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Author: Acong

18SX E-Cigarette @ Vapping

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Post time 23-9-2015 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Hi semua,

nak promote website :

Kenapa nak berbelanja mahal utk dapatkan E-liquid? E-liquid semua RM10 discount dari kedai Vape.

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Mobile banking available, semua automated, x ada proses susah.

Visit us on, register an account, and wait for new products.

thanks all.

Any further inquiries, boleh email [email protected]

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2015 11:09 PM | Show all posts
makin mahal harga rokok, makin kurang kanser tau   


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2015 12:38 AM | Show all posts
vapping is 95% safer than smoking regular cigarette

tukang cakap nie Prof, bukan politaikus makan tahi


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2015 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Propylene glycol in e cigarettes might keep us healthy, says researchers
Published on November 4, 2009 at 1:36 AM

According to the Centers for Disease Control, during 2000-2004, "An estimated 443,000 persons in the United States died prematurely each year from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. During 2001-2004, the average annual smoking-attributable health-care expenditures nationwide were approximately $96 billion. When combined with productivity losses of $97 billion, the total economic burden of smoking is approximately $193 billion per year."

Comparing the health risks of tobacco smoking to the Swine Flu brings out some interesting and thought provoking statistics. According to President Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology on H1N1, "A plausible scenario is that the epidemic could cause between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths in the United States." That puts the comparison of real deaths of 443,000 smokers to a "war games guess" of 30,000 to 90,000 for the H1N1 influenza for which the government recently declared a Health Emergency. That declaration and the shortage of the H1N1 vaccine has caused a panic in the U.S.

No study or statistic has been offered that points to the Swine Flu as being more deadly than tobacco cigarettes in causing death, yet a disproportional effort in preventative measures are currently being channeled to defend against a lower risk health issue. Toxic tobacco smoke contains many additional chemicals, including carbon monoxide and tar which is a sticky substance that accumulates in the lungs, causing lung cancer and respiratory distress. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the world and is responsible for more than 5 million deaths each year.

What the flu vaccine is to H1N1 as a preventative, the electronic cigarette may be for the tobacco smoker. An electronic cigarette is a futuristic advancement in science that makes it look, feel, and taste like a tobacco cigarette, as the user duplicates the mechanical motions. It expels an almost odorless water vapor that looks like smoke, but isn't. The e cigarettes are battery-powered with a cartridge that typically contains nicotine in various levels (or none), propylene glycol and tobacco flavoring. In their October briefing, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in the United Kingdom released a favorable position on electronic cigarettes.

Propylene glycol, the primary ingredient in the electronic cigarette cartridge, may be a powerful deterrent against pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory diseases when vaporized and inhaled according to a study by Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson. Decades before the e cigarette was invented, a study was conducted by Dr. Robertson of the University of Chicago's Billings Hospital in 1942 on inhalation of vaporized propylene glycol in laboratory mice. A more in-depth article was printed in the 1942 issue of TIME Magazine,9171,932876,00.html for November 16th. "Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died."

The researchers also found that "the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would--within a few seconds--kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot."

Clinical trials on electronic cigarettes containing propylene glycol were carried out in New Zealand by Dr. Murray Laugeson of Health New Zealand and can be found on the website of SS Choice LLC at under the tab "Media Coverage." Far from posing a threat to our health, the propylene glycol in e cigarettes might just keep us healthy. Further studies should be done on the effects of propylene glycol to determine if it can be used successfully as a virus prevention tool. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the best flu preventative was right under our noses all this time?

SS Choice, LLC
Currently rated 4.8 by 35 people
Currently 4.8/5 Stars.12345
Posted in: Medical Science News
Tags: Cancer, Electronic Cigarette, Flu, H1N1, Health Care, Hospital, Influenza, Lung Cancer, Nicotine, Pneumonia, Respiratory, Smoking, Swine Flu, Tobacco, Vaccine, Virus ... s-researchers.aspx#


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2015 05:36 AM | Show all posts
Propylene Glycol dlm e-juice boleh basmi kuman......!

EPA & FDA: Vapor Harmless to Children

In the continued war on e-cigarettes, we hear about the “potential dangers” of e-cigarette vapor and the “unknown public health risks.”

First, I find it absolutely absurd that we’re attempting to pass laws based on unknowns, but what makes it even more absurd is the fact that there’s very little that isn’t known about e-cigarette vapor at this point.  The primary ingredient of concern to those who wish to see e-cigarettes banned is the propylene glycol vapor, which has been studied for over 70 years.

I recently came across a document titled, “Reregistration Eligibility Decision For Propylene Glycol and Dipropylene Glycol“, which was created by the United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Catchy title.  I was intrigued.

This quote caught my eye:

Propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol were first registered in 1950 and 1959, respectively, by the FDA for use in hospitals as air disinfectants. (page 4, paragraph 1).

In a previous post, I had shared the summary of research that had been done in 1942 by Dr. Robertson regarding the antibacterial properties of vaporized propylene glycol, but I had never heard that the FDA wound up approving it for the purpose of an air disinfectant in hospitals.

Indoor Non-Food:  Propylene glycol is used on the following use sites:  air treatment (eating establishments, hospital, commercial, institutional, household, bathroom, transportational facilities); medical premises and equipment, commercial, institutional and industrial premises and equipment; (page 6, paragraph 2)


Method and Rates of Application


Air Sanitizer

Read the directions included with the automatic dispenser for proper installation of unit and refill.  Remove cap from aerosol can and place in a sequential aerosol dispenser which automatically releases a metered amount every 15 minutes.  One unit should treat 6000 ft of closed air space… For regular, non-metered applications, spray room until a light fog forms.  To sanitize the air, spray 6 to 8 seconds in an average size room (10’x10′). (page 6, paragraph 6)

A common argument used to support the public usage ban is that, “Minnesotans have become accustomed to the standard of clean indoor air.”  However, according to the EPA and FDA, so long as there’s a “light fog” of propylene glycol vapor in the air, the air is actually more clean than the standard that Minnesotans have become accustomed to.

General Toxicity Observations

Upon reviewing the available toxicity information, the Agency has concluded that there are no endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.  This conclusion is based on the results of toxicity testing of propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol in which dose levels near or above testing limits (as established in the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines) were employed in experimental animal studies and no significant toxicity observed.

Carcinogenicity Classification

A review of the available data has shown propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol to be negative for carcinogenicity in studies conducted up to the testing limit doses established by the Agency; therefore, no further carcinogenic analysis is required. (page 10, paragraphs 1 & 2)

Ready for the bombshell?  I probably should have put this at the top, as it could have made this post a lot shorter, but I figured the information above was important, too…

2. FQPA Safety Factor

The FQPA Safety Factor (as required by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996) is intended to provide an additional 10-fold safety factor (10X), to protect for special sensitivity in infants and children to specific pesticide residues in food, drinking water, or residential exposures, or to compensate for an incomplete database.  The FQPA Safety Factor has been removed (i.e., reduced to 1X) for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol because there is no pre- or post-natal evidence for increased susceptibility following exposure.  Further, the Agency has concluded that there are no endpoints of concern for oral, dermal, or inhalation exposure to propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol based on the low toxicity observed in studies conducted near or above testing limit doses as established in the OPPTS 870 series harmonized test guidelines.  Therefore, quantitative risk assessment was not conducted for propylene glycol and dipropylene glycol.

In a paper published in the American Journal of Public Health by Dr. Robertson in April of 1946, Robertson cites a study published in the Edinburgh Medical Journal, which was conducted in 1944:

The report of the 3 years’ study of the clinical application of the disinfection of air by glycol vapors in a children’s convalescent home showed a marked reduction in the number of acute respiratory infections occurring in the wards treated with both propylene and triethylene glycols. Whereas in the control wards, 132 infections occured during the course of three winters, there were only 13 such instances in the glycol wards during the same period.  The fact that children were, for the most part, chronically confined to bed presented an unusually favorable condition for the prophylactic action of the glycol vapor.

An investigation of the effect of triethylene glycol vapor on the respiratory disease incidence in military barracks brought out the fact that, while for the first 3 weeks after new personnel entered the glycolized area the disease rate remained the same as in the control barracks, the second 3 week period showed a 65 percent reduction in acute respiratory infections in the glycol treated barracks.  Similar effects were observed in respect to airborne hemolytic streptococci and throat carriers of this microorganism.

I don’t expect the prohibitionist lawmakers to delve this deeply into this subject on their own, but I certainly hope that when presented with this data that they reevaluate their stance on the subject and consider what science has to say.  If they don’t, they’re simply basing their judgement off of rhetoric, misinformation, and personal bias and we all know where that gets us.


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 Author| Post time 16-11-2015 01:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Acong at 16-11-2015 02:03 AM

nie best siyal......!



Uniqueness. Identity. The Point Blank represents the significance of a real vaping enthusiast who inspires the growing community.

Engineered to resemble a tool to maintain peace and order, it aims to fascinate and capture the interest of members of the vaping movement.

Made from most superior materials, the Point Blank was created with idea that it would last a lifetime.


The black color symbolizes authority while the gold perpetual sophistication and value.

Encased in an equally stunning vessel, the art interprets timeless elegance and existence like that of the worth of a true vaping aficionado.

  •   Dual Parallel 18650 Battery Configuration
  •   Left-Hand Threaded Positive Telepin with Peek Insulator
  •   Floating Negative Battery Contacts (no adjustments needed)
  •   Fully Insulated Side Firing Trigger (no heat build up)
  •   Quick Release Battery Case for easy changing of batteries
  •   Unique Lock and Unlock Mechanism
  •   Sporty/Rugged look with Elegant Finish of Black and 24k Gold
  •   Silver Plated Contacts
  •   24k Gold Plated Brass Externals
  •   T6 Aluminum Body (Hard Black-Anodized)
  •   Machine Engraved
  •   Serialized

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2015 02:34 AM | Show all posts
31 October at 23:00 · Edited ·
Isu Vape
Ramai bertanya tentang vape. Di sini ada beberapa perkara yang ingin saya sentuh;

1. Menghisap vape pada asasnya bukan amalan yang baik, kerana ia mungkin mempunyai risiko yang tidak baik untuk kesihatan.

2. Sehingga setakat ini belum ada kajian yang putus tentang kesan vape, maka hukuman sehingga ke tahap 'haram' perlu menunggu kajian yang diyakini yang membuktikan mudaratnya.

3. Adalah menghairankan apabila ada pihak yang bertegas keras tentang vape tetapi tidak bertegas tentang pengharaman rokok. Lebih pelik lagi pada masa kini, apabila isu pengharaman rokok bagaikan dilupakan sedangkan fatwa tentang pengharamannya jelas dan hampir sepakat, sementara dalam masa yang sama hanya vape yang 'kelihatan' haram.

4. Kesan zahir vape di sudut bau busuk mulut, tidak seperti rokok yang jelas busuk yang menyebabkan penghisap rokok itu dilarang hadir berjamaah di masjid kerana bau busuknya. Demikian ketika pergaulan. Di sudut itu, vape lebih baik dibandingkan rokok yang busuk dan mudarat.

5. Rokok juga memudaratkan orang yang ada di sekeliling yang terhidu asapnya. Maka, dosa perokok boleh berlipat ganda atas sebab itu. Demikian perbuatan merokok telah merosakkan banyak harta awam. Ini dapat kita lihat kesan api rokok di tandas-tandas awam dan selainnya. Hal ini mungkin tidak terdapat pada penghisap vape.

6. Penentuan hukum vape sangat bergantung kepada kajian yang pasti pakar kesihatan, bukan sekadar fatwa ahli agama semata.

Dr MAZA ... 990?hc_location=ufi

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2015 02:57 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2015 02:57 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2015 05:36 AM | Show all posts
Kebaikan Vaping berbanding Rokok KKM
1. Tiada asap (vapour = wap)
2. Tiada abu
3. Tiada bau busuk (cuba ambil bau kat ashtray)
4. Tiada lagi seat kereta atau pakaian yg terkena bara rokok
5. Tiada harta benda dlm tandas dirosakkan dgn puntung rokok
6. Tiada lagi beli rokok mahal setiap hari sekotak.
7. Tiada lagi pemetik api dalam kocek
8. Tak sedut lagi 4 ribu racun dlm rokok.
9. Tiada lagi 'tar' rokok sangkut celah gigi.
10. Bini lebih selesa dgn suami tanpa bau busuk rokok di mulut.
11. Tiada lagi kes kebakaran disebabkan rokok.
12. Tiada lagi pokok2 mati disebabkan puntung rokok yg dikumpul dlm bekas xray.
13. xde sampah merata2 (puntung rokok)

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2015 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Acong at 19-11-2015 01:27 AM

BAHAYA diacetyl dalam perisa Butterscotch, Custard dan Caramel
In e-cigarettes, diacetyl provides that creamy, buttery taste found in some e-liquid. Flavors such as butterscotch, custard and caramel are often produced with diacetyl, but despite being safe for ingestion, diacetyl and acetyl propionyl are thought to be hazardous when inhaled.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2015 01:59 AM | Show all posts

Malangnya ramai bising mengenai harga sedangkan benda yang lebih berharga iaitu kesihatan anda jarang anda diskuss secara kritikal.

Tak ramai mahu bincang tentang chemical content dalam eliquid. Ramai cuba menjadi hero menerangkan kepada masyarakat bahawa vape lebih sihat dari rokok. Benar ia lebih sihat jika kandungannya juga sihat.

Tapi dari segi reality, orang lebih bercerita tentang liquid yang paling sedap berbandin gliquid yang paling sihat. Tidak ramai bercerita bahan apa yang menjadikan liquid itu sedap. Adakah bahan tersebut sihat untuk sistem respiratori?

Contohnya terdapatnya penggunaan diacetyl, acetyl pyrazine, acetyl propionyl, dan beberapa jenis ethyl yang digunakan secara meluas sebagai flavor enhancer dalam industri makanan.

Ramai ingat bila disebut gred makanan, maka ia selamat. Ia mungkin selamat untuk dimakan, tetapi tidak selamat untuk dimasukkan kedalam sistem pernafasan contoh diacetyl yang boleh menyebabkan kesan akut kepada paru-paru. Malah ia boleh menyebabkan penyakit paru-paru.

Ada pernah anda bertanya kepada brewer liquid sedap sedap tu apa dia pakai? Atau dia pun tak tahu apa benda acetyl, diacetyl, ethyl ini semua?

Saya seorang brewer dan saya nasihatkan anda jangan menjadi pencacai VAPE. Kita vape sebagai alternatif. Bukan hidup dan mati hanya kerana vape. Tak ada faedahnya disitu. Tak ada faedahnya bertekak, bergaduh dengan pembenci vape.

Adakalanya cakap mereka itu betul walaupun kebanyakannya tak betul. Namun lihat pada komuniti sendiri dahulu, adakah selalu ada perbincangan yang kritikal tentang keselamatan kimia yang kita sedut?

Kita menyanjung keterlaluan pada brand dan rupabentuk. Five Pawn contohnya mempunyai masalah ini. Hebat pada marketing tetapi terdapat penggunaan Diacetyl dan Acetyl Propionyl dalam produk mereka. Sebenarnya banyak juga produk dari brand yang hebat ada kimia berbahaya tetapi marketing yang hebat. Perkara sebegini tertutup rapat.

Kita bising bergaduh satu pihak mahukan harga RM40, dan satu pihak menyokong liquid rakyat atau murah. Malangnya ada yang semurah RM5. Bagi yang menjual RM40, adakah anda mempunyai quality control untuk meletakkan produk anda layak dijual pada harga tersebut? Malangnya tiada.

Tell me who go it? Untuk yang menjual murah, bahan apa yang anda guna sampai ia begitu murah? Bising satu Malaya orang buat liquid premium hanya dengan kos RM3-RM5. Itu hanya kenyataan brewer Noob.

Brewer berpengalaman takkan sama sekali disclose berapa kos mereka. Dapatkah brewer noob ini tahu tentang chemical content dalam material murah yang digunakan? Dalam bab harga pun noob apatah lagi dalam bab teknikal.

Kita dah terlalu jauh tersimpang dengan meletakkan benchmark kualiti liquid bergantung kepada marketing, rupabentuk, packaging dan banyak kriteria tidak perlu. Kita bergaduh dengan KKM tanpa kita sedar bahawa kita sendiri kurang ambil peduli kesihatan sendiri.

Jikalau kita claim komuniti kita sihat, otak kita dahulu perlu sihat dan perlu ada keterbukaan. Jangan mudah menyalahkan orang anti vape, menipu masyarakat kononnya vape ini beracun, sedangkan anda sendiri tidak tahu atau ambil tahu tentang racun-racun kimia yang sebenarnya ada dalam liquid anda sekarang. Ia tidak menjadi racun bila ditelan tetapi boleh jika disedut melalui pernafasan.

Selamat berfikir. TY

I do support vape coz its the most effective and proven way in helping smoker to stop smoking. Somehow, we need to enhance the scene to another level instead of blindly become Mr Yesman for all "feel good story" told by its player.

FIGHT FOR REGULATION in order to keep VAPE healthy.


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2015 02:20 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2015 03:34 AM | Show all posts
Dari Forum Carigold

Member aku ada kedai runcit, tak laa besar sgt, tapi boleh dibuat KPI, penggunaan vape ni, kata member aku, memang memberi kesan yang cukup besar kepada syarikat rokok, terutamanya tahun ni,sbb ia dah jadi viral di internet pasal penggunaan vape .

Selain itu ia terbukti boleh membuat seseorang itu beralih dari hisap rokok kepada rokok elektronik. jika tidak pun, ia terbukti mengurangkan kuantiti atau jumlah batang rokok yang biasa perokok hisap dlm 1 hari, bila beralih kpd vape.

Bayangkan sblm ni stock rokok kat kedai dia biasa habis dlm 5 hingga 7 hari. dengan menularnya rokok elektronik, 2 minggu tak habis2 lagi stock, bayangkan kalau satu negara kesan kepada syarikat rokok kat malaysia, syarikat rokok ni, dia mengaut keuntungan bulanan sblm ini, mungkin ada kiraan jumlah RM nya, ialah perokok kan, mesti ada jumlah kuantiti setiap org, sehari berapa batang.

So aku yakin syarikat rokok ni yg menekan kerajaan, atau kerajaan tertekan sbb pening nak ambil cukai tang mana kat vape ni. Sbb kita tahu cecair ni diproses sendiri, dan dijual kepada pengguna vape.

Tapi yg NEGATIFNYA vape ni, boleh menambah jumlah penggunanya yg bukan asalnya seorang perokok. Jika ia tidak teringin untuk hisap rokok sblm ini, tapi dengan kehadiran vape ni, keinginan untuk seseorang itu mencuba sgt tinggi .

aku ambil contoh student aku, sblm ni tak merokok langsung, tapi sudah mula hisap vape. kongsi rasa nga kawan2 katanya. Aku rampas vape dari anak, last ayah dtg tuntut vape tersebut..siap tuntut nga cecair vape sekali, mau tak tuntut, sebotot dekat RM40, itu hebatnya vape dan kesan kepada anak muda. ... 6&postcount=110


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2015 08:04 PM | Show all posts

Sesi BODOHkan haters Vaping

otak bahalol apa jika kajian tak guna group dari kalangan vapers

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2015 10:04 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 22-11-2015 05:05 AM | Show all posts

Apakah sebab KKM nak haramkan VAPING?  

Mungkin kerana vaping amat BERKESAN utk mengurangkan kebergantungan kpd ROKOK TEMBAKAU?  

Bukankah ini akan membahayakan tauke2 tembakau?  

[Bicara FAKTA bukan AUTA]


In a series of controlled lab sessions with e-cig-naïve tobacco smokers, second-generation e-cigs were shown to be immediately and highly effective in reducing abstinence-induced cigarette craving and withdrawal symptoms, while not resulting in increases in eCO. Ad libitum use of e-cigs—in between and until six months after the lab sessions—resulted in remarkable reductions in or (biologically confirmed) complete abstinence from tobacco smoking in almost half of the participants who had no intention to quit smoking.

Eight months after the start of the study 21% of all participants were completely abstinent from tobacco cigarettes. Similar reduction/cessation rates were obtained with guided versus non-guided switching to e-cigs. Part of the observed efficacy of e-cigs in this study may be related to the fact that they allowed to maintain relatively high blood nicotine levels and showed an excellent experienced benefits/complaints ratio, especially in comparison with continued tobacco smoking. Larger randomized controlled trials in smokers wanting to quit and in clinical groups of people suffering from smoking-related disease are now needed to confirm and expand these encouraging observations."


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 Author| Post time 23-11-2015 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Mana pilihan kalbu? VAPE atau ROKOK (4000++ bahan kimia)  

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2015 06:20 PM | Show all posts
sesi menganjing  

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2015 12:21 AM | Show all posts
amat untung utk perokok beralih ke vape dan sang isteri pun terkesan dari vaping  

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