana nak bagi bai pin cushion.. nanti kak noor post gambar..
bai .. ada pembetulan di situ.. |
Reply #28 noor_hannah's post
Terima kasih bnyk2 kat maizana. Saya nak minta alamat maizana, iman baby & blossom. Mias pun belum bagi alamat. |
Reply #67 noor_hannah's post
Okay, no problem Kak Noor. |
rmtie.. bak mai alamat.. nak post hadiah.. |
Originally posted by noor_hannah at 3-8-2006 11:07 PM
:tq::tq: thank u very much adhwan.....:love: |
Originally posted by blossom at 7-8-2006 05:11 PM
rmtie.. bak mai alamat.. nak post hadiah..
saya dah PM add saya dah...
Originally posted by myipo at 7-8-2006 03:48 PM
mane rmtie ye:malu:
nak kasi address....he..he.h.e... love:
saya kat sini... sorry lambat masuk...bolehlah PM add kat saya ye... |
evasirnasari This user has been deleted
Friendship Square Exchange
Dear moderator,
Inilah contoh cadangan saya mengenai Square Exchange. Kalau boleh moderator terjemah ke Malay, I ni tak berapa pandai sangat nak terjemah. Jadi I copy and pas di sini. Group ni yang saya pernah join 2 tahun lalu, baru terjumpa balik email dalam 'archive'.
Friendship Square Exchange
Read before signing up please.
1. Names will be added until the swap is full which means some will be joining after the start of the swap. .
2. A list will be e-mailed to you with all the names and addresses of everyone on the list.
Up dates; names added, e-mail change, home address change and so on will be sent out as they come in.
3. You make each member the number of squares required in your swap while following any other directions. ie. knitting or crochet, color and size will be followed.
Your choice of yarns (washable would be nice), the pattern you make is of your choice, choice of colors will be according to the swap exchange you're in. Most swaps are your choice of knitting or crochet.
4. Mail your squares to each person until you've completed them all. . Example: If your sending 2 each to 34 people The total of all squares you will be receiving in the mail are 68. Remember to make yourself the number of squares in your swap
You'll receive enough squares to make a friendship afghan of about 5 ½ foot square. Depending on the way you're connecting the squares together. (8 squares x 8"s = 64 inches) What you do with the afghan is up to you. Keep it or give it away. The choice is yours.
5. I know in the past we had a person or two who didn't do their part. That's why I've added one extra rule.
If for some reason you have to drop out of the swap but have already received squares, you'll need to send those squares back to the person who mailed them. This protects the person who mailed out their squares.
As an added surprise, when mailing out your squares it would be wonderful to add a short note telling just a bit about yourself. Married, where you're living, what other crafts you do, kids, ages, etc. It's great to know a little about the person who put their hearts into what you'll be holding in your hands while putting the squares together. It will truly become your favorite afghan.
Remember... Please don't join another swap until you've finished the swap you're in.
Kalau sesiapa perlukan peten untuk crochet atau knit boleh saya emelkan nanti. Moderator boleh buka satu thread baru untuk ini. |
Originally posted by noor_hannah at 4-8-2006 11:08 AM
DARI CIKDAK untuk zieA
Segannya cikdak bila dapat tau, cross stitch ciput tu kena bagi pada zieA :malu:
sebab zieA ni dah tahap sifu2....harap zieA sudilah menerima biscornu cikdak tu yer?....
alahai....malunye....banyak wat mistake pulak tu....maklumla kita baru dalam bidang ni...
zieA....nati buwi address deh?? pm me... |
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mana nak beli... ok ini mana nak beli bebarang khas untuk CROSS STITCH and KNITTING...

Kedai ni Kat tingkat 2. IOI MALL puchong. dekat ngan cinema . dekat ngan escalator dia... heheheh.. selamat bershopping.....
ada lagi. tunggu. kat Jaya Shopping , kat PJ. |
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tad2200 kalu demo nok jugok gak. kito pakaa by pos aje lah. ko ghano?
wahh... dah nampak buku tu. tapi blom sempat beli. ari tu jumpa kat kb nie. bile pegi nak beli. dah abih. susah nak dpt kat sini. nanti balik ipoh gie cari kat mph kat JUSCO lak. mesti ade. |
Pada forumners yg join gathering termasuk yg tak hadir ttp tukar2 hadiah - saya nak minta maaf psl hadiah. Saya bagi hadiah kat Kak Noor sbg tanda terima kasih sebab susah payah je bimbing & ajar buat jahit sulam. Tu lah saya gantikan dgn key chains (in fact in the 1st place nak bagi key chains & emak saya suggest bagi hadiah kat Kak Noor). InsyaAllah kalau korang buat gathering lagi, saya akan buat something utk tukar2 hadiah. |
Originally posted by noor_hannah at 3-8-2006 01:54 PM
sitislam.. hadiah u ni ada pada kak noor.. nak post ke nak dtg collect?? |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 7-8-2006 07:39 PM
Pada forumners yg join gathering termasuk yg tak hadir ttp tukar2 hadiah - saya nak minta maaf psl hadiah. Saya bagi hadiah kat Kak Noor sbg tanda terima kasih sebab susah payah je bimbing & aj ...
kak noor mmg segan sgt dgn bai ni.. mmg dah puas kak noor tolak.. tapi dah dia kata mak dia yg nak bagi.. kak noor pun terima je lah..
kak noor pun mmg nak hadiah kan bai drawings arwah mak kak noor tu.. harap2 mendapat berkat dan pahala sedekah ilmu untuk arwah ye bai.. amin.. |
Originally posted by cats75 at 7-8-2006 04:37 PM
macamaan dgn gathering ari tu mesti seronok kan .. cite laa .. kita org nak gak tau
saya kat rumah dok berpikir2 apa laa dia org buat .. kul berapa laa diaorg balik....
hati nak pergi tp tak lar ...
cats.. seronok lah.. sebab dpt jumpa kawan2 porem.. selama ni dok calling2 je.. rugi tak dpt hug2 ngan cats..
ni dah sihat benar2 ke?? aisey.. ingatkan ada ehem.. ehem.. |
Originally posted by cats75 at 7-8-2006 04:33 PM
alah kak noor nak gak keledek.....
tak aci laaaaaa....... (
ha.. nanti kak noor bagi keledek sepesel nya.. nak tak?? |
Originally posted by dania78 at 5-8-2006 07:50 AM
maaf laa.. ni benda sama gak kita nak akap.. cuma baru tersedar topic kat sticky ni yang berkenaan ngan posting kita semalam. harap kak noor boleh bantu clean up my post kat sana.
original post. ...
cadangan sgt di hargai.. boleh kita bincang2.. |
Originally posted by ainis at 5-8-2006 10:31 AM
saya berasa sgt seronok bila dpt melayari lmn web ini coz saya dpt banyak pengalaman yg menyeronokkan..ilmu pengetahuan yg saya perolehi saya manfaatkan...terima kasih utk thread ini..
terima kasih juga kpada ainis kerana sudi bertandang.. buatlah mcm rumah sendiri.. di sini kami amat menghargai sesiapa saja yg sudi memeriahkan bod ini, samada yg dah taraf pakar.. atau yg baru nak jinak2 mengenali dunia kraf dan seni jahit ni.. |
Originally posted by evasirnasari at 7-8-2006 05:30 PM
Dear moderator,
Inilah contoh cadangan saya mengenai Square Exchange. Kalau boleh moderator terjemah ke Malay, I ni tak berapa pandai sangat nak terjemah. Jadi I copy and pas di sini. Group ni y ...
eva.. boleh kita pertimbangkan.. amat di alu2kan cadangan yg bernas begini.. kak noor cuma sempat baca sambil lalu je dulu.. sementara tu.. perbincangan di buka untuk projek ini.. |
[quote]Originally posted by noor_hannah at 7-8-2006 01:44 PM
tu kak noor dah tepek gambar hadia dari blossom untuk rmtie..
[ Last edited by noor_hannah at 7-8-2006 11:30 PM ] |
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