PakJen, aku dah try main Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter..
kira agak okay la..
tapi macam boring..coz movement x lancar n slow.. |
WOW Burning Crusade
PES 2008
dan lain2 |
baru abis main cold war ngn soldier elite... |
Ys ~The Oath in Felghana~
Tebas jangan tak tebas!!!! |
Mount and Blade
Medal of Honor Airbone
Crysis |
MOH : Airbone
Clive Barker Jericho
Mount and Blade |
game2 yg aku main dalam bulan ni..
Assassin's Creed
Gear of Wars
The Witcher
Neverwinter Night2 dan expansionnyer: Mask of Betrayer
Dungeon Siege 2 dan expansionnyer: Broken World |
aku ske fighting game lak. skang aku rajin main:
- Guilty Gear XX#Reload
- Melty Blood ReAct
- Immaterial & Missing Power.
gambar cantik banget! |
Reply #249 yowa2's post
Any link for the complete install for MBR? I checked at MirrorMoon there was only patch provided there >"< |
Originally posted by [sicness] at 25-5-2008 23:47 
Any link for the complete install for MBR? I checked at MirrorMoon there was only patch provided there >"
i don't know it it downloadable anywhere.
i bought it in dvd. but i got the problem controlling the keyboard. cannot remap! (or i don't know how.)
now, my fav. is Immaterial & Missing Power. i guess, your keyboard will last longer! hehehe |
Sad, just when i found out the game quite interesting enough after watching its combo exhibition videos *-* |
Originally posted by [sicness] at 27-5-2008 00:50 
Sad, just when i found out the game quite interesting enough after watching its combo exhibition videos *-*
u think so?
for combo, visual effect, the best 2d fighting game for me is still Guilty Gear.
search it in youtube for preview. but.... sacrifice your keyboard. my computer using 2 keyboard. for game n typing. hehehe.
my laptop best for playing Last Blade. |
Nah Guilty Gear is way too messy IMO. Graphics, characters are nice but not the gameplay tho. The reason i asked for the link was, well i've been training KoF XI combo for the last 4 months and it starts to get quite boring now -_- Curse those combo makers,kept making a new one lol. |
Originally posted by [sicness] at 27-5-2008 22:25 
Nah Guilty Gear is way too messy IMO. Graphics, characters are nice but not the gameplay tho. The reason i asked for the link was, well i've been training KoF XI combo for the last 4 months and i ...
combo intensive training? hahaha. i see, u like challenge yourself the skill eh?
why don't u try that Neo Geo game, Last Blade 2. its Speed mode very nice. love it.
when the speed gauge full and flashing, press down twice, + A or B, then followed with keys with precise timing. for me, it some kind of achievement to be able to do that!. |
gothic 3 (tak abih abih lagi....susah nak mampos)
cod 4 |
Virtual Villager 3: the secret city
Magic Farm
nice. |
medal of honour : Airbourne  |
-wedding dash
-plant tycoon |
| |