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Author: baduglyu

Twilight (21 Nov 2008)

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2008 08:38 PM | Show all posts
eee, menyampah ah si tyra ni. nak suruh gigit dia lak. and taylor muka innocent masa si tyra bagi g-string (budak tu baru 16) lol. ade satu dj ni warned rob masa dia buat interview telling him that Tyra is the devil and warn him not to do the show.
Kadangx2 bila aku tgk cerita Tyra Show ni, I feel ashamed for her. satu episode ni masa Beyonce ade, si Tyra over buat video clip using lagu Beyonce.

Casting 'The Volturi' in 'New Moon,' the 'Twilight' sequel

Entertainment Weekly  have posted their ideas on some stars who they think should have the Volturi roles for New Moon.

They think that Kristen Chenoweth, from Pushing Daisies or Glinda in Wicked, should be Jane. They throw out Stephen Moyer (True Blood) and Crispin Glover's names as Aro. And for Caius, they consider Christopher Lee (Lord of the Rings and Star Wars).

I loved Taylor's performance in Twilight, but they probably need to recast. I always thought Steven Strait will be a perfect Jacob. Pattinson vs. Strait

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Post time 2-12-2008 08:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #241 baduglyu's post

WHAAAT??WHY?I think taylor was great in twilight knape pulak ni. aku minci betol kalau mule2 da guna cast tu skali tibe2 tuka cast laen aigoo jeongmal

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Post time 2-12-2008 08:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #241 baduglyu's post

takde la daku tekezut dgn tyra tu lol.what's shocking is he really did it miahaha

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Post time 3-12-2008 12:04 AM | Show all posts

Balas #235 Kittie\ catat

aku dah baca novel saga twilight dari buku 1 sampai 4. Sama la buku harry potter sampai habis.. tgk movie dari mula sampai habis.. kalau baca komen naughtiest nih.. mmg nampak tak puas hati gile.. aku ade baca kat wiki pasal production twilight nih.. producer dia kira baru dan baru nak merangkak.. dan aku rasa dia nye budget sure kecik dari lord of the rings.. tak nampak beza glitter edward ngan legolas.. same lebey kurang je kot.. cuma masa dia selamatkan bella sepatutnya tak nampak edward melompat.. sebab dalam buku dia berada sekelip mata kat depan bella.. mekap dr carlisle aku suke .. sebab aku tgk online kot.. aku tgk muka dr carlisle betul2 cam vampire.. masa kat hospital tuh mmg nampak kepucatan muka dia banding yg lain.. kira terserlah la ke'vampire'an dia..
bab bosan memula tuh, maybe kalau baca novel dia baru tau sebenarnya naration bella menggambarkan perasaan dan pengalaman dia masa baru sampai ke forks.. so aku yg dah baca nih mmg tak heran sgt la part memula tuh.. cuma excited nak tau cemane lelaki2 kat sekolah tu mengorat si bella.. which is kureng sket.. patut tunjuk la ramai yg dok perati bella tuh.. hahaha.. poyo je..
bab kissing tu mmg sket je aku tgk online.. tak perasan plak dia pakai seluar tidur kecik je.. tak perati plak yg tuh.. paling romantik yg bella tidur atas dada si edward.. adoiii.. bestnyeeee
kat sini movie wilight tak kuar lagi wayang.. 19 dis baru kuar.. so aku tetap tunggu citer ni kuar.. nak tgk muka edward terpampang kat screen besarrr tuh.. baru puas hatii.. tgk komputer sreen kecik bebenor..
tapi suka baca komen org.. saje nak tau pandangan.. aku pon terpikir kalau aku tgk nanti sure aku tak gelak.. tapi mulut ternganga cam bella kot bile tgk edward nantii

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Post time 3-12-2008 01:29 AM | Show all posts
boleh dak kalau aku kata filem ni..

buhsannn?.. larrikkk!!!

(dlm nada provoking)

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Post time 3-12-2008 01:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #243 kalchi's post

kekekeke.... tu lah pasal...
dia pi gigit betul2....sabo je lah....

ko dah tengok ke? aku men torrent kan je...tak de lah mabeles sangat..tapi boleh lah...
tak fair lah kalau nak sehebat novel...
big budget movie macam HP pun tak dapat nak sumbat semua dari novel ke movie...
tapi scene baseball memang best....

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Post time 3-12-2008 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ajami at 3-12-2008 01:29 AM
boleh dak kalau aku kata filem ni..

buhsannn?.. larrikkk ...

ha...nsib baik dh lari....

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Post time 3-12-2008 01:55 AM | Show all posts
my thoughts...
kalo nk komen movie ni from minute to minute..
mmgla byk cacatnyer...(esp long shoot scene edward bwk bella terbang.. )
not up to our every expectations kn...
but to be fair...aku gi tgk ngan kwn yg xbc pon novel tu..
ok je dia bleh faham plot cite ni...
tp dia mmg xfall in love kt edward..(blame it on the makeup )

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Post time 3-12-2008 02:03 AM | Show all posts
After baca reviews kat sini...and my cousin n sister pun suruh tgk...pergi la jugak tgk.ehehehe...

Ok je..Cerita ni cantik...
My fav scene masa main baseball tu jugak..
Sedap je dgr lagu supermassive black hole tu kan...Alamak, skrg pun terbayang2...

Tapi, saya pun tak berkenan dgn make up edward   hukhuk...

My sister dah tgk 3 kali...
My cousin 4 kali...
and me, sekali cukup! ekeke...

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Post time 3-12-2008 02:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #246 forum_aje's post

dah aritu. ye laa..mmg nampak low budget sgt summit ni i know i know, mmg bnyk jugak kelemahan cte aku mls nk kupas satu2 lol. tak perlu la.

at least i enjoyed watching it

ehh ckp psl torent tu kan,aku dlod yg fancam punye(suda tentu la kan) kunun2 nk la part edward ngn emmett gelak tu wat animat, tapii scene baseball tu sgt gelap sperti menuntun ala2 cte pramlee b&w  tak jadi la.aku tggu vers lawa sket

emmettt <333

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Post time 3-12-2008 02:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ladydolph at 2-12-2008 02:45 PM
mungkin mlm esok aku nak tgk lagi....hehehee..can't get enuff of it... my own personal heroin kot?

ladydolph...wah sudah sgkut dasat2 nmpak...

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Post time 3-12-2008 07:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #250 kalchi's post

tu lah pasal...fancam nyer...nampak kepala org beb....   
tapi sebab lambat sangat nak tunggu 19 dec ni... aku torrent kan jugak...

hopefully new moon ok daripada Twilight...budget dah kencang kan...tapi mungkinkah Taylor aka Jacob akan membesar dengan jayanya....maklumlah kalau ikut new moon Jacob kan drastic pembesarannya...

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Post time 3-12-2008 07:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #252 forum_aje's post

pasal si taylor as Jacob ni .. aku terbaca yesterday interview with the director... dier kata, benda mcm ni bisa diatur.... taylor baru jer 16 tahun (the youngest in the cast).. n still growing... n he's working out..... tak mustahil dier boleh brubah utk watak tu... lagi pun sekarang ni mcm2 teknik CGI ada.... kita tunggu dan lihat mcmne agaknya transformasi si Jacob Black ni nanti...

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Post time 3-12-2008 07:51 AM | Show all posts
mlm tadi aku dah takder ape nak buat.. so aku tgk filem Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.... hahahha.... kerana nak tgk Cedric Diggory! hhahahha.....

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Post time 3-12-2008 08:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #252 forum_aje's post

taylor...hayaku grow, grow!

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Post time 3-12-2008 08:32 AM | Show all posts
hehe... bg kite the saga novel pun dah disappoint kite, so i was hoping movie can do better. org selalu gune sal budget reason, but if you find the right people, bajet kecikpun leh jd bagus. my two cents la.

i received some emails from twilight production team and meyer's editors after they came accross my writing on my writing board and lj. they know my view is not come out of hatred but from experience coz i read the whole saga and watch the movie. terkejut dorang terutama the publisher bile dpt tahu yg kite nih the author of the Invisible Man - Tale of the Blue Moon. rupa2nye dorang publisher yg sama nk bli novel kite tuh smpai kite terpakse tutup my writer blog, org dh ckp tuh novel free, degil gak nk bli n pindahn hakcipta ngan cara ntah pe2. tp, ok, tuh sejarah lama.

lps i pinned out cane the saga leh jd lebih baik tanpa mengabaikan the idea asal, the editors can take it, they tried to learn from others' opinion. same goes also to the production team. i like org2 mcm nih, people who can take opinions and try to be better for their own sake. kdg2 bende cani yg wat kite respek kt org luar compared to org kite, ckp lebih jer ingt org lain nk tunjuk lebih pandai n terus melatah. after berbalas emel n gunakan contoh2 yg ade, i get a better opinion on them. tp mcm ape yg kite ckp kt dorang la, i like them but i still can't accept the saga novels and movie. it's so easy for people to classify something as great, the best and amazing sbb kite jarang sekali nk ckp satu2 bende tuh hebat or sgt bagus melainkan telah terbukti yang perkara tuh mmg mampu berada on that par like their previous ancessors.

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Post time 3-12-2008 09:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #256 Kittie's post

hello, kittie. nmpk kittie post sini terus me masuk.
dah agak dah mesti kittie nih lain dari org lain, macam org2 kat live space ckp la, she's not like most people.
tak sangka pula yg selalu kasi review kat live space tuh kittie, banyaknye buku yg kittie baca. kittie dah biasa baca buku berat dan membesar dengan buku, me dgn kebanyakan org mmg tak mampu nak capai pemikiran setinggi kite, baca review kittie pun me dah rasa meremang bulu roma. tp me faham kenapa kittie tense sgt dgn twilight nih, salah fans jugak la bagi me. dorang boleh la ckp membuta tuli mcm tu dkt kittie. me faham, org mcm kittie yg dah berjaya completekan semua karya shakespeare masa umur 12 dan dah baca semua karya lewis dan tolkien tentu rasa annoy bila tb2 ada fans yang cakap twilight is the best novel ever exists, tu mmg melampau, bagi me pun. kittie abaikan jer fans yang ntah pe2 kt live space writing board tuh, dorang baru jer belajar nk sentuh buku dah pandai nak compare2. mcm jenny ckp la, you're one in a million, org takleh nak selam ape yg kittie pk, tp me bangga ada juga rakyat malaysia yg bukan saja ahli mensa, not just a genius in science stream but also in literature line. you made me proud, girl.

btw, me in a shock! kittie ke yg tulis tale of the blue moon tu?????? kittie, me pm kittie skrg...

ckp pasal movie ni, bagi me okla... boleh ditonton. tapi me rasa boring sikit la tgk. me honestly tak suka pattinson. me agree dgn kittie, watak edward ni sesuai kalau org mcm river phoenix yang bawak. pattinson nih bagi me kurang penghayatan. make up cerita ni pun mcm kelakar.

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Post time 3-12-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #257 miharu's post

mi, kite dh dpt pm mi... sori baru pasan post mi kat cni, jarang masuk belah cni...

haha, i'm not genius, i'm just twisted...

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Post time 3-12-2008 11:39 AM | Show all posts
saja merayau  kat google then ternampak lak site ni .. mcm best jer ..

Edward and Bella

Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen

Rosalie and Emmett

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Post time 3-12-2008 03:52 PM | Show all posts
soundtrack die dah boleh download tak?

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