Originally posted by Nisda_ at 6-7-2006 09:23 AM
koci tapi pagi ni Nis lupa nak ambik temperature..mungkin tak biasa lagi. Dah letak tepi katil tapi lupa pulak.
Biasa Nis awal2 memang mcm tu...takper lama2 ingatlah tu  |
Originally posted by koci at 6-7-2006 09:39 AM
Erk betul ke tu? 58 ke 38.6C? Kalau 58C dah sawan dah...high fever...
Tapi kalau 38.6 pun dah kira tinggi tu...demam ke? |
oooppssss sorry koci.. typo error, it should be 35.8C NOT 58.6C..
kes sawan lah tu koci, sebab tadi belum breakfast.. now, baru je having my Guara Cafe together with Jacob's sunlife biscuit.. heheee dont panic ok |
oooppssss sorry koci.. typo error, it should be 35.8C NOT 58.6C..
kes sawan lah tu koci, sebab tadi belum breakfast.. now, baru je having my Guara Cafe together with Jacob's sunlife biscuit.. heheee dont panic ok |
Originally posted by koci at 6-7-2006 08:29 AM
:hmm: dlm jamu ada chemical apa herk...jamu susah skit tak tau chemical per ada dlm tu...:stp:
kalu yg bidadari tuh?camne? |
Originally posted by Hane at 6-7-2006 10:15 AM
oooppssss sorry koci.. typo error, it should be 35.8C NOT 58.6C..
kes sawan lah tu koci, sebab tadi belum breakfast.. now, baru je having my Guara Cafe together with Jacob's sunlife biscuit.. he ...
Ohhh...kus semangat koci tengok 58C hehehe...rendah tu Hane...sebab mostly koci review notes pasal BBT suhu normal range yg mcm koci paste kat page belakang...35.8C rendah skit la...tak taulah kalau ni suhu normal Hane :hmm: |
Originally posted by rzm at 6-7-2006 10:20 AM
kalu yg bidadari tuh?camne?
Tak kot...basically ubat yg mengubah paras hormone kita yg akan mengganggu BBT kita...bidadari untuk apa herk? |
Originally posted by koci at 6-7-2006 10:29 AM
Ohhh...kus semangat koci tengok 58C hehehe...rendah tu Hane...sebab mostly koci review notes pasal BBT suhu normal range yg mcm koci paste kat page belakang...35.8C rendah skit la...tak taulah ...
tak tau ler koci, this is my 1st lowest BT since i do chart.. the most pun 36.2C.. |
Reply #248 Hane's post
suhu BBT nessa paling rendah 36.3 |
sonok gak mencatat...at least leh tau...harap2nya dpt 'hasil' nnt...:pray: |
Originally posted by Hane at 6-7-2006 11:01 AM
tak tau ler koci, this is my 1st lowest BT since i do chart.. the most pun 36.2C..
Takper hane catat aje suhu yg hane dapat...nnt dah dapat satu cycle kita tengok sama2 mcm mana patternya. Cakap skrang pun too early nak buat conclusion... :pmuka: |
Originally posted by rzm at 6-7-2006 01:33 PM
sonok gak mencatat...at least leh tau...harap2nya dpt 'hasil' nnt...:pray:
yg penting kita boleh merancang waktu subur dan bila hujung cycle dari chart tu kita boleh agak sama ada kita pregnant atau...takdelah teragak2, rzm koci dah tengok ingredients bidadari...rasa nya takde pape kot... :bgrin: |
Reply #252 koci's post
koci apakah ingredients yg boleh menggangu catatan suhu...specific sikit |
according to my ovulation calendar, my fertile on 10th, VERY fertile 11th, and ovulate day on 12th..
hmmm.. kalau nak 'projek mega' pun mesti on 12th sebab Hane maseh out station currently.. |
Originally posted by Hane at 6-7-2006 03:06 PM
according to my ovulation calendar, my fertile on 10th, VERY fertile 11th, and ovulate day on 12th..
hmmm.. kalau nak 'projek mega' pun mesti on 12th sebab Hane maseh out station currently..
hane punyer lebih kurang sama mcm kiter ...tp kiter leh bt projek mega hjg minggu je...sedihnya..tah2 tkde lagi bln ni...huhuhu...:cry: |
Originally posted by koci at 6-7-2006 09:39 AM
Erk betul ke tu? 58 ke 38.6C? Kalau 58C dah sawan dah...high fever...
muarghahahahahhaha..kelakorla, tulah agaknya 58 tu ferenheit kot? by the way, Hanni pun dh beli satu thermometer brand microlife, harga dlm RM 31.00 (after discount)..Kalo sesapa yg nk beli thermometer utk buat BBT, better beli kat farmasi biasa, mcm Guardian, Watson, Apex tu.. mmg mahallah (walaupun dh discount). Hanni beli kat farmasi kat Kajang, mmg murahlah kat situ. even pregnancy test pun RM4.00 dh blh dpt... value for ur money maaaaaa |
Originally posted by Hanni at 6-7-2006 04:03 PM
muarghahahahahhaha..kelakorla, tulah agaknya 58 tu ferenheit kot? by the way, Hanni pun dh beli satu thermometer brand microlife, harga dlm RM 31.00 (after discount)..Kalo sesapa yg nk beli t ...
Uik pregnancy test rm4 je murah tu koci pernah jumpa pun paling murah rm7.90 beb kat watsons... |
Originally posted by Hanni at 6-7-2006 04:03 PM
muarghahahahahhaha..kelakorla, tulah agaknya 58 tu ferenheit kot? by the way, Hanni pun dh beli satu thermometer brand microlife, harga dlm RM 31.00 (after discount)..Kalo sesapa yg nk beli t ...
Ha tulah hanni bukan diorang tak pergi watson guardian ni masalahnya sume habis stock nak buat mcm mana orang kl ni ramai sangat...:jeling: |
Originally posted by koci at 6-7-2006 04:15 PM
Uik pregnancy test rm4 je murah tu koci pernah jumpa pun paling murah rm7.90 beb kat watsons...
Tulah, dulu Hanni pun mcm tu, kalo carik farmasi.. yg nampak Watson, Guardian dan yg sewaktu dgnnya. tapi bila sorang mmber bagitau, beli kat farmasi area Kajang, Hanni pun pilah survey..and mmg murah giler. Hanni and hubby mmg mkn multivitamin Centrum. Bilasa beli kat farmasi2 tu dlm RM 72 utk 100 tablets. tapi kat farmasi 51 Avenue (di Kajang), Centrum tu, harganya RM65, after discount 20%, tinggal RM 52 shj...blh jimat, duit lebih buat pi makan sate kajang lagiiiii |
Originally posted by Hanni at 6-7-2006 04:03 PM
muarghahahahahhaha..kelakorla, tulah agaknya 58 tu ferenheit kot? by the way, Hanni pun dh beli satu thermometer brand microlife, harga dlm RM 31.00 (after discount)..Kalo sesapa yg nk beli t ...
Ha tulah hanni bukan diorang tak pergi watson guardian ni masalahnya sume habis stock nak buat mcm mana orang kl ni ramai sangat...:jeling: |
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