GOOD BARGAIN : tempat cari barang2 murah.....
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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 8-12-2004 08:12 PM:
ni yang kat tingkat dua kedai apek, tapi salesgirl melayu kot.
kedai tu korang jalan baik2, lantai dia terkopak2, so senang tersandung...
tapi murah2 ah....
lanati tak even...kalo dokong budak2 becareful
aku nampak BABY GAP punya clothing....niuntuk toddlers
fyi,ni kedai nama nya REJECT STATION...... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kat carrefour....UNAGI ada on offer..... |
tu hari masuk JB
aku beli CD kumpulan MAY baru 21 RM aje.
Bausch&Lomb Softlens Comfort 6pcs 50rm aje.
Johnson&Jonhson Acuvue Clear 6pcs 55rm aje.
Dapat free gifts lagik. |
ni la tempat peberet aku....
sapa2 tak pernah pegi, ni sungei road cam gini ah.....
aku jumpa gambar ni kat internet...
[IMG] [/IMG]
[ Last edited by deaf4ever on 22-12-2004 at 01:04 PM ] |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
dulu ada kedai mee rebus kat sungei road...aku selalu makan kat sana....
dulu pun ada sangkar besar besi merah...ada orang piara ular.... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 19-12-2004 09:24 PM:
tu hari masuk JB
aku beli CD kumpulan MAY baru 21 RM aje.
Bausch&Lomb Softlens Comfort 6pcs 50rm aje.
Johnson&Jonhson Acuvue Clear 6pcs 55rm aje.
Dapat free gifts lagik.
Dep, 6 pcs ke 6 pairs? kat kedai mana yg ko beli contact lens tu Dep? |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-12-2004 03:25 PM:
Dep, 6 pcs ke 6 pairs? kat kedai mana yg ko beli contact lens tu Dep?
6pc bukan 6 pair..
ok ni rough estimate eh...
B&L Seequence 13 pair = $130
JB ( Optic Focus tingkat tiga City Sq uniform semua kaler merah )
B&L Softlens Comfort ( latest model, kat Msia Sequeence dah stop selling ) 6 pc for 50RM so 12 pair = 200RM
J&J Acuvue Clear = 6pc for 55RM so 12 pair = 220RM
So kita beli 6pc Softlens, 6 pc Acuvue pasal nak try J&J , ramai orang cakap J&J is much better tapi dulu harga slalu mahal, ni Acuvue Clear harga dia affordable sikit, so beli nak try 3 pair.
Kita beli dia lagi nak kasi soft toys tapi pasal kita tak mau, dia kasi Complete solution.
Semua sama la, Made in Ireland, cuma kat Msia packing dorang come in sixes, kat Spore come in 13s. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-12-2004 03:45 PM:
6pc bukan 6 pair..
ok ni rough estimate eh...
B&L Seequence 13 pair = $130
JB ( Optic Focus tingkat tiga City Sq uniform semua kaler merah )
B&L Softlen ...
ni yg normal lens eh......kalau Toric lens mesti mahal sikit eh....
kat spore....myra nye contact lens 6 pair $180 :kant: tu pun uncle da bagi special price...kalau tak mesti mahal |
Originally posted by myra81 at 22-12-2004 03:50 PM:
ni yg normal lens eh......kalau Toric lens mesti mahal sikit eh....
kat spore....myra nye contact lens 6 pair $180 :kant: tu pun uncle da bagi special price...kalau tak mesti mahal
myra degree berapa?
me just for you....
7 pair 240rm..yes 7 PAIR, me brapa kali suruh dia repeat.:cak::cak::cak:
14 pair 450rm aje.
tapi kena confirm degree dulu...ni dia kasi example untuk astimatism & 300 degrees . Only brand available untuk 300 degrees is Bausch & Lomb. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-12-2004 03:45 PM:
6pc bukan 6 pair..
ok ni rough estimate eh...
B&L Seequence 13 pair = $130
JB ( Optic Focus tingkat tiga City Sq uniform semua kaler merah )
B&L Softlen ...
Thks for the detailed infos dep.....
oooo 6 pcs maknanya 3 pairs lah eh?
not bad eh...murah lah...
tapi kan dep...kalau kita tak moh check degrees kita then terus beli lens tu boleh tak? btw, high degrees dorang ada jual ke? |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-12-2004 04:02 PM:
Thks for the detailed infos dep.....
oooo 6 pcs maknanya 3 pairs lah eh?
not bad eh...murah lah...
tapi kan dep...kalau kita tak moh check degrees kita then terus beli lens tu boleh ta ...
yep, gitu la... kalo kita dah tahu apa kita nak beli,
just pegi kedai optician tu tanya " do you have this brand , this power and whats the price" kalo dia cakap ada, and the price reasonable, terus beli.
Kalo dia cakap "oh the power we dont have, can you collect tomorrow onwards " , then terus kita cakap no need, and pegi kedai lain..
fyi, sejak saya pakai contact lens in 94 my degree tak naik2. For 10 years saya dah tak test mata dah pasal semua alrite.
Sblum tu kalo pakai spek, tiap2 tahun naik degree.... cuma kat rumah aje pakai skarang.
Yang high degree tu should be ada, i can check for you if you want too.
That day I pegi kedai tu kan, pasal dia tahu me Sporean, then dia ada cakap pasal this "Made in USA lens", dia cakap lots of Sporeans are getting that brand in JB as its much cheaper compared to Spore. Tapi me lupa apa nama brand tu la...
Dia special pasal lens dia made in USA.
kalo Johnson2 and Bausch Lomb, made in Ireland. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-12-2004 04:13 PM:
yep, gitu la... kalo kita dah tahu apa kita nak beli,
just pegi kedai optician tu tanya " do you have this brand , this power and whats the price" kalo dia cakap ada, and the pri ...
Ok dep...can you check for me for high degrees tu eh.....dan juga apa brand yg made in USA tu.....not sure whether is it comfortable as Bausch & Lomb? |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-12-2004 03:59 PM:
myra degree berapa?
me just for you....
7 pair 240rm..yes 7 PAIR, me brapa kali suruh dia repeat.:cak::cak::cak:
14 pair 450rm aje.
tapi kena confirm degree dulu...ni dia kasi exa ...
degree myra tinggi kot....i got astigmatism....
mmg myra dgr kalau pakai contact lens....degree tak naik kan?...tapi myra malas tul nak pakai lens gi keje....hehhe....pakai spec senang worr....
i think my degree one side 325...lagi satu 275 i think..... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-12-2004 04:13 PM:
yep, gitu la... kalo kita dah tahu apa kita nak beli,
just pegi kedai optician tu tanya " do you have this brand , this power and whats the price" kalo dia cakap ada, and the pri ...
thanks dep for the infor...me pun rasa ingat nak switch to lens..pakai spec, tiap2 tahu kena tukar baru.... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-12-2004 04:21 PM:
Ok dep...can you check for me for high degrees tu eh.....dan juga apa brand yg made in USA tu.....not sure whether is it comfortable as Bausch & Lomb?
yang brand " made in USA " nama dia Biomedics.
Harga 6 pcs 60rm |
Originally posted by myra81 at 22-12-2004 04:29 PM:
degree myra tinggi kot....i got astigmatism....
mmg myra dgr kalau pakai contact lens....degree tak naik kan?...tapi myra malas tul nak pakai lens gi keje....hehhe....pakai spec senang worr... ...
me pakai lens dah sepuluh tahun, pasal tak boleh pakai spec la, kalo peluh gitu leceh...
even dah 10 years, memang kadang2 pakai lens tak smooth, kadang2 terlipat la apa la...tapi pasal disposable kan, konfiden la pasal hygiene and cleanliness ni smua....
yang baru ni softlens cam susah nak melekat kat mata gitu...blum season kot.
myra, tapi next time maybe can try JB untuk check out your toric lens...
harga dia much much cheaper. |
ah dep...
ko kan kaki sungei road punyer org
ko try carikan aku charger hp untuk
motorola V878 ataupon ko pi carikan
aku xtra bateri hp motorola ni... bleh :cak: |
Originally posted by rosslyn at 22-12-2004 05:46 PM:
thanks dep for the infor...me pun rasa ingat nak switch to lens..pakai spec, tiap2 tahu kena tukar baru....
buat homework dulu, tanya your frens sapa2 pakai contact lens...
cam mana dorang jaga, apa problems dia, apa limitations dia....
cam mana nak maintain lens...., apa brands dorang pakai.
apa2 la...jadi tak culture shock sangat.
pakai disposable ah, healthy.... |
Originally posted by virgomal at 22-12-2004 11:10 PM:
ah dep...
ko kan kaki sungei road punyer org
ko try carikan aku charger hp untuk
motorola V878 ataupon ko pi carikan
aku xtra bateri hp motorola ni... bleh :cak:
charger 2nd hand alrite eh?
bateri apa model nombor?
tu hari aku carikkan member kita lagi satu takde la, dia nak desktop charger... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2004-12-22 11:16 PM:
charger 2nd hand alrite eh?
bateri apa model nombor?
tu hari aku carikkan member kita lagi satu takde la, dia nak desktop charger...
budget???? ntah......:bgrin:
model??? SNN5734A V6AC42CBNFDV
lantaklah.... aku tak tau model dia |
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Category: Negeri & Negara